< Ezekieli 6 >

1 Yehova anandipatsa uthenga uwu kuti,
And the word of the Lord was maad to me,
2 “Iwe mwana wa munthu, yangʼana ku mapiri a Israeli; yankhula nawo modzudzula
and he seide, Thou, sone of man, sette thi face to the hillis of Israel; and thou schalt profesie to tho hillis, and schalt seie,
3 kuti, ‘Inu mapiri a ku Israeli, imvani mawu a Ambuye Yehova. Iye akuwuza mapiri, magomo, mitsinje ndi zigwa kuti: Ine ndizakuthirani nkhondo ndipo ndidzawononga nyumba zanu mʼmene mukupembedzeramo mafano.
Hillis of Israel, here ye the word of the Lord God. The Lord God seith these thingis to mounteyns, and litil hillis, to roochis of stoon, and to valeis, Lo! Y schal bringe in on you a swerd, and Y schal leese youre hiye thingis.
4 Maguwa anu ansembe adzagumulidwa ndipo maguwa anu ofukizira lubani adzaphwanyidwa; ndipo ndidzapha anthu anu pamaso pa mafano anu.
And Y schal distrie youre auteris, and youre symylacris schulen be brokun; and Y schal caste doun youre slayn men bifore youre idols.
5 Ine ndidzagoneka mitembo ya Aisraeli pamaso pa mafano awo, ndipo ndidzamwaza mafupa anu mozungulira maguwa anu ansembe.
dnA Y schal yyue the deed bodies of the sones of Israel bifor the face of youre symylacris, and Y schal scatere youre boonys
6 Konse kumene mumakhala, mizinda yanu idzasanduka bwinja. Nyumba zanu zopembedzera mafano zidzagumulidwa kotero kuti maguwa anu adzawonongedwa ndi kusakazidwa, mafano anu adzaphwanyidwa ndi kuwonongedwa. Maguwa anu ofukizirapo lubani adzagwetsedwa pansi ndipo zonse zimene munapanga zidzatheratu.
aboute youre auteris, in alle youre dwellingis. Citees schulen be forsakun, and hiy thingis schulen be distried, and schulen be scaterid; and youre auteris schulen perische, and schulen be brokun. And youre idols schulen ceesse, and youre templis of idols schulen be al to-brokun, and youre werkis schulen be doen awei.
7 Anthu anu adzaphedwa pakati panu, ndipo mudzadziwa kuti Ine ndine Yehova.’
And a slayn man schal falle doun in the myddis of you; and ye schulen wite, that Y am the Lord.
8 “Komabe ndidzasiya ena pangʼono opulumuka ku nkhondo. Iwowa ndidzawamwazira ku mayiko ena pakati pa anthu a mitundu ina.
And Y schal leeue in you hem that fledden swerd among hethene men, whanne Y schal scatere you in to londis.
9 Pamenepo opulumuka mwa inu adzandikumbukira ku mayiko kumene anatengedwa ukapolo. Ndidzawamvetsa chisoni chifukwa cha kusakhulupirika kwawo ndi kundipandukira kuja ndiponso chifukwa kuti anayika mtima wawo pa mafano. Choncho adzachita okha manyazi chifukwa cha zoyipa zimene ankachita ndi miyambo yonyansa imene ankatsata.
And youre delyuered men schulen haue mynde on me among hethene men, to whiche thei ben led prisoneris; for Y haue al to-broke her herte doynge fornycacioun, and goynge awei fro me, and her iyen doynge fornicacioun aftir her idols. And thei schulen displese hem silf on the yuels, whiche thei diden in alle her abhomynaciouns.
10 Ndipo iwo adzadziwa kuti ndine Yehova ndi kuti sindinkawaopseza chabe pamene ndinanena kuti ndidzawawononga.
And thei schulen wite, that Y the Lord spak not in veyn, that Y schulde do this yuel to hem.
11 “Ambuye Yehova akuti: Womba mʼmanja mwako ndipo uponde mapazi ako pansi mwamphamvu ndipo ufuwule kuti, ‘Mayo!’ chifukwa cha zonyansa ndi zoyipa zonse zimene Aisraeli achita, pakuti adzaphedwa ndi lupanga, njala ndi mliri.
The Lord God seith these thingis, Smyte thin hond, and hurtle thi foot, and seie, Alas! to alle abhomynaciouns of the yuelis of the hous of Israel; for thei schulen falle doun bi swerd, hungur, and pestilence. He that is fer, shal die bi pestilence.
12 Amene ali kutali adzafa ndi mliri, ndipo amene ali pafupi adzafa pa nkhondo, ndipo amene adzapulumuke ndi kusaphedwa adzafa ndi njala. Kotero ndidzakwaniritsa ukali wanga pa iwo.
Forsothe he that is niy, shal falle bi swerd. And he that is laft and bisegid, shal die bi hungur. And Y schal fille myn indignacioun in hem.
13 Ndipo iwo adzadziwa kuti Ine ndine Yehova, pamene anthu awo adzagona atafa pakati pa mafano awo mozungulira maguwa awo ansembe, pamwamba pa magomo ndi mapiri onse, pansi pa mtengo uliwonse watambalala ndi wa thundu uliwonse wamasamba ambiri, kumalo kumene ankapereka nsembe zonunkhira kwa mafano awo onse.
And ye schulen wite, that Y am the Lord, whanne youre slayn men schulen be in the myddis of youre idols, in the cumpas of youre auteris, in eche hiy litil hil, and in alle the hiynessis of mounteyns, and vndur ech tree ful of wode, and vndur ech ook ful of boowis, that is, a place where thei brenten encense swete smellynge to alle her idols.
14 Choncho ndidzawalanga ndi mkono wanga ndi kusandutsa dziko kukhala bwinja. Dziko lonse kumene akukhala kuyambira ku chipululu mpaka ku mzinda wa Ribula ndidzalisandutsa bwinja. Pamenepo adzadziwa kuti Ine ndine Yehova.”
And Y schal stretche forth myn hond on hem, and Y schal make her lond desolat and destitute, fro desert Deblata, in alle the dwellyngis of hem; and thei schulen wite, that Y am the Lord.

< Ezekieli 6 >