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1 Á cána que sares han penchabado chibar de pacuaró a narracion es buchías que andré amángue han sinado quereladas.
since much to attempt to compile narrative about the/this/who to fulfill in/on/among me thing
2 Sásta junos as penáron á amángue sos desde o principio as diqueláron sa’ desquerias aquías, y sináron ministres e varda.
as/just as to deliver me the/this/who away from beginning eyewitness and servant to be the/this/who word
3 Pre o matéjo ha parecido lachó á mángue, despues de orotar mistós sasta se las quereláron desde o principio, libanartelas de pacuaró, ó baro Theophilo.
to think I/we and to follow from above/again all exactly in order you to write excellent Theophilus
4 Somia que pincharéles a chachipen de ocolas buchías andré que has sinado instruido.
in order that/to to come to know about which to instruct word the/this/who security
5 Sinaba andré os chibéses de Herodes, Crállis de Judea; yeque erajai, sos se hetó Zacharias, e baji de Abías, y desqueri romi es dugidas de Aaron, y o nao de ocóna Elisabeth.
to be in/on/among the/this/who day Herod (the/this/who *k*) king the/this/who Judea priest one name Zechariah out from division Abijah and (the/this/who *k*) woman: wife (it/s/he *N(k)O*) out from the/this/who daughter Aaron and the/this/who name it/s/he Elizabeth
6 Y sinaban os dui lachés anglal de Debél, pirando bi grecos andré os sares mandamientos y eschastras e Erañoró.
to be then just both (in front of *N(k)O*) the/this/who God to travel in/on/among all the/this/who commandment and righteous act the/this/who lord: God blameless
7 Y na terelaban chaboro, presas Elisabeth sinaba estéril, y os dui chalados dur andré sus chibéses.
and no to be it/s/he child as/just as to be the/this/who Elizabeth barren and both to advance in/on/among the/this/who day it/s/he to be
8 Y anacó que querelando Zacharias desquero ministerio anglal de Debél andré o orden de desqueri begai,
to be then in/on/among the/this/who to serve as priest it/s/he in/on/among the/this/who order the/this/who division it/s/he before the/this/who God
9 Segun o costumbre es erajais, sicabó por desquerí baji á chibar o incienso, chalando andré a cangri e Erañoró.
according to the/this/who custom the/this/who priesthood to choose by lot the/this/who to burn incense to enter toward the/this/who temple the/this/who lord: God
10 Y os hambés catanés sinaban abrí manguelando á Un-debél á la ocana e incienso.
and all the/this/who multitude to be the/this/who a people to pray out/outside(r) the/this/who hour the/this/who incense
11 Y dicó al Manfariel e Erañoró, sinando en pindré á la bastarí e altar e incienso.
to appear then it/s/he angel lord: God to stand out from right the/this/who altar the/this/who incense
12 Y Zacharias al dicarle cangueló, y peró dal opré ó.
and to trouble Zechariah to perceive: see and fear to fall/press upon upon/to/against it/s/he
13 Tami o Manfariel le penó: Na darañeles Zacharias, presas tirias ocanagimias han sinado juneladas: y tiri romi Elisabeth chindará á tucue yeque chaboro, y araquelarás desquero nao Juan.
to say then to/with it/s/he the/this/who angel not to fear Zechariah because to listen to the/this/who petition you and the/this/who woman: wife you Elizabeth to beget son you and to call: call the/this/who name it/s/he John
14 Y terelarás pesquital y alegría, y se asaselarán baribustres manuces andré desquero nacimiento.
and to be joy you and joy and much upon/to/against the/this/who (origin *N(k)O*) it/s/he to rejoice
15 Presas sinará haro anglal o Erañoró; y na piyará mol ni peñacoró, y sinará perelaló e Peniche desde as poriás de sun dai.
to be for great before the/this/who lord: God and wine and alcoholic drink no not to drink and spirit/breath: spirit holy to fill still out from belly/womb/stomach mother it/s/he
16 Y á baribústres es chabores de Israel querelará limbidiar al Erañó, o Debél de junós.
and much the/this/who son Israel to turn upon/to/against lord: God the/this/who God it/s/he
17 Presas ó chalará anglal de ó sa’ la suncai y sila de Elias, somia querelar limbidiar os carlochines es batuces á os chabores, y os sos na pachibélan al drun es majarés, somia preparar al Erañó una sueti perfecta.
