< Lucas 9 >

1 Y araquerando a os duideque Apostoles, les diñó silo y potestad, opré sares os bengues, y que chibelasen lacho merdipénes.
to call together then the/this/who twelve (disciple it/s/he *K) to give it/s/he power and authority upon/to/against all the/this/who demon and illness to serve/heal
2 Y os bichabó á garlar o chim de Debél, y á chibar lacho os merdes.
and to send it/s/he to preach the/this/who kingdom the/this/who God and to heal the/this/who (weak: ill *N+kO)
3 Y les penó: Na lliguereles chichi para o drun, ni cáste, ni manroña, ni manro, ni jayere, ni tereleis dui coneles.
and to say to/with it/s/he nothing to take up toward the/this/who road neither (rod *N+KO) neither bag neither bread neither money neither each two tunic to have/be
4 Y saro quer andré que chalareis oté permaneced, y na chaleis abrí de oté.
and toward which if home to enter there to stay and from there to go out
5 Y sares junos sos na ustilasen sangue: al chalar abrí de ocola foros, bucharelad o pracos de jires pindrés andré machiria contra junos.
and just as/how much (if *NK+o) not (to receive *N+kO) you to go out away from the/this/who city that (and *k) the/this/who dust away from the/this/who foot you (to shake off *N+kO) toward testimony upon/to/against it/s/he
6 Y chalando abrí, guillaban de gau andré gau, garlando ó Evangelio, y chibando lacho por sarias aricatas.
to go out then to pass through according to the/this/who village to speak good news and to serve/heal everywhere
7 Y bigoreó á as canes de Herodes o Tetrarcha o saro sos querelaba Jesus, y peró andré zibó, presas penaban
to hear then Herod the/this/who tetrarch the/this/who to be (by/under: by it/s/he *K) all and be perplexed through/because of the/this/who to say by/under: by one that/since: that John (to arise *N+kO) out from dead
8 Yeques: Que Juan ha ardiñado de enrun os mules: y averes: Que Elias habia abillado: y averes: Que yeque propheta es pures habia ardiñado.
by/under: by one then that/since: that Elijah to shine/appear another then that/since: that prophet (one *N+kO) the/this/who ancient to arise
9 Y penó Herodes: Menda amulé á Juan: ¿Coin pues sinela ocona, de coin junelo tales buchias? Y camelaba dicarlo.
(and *k) to say (then *no) (the/this/who *ko) Herod John I/we to behead which? then to be this/he/she/it about which (I/we *ko) to hear such as this and to seek to perceive: see it/s/he
10 Y limbiados os Apostoles, le penáron o saro sos terelaban querdi: y ustilandolos sat o aparte, se chaló á yeque stano desierto, sos sinela del chim de Bethsaidá.
and to return the/this/who apostle to relate fully it/s/he just as/how much to do/make: do and to take it/s/he to withdraw according to one's own/private toward (place deserted *K) (city to call: call *N+kO) Bethsaida
11 Y pur os manuces lo chaneláron, lo plastañáron: Y Jesus os ustiló, y les chamuliaba del chim de Debél, y chibaba mistos á junos sos lo terelaban menester.
the/this/who then crowd to know to follow it/s/he and (to receive *N+kO) it/s/he to speak it/s/he about the/this/who kingdom the/this/who God and the/this/who need to have/be service to heal
12 Y o chibes se habia chibado á bejelarse: pur bigoreandose á ó os duideque, le penáron: Bichaba á ocona sueti, somia que chalen á os gaues, y sosias sunparal, se chibelen á sobelar, y alachalen que jamar: presas acoi sinamos andré yeque desierto.
the/this/who then day be first to bow/lay down to come near/agree then the/this/who twelve to say it/s/he to release: release the/this/who crowd in order that/to (to travel *N+kO) toward the/this/who surrounding village and (the/this/who *ko) field to destroy/lodge and to find/meet food that/since: since here in/on/among deserted place to be
13 Y les penó: Diñadles sangue de jamar: y junos penáron: Na terelamos butér de pansch manres y dui maches: á no sinar que mu chalamos á quinar jachipen para sari ocona sueti.
