< Lucas 8 >

1 Y anacó despues, que Jesus chalaba por foros y gau, garlando y chamuliando o chim de Debél; y os duideque sat ó.
and to be in/on/among the/this/who in order and it/s/he to go through according to city and village to preach and to speak good news the/this/who kingdom the/this/who God and the/this/who twelve with it/s/he
2 Y tambien yeques cadchias, sos ó terelaba chibado lacho de bengues chorés, y de merdipénes: Maria sos se heta Magdalena, de coin terelaba bucharado abrí efta bengues,
and woman one which to be to serve/heal away from spirit/breath: spirit evil/bad and weakness: ill Mary the/this/who to call: call Magdalene away from which demon seven to go out
3 Y Juana romi de Chûsa, Queresquero de Herodes, y Susanna, y averes butrés, sos le asistian de desqueres jayeres.
and Joanna woman: wife Chuza manager Herod and Susanna and other much who/which to serve (it/s/he *N+KO) (out from *N+kO) the/this/who be already it/s/he
4 Y sasta se hubiese catanado sueti baribustri, y abillasen solictos á ó de los fores, os penó por parabola:
to gather then crowd much and the/this/who according to city to come/go to to/with it/s/he to say through/because of parable
5 Manu chaló abrí á chibar desqueri simiente: y al chibarle, yeque aricata peró sunparal al drun, y sinaba hollada, y la jamáron as patrias e Charos.
to go out the/this/who to sow the/this/who to sow the/this/who seed it/s/he and in/on/among the/this/who to sow it/s/he which on the other hand to collapse from/with/beside the/this/who road and to trample and the/this/who bird the/this/who heaven to devour it/s/he
6 Y aver peró opré bar: y pur se ardiñó, se secó presas na terelaba humedad.
and other (to fall down *N+kO) upon/to/against the/this/who rock and to grow to dry through/because of the/this/who not to have/be moisture
7 Y aver peró andré jarres, y as jarres, sos ardiñáron sat siró, la mulabáron.
and other to collapse in/on/among midst the/this/who a thorn and to grow with the/this/who a thorn away from to choke it/s/he
8 Y aver peró andré pu lachi: y ardiñó, y diñó mibao á ciento por yeque. Penado ocono, se chibó á penar á goles: Coin terela canes de junelar, junele.
and other to collapse (toward *N+kO) the/this/who earth: soil the/this/who good and to grow to do/make: do fruit a hundred times this/he/she/it to say to call the/this/who to have/be ear to hear to hear
9 Os discipules de ó le puchababan, que parabola sinaba ocona.
to question then it/s/he the/this/who disciple it/s/he (to say *k) which? this/he/she/it to be the/this/who parable
10 O les penó: A sangue sinela diñado chanelar o mysterio e chim de Debél, tami á os averes por parabolas: somia que dicando na diquelen, y junelando na jabillelen.
the/this/who then to say you to give to know the/this/who mystery the/this/who kingdom the/this/who God the/this/who then remaining in/on/among parable in order that/to to see not to see and to hear not to understand
11 A parabola sinela ocona: A simiente sinela a varda de Debél.
to be then this/he/she/it the/this/who parable the/this/who seed to be the/this/who word the/this/who God
12 Y junos sunparal al drun, sinelan ocolas sos la junelan, unga; tami yescotria abillela o Bengui, y nicobela a varda del carlochin de junos, somia que na se chibelen sastos pachibelando.
the/this/who then from/with/beside the/this/who road to be the/this/who (to hear *N+kO) then to come/go the/this/who devilish/the Devil and to take up the/this/who word away from the/this/who heart it/s/he in order that/to not to trust (in) to save
13 Tami junos opré la bar; sinelan ocolas sos ustilelan sat pesquital a varda, pur la junelan; y oconas na terelan raices, presas á chiros pachibelan, y andré o chiros e tentacion limbidian palal.
the/this/who then upon/to/against the/this/who rock which when(-ever) to hear with/after joy to receive the/this/who word and this/he/she/it root no to have/be which to/with time/right time to trust (in) and in/on/among time/right time temptation/testing: testing to leave
14 Y ma peró andré jarres: oconas sinelan junos, sos la junelan, y se mequelan mulobar de las duas, y de la bestipen, as buchias lachias de ocona chipen, y na diñelan mibao.
the/this/who then toward the/this/who a thorn to collapse this/he/she/it to be the/this/who to hear and by/under: by concern and riches and pleasure the/this/who life to travel to choke and no to mature
15 Tami ma peró andré pu lachi: oconas sinelan junos, sos junelando a varda sat carlochin lacho y sasto, a reterelan, y diñelan mibao andré orpachirima.
