< Ezekieli 22 >

1 Yehova anandiyankhula nati:
And the word of the Lord was maad to me,
2 “Iwe mwana wa munthu, kodi udzaweruza mzinda uwo wa anthu akupha anzawo? Tsono uwudzudzule chifukwa cha machitidwe ake onse onyansa
and he seide, And thou, sone of man, whether thou demest not the citee of bloodis?
3 ndipo unene kuti, ‘Ambuye akuti: Iwe mzinda umene wadzigwetsa wekha mʼtsoka pa kukhetsa magazi pakati pako ndi kudziyipitsa popanga mafano,
And thou schalt schewe to it alle hise abhomynaciouns, and thou schalt seie, The Lord God seith these thingis, This is a citee schedinge out blood in the myddis of it silf, that the tyme therof come; and which made idols ayens it silf, that it shulde be defoulid.
4 wapezekatu wolakwa chifukwa cha magazi amene wakhetsa, ndipo wadziyipitsa chifukwa cha mafano amene wapanga. Choncho wachepetsa masiku ako, ndipo zaka zako zafika kumapeto. Nʼchifukwa chake ndalola kuti anthu a mitundu ina akunyoze ndiponso kuti anthu a mayiko onse akuseke.
In thi blood which is shed out of thee, thou trespassidist, and thou art defoulid in thin idols whiche thou madist; and thou madist thi daies to neiye, and thou brouytist the time of thi yeeris. Therfor Y yaf thee schenschipe to hethene men, and scornyng to alle londis that ben niy thee,
5 Mayiko amene ali pafupi ndi mayiko omwe ali kutali adzakunyoza, iwe mzinda wa mbiri yoyipa, wodzaza ndi chiwawa.
and that ben fer fro thee; thou foul citee, noble, greet in perisching, thei schulen haue victorie of thee.
6 “‘Taona momwe aliyense wa atsogoleri a Israeli amagwiritsira mphamvu zake kupha anthu.
Lo! princes of Israel, alle in her arm, weren in thee, to schede out blood.
7 Mu mzindamo anthu amanyoza abambo ndi amayi awo. Iwo amapondereza alendo ndi kuzunza ana amasiye ndi akazi amasiye.
Thei punyschiden with wrongis fadir and modir in thee, thei calengiden falsli a comelyng in the myddis of thee, thei maden sori a fadirles child and a widewe at thee.
8 Wanyoza zinthu zanga zopatulika ndi kuyipitsa Masabata anga.
Ye dispisiden my seyntuaries, and ye defouliden my sabatis.
9 Mwa iwe muli anthu onenera anzawo zabodza kuti aphedwe. Mwa iwe mulinso amene amadyera zansembe pa mapiri a chipembedzo. Enanso amachita zonyansa.
Men bacbiteris weren in thee, to schede out blood, and eten on hillis in thee; thei wrouyten greet trespas in the myddis of thee.
10 Mwa iwe muli ena ogonana ndi akazi a abambo awo, muli enanso amene amavuta akazi pamene ali woyipitsidwa ndi msambo.
Thei vnhiliden the schamefulere thingis of the fadir in thee, thei maden low in thee the vnclenesse of a womman in vnclene blood.
11 Ena amachita chigololo ndi akazi a anzawo, ndipo ena, mopanda manyazi, amayipitsa mkazi wa mwana wawo. Palinso ena amene amayipitsa alongo awo, ana aakazi a abambo awo.
And ech man wrouyte abhomynacioun ayens the wijf of his neiybore, and the fadir of the hosebonde defoulide his sones wijf vnleuefuli; a brother oppresside in thee his sister, the douytir of his fadir.
12 Mwa iwe muli anthu amene amalandira ziphuphu kuti aphe anzawo; ena amachita katapira ndi kupeza phindu loposera muyeso; enanso amapeza phindu mwachinyengo poopseza anzawo. Ndipo mwandiyiwala Ine, akutero Ambuye Yehova.
Thei token yiftis at thee, to schede out blood; thou tokist vsure and ouerabundaunce, and thou calengidist greedili thi neiyboris, and thou hast foryete me, seith the Lord God.
13 “‘Koma Ine ndachita kuwomba mʼmanja kuti phuu nʼkudabwa chifukwa cha phindu lachinyengo limene mwapeza ndiponso chifukwa cha kuphana kumene kumachitika pakati panu.
Lo! Y haue smyte togidere myn hondis on thin aueryce, which thou didist, and on the blood which is sched out in the myddis of thee.
14 Kodi mtima wako udzakhala wolimbabe kapena manja ako adzakhalabe amphamvu ndikadzatsiriza kukulanga iwe? Ine Yehova ndayankhula, ndipo ndidzazichitadi.
Whether thin herte schal susteyne, ether thin hondis schulen haue power in the daies whiche Y schal make to thee? For Y the Lord spak, and Y schal do.
15 Ndidzakubalalitsani pakati pa anthu a mitundu ina ndi kukumwazirani ku mayiko onse. Umu ndi mmene ndidzachotsere zoyipa zako.
And Y schal scatere thee in to naciouns, and Y schal wyndewe thee in to londis; and Y schal make thin vnclennesse to faile fro thee,
16 Udzanyozedwa pamaso pa anthu a mitundu ina. Pambuyo pake udzadziwa kuti Ine ndine Yehova.’”
and Y schal welde thee in the siyt of hethene men; and thou schalt wite, that Y am the Lord.
17 Yehova anandiyankhula nati:
And the word of the Lord was maad to me, and he seide,
18 “Iwe mwana wa munthu, Aisraeli asanduka chinthu cha chabechabe kwa Ine. Onse ali ngati mkuwa, chitini, chitsulo ndi mtovu zotsala mʼngʼanjo atayeretsa siliva.
