< Danieli 6 >

1 Kunamukomera Dariyo kusankha akalonga 120 kuti alamulire mu ufumu wonse,
It pleside Darius, and he ordeynede sixe score duykis ouer the rewme, that thei schulden be in al his rewme.
2 ndikusankha nduna zazikulu zitatu kuti ziwayangʼanire ndipo imodzi mwa ndunazo anali Danieli. Akalongawo amayangʼaniridwa ndi nduna zazikuluzo kuti zinthu za mfumu zisawonongeke.
And ouer hem he ordeynede thre princes, of whiche Danyel was oon; that the duykis schulden yelde resoun to hem, and that the kyng schulde not suffre ony disese.
3 Tsono Danieli anadzionetsa kuti akhoza kugwira ntchito bwino kopambana nduna zinzake chifukwa anali wanzeru kwambiri. Ndiye mfumu inaganiza zomuyika kuti akhale woyangʼanira ufumu wonse.
Therfor Danyel ouercam alle the princes and duikis, for more spirit of God was in hym.
4 Chifukwa cha ichi, anzake ndi akalonga anayesa kupeza zifukwa zomutsutsira Danieli pa kayendetsedwe ka ntchito za dzikolo, koma sanapeze cholakwa chilichonse. Iwo sanapeze chinyengo mwa iye, chifukwa anali wokhulupirika ndipo sankachita chinyengo kapena kutayirira ntchito.
Certis the kyng thouyte to ordeyne hym on al the rewme. Wherfor princes and duikis souyten to fynde occasioun to Danyel, of the side of the kyng; and thei miyten fynde no cause and suspicioun, for he was feithful, and no blame and suspicioun was foundun in hym.
5 Pomaliza, anthu awa ananena kuti, “Sitidzapeza cholakwa chilichonse chomutsutsira Danieli kupatula chokhacho chimene chikhudza chipembedzo cha Mulungu wake.”
Therfor tho men seiden, We schulen not fynde ony occasioun to this Danyel, no but in hap in the lawe of his God.
6 Choncho akalonga ndi nduna pamodzi anapita kwa mfumu ndipo anati: “Inu mfumu Dariyo, mukhale ndi moyo wautali!
Thanne the princes and duykis maden fals suggestioun to the kyng, and spaken thus to hym, Kyng Darius, lyue thou with onten ende.
7 Nduna zoyendetsa ufumu wanu, aphungu, akalonga ndi abwanamkubwa tonse tagwirizana kuti inu mfumu mukhazikitse lamulo ndi kulisindikiza kuti aliyense amene apemphera kwa mulungu wina kapena kwa munthu kupatula kwa inu mfumu, pa masiku makumi atatu otsatirawa, adzaponyedwa mʼdzenje la mikango.
Alle the princes of thi rewme, and magistratis, and duykis, senatours, and iugis, han maad a counsel, that a decree and comaundement of the emperour go out, that ech man that axith ony axyng of what euer god and man, til to thretti daies, no but of thee, thou kyng, he be sent in to the lake of liouns.
8 Tsopano inu mfumu khazikitsani lamulo limeneli ndipo musindikizepo dzina lanu kuti lisasinthike monga mwa malamulo a Amedi ndi Aperezi, amene sasinthidwa.”
Now therfor, kyng, conferme thou the sentence, and write thou the decree, that this that is ordeyned of Medeis and Perseis be not chaungid, nethir be it leueful to ony man to breke.
9 Choncho mfumu Dariyo anasindikizapo dzina lake pa lamuloli.
Forsothe Darius, the kyng, settide forth, and confermyde the decree.
10 Danieli atamva kuti lamulo lasindikizidwa, anapita ku nyumba kwake nalowa mʼchipinda chapamwamba chimene mazenera ake anali otsekula kuloza ku Yerusalemu. Katatu pa tsiku iye ankagwada pansi pa mawondo ndipo amapemphera, kuyamika Mulungu wake, monga momwe ankachitira kale.
