< Genesis 27 >

1 Isake atakalamba maso ake anachita khungu mwakuti sankatha kuona. Iye anayitana mwana wake wamkulu Esau nati kwa iye, “Mwana wanga.” Iye anayankha, “Ine abambo.”
Forsothe Isaac wexe eld, and hise iyen dasewiden, and he miyte not se. And he clepide Esau, his more sone, and seide to hym, My sone! Which answerde, Y am present.
2 Isake anati, “Tsopano ine ndakalamba, ndipo sindidziwa tsiku langa lakufa.
To whom the fadir seide, Thou seest that Y haue woxun eld, and Y knowe not the dai of my deeth.
3 Tsono tenga zida zako, muvi wako ndi uta, pita kuthengo ukandiphere nyama.
Take thin armeres, `arewe caas, and a bowe, and go out; and whanne thou hast take ony thing bi huntyng,
4 Undikonzere chakudya chabwino monga muja ndimakonderamu ndipo ubwere nacho kwa ine kuti ndidye ndi kuti ndikudalitse ndisanamwalire.”
make to me a seew therof, as thou knowist that Y wole, and brynge that Y ete, and my soule blesse thee bifore that Y die.
5 Koma Rebeka amamvetsera pamene Isake amayankhula ndi mwana wake Esau. Esau atanyamuka kupita kuthengo kukaphera abambo ake nyama,
And whanne Rebecca hadde herd this thing, and he hadde go in to the feeld to fille the comaundment of the fadir,
6 Rebeka anati kwa mwana wake Yakobo, “Taona ndamva abambo ako akuwuza mʼbale wako Esau kuti,
sche seide to hir sone Jacob, Y herde thi fadir spekynge with Esau, thi brothir, and seiynge to him, Brynge thou me of thin huntyng,
7 ‘Bweretsere nyama yakutchire ndipo undikonzere chakudya chokoma kuti ndidye; kuti ndikudalitse pamaso pa Yehova ndisanamwalire.’
and make thow metis, that Y ete, and that Y blesse thee bifor the Lord bifor that Y die.
8 Tsopano mwana wanga, mvetsetsa ndipo uchite zimene ndikuwuze:
Now therfor, my sone, assent to my counsels,
9 Pita ku khola, ukatenge ana ambuzi abwino awiri, kuti ndikonzere abambo ako chakudya chokoma monga amakondera.
and go to the floc, and brynge to me tweyne the beste kidis, that Y make metis of tho to thi fadir, whiche he etith gladli;
10 Kenaka upite nacho chakudyacho kwa abambo ako kuti adye ndi kukudalitsa asanafe.”
and that whanne thow hast brouyt in tho metis, and he hath ete, he blesse thee bifore that he die.
11 Koma Yakobo anati kwa Rebeka amayi ake, “Komatu mʼbale wanga Esau ndi munthu wa khungu la ubweya zedi, ndipo ine ndine munthu wa khungu losalala.
To whom Jacob answerde, Thou knowist that Esau my brother is an heeri man, and Y am smethe; if my fadir `touchith and feelith me,
12 Mwina abambo anga adzandikhudza, ndipo ndidzaoneka kuti ndawapusitsa. Tsono ndizadzitengera temberero mʼmalo mwa madalitso.”
Y drede lest he gesse that Y wolde scorne him, and lest he brynge in cursyng on me for blessyng.
13 Amayi ake anati kwa iye, “Mwana wanga, temberero limenelo ligwere ine. Iwe ungochita zimene ine ndikukuwuza; pita kanditengere timbuzito.”
To whom the modir seide, My sone, this cursyng be in me; oonly here thou my vois, and go, and brynge that that Y seide.
14 Choncho anapita nakatenga timbuzito ndi kubwera nato kwa amayi ake. Choncho Rebeka anaphika chakudya chokoma monga momwe Isake amakondera.
He yede, and brouyte, and yaf to his modir. Sche made redi metis, as sche knewe that his fadir wolde,
15 Tsono Rebeka anatenga zovala zabwino kwambiri za Esau mwana wake wamkulu zimene zinali mʼnyumba namuveka Yakobo.
and sche clothide Jacob in ful goode clothis of Esau, whiche sche hadde at home anentis hir silf.
16 Anamuvekanso manja ake ndi khosi lake ndi zikopa za mwana wambuzi.
And sche `compasside the hondis with litle skynnys of kiddis, and kyuerede the `nakide thingis of the necke;
17 Kenaka, anamupatsa Yakobo chakudya chokoma chija chimene anaphika pamodzi ndi buledi.
and sche yaf seew, and bitook the loouys whiche sche hadde bake.
18 Yakobo anapita kwa abambo ake ndipo anati, “Abambo anga.” Ndipo anayankha, “Eya, kodi ndiwe mwana wanga uti?”
And whanne these weren brouyt in, he seide, My fadir! And he answerde, Y here; who art thou, my sone?
19 Yakobo anati kwa abambo ake, “Ndine Esau mwana wanu woyamba. Ndachita monga munandiwuzira. Chonde dzukani ndi kukhala tsonga kuti mudyeko nyama ndakukonzeraniyi kuti tsono mundidalitse.”