and it/s/he to go before before it/s/he in/on/among spirit/breath: spirit and power Elijah to turn heart father upon/to/against child and disobedient in/on/among understanding just to make ready lord: God a people to prepare
18 Y penó Zacharias al Manfariel: ¿en que pincharé ocóno? presas menda sinelo puró, y minri romí sinela dur andré desqueres chibéses.
and to say Zechariah to/with the/this/who angel according to which? to know this/he/she/it I/we for to be old man and the/this/who woman: wife me to advance in/on/among the/this/who day it/s/he
19 Y rudeló o Manfariel y penó: sinelo Gabriel, sos asisto anglal de Debél: y sinelo bichabado á penarte, y á lanarte ocóna nueva lachi.
and to answer the/this/who angel to say it/s/he I/we to be Gabriel the/this/who to stand by before the/this/who God and to send to speak to/with you and to speak good news you this/he/she/it
20 Y tucue sinarás musilé, y no astisararás chamuliar disde o chibés andré sos ocóno sinará querelado, presas na pachibelaste á minrias vardas, sos se cumplirán á sun chiros.
and look! to be be quiet and not be able to speak until which day to be this/he/she/it for which no to trust (in) the/this/who word me who/which to fulfill toward the/this/who time/right time it/s/he
21 Y os manuces sinaban ujarando á Zacharias: y os sares zibaban de que tasiabase ó andré a cangri.
and to be the/this/who a people to look for the/this/who Zechariah and to marvel in/on/among the/this/who to delay in/on/among the/this/who temple it/s/he
22 Y pur se sicobó abrí, na les astisaraba chamuliar; y chaneláron que habia dicado buchí andré a cangri, y ó lo penó por simaches, y sinaba musilé.
to go out then no be able to speak it/s/he and to come to know that/since: that vision to see: see in/on/among the/this/who temple and it/s/he to be to signify it/s/he and to remain deaf/mute
23 Y pur sináron cumplidos os chibéses de desquero ministerio, se chaló á su quer.
and to be as/when to fill the/this/who day the/this/who ministry it/s/he to go away toward the/this/who house: home it/s/he
24 Y á la anda de ocónos chibéses se dicó cambri Elisabeth a romi de ó, y sinaba escondida pansch chonos, penando:
with/after then this/he/she/it the/this/who day to seize/conceive/help Elizabeth the/this/who woman: wife it/s/he and to hide themself month five to say
25 Presas o Erañó me ha querelado ocono andré os chibéses, en que penchabó á nicabar minrio oprobio de enré os manuces.
that/since: that thus(-ly) me to do/make: do (the/this/who *k*) lord: God in/on/among day which to look upon to remove (the/this/who *k*) disgrace me in/on/among a human
26 Y al zobio chonos o Manfariel Gabriel sinaba bichabado de Debél á yeque foros de Galiléa, sos se hetó Nazareth,
in/on/among then the/this/who month the/this/who sixth to send the/this/who angel Gabriel (away from *N(k)O*) the/this/who God toward city the/this/who Galilee which name Nazareth
27 A yeque bedori romandiñada sat manu, sos se hetó Joseph, e quer de David, y o nao e bedori sinaba Maria.
to/with virgin to betroth man which name Joseph out from house: household David and the/this/who name the/this/who virgin Mary
28 Y pur chaló o Manfariel andré, anduque sinaba, penó: Un-debél te diñele golipén, perelali de gracia: O Erañó con tucue: Majari tucue enré as cadchiás.