And whanne Danyel hadde founde this thing, that is, the lawe ordeyned, he entride in to his hous; and the while the wyndows weren open in his soler ayens Jerusalem, in thre tymes in the dai he bowide hise knees, and worschipide, and knoulechide bifore his God, as he was wont to do bifore.
11 Ndipo anthu awa anapita pamodzi ndi kukapeza Danieli akupemphera ndi kupempha Mulungu wake kuti amuthandize.
Therfor tho men enqueriden ful bisili, and founden Danyel preiynge, and bisechynge his God.
12 Kotero iwo anapita kwa mfumu ndipo anayankhula naye za lamulo lake kuti, “Kodi simunasindikize lamulo lakuti pa masiku makumi atatu otsatirawa aliyense amene apemphera kwa mulungu wina aliyense kapena kwa munthu kupatula kwa inu mfumu, adzaponyedwa mʼdzenje la mikango?” Mfumu inayankha kuti, “Lamulo lilipobe monga mwa malamulo a Amedi ndi Aperezi, amene sangathe kusinthika.”
And thei neiyiden and spaken to the kyng of the comaundement, Kyng, whether thou ordeynedist not, that ech man that axide ony of goddis and of men, til to thretti daies, no but thee, thou kyng, he schulde be sent in to the lake of liouns? To whiche men the kyng answeride, and seide, The word is soth, bi the decree of Medeis and Perseis, which it is not leueful to breke.
13 Kenaka iwo anati kwa mfumu, “Danieli, amene ndi mmodzi mwa akapolo ochokera ku Yuda, sakulabadira inu mfumu, kapena lamulo limene munasindikizapo dzina lanu lija. Iye akupempherabe katatu pa tsiku.”
Thanne thei answeriden, and seiden bifore the kyng, Danyel, of the sones of caitifte of Juda, reckide not of thi lawe, and of the comaundement, which thou ordeynedist, but thre tymes bi the dai he preieth in his bisechyng.
14 Mfumu itamva izi, inavutika kwambiri mu mtima mwake. Iyo inayesa kupeza njira yopulumutsira Danieli. Iyo inachita chotheka chilichonse kufikira kulowa kwa dzuwa kuti imupulumutse.
And whanne the kyng hadde herd this word, he was sori ynow, and he settide the herte for Danyel, for to do delyuere hym; and til to the goyng doun of the sunne he trauelide for to do delyuere hym.
15 Ndipo anthuwo anapita pamodzi kwa mfumu ndipo anati kwa iye, “Kumbukirani, inu mfumu kuti monga mwa lamulo la Amedi ndi Aperezi, palibe chimene mfumu inalamulira kapena kukhazikitsa chimasinthidwa.”
But tho men vndurstoden the kyng, and seiden to hym, Wite thou, kyng, that it is the lawe of Medeis and of Perseis, that it is not leueful that ony decree be chaungid,
16 Choncho mfumu inalamula, ndipo anabwera naye Danieli ndi kukamuponya mʼdzenje la mikango. Mfumu inati kwa Danieli, “Mulungu wako amene umutumikira nthawi zonse, akupulumutse!”
which the kyng ordeyneth. Thanne the kyng comaundide, and thei brouyten Danyel, and senten hym in to the lake of liouns. And the kyng seide to Danyel, Thi God, whom thou worschipist euere, he schal delyuere thee.
17 Anatenga mwala natseka pa khoma pa dzenje la mikango, ndipo mfumu inadindapo chizindikiro chake ndi cha nduna zake kuti wina asasinthepo kanthu pa za Danieli.
And o stoon was brouyt, and was put on the mouth of the lake, which the kyng aselide with his ryng, and with the ryng of hise beste men, lest ony thing were don ayens Danyel.
18 Kenaka mfumu inabwerera ku nyumba yake ndipo inakhala usiku wonse osadya kanthu, osalola chosangalatsa chilichonse. Ndipo sinagone tulo.
