< Ezara 8 >

1 Nawa mayina a atsogoleri a mabanja amene anabwera nane kuchokera ku Babuloni nthawi ya ulamuliro wa mfumu Aritasasita:
Therfor these ben the princes of meynees, and this is the genologie of hem, whiche beynge in the rewme of Artaxerses, kyng, stieden with me fro Babiloyne.
2 Geresomu wa fuko la Finehasi; Danieli wa fuko la Itamara; Hatusi
Of the sones of Phynees, Gerson; of the sones of Ythamar, Danyel; of the sones of Dauid, Arcus;
3 mwana wa Sekaniya wa fuko la Davide; Zekariya wa fuko la Parosi. Pamodzi ndi iyeyu panalembedwa anthu ena 150;
of the sones of Sechemye and of the sones of Pharos, Zacarie, and with hym weren noumbrid an hundrid and fifti men;
4 Elihunai mwana wa Zerahiya, wa fuko la Pahati-Mowabu. Pamodzi ndi iyeyu panalinso anthu ena 400.
of the sones of Phet, Moab, and Elioneay, the sone of Zacharie, and with hym two hundrid men;
5 Sekaniya, mwana wa Yahazieli wa fuko la Zatu. Pamodzi ndi iyeyu panalembedwanso anthu 300.
of the sones of Sechemye, the sone of Ezechiel, and with hym thre hundrid men;
6 Ebedi, mwana wa Yonatani wa fuko la Adini. Pamodzi naye analembedwanso anthu ena makumi asanu.
of the sones of Addam, Nabeth, the sone of Jonathan, and with hym fifti men;
7 Yesaiya, mwana wa Ataliya wa fuko la Elamu. Pamodzi naye panali anthu ena 70.
of the sones of Elam, Ysaie, the sone of Italie, and with him seuenti men;
8 Zebadiya, mwana wa Mikayeli wa fuko la Sefatiya. Pamodzi naye panalinso anthu 80.
of the sones of Saphacie, Zebedie, the sone of Mycael, and with him fourescore men;
9 Obadiya, mwana wa Yehieli wa fuko la Yowabu. Pamodzi naye panalinso anthu 218.
of the sones of Joab, Obedie, the sone of Jehiel, and with him two hundrid and eiytene men;
10 Selomiti mwana wa Yosifiya wa fuko la Bani. Pamodzi ndi iyeyu panalinso anthu 160.
of the sones of Salomyth, the sone of Josphie, and with hym an hundrid and sixti men; of the sones of Belbai,
11 Zekariya, mwana wa Bebai wa fuko la Babai. Pamodzi naye analembedwanso anthu 28.
Zacarie, the sone of Belbai, and with hym twenti and eiyte men;
12 Yohanani, mwana wa Hakatani wa fuko la Azigadi. Pamodzi naye panalinso anthu 110.
of the sones of Ezead, Johannam, the sone of Ezethan, and with hym an hundrid and ten men;
13 Atsogoleri a fuko la Adonikamu, anthu amene anabwera pambuyo pake mayina awo anali Elifeleti, Yeiyeli ndi Semaya. Pamodzi ndi iwowa panalinso anthu 60.
of the sones of Adonycam, that weren the laste, and these ben the names of hem, Eliphelech, and Eihel, and Samaie, and with hem weren sexti men;
14 Atsogoleri a fuko la Bigivai anali Utai ndi Zakuri. Pamodzi ndi iwowa panali anthu 70.
of the sones of Beguy, Vtai, and Zaccur, and with hem weren seuenti men.
15 Anthu onse ndinawasonkhanitsa ku mtsinje umene umapita mpaka ku Ahava, ndipo kumeneko tinagona mʼmisasa masiku atatu. Nditayangʼana pakati pa anthu ndi ansembe, ndinapeza kuti panalibe Alevi.
Forsothe Y gaderide hem togidere at the flood, that renneth doun to Hanna; and we dwelliden there thre daies. And `Y souyte in the puple, and in the prestis of the sonus of Leuy, and Y fonde not there.
