< Lucas 7 >

1 Y pur acabó de penar sarias oconas vardas á la sueti, sos junelaba, se chaló andré Capharnaúm.
(since *N+kO) to fulfill all the/this/who declaration it/s/he toward the/this/who hearing the/this/who a people to enter toward Capernaum
2 Y sinaba oté baribu merdo y casi á la meripen yeque lacró de yeque Centurion; sos sinaba baribu pachibelado de ó.
centurion then one slave badly to have/be to ensue to decease which to be it/s/he valued/honored
3 Y pur juneló penar de Jesus, bichabó á ó yeques pures es Chuti, manguelandole, que abillase á chibar lacho á desquero lacró.
to hear then about the/this/who Jesus to send to/with it/s/he elder: Elder the/this/who Jew to ask it/s/he that to come/go to save the/this/who slave it/s/he
4 Y junos, yescotria que abilláron á Jesus, le querelaban barias instancias, penando: Merece que le otorguisareles ocono.
the/this/who then to come to/with the/this/who Jesus to plead/comfort it/s/he diligently to say that/since: that worthy to be which (to furnish occasion *N+KO) this/he/she/it
5 Presas camela á amari rati: y ó amangue ha querdi yeque cangri.
to love for the/this/who Gentiles me and the/this/who synagogue it/s/he to build me
6 Y Jesus chalaba sat junos. Y pur sinaba sunparal é quer, bichabó á ó el Centurion desqueres monres, penando: Erañó, na ustileles ocona trabajo, que menda na sinelo cabalico de que chales andré de minrio guer.
the/this/who then Jesus to travel with it/s/he already then it/s/he no far to have in full away from the/this/who home to send (to/with it/s/he *ko) friendly/friend the/this/who centurion to say it/s/he lord: God not to trouble no for sufficient to be in order that/to by/under: under the/this/who roof me to enter
7 Por ocono ni aun he penchabado mangue cabalico de nichobelar á orotarte: Tami penlo sat yeque varda, y sinará chibado lacho minrio lacró.
therefore nor I/we to deem worthy to/with you to come/go but to say word and (to heal *N+kO) the/this/who child me
8 Presas menda tambien sinelo manu chitado ostely de las vardas de averes, y terelo jundunares ostely de mangue; y penelo á ocona: Cha, y chala; y al aver; Abillel, y abillela; y al lacro de mangue: Querel ocono, y querela.
and for I/we a human to be by/under: under authority to appoint to have/be by/under: under I/we soldier and to say this/he/she/it to travel and to travel and another to come/go and to come/go and the/this/who slave me to do/make: do this/he/she/it and to do/make: do
9 Pur Jesus junelo ocono, se zibó: y dicando palal á la sueti, que o plastañaba, penó: Aromali sangue penelo, que ni andré Israel he alachado fé tan bari.
to hear then this/he/she/it the/this/who Jesus to marvel it/s/he and to turn the/this/who to follow it/s/he crowd to say to say you (nor *NK+o) in/on/among the/this/who Israel so great faith to find/meet
10 Y pur junos limbidiáron al quer sos habian sinado bichabados, alacháron sasto al lacró, sos habia sinado merdo.
and to return toward the/this/who house: home the/this/who to send to find/meet the/this/who (be weak: ill *K) slave be healthy
11 Y anacó despues, que chalaba á yeque foros araquerado Naim: y desqueres discipules chalaban sat ó, y yeque bari plastañi de sueti.
and to be in/on/among (the/this/who *N+kO) next/afterward (to travel *N+kO) toward city to call: call Nain and to go with it/s/he the/this/who disciple it/s/he (sufficient *K) and crowd much
12 Y pur abilló sunparal de la bundal e foros, he acoi que sicobaban abrí á yeque mulo, chaboro colcoro de sun dai, sos sinaba piuli, y abillaba sat siró baribustri sueti e foros.
