< 2 Mafumu 1 >

1 Atamwalira Ahabu, Mowabu anawukira Israeli.
Forsothe Moab trespasside ayens Israel, after that Achab was deed.
2 Ndipo Ahaziya anagwa kuchokera pa khonde la chipinda chake chammwamba ku Samariya, ndipo anavulala kwambiri. Choncho iye anatuma amithenga nawawuza kuti, “Pitani mukafunse kwa Baala-zebubu, mulungu wa ku Ekroni, ngati ndichire matendawa.”
And Ocozie felde thorou the aleris of his soler, which he hadde in Samarie, and was sijk; and he sente messangeris, and seide to hem, Go ye, and councele Belzebub, god of Acharon, whether Y may lyue after this sijknesse of me.
3 Koma mngelo wa Yehova anawuza Eliya wa ku Tisibe kuti, “Nyamuka, pita ukakumane ndi amithenga a mfumu ya ku Samariya ndipo ukawafunse kuti, ‘Kodi popeza kulibe Mulungu ku Israeli, nʼchifukwa chake inu mukupita kukafunsa nzeru kwa Baala-zebubu, mulungu wa ku Ekroni?’
Forsothe the aungel of the Lord spak to Elye of Thesbi, and seide, Rise thou, and go doun into the metynge of the messangeris of the kyng of Samarie; and thou schalt seie to hem, Whether God is not in Israel, that ye go to counsel Belzebub, god of Acharon?
4 Tsono Yehova akuti, ‘Iweyo sudzadzuka pa bedi wagonapo. Udzafa ndithu!’” Ndipo Eliya ananyamuka.
For which thing the Lord seith these thingis, Thou schalt not go doun of the bed, on which thou stiedist.
5 Amithenga aja atabwerera kwa mfumu, mfumuyo inawafunsa kuti, “Chifukwa chiyani mwabwerera?”
And Elie yede. And the messangeris turneden ayen to Ocozie. And he seide to hem, Whi turneden ye ayen?
6 Iwo anayankha kuti, “Munthu wina anabwera kudzakumana nafe, ndipo anatiwuza kuti, bwererani kwa mfumu imene inakutumani ndipo mukayiwuze kuti, ‘Yehova akuti, kodi popeza kulibe Mulungu ku Israeli, nʼchifukwa chake mukupita kukafunsa nzeru kwa Baala-zebubu, mulungu wa ku Ekroni? Tsono sudzadzuka pa bedi wagonapo. Udzafa ndithu!’”
And thei answeriden to hym, A man mette vs, and seide to vs, Go ye, turne ye ayen to the kyng, that sente you; and ye schulen seie to him, The Lord seith these thingis, Whether for God was not in Israel, thou sendist, that Belzebub, god of Acharon, be counselid? Therfor thou schalt not go doun of the bed, on which thou stiedist, but thou schalt die bi deeth.
7 Mfumu inafunsa amithengawo kuti, “Kodi munthu amene anabwera kudzakumana nanuyo ndi kukuwuzani zimenezi amaoneka bwanji?”
Which Ocozie seide to hem, Of what figure and abite is that man, that mette you, and spak to you these wordis?
8 Iwo anayankha kuti, “Munthuyo anavala zovala zaubweya ndi lamba wachikopa mʼchiwuno mwake.” Mfumu inati, “Munthu ameneyo ndi Eliya wa ku Tisibe.”
And thei seiden, An heeri man, and gird with a girdil of skyn in the reynes. Which seide to hem, It is Elie of Thesbi.
9 Pamenepo mfumu inatuma mtsogoleri wa ankhondo ndi anthu ake makumi asanu kwa Eliya. Mtsogoleriyo anapita kwa Eliya, amene anali atakhala pamwamba pa phiri, ndipo anati, “Munthu wa Mulungu, mfumu ikuti, ‘Tsikani!’”
And he sente to Elie a prince of fifti, and fifti men that weren vndur hym. Which prince stiede to hym, and seide to hym, sittynge in the cop of the hil, Man of God, the kyng comaundith, that thou come doun.
10 Eliya anayankha mtsogoleriyo kuti, “Ngati ndine munthu wa Mulungu, moto utsike kuchokera kumwamba, ukupsereze iwe pamodzi ndi anthu makumi asanu akowo!” Pomwepo moto unatsikadi kuchokera kumwamba ndipo unapsereza mtsogoleriyo pamodzi ndi anthu akewo.
