< 2 Samueli 6 >

1 Davide anasonkhanitsanso pamodzi ankhondo 3,000 osankhidwa pakati pa Aisraeli.
Forsothe Dauid gaderide eft alle the chosun men of Israel, thritti thousynde.
2 Iye pamodzi ndi ankhondo ake onse anapita ku Baalahi ku Yuda kukatenga Bokosi la Chipangano la Mulungu, limene limadziwika ndi Dzina lake, dzina la Yehova Wamphamvuzonse, amene amakhala pakati pa Akerubi amene ali pa Bokosi la Chipanganolo.
And Dauid roos, and yede, and al the puple that was with hym of the men of Juda, to brynge the arke of God, on which the name of the Lord of oostis, sittynge in cherubyn on that arke, was clepid.
3 Iwo anayika Bokosi la Mulungu pa ngolo yatsopano nachoka nalo ku nyumba ya Abinadabu, imene inali pa phiri. Uza ndi Ahiyo ana a Abinadabu ndiwo ankayendetsa ngolo yatsopanoyo,
And thei puttiden the arke of God on a newe wayn, and thei token it fro the hows of Amynadab, that was in Gabaa. Forsothe Oza and Haio, the sons of Amynadab, dryueden the newe wayn.
4 imene inanyamula Bokosi la Mulungu, ndipo Ahiyo mwana wa Abinadabu ankayenda patsogolo pake.
And whanne thei hadden take it fro the hows of Amynadab, that was in Gabaa, and kepte the arke of God, Haio yede bifor the arke.
5 Davide pamodzi ndi Aisraeli onse ankakondwerera ndi mphamvu zawo zonse pamaso pa Yehova poyimba nyimbo pogwiritsa ntchito azeze, apangwe, matambolini, maseche ndi malipenga.
Forsothe Dauid and al Israel pleieden byfor the Lord, in alle `trees maad craftili, and harpis, and sitols, and tympans, and trumpis, and cymbalis.
6 Atafika pa malo opunthira tirigu a Nakoni, Uza anatambalitsa dzanja lake kuti agwire Bokosi la Mulungu, chifukwa ngʼombe zinkafuna kugwa.
Forsothe after that thei camen to the corn floor of Nachor, Oza helde forth the hond to the arke of God, and helde it, for the oxun kikiden, and bowiden it.
7 Yehova anapsera mtima Uza chifukwa chochita chinthu chosayenera kuchitika. Choncho Mulungu anamukantha ndipo anafera pomwepo pambali pa Bokosi la Mulungulo.
And the Lord was wrooth bi indignacioun ayens Oza, and smoot hym on `the foli; and he was deed there bisidis the arke of God.
8 Ndipo Davide anakhumudwa chifukwa Yehova anakantha Uza ndipo mpaka lero malowo amatchedwa Perezi Uza.
Forsothe Dauid was sori, for the Lord hadde smyte Oza; and the name of that place was clepid the Smytyng of Oza `til in to this dai.
9 Tsiku limenelo Davide anachita mantha ndi Yehova ndipo anati, “Kodi Bokosi la Yehova lingafike bwanji kwathu?”
And Dauid dredde the Lord in that dai, and seide, Hou schal the arke of the Lord entre to me?
10 Iye sanafunenso kubwera ndi Bokosi la Yehova kawo ku mzinda wake wa Davide. Mʼmalo mwake anapita nalo ku nyumba ya Obedi-Edomu Mgiti.
And he nolde turne the arke of the Lord to hym silf in to the citee of Dauid, but he turnede it in to the hows of Obethedom of Geth.
11 Bokosi la Yehova linakhala mʼnyumba ya Obedi-Edomu Mgiti kwa miyezi itatu, ndipo Yehova anamudalitsa kwambiri iyeyo ndi banja lake lonse.
And the arke of the Lord dwellide in the hows of Obethedom of Geth thre monethis; and the Lord blessid Obethedom, and al his hows.
12 Tsono Mfumu Davide anawuzidwa kuti, “Yehova wadalitsa nyumba ya Obedi-Edomu ndi zonse zimene ali nazo, chifukwa cha Bokosi la Mulungu.” Choncho Davide anapita kukatenga Bokosi la Mulungu ku nyumba ya Obedi-Edomu ndi kupita nalo ku mzinda wa Davide akukondwera kwambiri.
And it was teld to kyng Dauid, that the Lord hadde blessid Obethedom, and alle `thingis of hym, for the arke of God. And Dauid seide, Y schal go, and brynge the arke with blessyng in to myn hows. Therfor Dauid yede, and brouyte the arke of God fro the hows of Obethedom in to the citee of Dauid with ioye; and ther weren with Dauid seuen cumpanyes, and the slain sacrifice of a calff.
