< Yeremiya 19 >

1 Yehova anandiwuza kuti, “Pita ukagule mʼphika wadothi kwa munthu wowumba. Utenge akuluakulu ena a anthuwa ndi ansembe
The Lord seith these thingis, Go thou, and take an erthene potel of a pottere, of the eldre men of the puple, and of the eldre men of preestis.
2 ndipo mupite ku Chigwa cha Hinomu chimene chili pafupi ndi pa chipata cha mapale. Pamenepo ukalengeze mawu amene ndikakuwuze.
And go thou out to the valei of the sones of Ennon, which is bisidis the entring of the erthene yate; and there thou schalt preche the wordis whiche Y schal speke to thee;
3 Ukanene kuti, ‘Imvani mawu a Yehova, inu mafumu a ku Yuda ndi anthu a ku Yerusalemu. Yehova Wamphamvuzonse, Mulungu wa Israeli, akuti: Tamverani! Ine ndibweretsa mavuto pa malo pano mwakuti aliyense amene adzamve adzadzidzimuka.
and thou schalt seie, Kyngis of Juda, and the dwelleris of Jerusalem, here ye the word of the Lord. The Lord of oostis, God of Israel, seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal bringe in turment on this place, so that ech man that herith it, hise eeris tyngle.
4 Pakuti anthu andikana Ine ndipo ayipitsa malo ano. Afukiza lubani pa malo ano kwa milungu imene iwo ngakhale makolo awo ngakhalenso mafumu a ku Yuda sanayidziwe. Iwo adzaza malowa ndi magazi a anthu osalakwa.
For thei han forsake me, and maad alien this place, and offriden sacrifices to alien goddis ther ynne, whiche thei, and the fadris of hem, and the kingis of Juda, knewen not; and thei filliden this place with the blood of innocentis,
5 Amanga nsanja zopembedzerapo Baala, kuperekapo ana awo kuti akhale nsembe zopsereza kwa Baala, chinthu chimene Ine sindinalamule kapena kuchiyankhula, ngakhalenso kuchiganizira.
and bildiden hiy thingis to Baalym, to brenne her sones in fier, in to brent sacrifice to Baalym; whiche thingis Y comaundide not, nether spak, nether tho stieden in to myn herte.
6 Nʼchifukwa chake taonani, masiku akubwera, akutero Yehova, pamene anthu sadzatchulanso malo ano kuti Tofeti kapena Chigwa cha Hinomu, koma Chophera anthu.
Therfor the Lord seith, Lo! daies comen, and this place schal no more be clepid Tophet, and the valei of the sone of Ennon, but the valei of sleyng.
7 “‘Pamalo pano ndidzasokoneza maganizo a anthu a ku Yuda ndi a ku Yerusalemu. Ndidzachititsa kuti adani awo awaphe ku nkhondo. Ndidzawakanthitsa kwa anthu amene akuwazonda. Mitembo yawo ndidzayipereka kwa mbalame za mlengalenga ndi zirombo za kutchire kuti ikhale chakudya chawo.
And Y schal distrie the councel of Juda and of Jerusalem in this place, and Y schal distrie hem bi swerd, in the siyt of her enemyes, and in the hond of men sekynge the lyues of hem; and Y schal yyue her deed bodies mete to the briddis of the eir, and to beestis of erthe.
8 Mzinda uno ndidzawusakaza ndi kuwusandutsa chinthu chochititsa mantha ndi chonyansa. Onse odutsamo adzadabwa ndi kupukusa mitu yawo chifukwa cha kuwonongeka kwake.
And Y schal sette this citee in to wondring, and in to hissing; ech that passith bi it, schal wondre, and hisse on al the veniaunce therof.
9 Adani awo adzawuzinga mzindawo kufuna kuwapha motero kuti anthu a mʼkatimo adzafika pomadyana wina ndi mnzake. Adzadya ana awo aamuna ndi ana awo aakazi.’
And Y schal feede hem with the fleischis of her sones, and with the fleischis of her douytris; and ech man schal ete the fleischis of his frend in the bisegyng and angwisch, in which the enemyes of hem, and thei that seken the lyues of hem, schulen close hem togidere.
10 “Tsono iwe udzaphwanye mtsukowo anthu amene udzapite nawowo akuona,
And thou schalt al to-breke the potel bifore the iyen of the men, that schulen go with thee.
11 ndipo ukawawuze kuti, ‘Yehova Wamphamvuzonse akuti, Ine ndidzaphwanya dziko lino ndi mzinda uno ngati momwe wowumba amaphwanyira mbiya yake ndipo sangathe kuyikonzanso. Adzayika anthu akufa ku Tofeti chifukwa padzasowa malo ena owayika.
And thou schalt seie to hem, The Lord of oostis seith these thingis, So Y schal al to-breke this puple, and this citee, as the vessel of a pottere is al to-brokun, which mai no more be restorid; and thei schulen be biried in Tophet, for noon other place is to birie.
12 Umu ndi mmene ndidzachitire ndi malo ano pamodzi ndi anthu okhalamo, akutero Yehova. Ndidzasandutsa mzindawu kukhala ngati Tofeti.
So Y schal do to this place, seith the Lord, and to dwelleris therof, that Y sette this citee as Tophet.
13 Nyumba za mu Yerusalemu ndi za mafumu a ku Yuda ndidzazisandutsa ngati za ku Tofeti chifukwa ndi nyumba zimene pa madenga ake ankafukiza lubani kwa zolengedwa zamlengalenga ndi kuthira nsembe zachakumwa kwa milungu ina.’”
And the housis of Jerusalem, and the housis of the kingis of Juda, schulen be as the place of Tophet; alle the vncleene housis, in whose roouys thei sacrifieden to al the chyualrie of heuene, and offriden moist sacrifices to alien goddis.
14 Kenaka Yeremiya anabwerako ku Tofeti, kumene Yehova anamutuma kuti akanenere, nakayimirira mʼbwalo la Nyumba ya Yehova ndi kuwawuza anthu kuti,
Forsothe Jeremye cam fro Tophet, whidur the Lord hadde sente hym for to profesie; and he stood in the porche of the hous of the Lord,
15 “Yehova Wamphamvuzonse, Mulungu wa Israeli, akuti, ‘Tamverani! Ine ndidzabweretsa masautso amene ndinanena aja pa mzinda uno ndi pa mizinda yozungulira, chifukwa anthu ake ndi nkhutukumve ndipo sanamvere mawu anga.’”
and seide to al the puple, The Lord of oostis, God of Israel, seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal bringe in on this citee, and on alle the citees therof, alle the yuelis whiche Y spak ayens it; for thei maden hard her nol, that thei herden not my wordis.

< Yeremiya 19 >