< San Marcos 12 >

1 YA sigue di jacuentuse sija acomparasion sija. Un taotao mananom gui fangualuan ubas, ya jacolat nu trongcon tituca, ya manguadog un joyo para un lagat ya jafatinas un tore, ya jaatquila y manfafachocho, ya mapos güe malag otro tano.
And Jesus began to speak to them in parables: “A man once planted a vineyard, put a fence round it, dug a wine-press, built a tower, and then let it out to tenants and went abroad.
2 Ya anae esta tiempo, jatago uno gui tentagoña para ayo y manmachochocho, para ujaresibe guinen manmachochocho y tinegcha y fangualuan ubas.
At the proper time he sent a servant to the tenants, to receive from them a share of the produce of the vintage;
3 Ya macone y tentago, ya masaulag, ya manajanao taesinajguan.
but they seized him, and beat him, and sent him away empty-handed.
4 Ya jatago talo y otro tentagoña; ya mapoca y iluña, ya manataelaye güe gosdangculo.
A second time the owner sent a servant to them; this man, too, the tenants struck on the head, and insulted.
5 Ya jatalo tumago y otro, ya mapuno; yan otro megae ya palo manmasaulag yan palo manmapuno.
He sent another, but him they killed; and so with many others — some they beat and some they killed.
6 Ya guaja unoja lajiña na sumenyaña; ya güiya uttimo jatago, ilegña: Ufangaerespeto ni y lajijo.
He had still one son, who was very dear to him; and him he sent to them last of all. ‘They will respect my son,’ he said.
7 Ya ayo sija y manmachochocho, ilegñija gui sumanjalomñija. Estagüe y eredero; nije tapuno, ya y fangualuan uiyota.
But those tenants said to one another ‘Here is the heir! Come, let us kill him, and his inheritance will be ours.’
8 Ya macone güe, ya mapuno, ya mayute juyong gui fangualuan.
So they seized him, and killed him, and threw his body outside the vineyard.
9 Jafa pago ufatinas y magas y fangualuan? Ufato, ya uyulang todo y manmachochocho, ya ufannae otro ni y fangualuan.
What will the owner of the vineyard do? He will come and put the tenants to death, and he will let the vineyard to others.
10 Taya nae intaetae este na tinigue: Y acho, ni y jarechasa y manmanmatitinas ni y guima, esteja mapolo cuentan ulo gui esquina.
‘Have you never read this passage of Scripture? — ‘The very stone which the builders despised has now itself become the corner-stone;
11 Este finatinas y Señot, ya janafanmanman gui menan atadogta.
this corner-stone has come from the Lord, and is marvellous in our eyes.’”
12 Ya maaliligao para umagote lao manmaañao ni y linajyan taotao; sa matungo na jasasangan y acomparasion contra sija: ya madingo, ya manmapos gui jinanaoñija.
After this his enemies were eager to arrest him, but they were afraid of the crowd; for they saw that it was at them that he had aimed the parable. So they let him alone, and went away.
13 Ya manmatago guato guiya güiya palo gui Fariseo sija yan taotao Herodes; para umaquegacha gui sinanganña.
Afterwards they sent to Jesus some of the Pharisees and of the Herodians, to set a trap for him in the course of conversation.
14 Ya anae manmato, ilegñija nu güiya: Maestro, intingo na jago magajetjao; ya taya unadadaje ni un taotao; sa ti guaelaye nu jago y finaboresen taotao, lao mamananagüejao ni y magajet na chalan Yuus. Tunas na infanmanaejam tributo as Sesat, pat aje?
These men came to him and said: “Teacher, we know that you are an honest man, and are not afraid of any one, for you pay no regard to a person’s position, but teach the Way of God honestly; are we right in paying taxes to the Emperor, or not?
15 Innae, pat mungajam numae? Lao si Jesus jatungoja y quinadoñija, ya ilegña nu sija: Jafa muna na intietientayo? maela un denarion salape ya julie.
Should we pay, or should we not pay?” Knowing their hypocrisy, Jesus said to them: “Why are you testing me? Bring me a florin to look at.”