And Jacob seide, Y am Esau, thi first gendrid sone. Y haue do to thee as thou comaundist to me; rise thou, sitte, and ete of myn huntyng, that thi soule blesse me.
20 Isake anafunsa mwana wake, “Wayipeza msanga chotere bwanji mwana wanga?” Iye anayankha, “Yehova Mulungu wanu anandithandiza kuti ndiyipeze.”
Eft Ysaac seide to his sone, My sone, hou miytist thou fynde so soone? Which answerde, It was Goddis wille, that this that Y wolde schulde come soone to me.
21 Pamenepo Isake anati kwa Yakobo, “Tabwera pafupi ndikukhudze mwana wanga, kuti ndidziwedi ngati uli mwana wanga Esau kapena ayi.”
And Isaac seide, My sone, come thou hidir, that Y touche thee, and that Y preue wher thou art my sone Esau, ethir nay.
22 Yakobo anasendera kufupi ndi abambo ake Isake ndipo anamukhudza nati, “Mawuwa ndi mawu a Yakobo koma mikonoyi ndi mikono ya Esau.”
He neiyede to the fadir; and whanne he hadde feelid hym, Isaac seide, Sotheli the vois is the vois of Jacob, but the hondis ben the hondis of Esau.
23 Sanamuzindikire, popeza mikono yake inali ndi ubweya ngati ya mʼbale wake Esau; choncho anamudalitsa.
And Isaac knew not Jacob, for the heery hondis expressiden the licnesse of the more sone.
24 Isake anafunsa, “Kodi ndiwedi mwana wanga Esau?” Yakobo anayankha, “Inde ndine.”
Therfor Isaac blesside him, and seide, Art thou my sone Esau? Jacob answerde, Y am.
25 Ndipo iye anati, “Mwana wanga, patseko nyama yakoyo ndidye kuti ndikudalitse.” Yakobo anabwera ndi nyama ija kwa Isake ndipo anadya. Kenaka anamupatsanso vinyo ndipo anamwa.
And Isaac seide, My sone, brynge thou to me metis of thin huntyng, that my soule blesse thee. And whanne Isaac hadde ete these metis brouyt, Jacob brouyte also wyn to Isaac, and whanne this was drunkun,
26 Tsono Isake anati kwa Yakobo, “Bwera kuno mwana wanga undipsompsone.”
Isaac seide to him, My sone, come thou hidir, and yyue to me a cos.
27 Choncho anapita namupsompsona. Apa Isake anamva fungo la zovala zake, ndipo anamudalitsa nati, “Haa, fungo la mwana wanga lili ngati fungo la munda umene Yehova waudalitsa.
Jacob neiyede, and kisside hym; and anoon as Isaac feelide the odour of hise clothis, he blesside him, and seide, Lo! the odour of my sone as the odour of a `feeld ful which the Lord hath blessid.
28 Mulungu akugwetsere mame akumwamba ndipo minda yako ibale tirigu wambiri ndi vinyo watsopano.
God yyue to thee of the dewe of heuene, and of the fatnesse of erthe, aboundaunce of whete, and of wyn, and of oile;
29 Mitundu ya anthu ikutumikire iwe ndipo anthu akugwadire iwe. Ukhale wolamula abale ako, ndipo ana aamuna a amayi ako akugwadire. Amene akutemberera iwe atembereredwe ndipo amene adalitsa iwe adalitsike.”
and puplis serue thee, and lynagis worschipe thee; be thou lord of thi britheren, and the sones of thi modir be bowid bifor thee; be he cursid that cursith thee, and he that blessith thee, be fillid with blessyngis.
30 Isake atatsiriza kudalitsa Yakobo, atangochoka pamaso pa abambo akewo, Esau anabwera kuchokera kosaka kuja.
Vnnethis Isaac hadde fillid the word, and whanne Jacob was gon out,
31 Nayenso anakonza chakudya chokoma nabwera nacho kwa abambo ake. Ndipo anati kwa iye, “Chonde abambo, dzukani mukhale tsonga kuti mudye nyamayi ndi kuti mundidalitse.”
Esau cam, and brouyte in metis sodun of the huntyng to the fadir, and seide, My fadir, rise thou, and ete of the huntyng of thi sone, that thi soule blesse me.
32 Abambo ake, Isake, anamufunsa kuti, “Ndiwe yani?” Iye anayankha, “Ndine mwana wanu woyamba Esau.”
And Isaac seide, Who forsothe art thou? Which answerde, Y am Esau, thi firste gendrid sone.
33 Isake ananjenjemera kwambiri nati, “Nanga ndani uja anakapha nyama kutchire nʼkudzandipatsa? Ine ndadya kale, ndadya nyamayo iwe utangotsala pangʼono kubwera ndipo ndamudalitsa ndipo adzakhaladi wodalitsika.”
Isaac dredde bi a greet astonying; and he wondride more, than it mai be bileued, and seide, Who therfor is he which a while ago brouyte to me huntyng takun, and Y eet of alle thingis bifor that thou camest; and Y blesside him? and he schal be blessid.