to say then to/with it/s/he to give it/s/he you to eat the/this/who then to say no to be me greater or bread five and fish two if: not surely not to travel me to buy toward all the/this/who a people this/he/she/it food
14 Presas sinaban sasta yeques pansch jazare manuces. Y ó penó á desqueres discipules: Quereladlos bestelar andré plastañias de cincuenta en cincuenta.
to be for like/as/about man five thousand to say then to/with the/this/who disciple it/s/he to sit it/s/he group (like/as/about *NO) each fifty
15 Y andiar lo quereláron: y os sares se besteláron.
and to do/make: do thus(-ly) and (to sit *N+KO) all
16 Y ustilando os pansch manres, y os dui maches, ardiñó as aquias al Tarpé, os majarificó, y asparabó: y diñó á desqueres discipules, somia que os childasen anglal de la sueti.
to take then the/this/who five bread and the/this/who two fish to look up/again toward the/this/who heaven to praise/bless it/s/he and to break and to give the/this/who disciple (to set before *N+kO) the/this/who crowd
17 Y jamáron os sares, y se pereláron. Y ustiláron ma les sobró, duideque cornichas de cotores.
and to eat and to feed all and to take up the/this/who to exceed it/s/he fragment basket twelve
18 Y anacó, que sinando ó colcoro bedando, se alachaban sat ó desqueres discipules: y os puchabó, y penó: ¿Coin penela a sueti que sinela menda?
and to be in/on/among the/this/who to exist it/s/he to pray according to alone be with it/s/he the/this/who disciple and to question it/s/he to say which? me to say the/this/who crowd to exist
19 Y junos rudeláron, y penáron: Juan o Bautista, y averes Elias, y averes que se ardiñó yeque es purés Prophetas.
the/this/who then to answer to say John the/this/who one who baptizes another then Elijah another then that/since: that prophet one the/this/who ancient to arise
20 Y les penó: ¿Y sangue coin penelais, que sinelo menda? Rudelando Simon Pedro, penó: O Christo de Debél.
to say then it/s/he you then which? me to say to exist (the/this/who *k) Peter then to answer to say the/this/who Christ the/this/who God
21 O yescotria os amenazó, y penó, que na lo penasen á cayque,
the/this/who then to rebuke it/s/he to order nothing (to say *N+kO) this/he/she/it
22 Penandoles: Jomte, que o Chaboro e Manu padezca baribustrias buchias, y que sinele desechado de los purés, y de los Manclayes es erajais, y de los libanés: y que sinele diñado á la meripen, y que ardiñele al trino chibes.
to say that/since: that be necessary the/this/who son the/this/who a human much to suffer and to reject away from the/this/who elder: Elder and high-priest and scribe and to kill and the/this/who third day (to arise *NK+o)
23 Y penaba á sares: O sos palal de mangue camela abillar, nieguese á sí matejo, y ustile desquero trijul saro chibes, y plastañe mangue.
to say then to/with all if one to will/desire after me (to come/go to deny *N+kO) themself and to take up the/this/who cross it/s/he according to day and to follow me
24 Presas ó sos camelare salvar, desqueri ochi, a najará: y o manu sos najare desqueri ochi por camelar mangue la alachará.
which for (if *NK+o) to will/desire the/this/who soul: life it/s/he to save to destroy it/s/he which then if to destroy the/this/who soul: life it/s/he because of I/we this/he/she/it to save it/s/he
25 ¿Presas que aprovechasarela á yeque manu, si ustilare sari a chiquen, y si najela ó á sí matejo, y se caquerela á sí matejo?
which? for to help a human to gain the/this/who world all themself then to destroy or to lose
26 Presas ó sos se afrentare de mangue, y de minrias vardas, se afrentará de ó o Chaboro e Manu, pur abillará sat desquero chimusolano, y sat o del Dada, y es majarés Manfarieles.
