< Mlaliki 2 >

1 Ine ndinaganiza mu mtima mwanga, “Tsopano ndiyese zosangalatsa kuti ndipeze zomwe ndi zabwino.” Koma izi zinaonekanso kuti ndi zopandapake.
Therfor Y seide in myn hertez, Y schal go, and Y schal flowe in delicis, and Y schal vse goodis; and Y siy also that this was vanyte.
2 “Kuseka,” ndinati, “imeneyo ndi misala. Ndipo kodi chisangalalo chimabweretsa phindu lanji?”
And leiyyng Y arrettide errour, and Y seide to ioye, What art thou disseyued in veyn?
3 Ndinayesa kudzisangalatsa ndi vinyo, koma umenewu unali uchitsiru, pamenepo nʼkuti maganizo anga akutsogozedwa ndi nzeru. Ine ndinkati mwina kapena njira yotero nʼkukhala yopambana, imene anthu amatsata pofuna kusangalala pa masiku owerengeka a moyo wawo.
I thouyte in myn herte to withdrawe my fleisch fro wyn, that Y schulde lede ouer my soule to wisdom, and that Y schulde eschewe foli, til Y schulde se, what were profitable to the sones of men; in which dede the noumbre of daies of her lijf vndur the sunne is nedeful.
4 Ndinagwira ntchito zikuluzikulu: Ndinadzimangira nyumba ndi kuwoka mipesa.
Y magnefiede my werkis, Y bildide housis to me, and Y plauntide vynes; Y made yerdis and orcherdis,
5 Ndinalima madimba ndi minda yamitengo; ndipo ndinadzalamo mitengo ya zipatso za mitundu yonse.
and Y settide tho with the trees of al kynde;
6 Ndinakumba mayiwe osungiramo madzi woti ndizithirira minda ya mitengo yodzalidwa ija.
and Y made cisternes of watris, for to watre the wode of trees growynge.
7 Ndinagula akapolo aamuna ndi akapolo aakazi, ndiponso ndinali ndi akapolo ena omwe anabadwira mʼnyumba mwanga. Ndinalinso ndi ngʼombe ndi nkhosa zambiri kupambana aliyense mu Yerusalemu amene analipo ndisanabadwe.
I hadde in possessioun seruauntis and handmaidis; and Y hadde myche meynee, and droues of grete beestis, and grete flockis of scheep, ouer alle men that weren bifore me in Jerusalem.
8 Ndinadzikundikira siliva ndi golide, ndiponso chuma chochokera kwa mafumu ndi madera awo. Ndinali ndi amuna ndi akazi oyimba ndiponso azikazi; zinthu zokondweretsa mtima wa munthu.
Y gaderide togidere to me siluer and gold, and the castels of kingis and of prouyncis; Y made to me syngeris and syngeressis, and delicis of the sones of men, and cuppis and vessels in seruyce, to helde out wynes;
9 Ndinali munthu wotchuka kupambana wina aliyense mu Yerusalemu amene analipo ndisanabadwe. Mu zonsezi nzeru zanga zinali nane.
and Y passide in richessis alle men, that weren bifor me in Jerusalem. Also wisdom dwellide stabli with me,
10 Sindinadzimane chilichonse chimene maso anga anachifuna; mtima wanga sindinawumane zokondweretsa. Mtima wanga unakondwera ndi ntchito yanga yonse, ndipo iyi ndiyo inali mphotho ya ntchito zanga zonse zolemetsa.
and alle thingis whiche myn iyen desiriden, Y denyede not to hem; nether Y refreynede myn herte, that ne it vside al lust, and delitide it silf in these thingis whiche I hadde maad redi; and Y demyde this my part, if Y vside my trauel.
11 Koma pamene ndinayamba kuyangʼanayangʼana zonse zimene ndinachita ndi manja anga, ndi zimene ndinazivutikira kuti ndizipeze, zonsezi zinali zopandapake; kungodzivuta chabe, palibe chomwe ndinapindula pansi pano.
And whanne Y hadde turned me to alle werkis whiche myn hondys hadden maad, and to the trauels in whiche Y hadde swet in veyn, Y siy in alle thingis vanyte and turment of the soule, and that no thing vndir sunne dwellith stabli.
12 Kenaka maganizo anga anayamba kulingalira zakuti nzeru nʼchiyani, komanso kuti misala ndi uchitsiru nʼchiyani. Kodi munthu wodzalowa ufumu tsopanoyo angachite chiyani choposa chimene chinachitidwa kale?
I passide to biholde wisdom, errours, and foli; Y seide, What is a man, that he may sue the king, his maker?
13 Ndinaona kuti nzeru ndi yopambana uchitsiru, monga momwe kuwala kumapambanira mdima.
And Y siy, that wisdom yede so mych bifor foli, as miche as liyt is dyuerse fro derknessis.
