< Y Salmo Sija 71 >

1 YYAJAGO, O Jeova, nae jupolo y inangococo: ya chajo mamámajlao para taejinecog.
Lord, Y hopide in thee, be Y not schent with outen ende;
2 Nalibreyo, nii tininasmo ya rescatayo: naapo y talangamo guiya guajo ya unsatbayo.
in thi riytwisnesse delyuere thou me, and rauysche me out. Bowe doun thin eere to me; and make me saaf.
3 Jago y acho y saga para guajo, anae mafatoyo todo y tiempo: jago mannae tinago na jumasatbayo: sa jago y finitmeco yan y castiyujo.
Be thou to me in to God a defendere; and in to a strengthid place, that thou make me saaf. For thou art my stidefastnesse; and my refuit.
4 Rescatayo, O Yuusso, juyong gui canae y manaelaye yan y canae y ti manunas yan y manrecto na taotao.
My God, delyuere thou me fro the hoond of the synner; and fro the hoond of a man doynge ayens the lawe, and of the wickid man.
5 Sa jago y ninanggaco, O Jeova Yuus: jago y inangococo desde y pinatgonjo.
For thou, Lord, art my pacience; Lord, thou art myn hope fro my yongthe.
6 Sa jago mumantieneyo desde y jalom tuyan, jago chumuleyo juyong guinin y tiyan nana: ya y tininajo todo y tiempo guiya jago.
In thee Y am confermyd fro the wombe; thou art my defendere fro the wombe of my modir.
7 Guajo taegüije y ninamanman gui linajyan; lao jago y megot na guinegüeco.
My syngyng is euere in thee; Y am maad as a greet wonder to many men; and thou art a strong helpere.
8 Y pachotto ubula nii tininamo, an y inenramo todot dia.
My mouth be fillid with heriyng; that Y synge thi glorie, al dai thi greetnesse.
9 Chamoyo yumuyute gui tiempo y inamcojo: yaguin minetgotto esta jocog chamoyo dumidingo.
Caste thou not awei me in the tyme of eldnesse; whanne my vertu failith, forsake thou not me.
10 Sa y enimigujo manadingan contra guajo; yan ayo sija y numanangga y antijo, manafaesen entre sija.
For myn enemyes seiden of me; and thei that kepten my lijf maden counsel togidere.
11 Ylegñija: Diningogüe as Yuus: petsigue ya enchilegüe; sa taya para ulinibregüe.
Seiynge, God hath forsake hym; pursue ye, and take hym; for noon is that schal delyuere.
12 O Yuus, chamo chachago guiya guajo; Yuusso, nachadig yan para unayudayo.
God, be thou not maad afer fro me; my God, biholde thou in to myn help.
13 Polo sija ya ufanmamajlao yan ufanlinachae, ayo y contrarion y antijo; polo sija ya ufantinampe nii minamajlao yan y sinala, y umaliligao y dañujo.
Men that bacbiten my soule, be schent, and faile thei; and be thei hilid with schenschip and schame, that seken yuels to me.
14 Lao guajo juananangga todo y tiempo, yan junalala megae y tininajo guiya jago.
But Y schal hope euere; and Y schal adde euere ouer al thi preising.
15 Y pachotto usinangan y tininasmo, yan y satbasionmo todot dia: sa ti jutungo y minegaeña.
Mi mouth schal telle thi riytfulnesse; al dai thin helthe. For Y knewe not lettrure, Y schal entre in to the poweres of the Lord;
16 Bae jufalag y minetgot gui as Yuus, Jeova; ya jusangan y tininasmo, magajet, iyomoja namaesa.
Lord, Y schal bithenke on thi riytfulnesse aloone.
17 O Yuus, jago jagasja fumanagüe yo desde y pinatgonjo; yan asta pago jusangan claro nii ninamanman y chechomo.
God, thou hast tauyt me fro my yongthe, and `til to now; Y schal telle out thi merueilis.
18 Pago locue anae estayo bijo ya chungeyo, O Yuus chamoyo dumidingo: asta que jusangan claro nii minetgotmo y manmámamaela na generasion, yan y ninasiñamo cada uno ni ayo y ufanmato.
And til in to `the eldnesse and the laste age; God, forsake thou not me. Til Y telle thin arm; to eche generacioun, that schal come. Til Y telle thi myyt,
19 Yan y tinasmo locue, O Yuus, sumentaquilo; jagasja unfatinas y mandangculo na güinaja sija: O Yuus, jaye uparejumo?
and thi riytfulnesse, God, til in to the hiyeste grete dedis which thou hast do; God, who is lijk thee?
20 Sa jago y fumanuejam mandangculo na pinite yan chinatsaga, siempre unnalâlâjam talo, yan unchulejam talo julo guinin y tinadong y tano.
Hou grete tribulaciouns many and yuele hast thou schewid to me; and thou conuertid hast quykenyd me, and hast eft brouyt me ayen fro the depthis of erthe.
21 Aumenta y dinangculoco; yan birajao ya unamamagofyo.
Thou hast multiplied thi greet doyng; and thou conuertid hast coumfortid me.
22 Ya guajo locue bae jualaba jao yan y guitala: magajet, y minagajetmo, O Yuusso: yyajago nae jucantaye yan y atpa, O jagoja na Santos guiya Israel.
For whi and Y schal knowleche to thee, thou God, thi treuthe in the instrumentis of salm; Y schal synge in an harpe to thee, that art the hooli of Israel.
23 Y labiosso sendangculo minagofña anae jucantayejao tinina; yan y antijo ni jago munalilibre.
Mi lippis schulen make fulli ioye, whanne Y schal synge to thee; and my soule, which thou ayen bouytist.
24 Y jilajo locue jasasangan y tininasmo todot dia: sa innafanmamajlao yan innafaninestotba ayo y umaliligao y dañujo.
But and my tunge schal thenke al dai on thi riytfulnesse; whanne thei schulen be schent and aschamed, that seken yuelis to me.

< Y Salmo Sija 71 >