the/this/who then in/on/among the/this/who good earth: soil this/he/she/it to be who/which in/on/among heart good and good to hear the/this/who word to hold back/fast and to bear fruit in/on/among perseverance
16 Cayque urdiflela yeque antorcha, y a ucharela sat yeque melalo, ó a chitarela ostely de la cheripen: tami a chitarela opré o candelero, somia que diquelen a dut junos sos chalan andré.
none then lamp to touch to cover it/s/he vessel or under bed to place but upon/to/against lampstand (to place *N+kO) in order that/to the/this/who to enter to see the/this/who light
17 Presas na sinela buchi pandada, sos na terele de sinar despandada: ni escondida, sos na terele de sinar pincherada, y andré dut abillar.
no for to be hidden which no clear to be nor concealed which no (not *no) (to know *N+kO) and toward clear to come/go
18 Diquelad pues, sasta junelais, presas a ocola sos terela, le sinará diñado: y á ó sos na terela, aun ocolo, sos penchabela terelar, le sinará nicobado.
to see therefore/then how! to hear which (if *NK+o) for to have/be to give it/s/he and which (if *NK+o) not to have/be and which to think to have/be to take up away from it/s/he
19 Y abilláron á ó sun dai, y desqueres plalores, y na astisaraban bigorear á ó por a baribustri sueti.
(to come *N+kO) then to/with it/s/he the/this/who mother and the/this/who brother it/s/he and no be able to meet with it/s/he through/because of the/this/who crowd
20 Y le penáron: Tiri dai y tires plalores sinelan abrí, sos te camelan dicar.
(and *k) to announce (then *no) it/s/he (to say *k) the/this/who mother you and the/this/who brother you to stand out/outside(r) to perceive: see to will/desire you
21 Tami ó rudeló y les penó: Minri dai y minres plalores sinelan ocolas, sos junelan a varda de Debél, y a ujarelan.
the/this/who then to answer to say to/with it/s/he mother me and brother me this/he/she/it to be the/this/who the/this/who word the/this/who God to hear and to do/make: do (it/s/he *k)
22 Y anacó, que yeque chibes chaló ó, y desqueres discipules andré yeque berdo; y les penó: Naquelemos á la aver cunara de la pani, y se chibáron á nacar.
(and *k) to be (then *no) in/on/among one the/this/who day and it/s/he to climb toward boat and the/this/who disciple it/s/he and to say to/with it/s/he to pass through toward the/this/who other side the/this/who lake and to lead
23 Y o chiros que junos navegaban, ó quereló o sobindoi, y se costunó buros de bear andré a pani, y se perelaban de pani, y sinaban en paripen.
to sail then it/s/he to fall sleep and to come/go down storm wind toward the/this/who lake and to (ful)fill and be in danger
24 Y bigoreandose á ó, le ostináron, penando: Duquendio, que meramos: Y ó costunandose chamulió al bear, y al buros de la pani, y cesó: y sinaba querdi bonanza.
to come near/agree then to arouse it/s/he to say master master to destroy the/this/who then (to arouse *N+kO) to rebuke the/this/who wind and the/this/who waves the/this/who water and to cease and to be calm
25 Y les penó: ¿Anduque sinela jiré fé? Y junos perelales de dal se zibáron, y penaban os yeques á os averes: ¿Coin penchabelais sinela ocona, sos andiar penela á os beares, y al moros, y o obedecen?
to say then it/s/he where? (to be *k) the/this/who faith you to fear then to marvel to say to/with one another which? therefore this/he/she/it to be that/since: since and the/this/who wind to command and the/this/who water and to obey it/s/he
26 Y chaláron á la pu es Gerasenos, sos sinela de mamui de la Galiléa.
and to sail toward the/this/who country the/this/who (Gerasene *N+KO) who/which to be opposite the/this/who Galilee
27 Y yescotria que ardiñó andré chiquen, chaló á ó yeque manu, sos terelaba bengui, baribu chiros, y na chibaba conel, ni socababa andré quer, sino andré os sepulchres.
to go out then it/s/he upon/to/against the/this/who earth: country to go meet (it/s/he *ko) man one out from the/this/who city (which *ko) (to have/be *N+kO) demon and (out from *k) (time sufficient *N+kO) no (to put on *N+kO) clothing and in/on/among home no to stay but in/on/among the/this/who tomb
28 Ocona, yescotria que dicó á Jesus, se bucharó ostely anglal de ó, y diñando un gole, penó: ¿Quéterelas que dicar con-a-mangue, Jesus, Chaboro e Debél Udscho? Manguelote, que na atormentes mangue.
