< Eksodo 33 >

1 Ndipo Yehova anati, “Chokani pa malo ano, iwe ndi anthu amene unawatulutsa mʼdziko la Igupto. Pitani ku dziko limene ine ndinalonjeza ndi lumbiro kwa Abrahamu, Isake ndi Yakobo kuti, ‘Ine ndidzalipereka kwa zidzukulu zanu.’
And the Lord spak to Moyses, and seide, Go and stie fro this place, thou, and the puple, whom thou leddist out of the lond of Egipt, in to the lond, which Y haue swore to Abraham, and to Ysaac, and to Jacob, `and Y seide, Y schal yyue it to thi seed.
2 Ndipo ndidzatumiza mngelo patsogolo panu kuthamangitsa Akanaani, Aamori, Ahiti, Aperezi, Ahivi ndi Ayebusi.
And Y schal sende thi bifore goere an aungel, that Y caste out Cananey, and Amorei, and Ethei, and Ferezei, and Euey, and Jebusey;
3 Pitani ku dziko loyenda mkaka ndi uchi. Koma ine sindidzapita nanu, chifukwa anthu inu ndinu nkhutukumve ndipo nditha kukuwonongani mʼnjiramo.”
and that thou entre in to the lond flowynge with mylk and hony; for Y schal not stye with thee, for `thou art a puple of hard nol, lest perauenture Y leese thee in the weie.
4 Anthu atamva mawu owopsawa, anayamba kulira ndipo palibe anavala zodzikometsera.
The puple herde this worste word, and morenyde, and noon was clothid with his ournyng bi custom.
5 Pakuti Yehova anali atanena kwa Mose kuti, “Awuze Aisraeli kuti, ‘Inu ndinu nkhutukumve.’ Ngati ine ndipita ndi inu kwa kanthawi, nditha kukuwonongani. Tsopano vulani zodzikometsera zanu ndipo ine ndidzaganiza choti ndichite nanu.”
And the Lord seide to Moises, Spek thou to the sones of Israel, Thou art a puple of hard nol; onys Y schal stie in the myddis of thee, and Y schal do awey thee; riyt now putte awei thin ournyng, that Y wite, what Y schal do to thee.
6 Kotero Aisraeli anavula zodzikometsera zawo pa phiri la Horebu.
Therfor the sones of Israel puttiden awey her ournyng fro the hil of Oreb.
7 Tsono Mose ankatenga tenti ndi kukayimanga kunja kwa msasa chapatalipo, ndipo ankayitcha “tenti ya msonkhano.” Aliyense wofuna kukafunsa kanthu kwa Yehova amapita ku tenti ya msonkhano kunja kwa msasa.
And Moises took the tabernacle, and settide fer with out the castels, and he clepide the name therof the tabernacle of boond of pees. And al the puple that hadde ony questioun, yede out to the tabernacle of boond of pees, with out the castels.
8 Ndipo nthawi ina iliyonse imene Mose amapita ku tenti anthu onse amanyamuka ndi kuyimirira pa makomo amatenti awo, kumuyangʼana Mose mpaka atalowa mu tentimo.
And whanne Moises yede out to the tabernacle, al the puple roos, and ech man stood in the dore of his tente, and thei bihelden `the bak of Moises, til he entride in to the tente.
9 Mose akamalowa mu tenti, chipilala cha mtambo chimatsika ndi kukhala pa khomo pamene Yehova amayankhula ndi Mose.
Sotheli whanne he entride in to the tabernacle of boond of pees, a piler of cloude cam doun, and stood at the dore; and the Lord spak with Moises,
10 Nthawi zonse anthu akaona chipilala cha mtambo chitayima pa khomo la tentiyo amayimirira ndi kupembedza, aliyense ali pa khomo la tenti yake.
while alle men sien that the piler of cloude stood at the `dore of tabernacle; and thei stoden, and worschipiden bi the dores of her tabernaclis.
11 Yehova amayankhula ndi Mose maso ndi maso ngati mmene munthu amayankhulira ndi bwenzi lake. Kenaka Mose amabwerera ku msasa koma womuthandiza wake, Yoswa, mwana wa Nuni samachoka pa tentiyo.