which for if be ashamed of me and the/this/who I/we word this/he/she/it the/this/who son the/this/who a human be ashamed of when(-ever) to come/go in/on/among the/this/who glory it/s/he and the/this/who father and the/this/who holy angel
27 Tami penelo sangue en chachipen: que yeques sinelan acoi, sos na penchararán meripen, disde que diquelen o chim de Debél.
to say then you truly to be one the/this/who (there *N+kO) to stand which no not (to taste *N+kO) death until if to perceive: see the/this/who kingdom the/this/who God
28 Y anacó sasta otor chibases despues de oconas vardas, que ustiló sat ó á Pedro, y á Santiago, y á Juan, y costunó á yeque bur á manguelar á Un-debél.
to be then with/after the/this/who word this/he/she/it like/as/about day eight and to take (the/this/who *k) Peter and John and James to ascend toward the/this/who mountain to pray
29 Y o chiros que manguelaba, a figura de desqueri chiché se quereló aver: y os talarores de ó se tornáron parnes, y resplandecientes.
and to be in/on/among the/this/who to pray it/s/he the/this/who appearance the/this/who face it/s/he other and the/this/who clothing it/s/he white to flash forth
30 Y he acoi que chamuliaban sat ó dui gaches. Y oconas sinaban Moysés y Elias,
and look! man two to talk with it/s/he who/which to be Moses and Elijah
31 Que se mequeláron dicar andré chimusolano: y chamuliaban de la meripen de ó, sos terelaba de cumplir andré Jerusalém.
which to appear in/on/among glory to say the/this/who departure it/s/he which to ensue to fulfill in/on/among Jerusalem
32 Tami Pedro, y junos sos sat ó sinaban, se alachaban cargados de sobindoi; y ostinando dicáron o chimusolano de Jesus, y á os dui gaches, sos sinaban sat ó.
the/this/who then Peter and the/this/who with it/s/he to be to burden sleep to wake then to perceive: see the/this/who glory it/s/he and the/this/who two man the/this/who to commend it/s/he
33 Y pur se chaláron de ó, penó Pedro á Jesus: Duquendio, mistos sinela que mu sinelemos acoi: y querelemos trin estañas, yeque para tucue, y yeque para Moysés, y aver para Elias, na chanelando, ma se penelaba.
and to be in/on/among the/this/who be separated it/s/he away from it/s/he to say the/this/who Peter to/with the/this/who Jesus master good to be me here to exist and to do/make: do tent Three one you and one Moses and one Elijah not to know which to say
34 Y pur sinaba ó penando ocono, abilló yeque paros, y os ucharó: y tereláron dal, sinando junos andré o paros.
this/he/she/it then it/s/he to say to be cloud and (to overshadow *N+kO) it/s/he to fear then in/on/among the/this/who to enter (it/s/he *N+kO) toward the/this/who cloud
35 Y abilló gole baro abrí e paros, penando: Ocona sinela minrio Chaboro camelado; junelad á ó.
and voice/sound: voice to be out from the/this/who cloud to say this/he/she/it to be the/this/who son me the/this/who (to select *N+KO) it/s/he to hear
36 Y al chalar abrí ocona gole, alacháron colcoro á Jesus; y junos se sonsibeláron, y á cayque penáron andré ocolas chibeses chichi, de o saro que terelaban dicado.
and in/on/among the/this/who to be the/this/who voice/sound: voice to find/meet (the/this/who *k) Jesus alone and it/s/he be silent and none to announce in/on/among that the/this/who day none which to see: see
37 Y aver chibes pejando junos del bur, les abilló á rachelar plastañi bari de sueti.
to be then (in/on/among *ko) the/this/who next/afterward day to descend it/s/he away from the/this/who mountain to meet it/s/he crowd much
38 Y he acoi yeque manu de la plastañi garló, penando: Duquendio, manguelo tucue, que diqueles a minrio chaboro, presas menda na terelo aver.
