< Yesaya 26 >

1 Tsiku limenelo anthu a mʼdziko la Yuda adzayimba nyimbo iyi. Tili ndi mzinda wolimba. Mulungu amawuteteza ndi zipupa ndi malinga.
In that dai this song schal be sungun in the lond of Juda. The citee of oure strengthe; the sauyour schal be set ther ynne, the wal and the `fore wal.
2 Tsekulani zipata za mzinda kuti mtundu wolungama ndi wokhulupirika ulowemo.
Opene ye the yatis, and the iust folk schal entre, kepynge treuthe.
3 Inu mudzamupatsa munthu wa mtima wokhazikika mtendere weniweni.
The elde errour is gon awei; thou schalt kepe pees, pees, for thou, Lord, we hopiden in thee.
4 Mudalireni Yehova mpaka muyaya, chifukwa Yehova Mulungu ndiye Thanthwe losatha.
Ye han hopid in the Lord, in euerlastynge worldis, in the Lord God, strong with outen ende.
5 Iye amatsitsa anthu amene amadziyika pamwamba, iye amagwetsa pansi mzinda wodzitukumula, amagumula makoma ake ndi kuwagwetsa pansi pa fumbi penipeni.
For he schal bowe doun hem that dwellen an hiy, and he schal make low an hiy citee; he schal make it low `til to the erthe; he schal drawe it doun `til to the dust.
6 Mapazi a anthu akuwupondereza, mapazi a anthu oponderezedwa, mapazi anthu osauka.
The foot of a pore man schal defoule it, and the steppis of nedi men schulen defoule it.
7 Njira ya munthu wolungama ndi yosalaza, Inu Wolungamayo, mumasalaza njira ya wolungama.
The weie of a iust man is riytful, the path of a iust man is riytful to go.
8 Inde Yehova, timayenda mʼnjira zanu zolungama, ife timayembekezera Inu; mitima yathu imakhumba kukumbukira ndi kulemekeza dzina lanu.
And in the weie of thi domes, Lord, we suffriden thee; thi name, and thi memorial is in desir of soule.
9 Moyo wanga umalakalaka Inu usiku wonse; nthawi yammawa ndimafunafuna Inu. Pamene muweruza dziko lapansi anthu amaphunzira kuchita chilungamo.
My soule schal desire thee in the niyt, but also with my spirit in myn entrails; fro the morewtid Y schal wake to thee. Whanne thou schalt make thi domes in erthe, alle dwelleris of the world schulen lerne riytfulnesse.
10 Ngakhale mukomere mtima anthu oyipa, saphunzira chilungamo. Amachita zoyipa mʼdziko la chilungamo, ndipo sazindikira ululu wa Yehova.
Do we merci to the wickid man, and he schal not lerne to do riytfulnesse; in the lond of seyntis he dide wickid thingis, and he schal not se the glorie of the Lord.
11 Inu Yehova, mwatukula dzanja lanu kuti muwalange, koma iwo sakuliona dzanjalo. Aloleni anthu aone ndi kuchita manyazi poona mmene mukondera anthu anu; ndipo moto umene mwasonkhera adani anu uwapsereze.
Lord, thin hond be enhaunsid, that thei se not; puplis hauynge enuye se, and be schent, and fier deuoure thin enemyes.
12 Yehova, mumatipatsa mtendere; ndipo zonse zimene ife tinazichita munatichitira ndinu.
Lord, thou schalt yyue pees to vs, for thou hast wrouyt alle oure werkis in vs.
13 Inu Yehova Mulungu wathu, ngakhale takhala tikulamulidwa ndi ena mʼmalo mwanu, koma ife timalemekeza dzina lanu lokha.
Oure Lord God, lordis hadden vs in possessioun, withouten thee; oneli in thee haue we mynde of thi name.
14 Iwo tsopano sadzadzukanso; mizimu yawo sidzabwera kudzativutitsa pakuti mwawalanga ndipo mwawawononga; palibenso amene amawakumbukira.
Thei that dien, lyue not, and giauntis risen not ayen. Therfor thou hast visityd, and hast al-to broke hem, and thou hast lost al the mynde of hem; and Lord, thou hast foryoue to a folc,
15 Inu Yehova, mwaukulitsa mtundu wathu; mwauchulukitsa ndithu ndipo mwalandirapo ulemu; mwaukuza mbali zonse za dziko.
thou hast foryoue to a folc. Whether thou art glorified? thou hast maad fer fro thee all the endis of erthe.
16 Yehova, anthu anu anabwera kwa Inu pamene anali mʼmasautso; pamene munawalanga, iwo anapemphera kwa Inu.
Lord, in angwisch thei souyten thee; in the tribulacioun of grutchyng thi doctryn to hem.
17 Monga mayi woyembekezera pamene nthawi yake yobereka yayandikira amamva kupweteka ndipo amalira ndi ululu, ifenso tinali chimodzimodzi pamaso panu, Inu Yehova.
As sche that conseyuede, whanne sche neiyeth sorewful to the child beryng, crieth in her sorewis, so we ben maad, Lord, of thi face.
18 Ife chimodzimodzi tinamva ululu, ngati mayi pa nthawi yobala mwana, koma sitinapindulepo kanthu, kapena kupulumutsa dziko lapansi; sitinabadwitse anthu atsopano pa dziko pano.
We han conseyued, and we han as trauelid of child, and we han childid the spirit of helthe; we diden not riytfulnesse in erthe. Therfor the dwelleris of erthe fellen not doun; thi deed men schulen lyue,
19 Koma anthu anu amene anafa adzakhalanso ndi moyo; matupi awo adzadzuka. Iwo amene ali ku fumbi tsopano adzadzuka ndi kuyimba mosangalala. Monga mame amafewetsa pansi kutsitsimutsa zomera, momwenso Yehova adzaukitsa anthu amene anafa kale.
and my slayn men schulen rise ayen. Ye that dwellen in dust, awake, and herie; for whi the deew of liyt is thi deew, and thou schalt drawe doun the lond of giauntis in to fallyng.
20 Abale anga, pitani mukalowe mʼnyumba zanu ndipo mukadzitsekere; mukabisale kwa kanthawi kochepa mpaka ukali wake utatha.
Go thou, my puple, entre in to thi beddis, close thi doris on thee, be thou hid a litil at a moment, til indignacioun passe.
21 Taonani, Yehova akubwera kuchokera kumene amakhala; akubwera kudzalanga anthu a dziko lapansi chifukwa cha machimo awo. Dziko lapansi lidzawulula magazi amene anakhetsedwa pa dzikolo; dziko lapansi silidzabisanso mitembo ya anthu ophedwa.
For lo! the Lord schal go out of his place, to visite the wickidnesse of the dwellere of erthe ayens hym; and the erthe schal schewe his blood, and schal no more hile hise slayn men.

< Yesaya 26 >