Forsothe the Lord spak to Moises face to face, as a man is wont to speke to his freend; and whanne he turnede ayen in to `the castels, Josue, his mynystre, the sone of Nun, a child, yede not awey fro the tabernacle.
12 Mose anati kwa Yehova, “Inu mwakhala mukundiwuza kuti, ‘Tsogolera anthu awa,’ koma simunandiwuze amene mudzamutuma kuti apite pamodzi nane. Inu mwanena kuti, ‘Ndikukudziwa bwino kwambiri ndipo wapeza chisomo pamaso panga.’
Forsothe Moises seide to the Lord, Thou comaundist, that Y lede out this puple, and thou `schewist not to me, whom thou schalt sende with me, `most sithen thou seidist, Y knewe thee bi name, and thou hast founde grace bifore me.
13 Ngati mwakondwera nane ndiphunzitseni njira zanu kuti ndikudziweni ndi kupitiriza kupeza chisomo pamaso panu. Kumbukirani kuti mtundu uwu ndi anthu anu.”
Therfore if Y haue founde grace in thi siyt, schewe thi face to me, that Y knowe thee, and fynde grace bifor thin iyen; biholde thi puple, and this folk.
14 Yehova anayankha kuti, “Ine ndemwe ndidzapita pamodzi ndi iwe, ndipo ndidzakupatsa mpumulo.”
And God seide, My face schal go bifor thee, and Y schal yyue reste to thee.
15 Kenaka Mose anati kwa Yehova, “Ngati inu simupita nafe, musatitumize kuti tipite, kutichotsa pano.
And Moises seide, If thi silf schalt not go bifore, `lede not vs out of this place;
16 Kodi wina adzadziwa bwanji kuti inu mwandikomera mtima pamodzi ndi anthu awa ngati simupita nafe? Kodi nʼchiyani chomwe chidzatisiyanitse pakati pa anthu onse amene ali pa dziko lapansi?”
for in what thing moun we wite, Y and thi puple, that we han founde grace in thi siyt, if thou schalt not go with vs, that we be glorified of alle puplis that dwellen on erthe?
17 Ndipo Yehova anati kwa Mose, “Ine ndidzachita zimene iwe wandipempha chifukwa Ine ndikukondwera nawe, ndikukudziwa bwino lomwe.”
Forsothe the Lord seide to Moises, Y schal do also this word, which thou hast spoke; for thou hast founde grace bifor me, and Y knewe thi silf bi name.
18 Kenaka Mose anati, “Tsopano ndionetseni ulemerero wanu.”
And Moises seide, Schewe thou thi glorie to me.
19 Ndipo Yehova anati, “Ine ndidzakuonetsa ulemerero wanga wonse ndipo ndidzatchula dzina langa lakuti Yehova pamaso pako. Ine ndidzachitira chifundo amene ndikufuna kumuchitira chifundo ndipo ndidzakomera mtima amene ndikufuna kumukomera mtima.”
God answeride, Y schal schewe al good to thee, and Y schal clepe in the `name of the Lord bifor thee, and Y schal do merci to whom Y wole, and Y schal be merciful on whom it plesith to me.
20 Iye anati, “Koma iwe sungaone nkhope yanga, pakuti palibe munthu amene amaona Ine nakhala ndi moyo.”
And eft God seide, Thou maist not se my face, for a man schal not se me, and schal lyue.
21 Ndipo Yehova anati, “Pali malo pafupi ndi ine pomwe ungathe kuyima pa thanthwe.
And eft God seide, A place is anentis me, and thou schalt stonde on a stoon;
22 Pamene ulemerero wanga udutsa, ndidzakuyika mʼphanga la thanthwe ndi kukuphimba ndi dzanja langa mpaka nditadutsa.
and whanne my glorie schal passe, Y schal sette thee in the hoole of the stoon, and Y schal kyuere with my riyt hond, til Y passe; and Y schal take awey myn hond,
23 Kenaka ine ndidzachotsa dzanja langa ndipo iwe udzaona msana wanga, koma nkhope yanga sidzaoneka.”
and thou schalt se myn hyndrere partis, forsothe thou mayst not se my face.

< Eksodo 33 >