16 Ya anae machulie guato, ilegña nu sija: Iyon jaye este na imagen yan tinigue? Ylegñija nu güiya: Iyon Sesat.
And, when they had brought it, he asked: “Whose head and title are these?” “The Emperor’s,” they said;
17 Ayonae si Jesus ilegña nu sija: Nae si Sesat ni y iyon Sesat, ya si Yuus ni y iyon Yuus. Ya ninafangosmanman nu güiya.
and Jesus replied: “Pay to the Emperor what belongs to the Emperor, and to God what belongs to God.” And they wondered at him.
18 Ya manmato guiya güiya y Saduseo sija ni y ilegñija, na taya quinajulo y mannatae; ya mafaesen güe, ilegñija:
Next came some Sadducees — the men who maintain that there is no resurrection. Their question was this —
19 Maestro, jatuguiejam si Moises: Yanguin y chelun un taotao matae, ya y palaoan ni y asaguaña sumaga ya taya patgonña, ayo y laje ni y chelun y matae, uasagua talo y palaoan, ya ufamasemiya gui cheluña.
“Teacher, in our Scriptures Moses decreed that, should a man’s brother die, leaving a widow but no child, the man should take the widow as his wife, and raise up a family for his brother.
20 Ya guaja seite lalaje na mañelu: y finenana umasagua, ya matae ti mapolo semiya:
There were once seven brothers; of whom the eldest took a wife, but died and left no family;
21 Inasagua talo y palaoan ni y mina dos, ya matae talo taya pineloña semiya: ya y mina tres taegüijeja talo.
and the second took her, and died without family; and so did the third.
22 Ya y siete, ti mapolo semiyañijo; despues di todos, matae y palaoan locue.
All the seven died and left no family. The woman herself died last of all.
23 Y quinajulo y manmatae, jaye guiya sija ugae asagua y palaoan? sa todo y siete manmasagua.
At the resurrection whose wife will she be, all seven brothers having had her as their wife?”
24 Si Jesus ilegña nu sija: Ada ti manlache jamyo, sa ti intingo y tinigue, ni y ninasiñan Yuus?
“Is not the reason of your mistake,” answered Jesus, “your ignorance of the Scriptures and of the power of God?
25 Sa y mangajulo guinen manmatae, ni ufanasagua, ni umanafanasagua; lao manparejoja yan y angjet sija gui langet.
When men rise from the dead, there is no marrying or being married; but they are as angels in Heaven.
26 Ya y manmatae ni y ufannacajulo; ti untaetae gui leblon Moises, jaftaemano si Yuus gui jalomtano guiya trongcon jayo ni y ilegña as Moises: Guajo si Yuus Abraham, yan si Yuus Ysaac, yan si Yuus Jacob?
“As to the dead, and the fact that they rise, have you never read in the Book of Moses, in the passage about the Bush, how God spoke to him thus — ‘I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’?
27 Ti güiya si Yuus y manmatae, na si Yuus y manlâlâlâ; enaomina ninafangoslache jamyo.
He is not God of dead men, but of living. You are greatly mistaken.”
28 Ya uno gui escriba mato, ya jajungog na manafaesen entresija, ya jatungo na mauleg inepeña nu sija, finaesen güe: Jafa y finenana qui todo na tinago?
Then came up one of the Teachers of the Law who had heard their discussions. Knowing that Jesus had answered them wisely, he asked him this question: “What is the first of all the commandments?”
29 Si Jesus manope: Este y finenana na tinago: Jingog O Israel: Y Señot Yuusta, unoja na Señot:
“The first,” answered Jesus, “is — ‘Hear, O Israel; the Lord our God is the one Lord;
30 Ya guaeya jamyo y Señot, Yuusmiyo, contodo y corasonmiyo, yan contodo y antenmiyo, yan contodo y jinasonmiyo, yan contodo y minetgotmiyo.
and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength.’