14 Munthu wanzeru amayenda maso ali patsogolo, pamene chitsiru chimayenda mʼchimbulimbuli; koma ndinazindikira kuti chomwe chimawachitikira onsewo ndi chimodzi.
The iyen of a wijs man ben in his heed, a fool goith in derknessis; and Y lernede, that o perisching was of euer either.
15 Pamenepo ndinalingalira mu mtima mwanga, “Zochitikira chitsiru zidzandichitikiranso ine. Nanga tsono phindu langa nʼchiyani pakukhala wanzeru?” Ndinati mu mtima mwanga, “Ichinso ndi chopandapake.”
And Y seide in myn herte, If o deth schal be bothe of the fool and of me, what profitith it to me, that Y yaf more bisynesse to wisdom? And Y spak with my soule, and perseyuede, that this also was vanyte.
16 Pakuti munthu wanzeru, pamodzinso ndi chitsiru sadzakumbukiridwa nthawi yayitali; mʼmasiku amʼtsogolo awiriwo adzayiwalika. Mmene chimafera chitsiru ndi mmenenso amafera wanzeru!
For mynde of a wijs man schal not be, in lijk maner as nether of a fool with outen ende, and tymes to comynge schulen hile alle thingis togidere with foryetyng; a lerned man dieth in lijk maner and an vnlerned man.
17 Kotero ndinadana nawo moyo chifukwa ntchito zimene zimagwiridwa pansi pano ndi zosautsa kwa ine. Ntchito zonsezo ndi zopandapake, nʼkungodzivuta chabe.
And therfor it anoiede me of my lijf, seynge that alle thingis vndur sunne ben yuele, and that alle thingis ben vanyte and turment of the spirit.
18 Ine ndinadana nazo ntchito zonse zimene ndinazigwira pansi pano, chifukwa ndinayenera kudzazisiyira wina amene adzalowa mʼmalo mwanga.
Eft Y curside al my bisynesse, bi which Y trauelide moost studiousli vndur sunne, and Y schal haue an eir after me,
19 Ndipo ndani amadziwa kuti munthu ameneyo adzakhala wanzeru kapena chitsiru? Komabe munthuyo adzakhala wolamulira zonse zimene ndinazichita pansi pano mwa nzeru zanga. Izinso ndi zopandapake.
whom Y knowe not, whether he schal be wijs ether a fool; and he schal be lord in my trauels, for whiche Y swatte greetli, and was bisi; and is ony thing so veyn?
20 Motero ndinayamba kutaya mtima chifukwa cha ntchito zonse zimene ndinazivutikira pansi pano.
Wherfor Y ceesside, and myn herte forsook for to trauele ferthere vnder sunne.
21 Pakuti munthu atha kugwira ntchito yake mwanzeru, chidziwitso ndi luntha, ndipo kenaka nʼkusiyira wina amene sanakhetserepo thukuta. Izinso ndi zopandapake ndiponso tsoka lalikulu.
For whi whanne another man trauelith in wisdom, and techyng, and bisynesse, he leeueth thingis getun to an idel man; and therfor this is vanyte, and greet yuel.
22 Kodi munthu amapindulanji pa ntchito zonse zolemetsa ndi zodetsa nkhawa zimene amazichita pansi pano?
For whi what schal it profite to a man of al his trauel, and turment of spirit, bi which he was turmentid vndur sunne?
23 Masiku ake onse amakhala achisoni, ntchito yake imakhala yovuta; ngakhale usiku womwe, mtima wake supumula. Izinso ndi zopandapake.
Alle hise daies ben ful of sorewis and meschefs, and bi nyyt he restith not in soule; and whether this is not vanyte?
24 Kwa munthu palibe chabwino china kuposa kudya, kumwa ndi kukondwerera ntchito zake. Izinso ndaona kuti ndi zochokera kwa Mulungu,
Whether it is not betere to ete and drynke, and to schewe to hise soule goodis of hise trauels? and this thing is of the hond of God.
25 pakuti popanda Iye, ndani angadye ndi kupeza chisangalalo?
Who schal deuoure so, and schal flowe in delicis, as Y dide?
26 Munthu amene amakondweretsa Mulungu, Mulunguyo amamusandutsa wanzeru, wozindikira ndi wachisangalalo, koma wochimwa, Mulungu amamupatsa ntchito yosonkhanitsa ndi kusunga chuma kuti adzachipereke kwa amene Mulunguyo amakondwera naye. Izinso ndi zopandapake, nʼkungodzivuta chabe.
God yaf wisdom, and kunnyng, and gladnesse to a good man in his siyt; but he yaf turment, and superflu bisynesse to a synnere, that he encreesse, and gadere togidere, and yyue to hym that plesith God; but also this is vanyte, and veyn bisynesse of soule.

< Mlaliki 2 >