< 2 Mbiri 16 >

1 Mʼchaka cha 36 cha ufumu wa Asa, Baasa mfumu ya Israeli inapita kukathira nkhondo dziko la Yuda. Anamangira mpanda mzinda wa Rama kuletsa aliyense kutuluka kapena kulowa mʼdziko la Asa mfumu ya Yuda.
Forsothe in the sixe and thrittithe yeer of his rewme Baasa, the kyng of Israel, stiede in to Juda, and cumpasside Rama with a wal, that no man of the rewme of Asa myyte go out ether entre sikirli.
2 Ndipo Asa anatenga siliva ndi golide ku malo osungirako a mʼNyumba ya Mulungu ndi ku nyumba yake yaufumu ndi kuzitumiza kwa Beni-Hadadi mfumu ya Aramu imene inkakhala mu Damasiko.
Sotheli Asa brouyte forth gold and siluer fro the tresours of the hows of the Lord, and fro the kyngis tresouris; and sente to Benadab, kyng of Sirie, that dwellide in Damask,
3 Iye anati, “Pakhale pangano pakati pa inu ndi ine, monga zinalili pakati pa abambo anu ndi abambo anga. Taonani, ine ndikutumiza kwa inu siliva ndi golide. Tsopano thetsani mgwirizano wanu ndi Baasa mfumu ya Israeli kuti achoke kwa ine.”
and seide, Boond of pees is bitwixe me and thee, and my fadir and thi fadir hadden acordyng; wherfor Y sente to thee siluer and gold, that whanne thou hast broke the boond of pees, which thou hast with Baasa, king of Israel, thou make hym to go awei fro me.
4 Beni-Hadadi anagwirizana ndi mfumu Asa ndipo anatumiza olamulira nkhondo ake kukathira nkhondo mizinda ya Israeli. Iwo anagonjetsa Iyoni, Dani, Abeli-Maimu ndi mizinda yonse yosungira chuma ya Nafutali.
And whanne this was foundun, Benadab sente princes of hise oostis to the citees of Israel, whiche smytiden Ahion, and Dan, and Abelmaym, and alle the wallid citees of Neptalym.
5 Baasa atamva izi, anasiya kumanga Rama ndipo anayimitsa ntchito yakeyo.
And whanne Baasa hadde herd this, he ceesside to bilde Rama, and left his werk.
6 Ndipo mfumu Asa anabwera ndi Ayuda onse, ndipo anachotsa miyala ndi matabwa ku Rama amene Baasa amagwiritsa ntchito. Ndi zimenezi Asa ankamangira Geba ndi Mizipa.
Forsothe kyng Asa took al Juda, and thei token fro Rama the stonys and trees, whiche Baasa hadde maad redi to bildyng; and he bildide of tho Gabaa, and Maspha.
7 Nthawi imeneyi mlosi Hanani anabwera kwa Asa mfumu ya Yuda ndipo anati kwa iye, “Chifukwa chakuti munadalira mfumu ya Aramu osati Yehova Mulungu wanu, gulu la ankhondo la mfumu ya ku Aramu lapulumuka mʼmanja mwanu.
In that tyme Anany, the profete, cam to Asa, kyng of Juda, and seide to hym, For thou haddist trist in the kyng of Sirie, and not in `thi Lord God, herfor the oost of `the kyng of Sirie aschapide fro thin hond.
8 Kodi Akusi ndi Alibiya sanali gulu lankhondo lamphamvu lokhala ndi magaleta ochuluka ndi okwera magaleta ake? Koma pamene inu munadalira Yehova, Iye anawapereka mʼdzanja lanu.
Whether `Ethiopiens and Libiens weren not many mo in charis, and knyytis, and ful greet multitude; whiche whanne thou haddist bileuyd to the Lord, he bitook in to thin hondis?
9 Pakuti Yehova amayangʼana uku ndi uku pa dziko lonse lapansi kuti alimbikitse iwo amene mitima yawo ayipereka kwathunthu kwa Iye. Inu mwachita chinthu chopusa ndipo kuyambira lero mudzakhala pa nkhondo.”
For the iyen of the Lord biholden al the erthe, and yyuen strengthe to hem, that with perfit herte bileuen in to hym. Therfor thou hast do folili, and for this, yhe, in present tyme batels schulen rise ayens thee.
10 Asa anamupsera mtima mlosi uja chifukwa cha izi mwakuti anakwiya kwambiri namuyika mʼndende. Pa nthawi yomweyonso Asa anazunza mwankhanza anthu ena.
And Asa was wrooth ayens the prophete, and comaundide hym to be sent in to stockis. Forsothe the Lord hadde indignacioun greetli on this thing, and killide ful many of the puple in that tyme.
11 Ntchito zina za mfumu Asa, kuyambira pachiyambi mpaka kumapeto zalembedwa mʼbuku la mafumu a Yuda ndi Israeli.
Sotheli the firste and the laste werkis of Asa ben writun in the book of kyngis of Juda and of Israel.
12 Mʼchaka cha 39 cha ufumu wake, Asa anayamba kudwala nthenda ya mapazi. Ngakhale nthendayo inali yaululu kwambiri, komabe iye sanafunefune Yehova, koma anafuna thandizo kwa asingʼanga.
Forsothe Asa was sijk ful gretli in the akynge of feet, in the nyne and thrittithe yeer of his rewme; and nether in his sikenesse he souyte the Lord, but tristide more in the craft of lechis.
13 Ndipo mʼchaka cha 41 cha ufumu wake, Asa anamwalira ndipo anayikidwa mʼmanda pamodzi ndi makolo ake.
And Asa slepte with hise fadris, and he was deed in the oon and fourtithe yeer of his rewme.
14 Iye anayikidwa mʼmanda amene anadzisemera yekha mu Mzinda wa Davide. Anagoneka mtembo wake pa chithatha chimene anayikapo zonunkhira zamitundumitundu, ndipo anasonkha chimoto chachikulu pomuchitira ulemu.
And thei birieden him in his sepulcre, which he hadde maad to hym silf in the cytee of Dauid; and thei puttiden hym on his bed ful of swete smellynge spices and oynementis of hooris, that weren `maad togidere bi the craft of oynement makeris, and thei brenten on hym with ful greet cost.

< 2 Mbiri 16 >