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1 Magulu a alonda a pa zipata: Kuchokera ku banja la Kora: Meselemiya mwana wa Kore, mmodzi mwa ana a Asafu.
Forsothe these weren the departingis of porteris; of the sones of Chore, Mellesemye was the sone of Chore, of the sones of Asaph.
2 Meselemiya anali ndi ana awa: woyamba Zekariya, wachiwiri Yediaeli, wachitatu Zebadiya, wachinayi Yatinieli,
The sones of Mellesemie weren Zacharie the firste gendrid, Jedihel the secounde, Zabadie the thridde, Yathanyel the fourthe,
3 wachisanu Elamu, wachisanu ndi chimodzi Yehohanani, ndipo wachisanu ndi chiwiri Elihunai.
Aylam the fifthe, Johannan the sixte, Helioenay the seuenthe.
4 Obedi-Edomu analinso ndi ana awa: woyamba Semaya, wachiwiri Yehozabadi, wachitatu Yowa, wachinayi Sakara, wachisanu Netaneli,
Forsothe the sones of Ebededom weren these; Semey the firste gendrid, Jozabab the secounde, Joaha the thridde, Seccar the fourthe, Nathanael the fyuethe,
5 wachisanu ndi chimodzi Amieli, wachisanu ndi chiwiri Isakara ndipo wachisanu ndi chitatu Peuletayi. (Pakuti Mulungu anadalitsa Obedi-Edomu).
Amyhel the sixte, Isachar the seuenthe, Pollathi the eiythe, for the Lord blesside hym.
6 Mwana wake Semaya analinso ndi ana amene anali atsogoleri mʼbanja la abambo awo chifukwa anali anthu amphamvu.
Forsothe to Semeye, his sone, weren borun sones, souereyns of her meynees; for thei weren ful stronge men.
7 Ana a Semaya anali: Otini, Refaeli, Obedi ndi Elizabadi; abale ake, Elihu ndi Semakiya, analinso anthu amphamvu.
Therfor the sones of Semeye weren Othyn, and Raphael, and Obediel, and Zadab; and hise britheren, ful stronge men; also Helyu, and Samathie.
8 Onsewa anali adzukulu a Obedi-Edomu. Iwo ndi ana awo ndiponso abale awo anali anthu aluso ndi amphamvu pogwira ntchito. Zidzukulu zonse za Obedi-Edomu zinalipo 62.
Alle these weren of the sones of Obededom; thei and her sones and britheren, ful stronge men for to serue, two and sixti of Obededom.
9 Meselemiya anali ndi ana ndi abale ake amene anali aluso ndipo onse analipo 18.
Sotheli of Mellesemeye, the sones and britheren, ful stronge, `weren eiytene.
10 Hosa Mmerari anali ndi ana awa: woyamba anali Simiri (ngakhale kuti iye sanali woyamba kubadwa, abambo ake anamusankha kuti akhale mtsogoleri),
Forsothe of Oza, that is, of the sones of Merarie, Sechri was prince; for he hadde no firste gendrid, and therfor his fadir settide hym in to prince;
11 wachiwiri Hilikiya, wachitatu Tebaliya ndipo wachinayi Zekariya. Ana ndi abale onse a Hosa analipo 13.
and Elchias the secounde, Thebelias the thridde, Zacarie the fourthe; alle these threttene weren the sones and britheren of Osa.
12 Magulu amenewa a alonda a pa zipata, motsogozedwa ndi atsogoleri awo, anali ndi ntchito yotumikira mʼNyumba ya Yehova, monga momwe amachitira abale awo.
These weren departid in to porteris, that euere the princes of kepyngis, as also her britheren, schulden mynystre in the hows of the Lord.
13 Iwo anachita maere mwa mabanja awo aangʼono ndi aakulu omwe kuti apeze mlonda pa chipata chilichonse.
Therfor lottis weren sent euenly, bothe to the litle and to the grete, bi her meyneeis, in to ech of the yatis.
14 Maere a chipata chakummwa anagwera Selemiya. Maere anachitikanso chifukwa cha mwana wake Zekariya, phungu wanzeru ndipo maere a chipata chakumpoto anagwera iye.
Therfor the lot of the eest bifelde to Semelie; forsothe the north coost bifelde bi lot to Zacarie, his sone, a ful prudent man and lernd;
15 Maere a chipata chakummwera anagwera Obedi-Edomu, ndipo maere a nyumba yosungiramo katundu anagwera ana ake.
sotheli to Obededom and hise sones at the southe, in which part of the hows the counsel of the eldre men was;
16 Maere a chipata chakumadzulo ndi chipata cha Saleketi ku msewu wa ku mtunda anagwera Supimu ndi Hosa. Mlonda ankayangʼanana ndi mlonda mnzake:
Sephyma and Thosa weren at the west, bisidis the yate that ledith to the weie of stiyng, kepyng ayens kepyng.
17 Mbali ya kummawa kunkakhala Alevi 6 pa tsiku, kumpoto anayi pa tsiku, kummwera anayi pa tsiku ndipo awiri ankakhala pa nyumba yosungiramo katundu.
Sotheli at the eest weren sixe dekenes, and at the north weren foure bi dai; and at the south also weren foure at the myddai; and, where the counsel was, weren tweyne and tweyne.