13 Anthu amene ananyamula Bokosi la Yehova ankati akayenda mapazi asanu ndi limodzi, iye ankapereka nsembe ngʼombe yayimuna ndi mwana wangʼombe wonenepa.
And whanne thei, that baren the arke of the Lord, hadden stied six paaces, thei offriden an oxe and a ram. And Dauid smoot in organs boundun to the arm;
14 Davide ankavina ndi mphamvu zake zonse pamaso pa Yehova atavala efodi ya nsalu yofewa yosalala,
and daunside with alle strengthis bifor the Lord; sotheli Dauid was clothid with a lynnun surplis.
15 pamene iyeyo pamodzi ndi Aisraeli onse ankabwera ndi Bokosi la Yehova, akufuwula ndi kuyimba malipenga.
And Dauid, and al the hows of Israel, ledden forth the arke of testament of the Lord in hertli song, and in sown of trumpe.
16 Bokosi la Yehova likulowa mu Mzinda wa Davide, Mikala mwana wamkazi wa Sauli ankaona ali pa zenera. Ndipo ataona Mfumu Davide ikulumpha ndi kuvina pamaso pa Yehova, ankamunyogodola mu mtima mwake.
And whanne the arke of the Lord hadde entride in to the citee of Dauid, Mychol, the douytir of Saul, bihelde bi a wyndow, and sche siy the kyng skippynge and daunsynge bifor the Lord; and sche dispiside hym in hir herte.
17 Iwo anabwera nalo Bokosi la Yehova ndipo analiyika pamalo pake mʼkati mwa tenti imene Davide anayimika ndipo Davideyo anapereka nsembe zopsereza ndi nsembe zachiyanjano pamaso pa Yehova.
And thei brouyten in the arke of the Lord, and settiden it in his place, in the myddis of tabernacle, which tabernacle Dauid hadde maad `redy therto; and Dauid offride brent sacrifices and pesible bifor the Lord.
18 Atatsiriza kupereka nsembe zopsereza ndi nsembe zachiyanjano, iye anadalitsa anthu mʼdzina la Yehova Wamphamvuzonse.
And whanne Dauid hadde endid tho, and hadde offrid brent sacrifices and pesible, he blesside the puple in the name of the Lord of oostis.
19 Kenaka iye anagawira Aisraeli onsewo, aamuna ndi aakazi, aliyense buledi mmodzi, nthuli yanyama, ndiponso keke yamphesa zowuma. Ndipo anthu onse anachokapo, napita aliyense ku nyumba kwake.
And he yaf to al the multitude of Israel, as wel to man as to womman, to ech `o thinne loof, and o part rostid of bugle fleisch, and flour of wheete fried with oile; and al the puple yede, ech man in to his hows.
20 Davide atabwerera ku nyumba kwake kukadalitsa banja lake, Mikala mwana wamkazi wa Sauli anatuluka kudzakumana naye ndipo anati, “Kodi mfumu ya Israeli ingatero kudzilemekeza kwake lero, kudzithyolathyola pamaso pa akapolo aakazi, antchito ake ngati munthu wamba.”
And Dauid turnede ayen to blesse his hows, and Mychol, the douytir of Saul, yede out in to the comyng of Dauid, and seide, Hou glorious was the kyng of Israel to day vnhilynge hym silf bifor the handmaidis of hise seruauntis, and he was maad nakid, as if oon of the harlotis be maad nakid?
21 Davide anamuyankha Mikala kuti, “Ndachita zimenezi molemekeza Yehova, amene anandisankha ine kupambana abambo ako, kapenanso kupambana banja la abambo ako. Ndipo anandisankha kuti ndikhale wolamulira Aisraeli, anthu a Yehova. Nʼchifukwa chake ndidzasangalalabe pamaso pa Yehova.
And Dauid seide to Mychol, The Lord lyueth, for Y schal pley bifor the Lord, that chees me rathere than thi fadir, and than al the hows of hym, and comaundide to me, that Y schulde be duyk on the puple `of the Lord of Israel;
22 Ineyo ndidzadzinyoza kuposa apa, ndipo ndidzakhala wonyozeka mʼmaso mwako. Koma pakati pa akapolo aakazi awa amene umanena za iwo, ndidzalemekezedwa.”
and Y schal pleie, and Y schal be maad `vilere more than Y am maad, and Y schal be meke in myn iyen, and Y schal appere gloriousere with the handmaydys, of whiche thou spakist.
23 Ndipo Mikala mwana wa Sauli sanakhalenso ndi mwana mpaka anamwalira.
Therfor a sone was not borun to Mychol, the douytir of Saul, til in to the dai of hir deeth.

< 2 Samueli 6 >