and to enter (the/this/who *ko*) (angel *KO*) to/with it/s/he to say to rejoice to favor the/this/who lord: God with/after you (to praise/bless you in/on/among woman *KO*)
29 Y pur siró juneló ocono, se darañó sat as vardas de ó, y penchababa, que salutacion sinaba ocola.
the/this/who then (to perceive: see *K*) upon/to/against the/this/who word to trouble (it/s/he *k*) and to discuss of what kind? to be the/this/who salutation this/he/she/it
30 Y o Manfariel le penó: na cangueles Maria, presas has alachado gracia anglal de Debél.
and to say the/this/who angel it/s/he not to fear Mary to find/meet for grace from/with/beside the/this/who God
31 He acoi concebirás andré tiro chepo, y chindarás chaboro, y araquerarás desquero nao Jesus.
and look! to seize/conceive/help in/on/among belly and to give birth to son and to call: call the/this/who name it/s/he Jesus
32 Ocóla sinará baro, y sinará araquerado chaboro e Udscho, y le diñará Un-debél Erañó o throno de David desquero batu;
this/he/she/it to be great and son Highest to call: call and to give it/s/he lord: God the/this/who God the/this/who throne David the/this/who father it/s/he
33 y sinará Crallis deltó andré o quer de Jacob. Y desquero chim na terelará anda. (aiōn g165)
and to reign upon/to/against the/this/who house: household Jacob toward the/this/who an age: eternity and the/this/who kingdom it/s/he no to be goal/tax (aiōn g165)
34 Y penó Maria al Manfariel: ¿Sasta sinará, ocono? y menda na pincharelo manu.
to say then Mary to/with the/this/who angel how! to be this/he/she/it since man no to know
35 Y rudelando o Manfariel, penó: se bestelará opré tucue, y te querelará sombra a sila e Udscho. Y por ocono o Majaro, sos se chindará de tucue, sinará araquerado Chaboro de Debél.
and to answer the/this/who angel to say it/s/he spirit/breath: spirit holy to arrive/invade upon/to/against you and power Highest to overshadow you therefore and the/this/who to beget holy to call: call son God
36 Y Elisabeth tiri cachicálli siró tambien sinela cambri de yeque chaboro, sinando puri: y ocono sinela o zobio chonos de siró, sos sinela araquerada a esteril.
and look! Elizabeth the/this/who (relative *N(k)O*) you and it/s/he (to seize/conceive/help *N(k)O*) son in/on/among old age it/s/he and this/he/she/it month sixth to be it/s/he the/this/who to call: call barren
37 Presas na sinela chi n’astis para Un-debél.
that/since: since no be impossible from/with/beside (the/this/who God *N(k)O*) all declaration
38 Y penó Maria: Menda a lacrí e Erañoró, querelese andré mangue segun tiri varda. Y se chaló o Manfariel.
to say then Mary look! the/this/who slave lord: God to be me according to the/this/who declaration you and to go away away from it/s/he the/this/who angel
39 Y andré ocolas chibéses se ardiñó Maria y chaló al bur, á yeque foros e chim de Judá.
to arise then Mary in/on/among the/this/who day this/he/she/it to travel toward the/this/who hilly with/after diligence toward city Judah
40 Y chaló andré o quer de Zacharias, y saludisaró á Elisabeth.
and to enter toward the/this/who house: home Zechariah and to pay respects to the/this/who Elizabeth
41 Y pur Elisabeth juneló a salutacion de Maria, o chinoró diñó saltos andré desquero trupo: y sinaba Elisabeth perelalí e Peniche.
and to be as/when to hear the/this/who salutation the/this/who Mary the/this/who Elizabeth to leap the/this/who infant in/on/among the/this/who belly/womb/stomach it/s/he and to fill spirit/breath: spirit holy the/this/who Elizabeth
42 Y diñó yeque gole y penó: Majari tucue andré as cadchiás, y majaró o mibao e tiro trupo.
and to exclaim (shouting *N(k)O*) great and to say to praise/bless you in/on/among woman and to praise/bless the/this/who fruit the/this/who belly/womb/stomach you
43 De duque sinela ocono á mangue, que a Dai e minrio Erañó abillela á mangue?
and whence me this/he/she/it in order that/to to come/go the/this/who mother the/this/who lord: God me to/with I/we
44 Presas yescotria que bigoreó a varda de tiri salutacion á minres canés, o chinoró diñó saltos de pesquital andré minrio trupo.