18 Ndipo ku bwalo cha kumadzulo, anayi amakhala mu msewu ndi awiri pabwalo penipeni.
And in the sellis, ethir `litle housis, of porteris at the west, weren foure in the weie, and tweyne bi the sellis.
19 Awa anali magulu a alonda a pa zipata amene anali zidzukulu za Kora ndi Merari.
These weren the departyngis of porteris, of the sones of Chore and of Merary.
20 Abale awo Alevi, motsogozedwa ndi Ahiya, anali oyangʼanira chuma cha nyumba ya Mulungu ndi zinthu zoperekedwa kwa Mulungu.
Forsothe Achias was ouer the tresours of the hows of the Lord, and ouer the vessels of hooli thingis.
21 Adzukulu a Ladani, mmodzi mwa ana a Geresoni, amene anali atsogoleri a mabanja a Ageresoni, anali awa: Yehieli,
The sones of Leedan, the sone of Gerson; of Leedan weren the princis of meynees of Leedan, and of Gerson, and of Jehiel.
22 ana a Yehieli, Zetamu ndi mʼbale wake Yoweli. Iwo amayangʼanira chuma cha ku Nyumba ya Mulungu wa Yehova.
The sones of Jehiel weren, Zethan, and Johel, his brother, ouer the tresours of the hows of the Lord,
23 Kuchokera ku banja la Amramu, banja la Aizihara, banja la Ahebroni ndi banja la Auzieli:
Amramytis, and Isaaritis, and Ebronytis, and Ezielitis.
24 Subaeli, chidzukulu cha Geresomu, mwana wa Mose, anali mkulu woyangʼanira chuma.
Forsothe Subahel, the sone of Gerson, sone of Moises, was souereyn of the tresour;
25 Abale ake obadwa mwa Eliezara, anali Rekabiya mwana wake, Yesaya mwana wake, Yoramu mwana wake, Zikiri mwana wake ndi Selomiti mwana wake.
and his brother, Eliezer; whos sone was Raabia; and his sone was Asaye; his sone was Joram; and his sone was Zechry; but and his sone was Selemith.
26 Selomiti ndi abale ake amayangʼanira zinthu zonse zoperekedwa kwa Mulungu ndi mfumu Davide, atsogoleri a mabanja amene anali olamulira ankhondo 1,000, olamulira ankhondo 100, ndi olamulira ankhondo ena.
Thilke Selemith, and his britheren, weren ouer the tresours of hooli thingis, whiche `Dauid the kyng halewide, and the princes of meynees, and the tribunes, and the centuriouns, and the duykis of the oost,
27 Zina zofunkha ku nkhondo anazipereka kuti zikhale zokonzera Nyumba ya Yehova.
of the batels, and of the spuylis of batels, whiche thei halewiden to the reparacioun and purtenaunce of the temple of the Lord.
28 Ndipo zonse zimene zinaperekedwa ndi Mlosi Samueli, Sauli mwana wa Kisi, Abineri mwana wa Neri ndiponso Yowabu mwana wa Zeruya ndi zinthu zonse zimene zinkaperekedwa zimasungidwa ndi Selomiti ndi abale ake.
Forsothe Samuel, the prophete, halewide alle these thingis, and Saul, the sone of Cys, and Abner, the sone of Ner, and Joab, the sone of Saruye; and alle halewiden tho thingis bi the hond of Salemyth, and of his britheren.
29 Kuchokera ku banja la Izihari: Kenaniya ndi ana ake anapatsidwa ntchito kutali ndi Nyumba ya Mulungu ngati akuluakulu ndi oweruza Israeli.
Sotheli Chonenye was souereyn and hise sones to Isaaritis, to the werkis with outforth on Israel, to teche and to deme hem.
30 Kuchokera ku banja la Ahebroni: Hasabiya ndi abale ake, anthu anzeru 1,700. Iwo ankayangʼanira ntchito zonse za Yehova ndi ntchito yonse ya mfumu cha kumadzulo kwa Yorodani.
Sotheli of Ebronytis, Asabie, and Sabie, and hise britheren, ful stronge men, a thousynde and seuene hundrid, weren souereyns on Israel biyende Jordan ayens the weste, in alle the werkis of the Lord, and in to the seruyce of the kyng.
31 Pa banja la Ahebroni, Yeriya anali mtsogoleri monga mwa mbiri ya mibado ya mabanja awo. Mʼchaka cha 40 cha ufumu wa Davide, panachitika kafukufuku ndipo ena mwa anthu aluso a banja la Hebroni anapezeka kuti anali ku Yazeri ku Giliyadi.
Forsothe Herie was prynce of Ebronytis, bi her meynees and kynredis. In the fourtithe yeer of the rewme of Dauid there weren noumbred and foundun ful stronge men in Jazer Galaad;
32 Yeriya anali ndi abale 2,700 amene anali aluso ndiponso atsogoleri a mabanja. Mfumu Davide anawayika iwowa kuti aziyangʼanira fuko la Rubeni, fuko la Gadi ndi theka la fuko la Manase pa zinthu zonse za Mulungu ndi za mfumu.
and hise britheren, of strongere age, twei thousynde and seuene hundrid, princes of meynees. Sotheli `Dauid the kyng made hem souereyns of Rubenytis and Gaditis, and of the half lynage of Manasses, `in to al the seruyce of God and of the kyng.

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