to perceive: see then the/this/who Jesus (and *k) to yell to fall/beat it/s/he and voice/sound: voice great to say which? I/we and you Jesus son the/this/who God the/this/who Highest to pray you not me to torture: torture
29 Presas penaba al bengui jindo, que chalase abrí del manu; presas sinaba baribu chiros que le ustilaba: y aunque le terelaban estardo, y pandado sat berigas y saces, asparaba as saces, y acosado del bengui najaba á os desiertos.
to order for the/this/who spirit/breath: spirit the/this/who unclean to go out away from the/this/who a human much for time to seize it/s/he and (to bind *N+kO) chain and fetter to keep/guard: guard and to tear the/this/who chain to drive (by/under: by *NK+o) the/this/who (demon *N+kO) toward the/this/who deserted
30 Y Jesus le puchabó, y penó: ¿Qué nao terelas tucue? Y ó rudeló! Legion: presas habian chalado andré ó baribustres bengues.
to question then it/s/he the/this/who Jesus (to say *ko) which? you name to be the/this/who then to say (Legion *N+kO) that/since: since to enter demon much toward it/s/he
31 Y le manguelaban, que na os bichabase al butron. (Abyssos g12)
and (to plead/comfort *N+kO) it/s/he in order that/to not to command it/s/he toward the/this/who abyss to go away (Abyssos g12)
32 Piraba oté yeque bari plastañi de baliches jamando andré o bur: y le manguelaban, que os mequelase chibarse andré junos. Y se lo mecó.
to be then there herd pig sufficient (to feed *N+kO) in/on/among the/this/who mountain and (to plead/comfort *N+kO) it/s/he in order that/to to permit it/s/he toward that to enter and to permit it/s/he
33 Chaláron pues os bengues abrí e manu, y chaláron andré os baliches: y yescotria os baliches se chibáron por yeque luchipen sat sila andré a pani, y se amuláron.
to go out then the/this/who demon away from the/this/who a human (to enter *N+kO) toward the/this/who pig and to stampede the/this/who herd according to the/this/who cliff toward the/this/who lake and to choke
34 Pur ocono dicáron os durotunés, najáron, y lo penáron andré o foros, y por os gaues.
to perceive: see then the/this/who to feed the/this/who (to be *N+kO) to flee and (to go away *K) to announce toward the/this/who city and toward the/this/who field
35 Y chaláron abrí somia dicar que habia anacado, y abilláron á Jesus: y alacháron bestelado al manu, de coin habia chalado abrí os bengues, sos sinaba acana vestido, y andré desquero bardon, á ós pindrés de ó, y tereláron dal baro.
to go out then to perceive: see the/this/who to be and to come/go to/with the/this/who Jesus and to find/meet to sit the/this/who a human away from which the/this/who demon (to go out *N+kO) to dress and be of sound mind from/with/beside the/this/who foot the/this/who Jesus and to fear
36 Y les penáron junos sos lo habian dicado, sasta habia sinado listrabado de la legion.
to announce then it/s/he (and *k) the/this/who to perceive: see how! to save the/this/who be demonised
37 Y le mangueló sari a sueti del chim es Gerasenes, que se chalase de junos: presas terelaban dal baribu. Y ó costunó andré o berdo, y se limbidió.
and (to ask *N+kO) it/s/he all the/this/who multitude the/this/who region the/this/who (Gerasene *N+KO) to go away away from it/s/he that/since: since fear great to hold/oppress it/s/he then to climb toward (the/this/who *k) boat to return
38 Y o manu, de coin habian chalado abrí os bengues, le manguelaba somia sinar sat ó. Tami Jesus le bichabó, y penó:
(to pray *N+kO) then it/s/he the/this/who man away from which to go out the/this/who demon to exist with it/s/he to release: release then it/s/he (the/this/who *k) (Jesus *K) to say
39 Limbidiatucue á tun quer, y pen quan bari furune Debél ha querdi con-a-sangue. Y chaló penando por saro o foros, quanto mistos le habia querdi Jesus.
to return toward the/this/who house: home you and to relate fully just as/how much you to do/make: do the/this/who God and to go away according to all the/this/who city to preach just as/how much to do/make: do it/s/he the/this/who Jesus
40 Y anacó, que habiendo limbidiado Jesus, le ustiláron a sueti: pues sares le sinaban ujarando.
(to be *K) in/on/among then the/this/who (to return *N+kO) the/this/who Jesus to receive it/s/he the/this/who crowd to be for all to look for it/s/he
41 Y abilló manu araquerado Jayro, sos sinaba Mancloy e Synagoga: y chibandose a os pindrés de Jesus, le manguelaba, que chalase andré desquero quer.