as/when then to come near the/this/who gate the/this/who city and look! to carry out to die/be dead unique son the/this/who mother it/s/he and it/s/he to be widow and crowd the/this/who city sufficient to be with it/s/he
13 Yescotria que la dicó o Erañó, perelalo de canrea por siró, le penó: Na orobeles.
and to perceive: see it/s/he the/this/who lord: God to pity upon/to/against it/s/he and to say it/s/he not to weep
14 Y chaló sunparal, y pajabó á la jestarí e muló. Y junos sos lo lligueraban, se sustiláron. Y penó: Bédoro, á tucue penelo, costunatucue.
and to come near/agree to touch the/this/who bier the/this/who then to carry to stand and to say young man you to say to arise
15 Y se bejeló ó sos habia sinado muló, y se chibó á chamuliar, y le diñó á sun dai.
and to sit up the/this/who dead and be first to speak and to give it/s/he the/this/who mother it/s/he
16 Y tereláron os sares dal baro, y majarificaban á Debél, penando; Propheta baro se ha ardiñado andré amangue; y Debél ha abillado á sun sueti.
to take then fear (all *N+kO) and to glorify the/this/who God to say that/since: that prophet great (to arise *N+kO) in/on/among me and that/since: that to visit/care for the/this/who God the/this/who a people it/s/he
17 Y o chimusolano de ocona zibo voltisaró por sari Judéa, y por sari a pu.
and to go out the/this/who word this/he/she/it in/on/among all the/this/who Judea about it/s/he and (in/on/among *ko) all the/this/who region
18 Y penáron á Juan desqueres discipules sarias oconas buchias.
and to announce John the/this/who disciple it/s/he about all this/he/she/it
19 Y Juan araqueró dui es discipules de ó, y os bichabó á Jesus, penando: ¿Sinelas tucue ó sos ha de abillar, ó ujaramos á aver?
and to call to/summon two one the/this/who disciple it/s/he the/this/who John to send to/with the/this/who (lord: God *N+KO) to say you to be the/this/who to come/go or (another *NK+o) to look for
20 Y sasta abillasen á ó oconas manuces, le penáron; Juan o Bautista ha bichabado amangue á tucue, y penela; ¿Sinelas tucue ó sos ha de abillar, ó ujaramos á aver.
to come then to/with it/s/he the/this/who man to say John the/this/who one who baptizes (to send *N+kO) me to/with you to say you to be the/this/who to come/go or another to look for
21 Y Jesus andré ocola matejo chiros chibó lacho á baribustrés de merdipénes, y de llagas, y de bengues chores, y diñó vista á butrés perpentas.
in/on/among (that *N+kO) (then *k) the/this/who hour to serve/heal much away from illness and whip and spirit/breath: spirit evil/bad and blind much to give grace (the/this/who *k) to see
22 Y despues os rudeló, penando: Chalad, y penad á Juan, ma habeis junelado y dicado: Que os perpentas diquelan, os langues pirelan, os zarapiosos sinelan chibados lacho, os cajuques junelan, os mules ardiñelan, á os chorores sinela pucanado o Evangelio.
and to answer (the/this/who Jesus *k) to say it/s/he to travel to announce John which to perceive: see and to hear (that/since: that *ko) blind to look up/again lame to walk leprous to clean (and *no) deaf/mute to hear dead to arise poor to speak good news
23 Y majaró sinela ó, sos na sinare escandalizado andré mangue.
and blessed to be which if not to cause to stumble in/on/among I/we
24 Y pur hubieron chalado os discipules de Juan, se chibó á penar á la sueti de Juan: ¿Qué chalasteis á dicar andré o desierto? ¿salchuyo chalabeado del bear?
to go away then the/this/who angel: messenger John be first to say to/with (the/this/who crowd *NK+o) about John which? (to go out *N+kO) toward the/this/who deserted to look at reed/stick/pen by/under: by wind to shake
25 ¿Tami qué chalasteis abrí á dicar? ¿Manu chito de coneles laches? Aromali junos sos chibelan coneles laches, y se parbarelan andré delicias, andré os querés es Crallises sinelan.