31 Ya este y segundo: Guaeya y tiguangmo parejo yan jago. Taya otro tinago mas, mandangculo qui estesija.
The second is this — ‘Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thou dost love thyself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”
32 Ya y escriba ilegña nu güiya. Magajet Maestro, mauleg na unsangan na güiya unoja; ya taya otro na güiyaja.
“Wisely answered, Teacher!” exclaimed the Teacher of the Law. “It is true, as you say, that ‘there is one God,’ and that ‘there is no other besides him’;
33 Ya ugumaeya güe contodo y corason, yan contodo y tiningo, yan contodo y minetgot, yan ugumaeya y tiguangña parejo yan güiya, mas qui todo y inefrese, yan y ninae sija.
and to ‘love him with all one’s heart, and with all one’s understanding, and with all one’s strength,’ and to ‘love one’s neighbour as one loves oneself’ is far beyond all ‘burnt-offerings and sacrifices.’”
34 Ya anae jalie si Jesus ni y minejnalom inepeña, ilegña nu güiya: Ti chagojao gui raenon Yuus. Ya taya ni un taotao fumaesen güe talo desde ayo.
Seeing that he had answered with discernment, Jesus said to him: “You are not far from the Kingdom of God.” After that no one ventured to question him further.
35 Ya maninepe as Jesus gui anae mamananagüe gui templo, ilegña: Jafa na ilegñija y escriba sija, na si Cristo Lajin David?
While Jesus was teaching in the Temple Courts, he asked: “How is it that the Teachers of the Law say that the Christ is to be David’s son?
36 Sa si David mismo ilegña gui Espiritu Santo: Y Señot ilegña ni y Señotto: Fatachong gui agapa na canaejo, asta qui jupolo y enemigumo sija gui papa y fañajangan adengmo.
David said himself, speaking under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit — ‘The Lord said to my lord: “Sit at my right hand, until I put thy enemies beneath thy feet.’”
37 David jafanaan güe Señot; ya jaftaemano na y lajiña? Ya manmagof y dangculon linajyan taotao sija anae majungog.
David himself calls him ‘lord,’ how comes it, then, that he is to be his son?” The mass of the people listened to Jesus with delight.
38 Ya ilegña gui finanagüeña: Adaje jamyo ni y escriba sija, sa yanñija manjanao yan y anaco magagoñija, yan yanñija manmasaluda gui metcado,
In the course of his teaching, Jesus said: “See that you are on your guard against the Teachers of the Law, who delight to walk about in long robes, and to be greeted in the streets with respect,
39 Yan y manmagas na tachong gui sinagoga, yan y ya jululo na tachong gui guipot;
and to have the best seats in the Synagogues, and places of honour at dinner.
40 Ni y jatucho y guima y biuda sija, ya janafananaco tinaetaeñija ni y dinague: este sija ujaresibe dangculo na sentensia.
They are the men that rob widows of their homes, and make a pretence of saying long prayers. Their sentence will be all the heavier.”
41 Ya anae matachong si Jesus gui menan y cajon ni y para y ninae; megae na taotao manmato, ya manmanyute jalom salape gui cajon; ya y megae na manrico sija, megae yiniteñija jalom.
Then Jesus sat down opposite the chests for the Temple offerings, and watched how the people put money into them. Many rich people were putting in large sums;
42 Ya mato un pobble na buida; ya manyute jalom dos cobble na bale buente un centavos.
but one poor widow came and put in two farthings, which make a half-penny.
43 Ya si Jesus jaagang y disipuluña, ya ilegña nu sija: Magajet jusangane jamyo: Este y pebble na biuda, mas megae yiniteña jalom qui ni todo ayo sija y guinen manmanyute jalom gui cajon.
On this, calling his disciples to him, Jesus said: “I tell you that this poor widow has put in more than all the others who were putting money into the chests;
44 Sa todo y manmanyute jalom, pot y minegaeñijaja; lao güiya pot y minalagoñaja na jayute jalom todo y güinajaña; asta y sustentoña todo.
for every one else put in something from what he had to spare, while she, in her need, put in all she had — everything that she had to live on.”

< San Marcos 12 >