and look! to come/go man which name Jairus and (this/he/she/it *N+kO) ruler the/this/who synagogue be already and to collapse from/with/beside the/this/who foot the/this/who Jesus to plead/comfort it/s/he to enter toward the/this/who house: home it/s/he
42 Presas terelaba chabori colcori sasta de dui deque berjis, y ocona sinaba merando. Y o chiros que ó chalaba, a sueti o apretaba.
that/since: since daughter unique to be it/s/he as/when year twelve and it/s/he to die in/on/among then the/this/who to go it/s/he the/this/who crowd to choke it/s/he
43 Y yeque cadchi sos terelaba len de rati dui-deque berjis, y habia plasarado o saro que terelaba andré salamites, y de cayque n’astisaraba sinar chibada mistos:
and woman to be in/on/among discharge blood away from year twelve who/which (toward *k) (physician *N+kO) to expend all the/this/who life (it/s/he *ko) no be strong (away from *N+kO) none to serve/heal
44 Abilló á ó por palal, y pajabó a orla de desqueri talorori: y andré o matejo chiros cesó o len de desqueri rati.
to come near/agree after to touch the/this/who edge the/this/who clothing it/s/he and instantly to stand the/this/who discharge the/this/who blood it/s/he
45 Y penó Jesus: ¿Coin ha pajabado mangue? Y negandolo sares, penó Pedro, y junos sos sat ó sinaban: Duquendio, a sueti aprieta tucue, y pandela, y penelas: ¿Coin mangue pajabela?
and to say the/this/who Jesus which? the/this/who to touch me to deny then all to say the/this/who Peter (and the/this/who *KO) (with/after it/s/he *K+o) master the/this/who crowd to hold/oppress you and to crowd up to (and to say which? the/this/who to touch me *KO)
46 Y penó Jesus: Yeque ha pajabado mangue: presas he pincherado, que ha chalado sila abrí de mangue.
the/this/who then Jesus to say to touch me one I/we for to know power (to go out *N+kO) away from I/we
47 Pur a cadchi se dicó andiar pincherada, abilló sat dal, y se chibó á desqueres pindrés: y penó anglal sari a sueti a causa, presas le habia pajabado; y sasta yescotria habia sinado chibada mistos.
to perceive: see then the/this/who woman that/since: that no be hidden to tremble to come/go and to fall/beat it/s/he through/because of which cause/charge to touch it/s/he to announce (it/s/he *k) before all the/this/who a people and as/when to heal instantly
48 Y ó le penó: Dugida, tun fé ha chibado tucue mistos: Chatucue andré paz.
the/this/who then to say it/s/he (take heart *K) (daughter *N+kO) the/this/who faith you to save you to travel toward peace
49 Sinando ó aun chamuliando, abilló yeque al Mancloy e Synagoga, y le penó: Muli sinela tun chabori: na molestes al Duquendio.
still it/s/he to speak to come/go one from/with/beside the/this/who synagogue leader to say (it/s/he *ko) that/since: that to die/be dead the/this/who daughter you (never again *N+KO) to trouble the/this/who teacher
50 Tami Jesus pur ocono juneló, penó al batu de la bedori: Na darañeles, pachibel colcoramente, y sinará mistos.
the/this/who then Jesus to hear to answer it/s/he (to say *k) not to fear alone (to trust (in) *N+kO) and to save
51 Y pur bigoreó al quer: na mecó chalar andré á cayque, sino á Pedro, y á Santiago, y á Juan, y al batu, y á la dai de la bedori.
(to come/go *N+kO) then toward the/this/who home no to release: permit to enter (one *N+kO) (with it/s/he *NO) if: not not Peter and John and James and the/this/who father the/this/who child and the/this/who mother
52 Y os sares orobaban, y a plañian. Y ó penó: Na orobeleis, na sinela muli a bedori, sino que sobela.
to weep then all and to cut/mourn it/s/he the/this/who then to say not to weep no (for *no) to die but to sleep
53 Y se le girelaban, chanelando que sinaba muli.
and to mock it/s/he to know that/since: that to die
54 Tami ó la ustiló pre a bas, y penó á gole baro: Bedori, Costunatucue.
it/s/he then (to expel out/outside(r) all and *K) to grasp/seize the/this/who hand it/s/he to call to say the/this/who child (to arise *N+kO)
55 Y limbidió a ochi á siró, y se costunó yescotria. Y ó penó, que le diñesen de jamar.
and to turn the/this/who spirit/breath: spirit it/s/he and to arise instantly and to direct it/s/he to give to eat
56 Y os batuces de siró sináron canguelados, y ó les penó, que á cayque penasen ma habia sinado querdi.
and to amaze the/this/who parent it/s/he the/this/who then to order it/s/he nothing to say the/this/who to be

< Lucas 8 >