< Habakuku 1 >

1 Uthenga umene mneneri Habakuku analandira mʼmasomphenya.
The birthun that Abacuk, the profete, sai.
2 Kodi inu Yehova, ndidzakhala ndikukupemphani thandizo kwa nthawi yayitali motani, koma wosayankha? Kapena kufuwulira kwa inu kuti, “Chiwawa kuno!” koma wosatipulumutsa?
Hou longe, Lord, schal Y crye, and thou schalt not here? Y suffrynge violence schal crie an hiy to thee, and thou schalt not saue?
3 Chifukwa chiyani mukundionetsa zinthu zoyipa? Chifukwa chiyani mukundionetsa mavutowa? Ndikuona chiwonongeko ndi chiwawa; pali ndewu ndi kukangana kwambiri.
Whi schewidist thou to me wickidnesse and trauel, for to se prey and vnriytwisnesse ayens me? Whi biholdist thou dispiseris, and art stille, the while an vnpitouse man defoulith a riytfulere than hym silf? And thou schalt make men as fischis of the see, and as crepynge thingis not hauynge a ledere; and doom is maad, and ayenseiyng is more miyti.
4 Kotero malamulo anu atha mphamvu, ndipo chilungamo sichikugwira ntchito. Anthu oyipa aposa olungama, kotero apotoza chilungamo.
For this thing lawe is `to-brokun, and doom cometh not til to the ende; for the vnpitouse man hath miyt ayens the iust, therfor weiward doom schal go out.
5 “Yangʼanani pakati pa mitundu ya anthu, ndipo penyetsetsani, ndipo muthedwe nazo nzeru. Pakuti ndidzachitadi zinthu pa nthawi yanu zimene inu simudzazikhulupirira, ngakhale wina atakufotokozerani.
Biholde ye in hethene men, and se ye, and wondre ye, and greetli drede ye; for a werk is doon in youre daies, which no man schal bileue, whanne it schal be teld.
6 Pakuti taonani, Ine ndikuwutsa Ababuloni, anthu ankhanza ndiponso amphamvu, amene amapita pa dziko lonse lapansi kukalanda malo amene si awo.
For lo! Y schal reise Caldeis, a bittir folk and swift, goynge on the breede of erthe, that he welde tabernaclis not hise.
7 Iwowa ndi anthu ochititsa mantha, ndipo ndi owopsa; amadzipangira okha malamulo ndi kudzipezera okha ulemu.
It is orible, and dredeful; the dom and birthun therof schal go out of it silf.
8 Akavalo awo ndi aliwiro kwambiri kupambana akambuku ndi owopsa kupambana mimbulu yolusa nthawi ya madzulo. Okwerapo awo akuthamanga molunjika; a pa akavalo awo ndi ochokera kutali, akuwuluka ngati chiwombankhanga chofuna kugwira nyama;
His horsis ben liytere than pardis, and swifter than euentyd woluys, and hise horse men schulen be scaterid abrood; for whi `horse men schulen come fro fer, thei schulen fle as an egle hastynge to ete.
9 onse akubwera atakonzekera zachiwawa. Gulu la ankhondo likubwera ngati mphepo ya mʼchipululu ndi kugwira akapolo ochuluka ngati mchenga.
Alle men schulen come to preye, the faces of hem is as a brennynge wynd; and he schal gadere as grauel caitifte,
10 Akunyoza mafumu ndiponso kuchitira chipongwe olamulira. Akupeputsa mizinda yonse yotetezedwa; akumanga mitumbira ndi kulanda mizindayo.
and he schal haue victorie of kyngis, and tirauntis schulen be of his scornyng. He schal leiye on al strengthe, and schal bere togidere heep of erthe, and schal take it.
11 Kenaka amasesa mofulumira ngati mphepo nʼkumangopitirirabe, anthu ochimwa, amene mphamvu zawo ndiye mulungu wawo.”
Thanne the spirit schal be chaungid, and he schal passe forth, and falle doun; this is the strengthe of hym, of his god.
12 Inu Yehova, kodi sindinu wachikhalire? Mulungu wanga, Woyera wanga, ife sitidzafa. Inu Yehova, munawasankha anthuwo kuti abweretse chiweruzo; Inu Thanthwe, munawayika iwowo kuti atilange.
Whether `thou, Lord, art not my God, myn hooli, and we schulen not die? Lord, in to doom thou hast set hym, and thou groundidist hym strong, that thou schuldist chastise.
13 Maso anu ndi oyera kwambiri safuna kuona choyipa; Inu simulekerera cholakwa. Chifukwa chiyani nanga mukulekerera anthu ochita zachinyengowa? Chifukwa chiyani muli chete pamene anthu oyipa akuwononga anthu olungama kupambana iwowo?
Thin iyen ben clene, se thou not yuel, and thou schalt not mowe biholde to wickidnesse. Whi biholdist thou not on men doynge wickidli, and thou art stille, while the vnpitouse man deuourith a more iust man than hymsilf?
14 Mwasandutsa anthu kukhala ngati nsomba zamʼnyanja, ngati zolengedwa zamʼnyanja zimene zilibe wolamulira.
And thou schalt make men as fischis of the see, and as a crepynge thing not hauynge prince.
15 Mdani wawo woyipa amakoka anthu onse ndi mbedza, amawakola mu ukonde wake, amawasonkhanitsa mu khoka lake; kotero iyeyo amakondwa ndi kusangalala.
He schal lifte vp al in the hook; he drawide it in his greet net, and gaderide in to his net; on this thing he schal be glad, and make ioie with outforth.
16 Choncho iye amaperekera nsembe ukonde wake ndiponso kufukizira lubani khoka lake, popeza ukonde wakewo ndiye umamubweretsera moyo wapamwamba ndipo amadya chakudya chabwino kwambiri.
Therfore he schal offere to his greet net, and schal make sacrifice to his net; for in hem his part is maad fat, and his mete is chosun.
17 Kodi iye azipitirabe kugwiritsa ntchito makoka akewo, kuwononga mitundu ya anthu mopanda chifundo?
Therfor for this thing he spredith abrood his greet net, and euere more he ceesith not for to sle folkis.

< Habakuku 1 >