look! for as/when to be the/this/who voice/sound: noise the/this/who salutation you toward the/this/who ear me to leap in/on/among joy the/this/who infant in/on/among the/this/who belly/womb/stomach me
45 Y majaró ma andré tun men, presas sinará querelado o saro ma fué penado á tucue de parte e Erañoró.
and blessed the/this/who to trust (in) that/since: that to be perfection the/this/who to speak it/s/he from/with/beside lord: God
46 Y penó Maria: Minri ochi engrandece al Erañó:
and to say Mary to magnify the/this/who soul: myself me the/this/who lord: God
47 Y minri suncai se asaseló andré Debél minrío Salvador.
and to rejoice the/this/who spirit/breath: spirit me upon/to/against the/this/who God the/this/who savior me
48 Presás ha dicado a chinoría de desqueri lacrí: pues ya desde acana as sarias generaciones araquelarán mangue majari.
that/since: since to look upon/at upon/to/against the/this/who lowliness the/this/who slave it/s/he look! for away from the/this/who now to bless me all the/this/who generation
49 Ha querdi buchías bariás á mangue ó sos terela sila, y majaró o nao de ó.
that/since: since to do/make: do me (great *N(k)O*) the/this/who able and holy the/this/who name it/s/he
50 Su canrea sinela de generacion andré generacion opré os sares que le darañelan.
and the/this/who mercy it/s/he toward generation (and *no*) (generation *N(k)O*) the/this/who to fear it/s/he
51 Queró sila sat su murcia: queró najar á os superbios sat as imaginaciones de sus carlochines.
to do/make: do power in/on/among arm it/s/he to scatter arrogant mind heart it/s/he
52 Queró á os silares perar sus besti, y ardiñó á os humildes.
to take down ruler away from throne and to lift up lowly
53 Hinchió de buchias lachias á os que terelaban bóquis; y á os balbales mecó chichi.
to hunger to fill up good and be rich to send out/away empty
54 Ustiló andré sun chepó á Israel sun lacró, enjallandose de sun canrea.
to help Israel child it/s/he to remember mercy
55 Andiar sasta penó á amáres batuces, á Abraham y á sus chaborés deltó. (aiōn g165)
as/just as to speak to/with the/this/who father me the/this/who Abraham and the/this/who seed: offspring it/s/he toward the/this/who an age: eternity (aiōn g165)
56 Y Maria sinaba sat siró sasta trin chonos: y se limbidió á desquero quer.
to stay then Mary with it/s/he (as/when *N(k)O*) month Three and to return toward the/this/who house: home it/s/he
57 Tami Elisabeth se le chaló o chiros de chindar, y chindó yeque chaboro.
the/this/who then Elizabeth to fill the/this/who time the/this/who to give birth to it/s/he and to beget son
58 Y juneláron os quiribés y os cachicállis de siró que o Erañó habia querelado canrea bari sat siró, y se alendáron sat siró.
and to hear the/this/who neighboring and the/this/who kindred it/s/he that/since: that to magnify lord: God the/this/who mercy it/s/he with/after it/s/he and to rejoice with it/s/he
59 Y sinaba que al otoró chibés abilláron á chinar o postin e quilén al chaboró, y le araqueráron del nao de desquero batu, Zacharias.
and to be in/on/among the/this/who day the/this/who eighth to come/go to circumcise the/this/who child and to call: call it/s/he upon/to/against the/this/who name the/this/who father it/s/he Zechariah
60 Y rudelando desqueri dai, penó: nanai, sino Juan sinará araquerado.
and to answer the/this/who mother it/s/he to say not! but to call: call John
61 Y le penáron: cayque sinela andré tiri ráti, sos se heta sat ocola nao.
and to say to/with it/s/he that/since: that none to be (out from the/this/who kindred *N(k)O*) you which to call: call the/this/who name this/he/she/it
62 Y pucháron por simaches al batu e chaboro, como camelaba que se le araquerase.
to signify then the/this/who father it/s/he the/this/who which? if to will/desire to call: call (it/s/he *N(k)O*)