16 Choncho ndinayitana atsogoleri awa: Eliezara, Arieli, Semaiya, Elinatani, Yaribu, Elinatani, Natani, Zekariya ndi Mesulamu, pamodzi ndi aphunzitsi awiri, Yoyaribu ndi Elinatani,
Therfor Y sente Eliezer, and Ariehel, and Semeam, and Helnathan, and Jaubeth, and an other Helnathan, and Nathan, and Zacharie, and Mesollam, princes; and Joarib, and Elnathan, wise men;
17 ndipo ndinawatuma kwa Ido, mtsogoleri wa malo otchedwa Kasifiya. Ine ndinawawuza zoti akanene kwa Ido ndi kwa abale ake, ogwira ntchito ku Nyumba ya Mulungu ku Kasifiyako, kuti atitumizire anthu odzatumikira ku Nyumba ya Mulungu.
and Y sente hem to Heldo, which is `the firste in the place of Casphie, and Y puttide in the mouth of hem wordis, whiche thei schulden speke to Heldo, and to hise britheren, Natynneis, in the place of Casphie, for to brynge to vs the mynystris of the hows of oure God.
18 Chifukwa cha kutikomera mtima kwa Mulungu wathu, Ido anatitumizira munthu wanzeru, Serabiya, wa fuko la Mahili, mwana wa Levi, mwana wa Israeli, pamodzi ndi ana ake aamuna ndi abale ake, anthu 18.
And `thei brouyten to vs, bi the good hoond of oure God on vs, a ful wijs man of the sones of Mooli, the sone of Leuy, sone of Israel; and Sarabie, and his sones twenti, and his britheren eiytene;
19 Anatitumiziranso Hasabiya ndi Yesaiya wa fuko la Merari pamodzi ndi abale ake ndi adzukulu ake, anthu makumi awiri.
and Azabie, and Isaie, with him of the sones of Merari, thei brouyten his britheren, and his sones, twenti;
20 Panalinso anthu ena 220 mwa anthu ogwira ntchito mʼNyumba ya Mulungu amene Davide ndi nduna zake anawasankha kuti azitumikira Alevi. Anthu onsewa analembedwa potsata mayina awo.
and of Nathynneis, whiche Dauid and the princis hadden youe to the seruyces of dekenes, thei brouyten two hundrid and twenti Nathynneis; alle these weren clepid bi her names.
21 Ku mtsinje wa Ahava, ndinalengeza kuti anthu onse asale zakudya, adzichepetse pamaso pa Mulungu wathu ndi kupempha kuti atiyendetse bwino ife ndi ana athu, ndi kuteteza katundu wathu yense.
And `Y prechide there fastyng bisidis the flood of Hanna, that we schulden be turmentid bifor `oure Lord God, and that we schulden axe of him the riytful weie to vs, and to oure sones, and to al oure catel.
22 Ine ndinali ndi manyazi kupempha mfumu kuti atipatse asilikali oyenda pansi ndi ena okwera pa akavalo kuti atiteteze kwa adani athu pa ulendo wathuwu popeza tinali titawuza kale mfumu kuti “Yehova amateteza aliyense amene amamudalira, koma amakwiyira onse amene amamukana.”
For Y schamede to axe of the kyng help, and horse men, that schulden defende vs fro enemyes in the weie, for we hadden seid to the king, The hond of oure God is on alle men that seken hym in goodnesse; and his lordschip, and his strengthe, and strong veniaunce ben on alle men that forsaken hym.
23 Choncho tinasala zakudya ndi kupemphera kwa Mulungu wathu kuti atiteteze ndipo Iye anamva pemphero lathu.
Forsothe we fastiden, and preieden oure God for this thing, and it bifelde to vs `bi prosperite.
24 Tsono ndinasankha atsogoleri a ansembe khumi ndi awiri awa, Serebiya, Hasabiya ndi abale awo khumi
And `Y departide twelue of the princes of prestis, Sarabie, and Asabie, and ten of her britheren with hem;
25 ndipo ndinawayezera siliva ndi golide, ndiponso ziwiya ndi zopereka za ku Nyumba ya Mulungu wathu zimene mfumu ndi alangizi ake, nduna zake ndi Aisraeli onse amene anali kumeneko anazipereka.
and Y bitook vndur certeyn weiyte and noumbre to hem the siluer and gold, and the halewid vessels of the hows of oure God, whiche the kyng hadde offrid, and hise counseleris, and hise princes, and `al Israel, of hem that weren foundun.
26 Nditayeza zonse, ndinapereka mʼmanja mwawo, matani 22 asiliva, ziwiya zasiliva zolemera makilogalamu 70, ndiponso makilogalamu 3,400 a golide,
And Y bitook vndur certeyn weiyte and noumbre in the hondis of hem sixe hundrid and fifti talentis of siluer, and an hundrid siluerne vessels; an hundrid talentis of gold,
27 mbale zagolide makumi awiri zolemera makilogalamu asanu ndi atatu ndi theka ndiponso ziwiya ziwiri zamkuwa wosalala, wonyezimira bwino ngati golide wamtengowapatali.
and twenti goldun cuppis, that hadden a thousynde peesis of gold; and twei faire vessels of best bras, schynynge as gold.
