< Yesaya 14 >

1 Yehova adzachitira chifundo Yakobo; adzasankhanso Israeli ndi kuwalola kuti akhalenso mʼdziko lawo. Alendo adzabwera kudzakhala nawo ndi kudziphatika okha kukhala ngati a mʼnyumba ya Yakobo.
It is niy that the tyme therof come, and the daies therof schulen not be maad fer; for whi the Lord schal haue merci of Jacob, and he schal chese yit of Israel, and schal make them for to reste on her lond; a comelyng schal be ioyned to them, and schal cleue to the house of Jacob.
2 Anthu a mitundu ina adzaperekeza a Israeli ku dziko lawo. Tsono Aisraeli adzasandutsa anthu a mitundu ina aja kukhala antchito awo aamuna ndi aakazi mʼdziko la Yehova. Ndiye kuti Aisraeli adzasandutsa akapolo anthu amene kale anali ambuye awo. Iwo adzasandutsa akapolo anthu amene kale ankawalamulira ndi kuwazunza.
And puplis schulen holde hem, and schulen brynge hem in to her place. And the hous of Israel schal haue hem in possessioun in to seruauntis and handmaidis on the lond of the Lord; and thei schulen take tho men that token hem, and thei schulen make suget her wrongful axeris.
3 Yehova akadzakupumitsani ku zowawa ndi mavuto, ndiponso kuntchito yakalavulagaga imene ankakugwiritsani,
And it schal be in that dai, whanne God schal yyue to thee reste of thi trauel, and of thi shakyng, and of hard seruage, in which thou seruedist bifore,
4 mudzayankhula monyogodola mfumu ya Babuloni kuti, Wopsinja uja watha! Ukali wake uja watha!
thou schalt take this parable ayens the kyng of Babiloyne, and thou schalt sei, Hou ceesside the wrongful axere, restide tribute?
5 Yehova wathyola chikwapu cha anthu oyipa, Iye waphwanya ndodo ya olamulira.
The Lord hath al to-broke the staf of wickid men, the yerde of lordis,
6 Mfumu ya ku Babuloni inkakantha mitundu ya anthu mwaukali powamenya kosalekeza, Iyo inkagonjetsa anthu a mitundu ina mwaukali ndikuwazunza kosalekeza.
that beet puplis in indignacioun, with vncurable wounde, that sugetide folkis in woodnesse, that pursuede cruely.
7 Koma tsopano mayiko onse ali pa mpumulo ndi pa mtendere; ndipo akuyimba mokondwa.
Ech lond restide, and was stille; it was ioiful, and made ful out ioie.
8 Ngakhale mitengo ya payini ndi mikungudza ya ku Lebanoni ikuyimba za iwe mokondwa ndipo ikuti, “Chigwetsedwere chako pansi, palibe wina anabwera kudzatigwetsa.”
Also fir trees and cedris of the Liban weren glad on thee; sithen thou sleptist, noon stieth that kittith vs doun.
9 Ku manda kwatekeseka kuti akulandire ukamabwera; mizimu ya anthu akufa, aja amene anali atsogoleri a dziko lapansi, yadzutsidwa. Onse amene anali mafumu a mitundu ya anthu ayimiritsidwa pa mipando yawo. (Sheol h7585)
Helle vndur thee is disturblid for the meeting of thi comyng; he schal reise giauntis to thee; alle the princes of erthe han rise fro her seetis, alle the princes of naciouns. (Sheol h7585)
10 Onse adzayankha; adzanena kwa iwe kuti, “Iwenso watheratu mphamvu ngati ife; Iwe wafanana ndi ife.”
Alle thei schulen answere, and thei shulen seie to thee, And thou art woundid as and we, thou art maad lijk vs.