but which? (to go out *N+kO) to perceive: see a human in/on/among soft/effeminate clothing to clothe look! the/this/who in/on/among clothing honored and self-indulgence be already in/on/among the/this/who palace to be
26 Tami qué chalasteis abrí á dicar? Propheta? Aromali sangue penelo, y fetér que Propheta:
but which? (to go out *N+kO) to perceive: see prophet yes to say you and more excessive prophet
27 Ocona sinela, del que sinela randado: He acoi bichabelo minrio Manfariel anglal de tun chiche, sos julabará tun drun anglal de tucue.
this/he/she/it to be about which to write look! (I/we *k) to send the/this/who angel: messenger me before face you which to prepare the/this/who road you before you
28 Presas menda penelo sangue, que andré os chindados de romias, na sinela fetér Propheta, que Juan o Bautista; tami o mendesquero andré o chim de Debél, sinela fetér que ó.
to say (for *k) you great in/on/among born woman (prophet *KO) (the/this/who *k) (John *N+KO) none to be the/this/who then small in/on/among the/this/who kingdom the/this/who God great it/s/he to be
29 Y sari a sueti, y os Publicanes, sos le juneláron, diñáron chimusolano á Debél, junos sos habian sinado muchobelados sal o bautismo de Juan.
and all the/this/who a people to hear and the/this/who tax collector to justify the/this/who God to baptize the/this/who baptism John
30 Tami os Phariseyes, y os Chandes de la Eschastra gireláron o consejo de Debél andré sí matejos, ocolas sos na habian sinado muchobelados por ó.
the/this/who then Pharisee and the/this/who lawyer the/this/who plan the/this/who God to reject toward themself not to baptize by/under: by it/s/he
31 Y penó o Erañó: Pues á coin penaré, que se semejan os manuces de ocona rati, y á coin se nichobelan?
(to say then the/this/who lord: God *K) which? therefore/then to liken the/this/who a human the/this/who generation this/he/she/it and which? to be like
32 Semejantes sinelan á os chabores, sos sinelan bejelados andré ó masquero chamuliando andré sí, y penando: A sangue hemos giyabelado sat pajandias, y na quelasteis: á sangue hemos endechado, y na orobasteis.
like to be child the/this/who in/on/among marketplace to sit and to call to/summon one another (which *no) (and *k) (to say *N+k+o) to play the flute you and no to dance to lament (you *k) and no to weep
33 Presas abilló Juan o Bautista, sos na jamaba manro, ni piyaba mol, y penelais: Bengui terela.
to come/go for John the/this/who one who baptizes (not *N+kO) to eat bread neither to drink wine and to say demon to have/be
34 Abilló o Chaboro e manu, sos jamela, y piyela, y penelais: He acoi manu jamador, y matogaro, monro de Publicanes y chorés.
to come/go the/this/who son the/this/who a human to eat and to drink and to say look! a human glutton and drunkard friendly/friend tax collector and sinful
35 Tami a chaneleria ha sinado justificada por sares desqueres chabores.
and to justify the/this/who wisdom away from all the/this/who child it/s/he
36 Y le mangaba yeque Phariséo, que chalase á jamar sat ó: y habiendo chalado andré o quer e Phariséo, se bejeló á la mensalle.
to ask then one it/s/he the/this/who Pharisee in order that/to to eat with/after it/s/he and to enter toward (the/this/who house: home *N+kO) the/this/who Pharisee (to sit *N+KO)
37 Y yeque cadchi chumasconá, sos sinaba andré o foros, chanelando que sinaba á la mensalle andré o quer e Phariséo, lligueró yeque pigote de alabastro, perelalo de ampio lacho:
and look! woman who/which to be in/on/among the/this/who city sinful (and *no) to come to know that/since: that (to recline *N+kO) in/on/among the/this/who home the/this/who Pharisee to bring/be repaid jar ointment
38 Y sinchitandose á desqueres pindrés palal de ó, se chibó á muchobelarle sat la pani de sus aquias os pindrés, y os enjugaba sat o bal de desquero jeró, y le chupendiaba os pindrés, y os ampiaba sat o ampio.