28 Kenaka ndinawawuza kuti, “Inu ndi opatulika a Yehova, ndiponso mphatso zonsezi ndi zopatulika. Siliva ndi golideyu ndi zopereka zaufulu kwa Yehova, Mulungu wa makolo anu.
And Y seide to hem, Ye ben the hooli men of the Lord,
29 Muzisamale bwino mpaka mutaziyeza pamaso pa atsogoleri a ansembe ndi Alevi ndi akulu a mabanja a Israeli mʼzipinda za mʼNyumba ya Mulungu ku Yerusalemu.”
and wake ye, and kepe the hooli vessels, and siluer and gold, which is offrid bi fre wille to the Lord God of oure fadris, til ye yelde vndur certeyn weiyte and noumbre bifor th princes of prestis, and of dekenes, and bifor the duykis of meynees of Israel in Jerusalem, in to the tresour of Goddis hows.
30 Choncho ansembe ndi Alevi analandira zonse zoyezedwa zija, siliva, golide pamodzi ndi ziwiya kuti apite nazo ku Nyumba ya Yehova ku Yerusalemu.
Sotheli the preestis and dekenes token the weiyte of siluer, and of gold, and of vessels, for to bere in to Jerusalem, in to the hows of oure God.
31 Pa tsiku la khumi ndi chiwiri la mwezi woyamba, tinachoka ku mtsinje wa Ahava kupita ku Yerusalemu. Ndipo Mulungu wathu anali nafe, ndipo anatiteteza kwa adani athu makamaka otibisalira pa njira.
Therfor we mouyden forth fro the flood of Hanna, in the tweluethe dai of the firste monethe, for to go in to Jerusalem; and the hond of oure God was on vs, and delyuerde vs fro the hond of enemye and of aspiere in the weie.
32 Tinafika ku Yerusalemu, komwe tinapumula masiku atatu.
And we camen to Jerusalem, and we dwelliden there thre daies.
33 Pa tsiku la chinayi lake, mʼNyumba ya Mulungu wathu, tinayeza siliva ndi golide ndi ziwiya zija nʼkuzipereka mʼmanja mwa Meremoti mwana wa wansembe Uriya. Pamodzi ndi iyeyo panali Eliezara mwana wa Finehasi ndiponso Alevi awa: Yozabadi mwana wa Yesuwa ndi Nowadiya mwana wa Binuyi.
Forsothe in the fourthe dai the siluer was yoldun vndur certeyn weiyte and noumbre, and the gold, and the vessels, `in the hows of oure God, by the noumbre and weiyte of alle thingis, bi the hond of Remmoth, `sone of Vrie, preest; and with him was Eleazar, the sone of Phynees, and with him weren Jozaded, the sone of Josue, and Noadaie, the sone of Bennoy, dekenes;
34 Zonsezi anaziwerenga ndi kuziyeza ndipo analemba kulemera kwa chinthu chilichonse.
and al the weiyte was discriued in that tyme.
35 Pamenepo anthu amene anatengedwa ukapolo aja anabwerera, anapereka nsembe zopsereza kwa Mulungu wa Israeli: ngʼombe zazimuna khumi ndi ziwiri, kuperekera Aisraeli onse, nkhosa zazimuna 96, ana ankhosa 77, ndiponso mbuzi zazimuna khumi ndi ziwiri ngati nsembe yopepesera machimo. Zonsezi zinali nsembe yopsereza zopereka kwa Yehova.
But also the sones of transmygracioun, that camen fro caitifte, offriden brent sacrifices to the Lord God of Israel, `twelue calues for al the puple of Israel, nynti and sixe rammes, seuene and seuenti lambren, twelue buckis of geet for synne; alle thingis in to brent sacrifice to the Lord.
36 Iwo anaperekanso chidziwitso cha mfumu chija kwa akuluakulu a mfumu ndi kwa akazembe a mʼdera la Patsidya pa Yufurate. Pamenepo iwo anathandiza Ayuda ndiponso ntchito za pa Nyumba ya Mulungu.
Forsothe thei yauen the comaundementis of the kyng to the princes, that weren of the siyt of the king, and to the duykis biyende the flood; and thei reisiden the puple, and the hows of God.

< Ezara 8 >