Thanne the kyng yede in to his hous, and slepte with out soper, and metis weren not brouyte bifore hym; ferthermore and sleep yede awei fro hym.
19 Mʼbandakucha, mfumu inanyamuka ndi kufulumira kupita ku dzenje la mikango lija.
Thanne the kyng roos in the firste morewtid, and yede hastili to the lake of liouns;
20 Itayandikira pa dzenjelo, inayitana Danieli moonetsa nkhawa, “Danieli, mtumiki wa Mulungu wa moyo! Kodi Mulungu wako, amene umutumikira nthawi zonse, wakulanditsa ku mikango?”
and he neiyide to the lake, and criede on Danyel with wepynge vois, and spak to hym, Danyel, the seruaunt of God lyuynge, gessist thou, whether thi God, whom thou seruest euere, miyte delyuere thee fro liouns?
21 Danieli anayankha kuti, “Inu mfumu mukhale ndi moyo wautali!
And Danyel answeride the kyng, and seide, King, lyue thou with outen ende.
22 Mulungu wanga anatumiza mngelo wake, ndipo anatseka pakamwa pa mikango. Iyo sinandivulaze chifukwa Mulungu anaona kuti ndine wosalakwa ndi kutinso sindinakulakwireni inu mfumu.”
My God sente his aungel, and closide togidere the mouthis of liouns, and tho noieden not me, for riytfulnesse is foundun in me bifore hym; but also, thou kyng, Y dide no trespas bifore thee.
23 Mfumu inali ndi chimwemwe chopambana ndipo inalamulira kuti amutulutse Danieli mʼdzenjemo. Ndipo atamutulutsa Danieli mʼdzenjemo, sanapezeke ndi chilonda chilichonse pa thupi lake, chifukwa iye anadalira Mulungu wake.
Thanne the kyng made ioie greetli on hym, and comaundide Danyel to be led out of the lake. And Danyel was led out of the lake, and noon hirtyng was foundun in hym, for he bileuede to his God.
24 Mwa lamulo la mfumu, anthu onse amene ananeneza Danieli aja anagwidwa ndi kukaponyedwa mʼdzenje la mikango, pamodzi ndi akazi awo ndi ana awo. Ndipo asanafike pansi pa dzenjelo, mikango inawawakha ndi mphamvu ndi kuteketa mafupa awo onse.
Forsothe the kyng comaundide, tho men, that accusiden Danyel, weren brouyt, and weren sent in to the lake of liouns, thei, and the sones of hem, and the wyues of hem; and thei camen not `til to the pawment of the lake, til the liouns rauyschiden hem, and al to-braken alle the boonys of hem.
25 Kenaka mfumu Dariyo inalembera anthu a mitundu yonse, ndi anthu a ziyankhulo zosiyanasiyana a mʼdziko lonse kuti, “Mtendere uchuluke pakati panu!
Thanne Darius, the kyng, wroot to alle puplis, lynagis, and langagis, dwellynge in al erthe, Pees be multiplied to you.
26 “Ndikukhazikitsa lamulo kuti paliponse mʼdziko langa anthu ayenera kuopa ndi kuchitira ulemu Mulungu wa Danieli.
Therfor a decree is ordeyned of me, that in al myn empire and rewme men tremble, and drede the God of Danyel; for he is God lyuynge, and euerlastynge in to worldis, and his rewme schal not be distried, and his power is `til in to with outen ende.
27 Iye amalanditsa ndipo amapulumutsa,
He is delyuerer and sauyour, makynge myraclis and merueils in heuene and in erthe, which delyuerede Danyel fro the lake of liouns.
28 Choncho Danieli anapeza ufulu pa nthawi ya ulamuliro wa Dariyo ndi ulamuliro wa Koresi wa ku Perisiya.
Certis Danyel dwellide stabli `til to the rewme of Darius, and `til to the rewme of Sirus of Persey.

< Danieli 6 >