and look! man away from the/this/who crowd (to cry out *N+kO) to say teacher to pray you (to look upon/at *N+kO) upon/to/against the/this/who son me that/since: since unique me to be
39 Y he acoi que yeque bengui le ustilela, y yescotria díñela goles; y le bucharela por chiquen, y le asparabela querelandole chibar abrí espuma, y na camela chalar de ó, lliguerandole.
and look! spirit/breath: spirit to take it/s/he and suddenly to cry and to convulse it/s/he with/after foam and (hardly *NK+o) to leave away from it/s/he to break it/s/he
40 Y manguelé á tires discipules, que ó bucharasen abrí, y na astisáron.
and to pray the/this/who disciple you in order that/to (to expel *N+kO) it/s/he and no be able
41 Y rudelando Jesus, penó: O rati infiel y chori! ¿disde pur sinará con-a-sangue, y sangue urjiyaré? Lanela acoi tun chaboro.
to answer then the/this/who Jesus to say oh! generation unbelieving and to pervert until when? to be to/with you and to endure you to bring near here the/this/who son you
42 Y pur abilló sunparal, le bucharó o bengui en chiquen, y le caqueró.
still then to come near/agree it/s/he to throw violently it/s/he the/this/who demon and to convulse to rebuke then the/this/who Jesus the/this/who spirit/breath: spirit the/this/who unclean and to heal the/this/who child and to pay it/s/he the/this/who father it/s/he
43 Tami Jesus chamulió al bengui chindó, y chibó lacho al bedoro, y se le diñó á desquero batu.
be astonished then all upon/to/against the/this/who majesty the/this/who God all then to marvel upon/to/against all which (to do/make: do *N+kO) (the/this/who *k) (Jesus *K) to say to/with the/this/who disciple it/s/he
44 Y se darañelaban sares de la sila bari de Debél: y zibandose sares de sarias as buchias sos querelaba, penó á desqueres discipules: Chibelad andré jires carlés oconas vardas: Jomte que o Chaboro e manu sinele chibado andré bastes es manuces.
to place you toward the/this/who ear you the/this/who word this/he/she/it the/this/who for son the/this/who a human to ensue to deliver toward hand a human
45 Tami junos na jabilláron ocona varda, y les sinaba tan oruni, que na le chanelaban: y darañelaban de puchararle acerca de siró.
the/this/who then be ignorant the/this/who declaration this/he/she/it and to be to hide away from it/s/he in order that/to not to perceive it/s/he and to fear to ask it/s/he about the/this/who declaration this/he/she/it
46 Y les abilló tambien a jestia, coin de junos sinaria o fetér.
to enter then reasoning in/on/among it/s/he the/this/who which? if to be great it/s/he
47 Tami Jesus dicando ma penchababan andré desqueres carlés, ustiló yeque chaboro, y lo childó sunparal á sí,
the/this/who then Jesus (to know *N+kO) the/this/who reasoning the/this/who heart it/s/he to catch (child *N+kO) to stand it/s/he from/with/beside themself
48 Y les penó: O sos ustilare á ocona chaboro andré minrio nao, á mangue ustilela: y o saro sos á mangue ustilare, ustilela á ocola, sos mangue bichabó: presas ó sos sinela mendesquero andré sangue sares, ocona sinela o mas baro.
and to say it/s/he which (if *NK+o) to receive this/he/she/it the/this/who child upon/to/against the/this/who name me I/we to receive and which (if *N+kO) I/we to receive to receive the/this/who to send me the/this/who for small in/on/among all you be already this/he/she/it (to be *N+kO) great
49 Entonces Juan ustilando a varda, penó: Duquendio, hemos dicado a yeque bucharando abrí os bengues andré tiro nao, y se lo nicobelamos: presas na te plastañela con amangue.