And Elie answeride, and seide to the prince of fifti men, If Y am the man of God, fier come doun fro heuene, and deuoure thee and thi fifti men. Therfor fier cam doun fro heuene, and deuouride hym, and the fifti men that weren with hym.
11 Zitachitika izi, mfumu inatumanso mtsogoleri wina pamodzi ndi asilikali ake makumi asanu. Mtsogoleriyo anati kwa Eliya, “Munthu wa Mulungu, zimene mfumu ikunena ndi izi, ‘Tsikani msangamsanga!’”
Eft he sente to Elie another prince of fifti, and fifti men with hym, which spak to Helye, Man of God, the kyng seith these thingis, Haste thou, come thou doun.
12 Eliya anayankha kuti, “Ngati ndine munthu wa Mulungu, moto utsike kuchokera kumwamba, ukupsereze iwe pamodzi ndi anthu ako makumi asanuwo!” Pomwepo moto unatsikadi kuchokera kumwamba ndipo unapsereza mtsogoleriyo pamodzi ndi anthu akewo.
Elie answeride, and seide, If Y am the man of God, fier come doun fro heuene, and deuoure thee and thi fifti men. Therfor the fier of God cam doun fro heuene, and deuouride hym and hise fifti men.
13 Ndipo mfumu inatumanso mtsogoleri wachitatu pamodzi ndi asilikali ake makumi asanu. Mtsogoleri wachitatuyu anakwera pa phiripo ndi kugwada pamaso pa Eliya. Iye anayankhula mopemba kuti, “Munthu wa Mulungu, chonde musandiwononge ineyo pamodzi ndi atumiki makumi asanu anuwa!
Eft he sente the thridde prince of fifti men, and fifti men that weren with hym. And whanne this prynce hadde come, he bowide the knees ayens Elie, and preiede hym, and seide, Man of God, nyle thou dispise my lijf, and the lyues of thi seruauntis that ben with me.
14 Taonani, moto unatsika kuchokera kumwamba ndi kupsereza atsogoleri awiri pamodzi ndi anthu awo onse. Koma tsopano musawononge moyo wanga!”
Lo! fier cam doun fro heuene, and deuouride tweyne, the firste princis of fifti men, and the fifti men that weren with hem; but now, Y biseche, that thou haue mercy on my lijf.
15 Mngelo wa Yehova anati kwa Eliya, “Pita naye, usamuope.” Choncho Eliya ananyamuka natsika naye limodzi kupita kwa mfumu.
Forsothe the aungel of the Lord spak to Helie of Thesbi, and seide, Go thou doun with hym; drede thou not. Therfor Elie roos, and cam doun with hym to the kyng;
16 Eliya anawuza mfumu kuti, “Yehova akuti, ‘Chifukwa chiyani munatumiza amithenga kwa Baala-zebubu, mulungu wa ku Ekroni, kukafunsa ngati muti muchire? Kodi mu Israeli mulibe Mulungu woti nʼkukuyankhani funso lanu? Choncho, popeza mwachita izi, simudzadzuka pamene mwagonapo; mudzafa ndithu.’”
and he spak to the kyng, The Lord seith thes thingis, For thou sentist messangeris to counsele Belzebub, god of Acharon, as if no God were in Israel, of whom thow myytist axe a word; therfor thou schalt not go doun of the bed, on which thou stiedist, but thou schalt die bi deeth.
17 Motero Ahaziya anafadi, monga mwa mawu a Yehova amene Eliya anayankhula. Tsono popeza Ahaziya analibe mwana, Yoramu analowa ufumu mʼmalo mwake mʼchaka chachiwiri cha Yehoramu mwana wa Yehosafati mfumu ya ku Yuda.
Therfor he was deed bi the word of the Lord, which word Elie spak; and Joram, hys brothir, regnyde for hym, in the secounde yeer of Joram, the sone of Josephat, kyng of Juda; for Ocozie hadde no sone.
18 Ntchito zina zonse zimene Ahaziya anachita, kodi sizinalembedwe mʼbuku la mbiri ya mafumu a ku Israeli?
Sotheli the residue of wordis of Ocozie, whiche he wrouyte, whether these ben not writun in the book of wordis of daies of the kyngis of Israel?

< 2 Mafumu 1 >