11 Ulemerero wako wonse walowa mʼmanda, pamodzi ndi nyimbo za azeze ako; mphutsi zayalana pogona pako ndipo chofunda chako ndi nyongolotsi. (Sheol h7585)
Thi pride is drawun doun to hellis, thi deed careyn felle doun; a mouyte schal be strewyd vndur thee, and thin hilyng schal be wormes. (Sheol h7585)
12 Wagwa pansi bwanji kuchoka kumwamba, iwe nthanda, mwana wa mʼbandakucha! Wagwetsedwa pansi pa dziko lapansi, Iwe amene unagonjetsapo mitundu ya anthu!
A! Lucifer, that risidist eerli, hou feldist thou doun fro heuene; thou that woundist folkis, feldist doun togidere in to erthe.
13 Mu mtima mwako unkanena kuti, “Ndidzakwera mpaka kumwamba; ndidzakhazika mpando wanga waufumu pamwamba pa nyenyezi za Mulungu; ndidzakhala pa mpando waufumu pa phiri losonkhanirako, pamwamba penipeni pa phiri la kumpoto.
Which seidist in thin herte, Y schal stie in to heuene, Y schal enhaunse my seete aboue the staris of heuene; Y schal sitte in the hil of testament, in the sidis of the north.
14 Ndidzakwera pamwamba pa mitambo; ndidzafanana ndi Wammwambamwamba.”
Y schal stie on the hiynesse of cloudis; Y schal be lijk the hiyeste.
15 Koma watsitsidwa mʼmanda pansi penipeni pa dzenje. (Sheol h7585)
Netheles thou schalt be drawun doun to helle, in to the depthe of the lake. (Sheol h7585)
16 Anthu akufa adzakupenyetsetsa nadzamalingalira za iwe nʼkumati, “Kodi uyu ndi munthu uja anagwedeza dziko lapansi ndi kunjenjemeretsa maufumu,
Thei that schulen se thee, schulen be bowid doun to thee, and schulen biholde thee. Whether this is the man, that disturblid erthe, that schook togidere rewmes?
17 munthu amene anasandutsa dziko lonse chipululu, amene anagwetsa mizinda yake ndipo sankalola kuti anthu ogwidwa abwerere kwawo?”
that settide the world desert, and distried the citees therof, and openyde not the prisoun to the boundun men of hym?
18 Mafumu onse a mitundu ya anthu akugona mwaulemu aliyense mʼmanda akeake.
Alle the kyngis of hethene men, alle slepten in glorie, a man in his hous.
19 Koma iwe watayidwa kunja kwa manda ako, ngati nthambi yowola ndi yonyansa. Mtembo wako waphimbidwa ndi anthu ophedwa; amene anabayidwa ndi lupanga, anatsikira mʼdzenje lamiyala ngati mtembo woponderezedwa.
But thou art cast out of thi sepulcre, as an vnprofitable stok, as defoulid with rot; and wlappid with hem that ben slayn with swerd, and yeden doun to the foundement of the lake.
20 Sudzayikidwa nawo mʼmanda mwaulemu, chifukwa unawononga dziko lako ndi kupha anthu ako. Zidzukulu za anthu oyipa sizidzakumbukika nʼpangʼono pomwe.
As a rotun careyn, thou schalt not haue felouschipe, nethir with hem in sepulture, for thou hast lost thi lond, thou hast slayn the puple; the seed of the worst men schal not be clepid with outen ende.
21 Konzani malo woti muphere ana ake aamuna chifukwa cha machimo a makolo awo; kuti angadzuke ndi kulanda dziko lapansi ndi kulidzaza dziko lonselo ndi mizinda yawo.
Make ye redi hise sones to sleying, for the wickidnesse of her fadris; thei schulen not rise, nether thei schulen enherite the lond, nether thei schulen fille the face of the roundenesse of citees.
22 Yehova Wamphamvuzonse akuti, “Ine ndidzathira nkhondo mzinda wa Babuloni. Ndidzachotseratu mu Babuloni dzina lake ndi onse otsaliramo. Ndiye kuti sipadzakhala ana kapena zidzukulu,” akutero Yehova.