Thou, sone of man, the hous of Israel is turned to me in to dros, ether filthe of irun; alle these ben bras, and tyn, and irun, and leed, in the myddis of furneis, thei ben maad the dros of siluer.
19 Nʼchifukwa chake Ine Ambuye Yehova ndikuti: ‘Pakuti nonse mwasanduka chinthu cha chabechabe, Ine ndidzakusonkhanitsani mu Yerusalemu.
Therfor the Lord God seith these thingis, For that alle ye ben turned in to dros, lo! Y schal gadere you togidere in the myddis of Jerusalem,
20 Monga momwe anthu amasonkhanitsira siliva, mkuwa, chitsulo, mtovu ndi chitini mʼngʼanjo ndi kusonkhetsa moto kuti azisungunule, motero Inenso ndidzakusonkhanitsani ndili wokwiya ndi waukali, ndipo ndidzakuyikani mʼkati mwa mzinda, ndikukusungunurani.
bi gadering togidere of siluer, and of latoun, and of irun, and of tyn, and of leed, in the myddis of furneis; and Y schal kindle ther ynne a fier, to welle togidere; so Y schal gadere you togidere in my strong veniaunce, and in my wraththe, and Y schal reste. And Y schal welle you togidere,
21 Ndidzakusonkhanitsani mu mzindamo ndi kukoleza moto wa mkwiyo wanga, ndipo inu mudzasungunuka mu mzindamo.
and Y schal gadere you togidere, and Y schal sette you a fier in the fier of my strong veniaunce, and ye schulen be wellid togidere in the myddis therof.
22 Monga siliva amasungunulidwa mʼngʼanjo, kotero inunso mudzasungunuka mʼkati mwa mzinda ndipo Inu mudzadziwa kuti Ine Yehova ndakukwiyirani.’”
As siluer is wellid togidere in the myddis of a furneis, so ye schulen be in the myddis therof; and ye schulen wite, that Y am the Lord, whanne Y haue sched out myn indignacioun on you.
23 Yehova anandiyankhulanso nati,
And the word of the Lord was maad to me,
24 “Iwe mwana wa munthu, uza dziko la Israeli kuti, ‘Iwe ndiwe dziko losayeretsedwa, ndiponso losavumbidwa ndi mvula chifukwa cha mkwiyo wanga.’
and he seide, Sone of man, seie thou to it, Thou art a lond vncleene, and not bireyned in the dai of strong veniaunce.
25 Atsogoleri ake mu mzindamo ali ngati mkango wobangula pogwira nyama. Apha anthu, alanda chuma ndi zinthu za mtengowapatali, ndiponso asandutsa amayi ambiri kukhala amasiye.
Sweringe togidere, ether conspiringe of profetis is in the myddis therof; as a lioun roringe and takinge prei, thei deuouriden men, thei token richessis and prijs; thei multiplieden widewis therof in the myddis therof.
26 Ansembe ake amaphwanya lamulo langa ndi kuyipitsa zinthu zanga zopatulika. Sasiyanitsa pakati pa zinthu zopatulika ndi zinthu wamba. Saphunzitsa anthu kusiyana kwa zinthu zoyenera pa chipembedzo ndi zinthu zosayenera. Sasamalira za kusunga masabata anga. Motero Ine ndimanyozedwa pakati pawo.
Preestis therof dispisiden my lawe, and defouliden my seyntuaries; thei hadden not difference bitwixe hooli thing and vnhooli, thei vndurstoden not bitwixe defoulid thing and cleene thing; and thei turneden awei her iyen fro my sabatis, and Y was defoulid in the myddis of hem.
27 Atsogoleri ake ali ngati mimbulu yokhadzula nyama; amakhetsa magazi ndi kupha anthu kuti apeze phindu loyipa.
The princes therof in the myddis therof weren as wolues rauyschinge prey, to schede out blood, and to leese men, and in suynge lucris gredili.
28 Aneneri ake amabisa zonsezi monga muja amachitira anthu popaka njereza. Amazimphimba ndi zabodza zimene aona mʼmasomphenya awo ndi zonama za mʼmawula awo. Iwo amati, ‘Ambuye Yehova akuti,’ pamene Ine Yehova sindinayankhule.
Forsothe the profetis therof pargetiden hem with out temperure, and seyen veyn thingis, and dyuyneden leesingis to hem, and seiden, The Lord God seith these thingis, whanne the Lord spak not.
29 Anthu a mʼdzikomo amasautsa anzawo ndi kulanda anthu osowa. Amazunza anthu osauka ndi amphawi. Amavutitsa alendo posawachitira zinthu mwachilungamo.
The puples of the lond calengiden fals caleng, and rauyschiden bi violence; thei turmentiden a nedi man and pore, and oppressiden a comeling bi fals caleng, with out doom.
30 “Ndinafunafuna munthu pakati pawo woti amange linga, woti ayimirire dziko pamaso panga kundipepesa kuti ndisaliwononge, koma sindinamupeze.
And Y souyte of hem a man, that schulde sette an hegge bitwixe, and stonde set ayens me for the lond, that Y schulde not distrie it, and Y foond not.
31 Nʼchifukwa chake ndawakwiyira kwambiri. Ndawawonongeratu ndi mkwiyo wanga woyaka ngati moto. Ndawalanga molingana ndi zimene anachita. Akutero Ambuye Yehova.”
And Y schedde out on hem myn indignacioun, and Y wastide hem in the fier of my wraththe; Y yeldide the weie of hem on the heed of hem, seith the Lord God.

< Ezekieli 22 >