63 Y mangando li, libanó, penando: Juan sinela su nao: y os sares se zibáron.
and to ask little tablet to write to say John to be (the/this/who *ko*) name it/s/he and to marvel all
64 Y yescotria sinaba pendrabado desquero mui, y su chipe, y chamuliaba majarificando á Debél.
to open then the/this/who mouth it/s/he instantly and the/this/who tongue it/s/he and to speak to praise/bless the/this/who God
65 Y peró dal opré os sares sunparales: y se penáron de sarias oconas buchias por os sares bures de Judéa.
and to be upon/to/against all fear the/this/who to dwell around it/s/he and in/on/among all the/this/who hilly the/this/who Judea to discuss all the/this/who declaration this/he/she/it
66 Y os sares que as junelaban, as ujaraban andré sus carlochines, penando: ¿coin penchabais, que sinará ocona chaboro? Presas a baste e Erañoró sinaba sat ó.
and to place all the/this/who to hear in/on/among the/this/who heart it/s/he to say which? therefore the/this/who child this/he/she/it to be and (for *no*) hand lord: God to be with/after it/s/he
67 Y Zacharias sun batu sinaba perelalo e Peniche, y garló baji, penando.
and Zechariah the/this/who father it/s/he to fill spirit/breath: spirit holy and to prophesy to say
68 Majaró o Eraño Debél de Israel, presas abilló y diñó mestepé á sun sueti.
praiseworthy lord: God the/this/who God the/this/who Israel that/since: since to visit/care for and to do/make: do redemption the/this/who a people it/s/he
69 Y ardiñó á amangue o rogos de golipen andré o quer de David sun lacró.
and to arise horn salvation me in/on/among (the/this/who *k*) house: household David (the/this/who *k*) child it/s/he
70 Como penó por mui de sus majarés Prophetas, andré os sarés gresés. (aiōn g165)
as/just as to speak through/because of mouth the/this/who holy (the/this/who *k*) away from an age: age prophet it/s/he (aiōn g165)
71 Mestepé de amáres daschmanuces, y de la baste de os sares que na camelan amangue.
salvation out from enemy me and out from hand all the/this/who to hate me
72 Somia querelar canrea sat amáres batuces, y ojararse de su majarí varda.
to do/make: do mercy with/after the/this/who father me and to remember covenant holy it/s/he
73 O juramento sos juró á amaro batu Abraham, que ó diñaria á amangue;
oath which to swear to/with Abraham the/this/who father me
74 Somia que listrabados de las bastes de amáres daschmanuces, le querelemos servicio bi dal,
the/this/who to give me fearlessly out from hand (the/this/who *k*) enemy (me *k*) to rescue to minister it/s/he
75 André majaridad, y andré justicia anglal de ó, os sares chibeses de amári chipén.
in/on/among holiness and righteousness before it/s/he (all the/this/who day *N(k)O*) (the/this/who life *k*) me
76 Y tucue, chaboro, sinarás araquerado Propheta e muy Udscho, presas chalarás anglal la chiché e Erañoró, somia aparejar desqueres drunés:
and you (then *no*) child prophet Highest to call: call to go before for (before *N(k)O*) (face *ko*) lord: God to make ready road it/s/he
77 Somia diñar conocimiento de golipen á sun sueti para a remision de desqueres grecos.
the/this/who to give knowledge salvation the/this/who a people it/s/he in/on/among forgiveness sin it/s/he
78 Por as porias de canrea de amaro Debél con qué visitó amangue del Udscho e Oriente:
through/because of affection/entrails mercy God me in/on/among which (to visit/care for *N(k)O*) me east out from height
79 Somia diñar dut a junós sos bestelélan andré a rachi, y andré o butron de meripen: somia enseelar amáres pindrés á drun de paz.
to appear the/this/who in/on/among darkness and shadow death to sit the/this/who to guide the/this/who foot me toward road peace
80 Y o chaboro se querelaba baro, y sinaba querdi silnó andré suncai; y sinaba andré os desiertos, disde o chibes pur nichobeló á Israel.
the/this/who then child to grow and to strengthen spirit/breath: spirit and to be in/on/among the/this/who deserted until day public appearance it/s/he to/with the/this/who Israel

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