34 Esau atamva mawu a abambo ake, analira mokweza ndi mowawidwa mtima nati kwa abambo ake, “Inenso dalitseni abambo anga!”
Whanne the wordis of the fadir weren herd, Esau rorid with a greet cry, and was astonyed, and seide, My fadir, blesse thou also me.
35 Koma iye anati, “Mʼbale wako anabwera mwachinyengo ndipo watenga madalitso ako.”
Which seide, Thy brother cam prudentli, and took thi blessyng.
36 Esau anati, “Kodi nʼchifukwa chake iyeyu dzina lake lili Yakobo eti? Aka nʼkachiwiri kundinyenga: Anatenga ukulu wanga, pano watenga madalitso anga!” Kenaka anafunsa, “Kodi simunandisungireko ena madalitsowo?”
And Esau addide, Justli his name is clepid Jacob, for lo! he supplauntide me another tyme; bifor he took awei `my firste gendride thingis, and now the secounde tyme he rauyschide priueli my blessyng. And eft he seide to the fadir, Wher thou hast not reserued a blessyng also to me?
37 Koma Isake anamuyankha nati, “Ndamudalitsa iye kuti akhale wokulamulira iwe. Ndaperekanso abale ake onse kuti akhale omutumikira iye, ndipo ndamudalitsa ndi tirigu wambiri, ndi vinyo watsopano. Ndiye ndingakuchitirenso chiyani mwana wanga?”
Ysaac answeride, Y haue maad him thi lord, and Y haue maad suget alle hise britheren to his seruage; Y haue stablischid him in whete, and wyn, and oile; and, my sone, what schal Y do to thee aftir these thingis?
38 Esau anati kwa abambo ake, “Kodi muli ndi dalitso limodzi lokhali, abambo anga? Inenso mundidalitse chonde abambo anga!” Pomwepo Esau analira mokuwa.
To whom Esau saide, Fadir, wher thou hast oneli o blessyng? Y biseche that also thou blesse me. And whanne Esau wepte with greet yellyng,
39 Tsono Isake abambo ake anamuyankha kuti, “Malo ako okhalapo sadzabala dzinthu, ndipo mvula sidzagwa pa minda yako.
Isaac was stirid, and seide to hym, Thi blessyng schal be in the fatnesse of erthe, and in the dew of heuene fro aboue;
40 Udzakhala ndi moyo podalira lupanga ndipo udzatumikira mʼbale wako. Koma idzafika nthawi pamene udzakhala mfulu udzachotsa goli lake mʼkhosi mwako.”
thou schalt lyue bi swerd, and thou schalt serue thi brothir, and tyme schal come whanne thou schalt shake awei, and vnbynde his yok fro thi nollis.
41 Ndipo Esau anamusungira chiwembu Yakobo chifukwa cha madalitso amene abambo ake anamupatsa. Esau anati kwa iye yekha, “Masiku olira abambo anga ayandikira; pambuyo pake ndidzamupha mʼbale wangayu Yakobo.”
Therfor Esau hatide euer Jacob for the blessyng bi which the fadir hadde blessid hym; and Esau seide in his herte, The daies of morenyng of my fadir schulen come, and Y schal sle Jacob, my brothir.
42 Pamene Rebeka anamva zimene mwana wake wamkulu Esau ankaganiza, anayitanitsa Yakobo nati kwa iye, “Mʼbale wako Esau akulingalira zakuti akuphe kuti akulipsire.
These thingis weren teld to Rebecca, and sche sente, and clepide hir sone Jacob, and seide to hym, Lo! Esau, thi brothir, manaasith to sle thee;
43 Tsopano mwana wanga, chita zimene ndinene: Nyamuka tsopano, uthawire kwa mlongo wanga Labani ku Harani.
now therfor, my sone, here thou my vois, and rise thou, and fle to Laban, my brother, in Aran;
44 Ukakhale naye kwa kanthawi mpaka mkwiyo wa mʼbale wako utatsika.
and thou schalt dwelle with hym a fewe daies, til the woodnesse of thi brother reste,
45 Tsono mkwiyo wa mʼbale wakoyo ukadzatsika ndi kuyiwala zonse wamuchitirazi, ndidzatuma munthu kuti adzakutenge. Nanga nditayirenji nonse awiri nthawi imodzi?”
and his indignacioun ceesse, and til he foryite tho thingis whiche thou hast don ayens hym. Aftirward Y schal sende, and Y schal brynge thee fro thennus hidir. Whi schal Y be maad soneles of euer eithir sone in o dai?
46 Tsono Rebeka anati kwa Isake, “Ine sindikukondwera nawo anamwali a Chihiti. Ndipo ngati Yakobo angapeze mbeta kuno mwa anamwali a Chihitiwa, ndiye kuli bwino kungofa.”
And Rebecca seide to Isaac, It anoieth me of my lijf for the douytris of Heth; if Jacob takith a wijf of the kynrede of this lond, Y nyle lyue.

< Genesis 27 >