And Y schal rise on hem, seith the Lord of oostis, and Y schal leese the name of Babyloyne, and the relifs, and generacioun, and seed, seith the Lord.
23 “Ndidzawusandutsa mzindawo malo okhalamo anungu ndiponso dambo lamatope; ndidzawusesa ndi tsache lowononga,” akutero Yehova Wamphamvuzonse.
And Y schal sette that Babiloyne in to possessioun of an irchoun, and in to mareisis of watris; and Y schal swepe it with a beesme, and Y schal stampe, seith the Lord of oostis.
24 Yehova Wamphamvuzonse walumbira kuti, “Ndithudi, monga ndaganizira ndidzachitadi choncho, ndipo monga momwe ndatsimikizira zidzakhala momwemo ndithu.
The Lord of oostis swoor, seiynge, Whether it schal not be so, as Y gesside, and it schal bifalle so, as Y tretide in soule?
25 Ndidzawawononga Asiriya mʼdziko langa; ndidzawapondereza ndi mapazi pa mapiri anga; ndidzachotsa goli lawo pa anthu anga, ndipo ndidzachotsa katundu wawo pa mapewa awo.”
That Y al to-breke the kyng of Assiriens in my lond, and that Y defoule hym in myn hillis; and his yok schal be takun awei fro hem, and his birthun schal be takun awei fro the schuldur of hem.
26 Izi ndizo ndakonza kuti zichitike pa dziko lonse lapansi, ndatambasula dzanja pa anthu a mitundu yonse.
This is the councel which Y thouyte on al the lond, and this is the hond stretchid forth on alle folkis.
27 Pakuti Yehova Wamphamvuzonse watsimikiza, ndipo ndani angamuletse? Dzanja lake latambasulidwa ndipo ndani angalibweze?
For whi the Lord of oostis hath demed, and who mai make vnstidfaste? and his hond is stretchid forth, and who schal turne it awei?
28 Uthenga uwu unabwera chaka chimene mfumu Ahazi anamwalira:
The birthun of Filisteis. In the yeer wheryne kyng Achas diede, this birthun was maad.
29 Musakondwere inu Afilisti nonse kuti Asiriya amene anali ngati ndodo yokukanthani anathedwa; chifukwa kuchokera ku njoka yomweyi (mfumu ya Aasiriya) mudzatuluka mphiri, ndipo chipatso chake chidzakhala njoka yaliwiro ndiponso yaululu.
Al thou Filistea, be not glad, for the yerde of thi smytere is maad lesse; for whi a cocatrice schal go out of the roote of an eddre, and his seed schal soupe up a brid.
30 Osaukitsitsa adzapeza chakudya ndipo amphawi adzakhala mwamtendere. Koma anthu ako ndidzawawononga ndi njala, ndipo njalayo idzapha ngakhale opulumuka ako.
And the firste gendrid of pore men schulen be fed, and pore men schulen reste feithfuli; and Y schal make thi throte to perisch in hungur, and Y schal sle thi relifs.
31 Lirani kwambiri, anthu a pa chipata! Fuwulani kwambiri, anthu a mu mzinda! Njenjemerani ndi mantha, inu Afilisti nonse! Mtambo wa utsi ukuchokera kumpoto, ndipo palibe wamantha pakati pa ankhondo ake.
Yelle, thou yate; cry, thou citee, al Filistea is cast doun; for whi smoke schal come fro the north, and noon is that schal ascape his oost.
32 Kodi tidzawayankha chiyani amithenga a ku Filisitiya? “Yehova wakhazikitsa Ziyoni, ndipo mu mzinda wakewu, anthu ozunzika apeza populumukira.”
And what schal be answerid to the messangeris of folk? for the Lord hath foundid Sion, and the pore men of his puple schulen hope in hym.

< Yesaya 14 >