and to stand after from/with/beside the/this/who foot it/s/he to weep the/this/who teardrop be first to rain down the/this/who foot it/s/he and the/this/who hair the/this/who head it/s/he to wipe off and to kiss the/this/who foot it/s/he and to anoint the/this/who ointment
39 Y pur ocono dicó o Phariséo, sos le terelaba convidado, penó andré sí matejo: Si ocona manu sinaba Propheta, chanelaria mistos ma, y coin sinela a cadchi, sos le pajabela; presas sinela chori.
to perceive: see then the/this/who Pharisee the/this/who to call: call it/s/he to say in/on/among themself to say this/he/she/it if to be (the/this/who *o) prophet to know if which? and of what kind? the/this/who woman who/which to touch it/s/he that/since: since sinful to be
40 Y Jesus le rudeló, penando: Simón, camelo penar á tucue yeque buchi. Y ó rudeló: Duquendio, pen.
and to answer the/this/who Jesus to say to/with it/s/he Simon to have/be you one to say the/this/who then teacher to say to assert
41 Dui debisaráron jayere á yeque manu: o yeque le debisaró pansch cientos calés, y o aver cincuenta.
two debtor to be moneylender one the/this/who one to owe denarius five hundred the/this/who then other fifty
42 Tami sasta na terelasen chichi de que plasararle, se los estomó á os dui. ¿Pues cual es dui le camela fetér?
not to have/be (then *k) it/s/he to pay both to give grace which? therefore/then it/s/he (to say *k) greater to love it/s/he
43 Rudeló Simón, y penó: Penchabelo, que ocola, á coin estomó butér. Y Jesus le penó: Mistos has penchabado.
to answer (then the/this/who *ko) Simon to say to take up/suppose that/since: that which the/this/who greater to give grace the/this/who then to say it/s/he correctly to judge
44 Y voltañandose acia a cadchi, penó á Simón: ¿Diquelas ocona cadchi? Menda me chalé andré tun quer, na diñaste mangue pani somia os pindrés: tami ocona sat a pani de desquerias aquias ha muchobelado minrés pindrés, y os ha enjugado sat desqueres bales.
and to turn to/with the/this/who woman the/this/who Simon to assert to see this/he/she/it the/this/who woman to enter you toward the/this/who home water me upon/to/against (the/this/who *ko) foot (me *k) no to give this/he/she/it then the/this/who teardrop to rain down me the/this/who foot and the/this/who hair (the/this/who head *K) it/s/he to wipe off
45 Na diñaste mangue chupendi: tami ocona, desde que abilló andré, na ha mucado de chupendarme os pindrés.
kiss me no to give this/he/she/it then away from which to enter no to stop to kiss me the/this/who foot
46 Na ampiaste minrio jeró sat ampio; tami ocona sat ampio lacho ha ampiado minres pindrés.
olive oil the/this/who head me no to anoint this/he/she/it then ointment to anoint the/this/who foot me
47 Pre o matejo penelo; que estomados le sinelan os baribustres grecos de siró, presas cameló baribu. Tami al que mendesquero se estoma, mendesquero camela.
which because of to say you to release: forgive the/this/who sin it/s/he the/this/who much that/since: since to love much which then little/few to release: forgive little/few to love
48 Y penó á siró: Estomados á tucue sinelan os grecos.
to say then it/s/he to release: forgive you the/this/who sin
49 Y ocolas sos jamelaban oté, se chibáron á penar enré si: ¿Coin sinela ocona, sos aun os grecos estoma?
and be first the/this/who to dine with to say in/on/among themself which? this/he/she/it to be which and sin to release: forgive
50 Y penó á la cadchi: Tun fé ha chibado tucue sasti: Chatucue andré paz.
to say then to/with the/this/who woman the/this/who faith you to save you to travel toward peace

< Lucas 7 >