to answer then (the/this/who *k) John to say master to perceive: see one (in/on/among *N+kO) the/this/who name you to expel demon and (to prevent *N+kO) it/s/he that/since: since no to follow with/after me
50 Y Jesus le penó: Na se lo nicobeleis, presas ó sos na sinela contra sangue, por sangue sinela.
(and *k) to say (then *no) to/with it/s/he the/this/who Jesus not to prevent which for no to be according to (you *N+KO) above/for (you *N+KO) to be
51 Y sasta se abillase sunparal o chiros de desquero Asuncion, quereló silno semblante de chalar á Jerusalém.
to be then in/on/among the/this/who to (ful)fill the/this/who day the/this/who ascension it/s/he and it/s/he the/this/who face (it/s/he *ko) to establish the/this/who to travel toward Jerusalem
52 Y bichabó anglal de ó manuces: junos nacáron, y chaláron andré yeque gau es Samaritanes, somia orotarle mesuna.
and to send angel: messenger before face it/s/he and to travel to enter toward village Samaritan (as/when *N+kO) to make ready it/s/he
53 Y na le ustiláron, presas quereló semblante de chalar á Jerusalém.
and no to receive it/s/he that/since: since the/this/who face it/s/he to be to travel toward Jerusalem
54 Y pur lo dicáron Santiago, y Juan discipules de ó, penáron: Erañó: camelas que penelemos, que perele yaque del Charos, y los marele.
to perceive: see then the/this/who disciple (it/s/he *ko) James and John to say lord: God to will/desire to say fire to come/go down away from the/this/who heaven and to consume it/s/he (as/when and Elijah to do/make: do *K)
55 Tami ó, boltañandose acia junos, os chingaró, penando: Na chanelais de que suncai sinelais.
to turn then to rebuke it/s/he (and to say no to know such as spirit/breath: spirit to be you *K)
56 O chaboro e manu na ha abillado á marelar ochias, sino á listrabarlas. Y se nacáron á aver gau.
(the/this/who for son the/this/who a human no to come/go soul: life a human to destroy but to save *K) and to travel toward other village
57 Y anacó que chalando junos por o drun, penó yeque á Jesus: Menda plastañaré tucue aduque que chalares.
(and *no) (to be *KO) (then *k) to travel it/s/he in/on/among the/this/who road to say one to/with it/s/he to follow you where(-ever) (if *N+kO) to go away (lord: God *K)
58 Jesus le penó: Os rubasunches terelan turnias, y as pulias e Charos nidos: tami o chaboro e manu na terela duque chibelar o jero.
and to say it/s/he the/this/who Jesus the/this/who fox den to have/be and the/this/who bird the/this/who heaven dwelling place the/this/who then son the/this/who a human no to have/be where? the/this/who head to bow/lay down
59 Y á aver penó: Plastañamangue. Y ó rudeló: Erañó, mejelamangue chalar antes á garabar á minrio batu.
to say then to/with other to follow me the/this/who then to say lord: God to permit me to go away first to bury the/this/who father me
60 Y Jesus le penó: Mequela que os mules garaben á desqueres mulés: tami tucue abillel, y pucana o chim de Debél.
to say then it/s/he (the/this/who *k) (Jesus *K) to release: leave the/this/who dead to bury the/this/who themself dead you then to go away to proclaim the/this/who kingdom the/this/who God
61 Y aver le penó: Plastañaré tucue Erañó: tami brotobo mequelamangue chalar á chitar mistos ma terelo andré minrio quer.
to say then and other to follow you lord: God first then to permit me to leave the/this/who toward the/this/who house: home me
62 Jesus le penó: Cayque, sos chibela baste andré o caste randiñador, y diquela palal, sinela lacho somia o chim de Debél.
to say then to/with it/s/he the/this/who Jesus none to put on/seize the/this/who hand (it/s/he *ko) upon/to/against plow and to see toward the/this/who after suitable to be (toward *k) (the/this/who kingdom *N+kO) the/this/who God

< Lucas 9 >