< Lucas 5 >

1 Y anacó que abillando a sueti en plastañías somia junelar a varda de Debél, sinaba ó á la cunara de la pani de Genesareth.
It came to pass then in the crowd pressing on Him (also *N+KO) to hear the word of God and He himself was already standing by the lake of Gennesaret
2 Y dicó dui berdés, sos sinaban á la cunara de la pani: y os machadores habian ardiñado en chiquen, y muchobelaban desqueres redes.
and He saw two boats already lying by the lake. but the fishermen from them having gone out (were washing *N+kO) the nets.
3 Y chalando andré yeque de oconas berdés, sos sinaba de Simon, le mangó, que le guillase yeque fremi de la chiquen. Y sinando bestelado, bedaba á la sueti desde o berdo.
Having climbed then into one of the boats which was (of the *k) Simon’s, He asked him from the land to put off a little. (and *ko) Having sat down (then *no) from the boat He was teaching the crowds.
4 Y yescotria que acabó de chamuliar, penó á Simon: Chala butér andré, y chibela jires redes somia machorar.
When then He left off speaking He said to Simon; do put off into the deep and do lower the nets of you for a catch.
5 Y rudelando Simon, le penó: Duquendio, sari a rachi hemos sinado machorando, bi ustilar chichi: tami en tiri varda chibaré a red.
And answering Simon said (to him: *ko) Master, through whole night having toiled no [thing] have we taken, at however the declaration of You I will let down (the *N+kO) (nets. *N+KO)
6 Y pur tereláron querdi ocolo, ustiláron tan baró numero de maches, que se asparababa a red de junos.
And this having done they enclosed a multitude of fishes great; were breaking now (the *N+kO) (nets *N+KO) of them.
7 Y quereláron simaches á os averes manuces sos sinaban andré o aver berdo, somia que abillasen á ayudarlos. Ocolas abilláron, y de tal beda pereláron os dui berdes, que casi chalaban abajines.
And they beckoned to the partners (to the *k) in the other boat having come to help them. and they came and filled both the boats so that [were] sinking they.
8 Y pur dicó Simon Pedro ocolo, se chibó á os pindrés de Jesus, penando: Erañó, chatucue de mangue, que sinelo manu choro.
Having seen now Simon Peter fell at the knees of Jesus saying; do depart from me, for a man sinful am I, Lord.
9 Presas ó, y os sares sos sat ó sinaban, sináron atonitos de os butres maches, que terelaban ustilado:
Amazement for laid hold on him and on all those with him at the catch of the fish (which *N+kO) they had taken,
10 Yandiar matejo Santiago, y Juan, chabores del Zebedéo, sos sinaban candones de Simon: Y penó Jesus á Simon: Na darañeles: desde ocona chiros sinarás machador de manuces.
likewise now also James and John [the] sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon. And said to Simon Jesus; Not do fear; from now on men you will be catching.
11 Y lliguerando os berdes á chiquen, mequeláron o saro, y le plastañáron.
And having brought the boats to the land, having left (all [things] *N+kO) they followed Him.
12 Y anacó, que sinando andré yeque de ocolas fores, abilló manu perelalo de zarapia, y pur dicó á Jesus, se chibó mui por chiquen, y le mangó, penando: Erañó, si camelas, astisarelas chibarme lacho.
And it came to pass in being Him in one of the cities that behold a man full of leprosy; (and *ko) having seen (then *no) Jesus, having fallen upon [his] face begged Him saying; Lord, if You shall be willing, You are able me to cleanse.
13 Y ó bucharando la baste le pajabó, penando: Camelo: sinele limpio. Y yescotria chaló de ó a zarapia.
And having stretched out the hand He touched him (saying; *N+kO) I am willing, do be cleansed. And immediately the leprosy departed from him.
14 Y le penó, que na lo penase á cayque: Tami chatucue, le penó, y muestrate al erajai, y díñela por tiri limpieza ma mandó Moyses, en machiria á junos.
And He himself ordered him no one to tell But having gone do show yourself to the priest and do offer for the cleansing of you even as commanded Moses for a testimony to them.
15 Y trincho butér se voltisaraba desquero chimusolano: y abillaba en plastañias a sueti somia junelarle, y somia que nicobelase de junos desqueres merdipénes.
Was spread abroad now still more the report concerning Him; and were coming crowds great to hear and to be healed (by him *K) from the sicknesses of them;
16 Tami ó se chaló al desierto á manguelar á Un-debél.
He Himself now was withdrawing into the wilderness and praying.
17 Y anacó, que yeque chibes ó sinaba bestelado bedando. Y sinaban tambien bestelados oté yeques Phariseyes, y Chandés de la Eschastra, sos abilláron de sares os gaues e Galiléa, y de Judéa, y de Jerusalém: y a sila e Erañoro sinaba randiñando somia chibarlos lacho.
And it came to pass on one of the days that He himself was teaching; and there were sitting by Pharisees and teachers of the law who were already coming out of every village of Galilee and of Judea and of Jerusalem, And [the] power of [the] Lord was with to heal (Him. *N+KO)
18 Y abilláron yeques manuces sos ligueraban opré cheripen yeque manu, sos sinaba paralitico, y le camelaban sinchitar andré, y chibarle anglal de ó.
And behold men carrying upon a mat a man who was paralyzed, and they were seeking him to bring in and to place him before Him.
19 Tami na rachelando por anduque astisar sinchitarlo por la plastañi e sueti, costunáron opré o techo y pre ó tejado le deschindaron sat a cheripen, sinchitandolo en medio anglal de Jesus.
And not having found (through *k) what way they may bring in him on account of the crowd, having gone up on the housetop through the tiles they let down him with the mat into the midst before Jesus.
20 Y pur dicó a fé de junos, penó: Manu, ertinados á tucue sinelan os grecos.
And having seen the faith of them He said (to him: *k) Man, have been forgiven you the sins of you.
21 Y os Libanes, y Phariseyes se chibaron á penchabar, y penar: ¿Coin sinela ocona sos chamulia solajais: Coin astisarela ertinar grecos, sino Un-debél colcoro?
And began to reason the scribes and the Pharisees saying; Who is this who speaks blasphemies? Who is able sins (to forgive *N+kO) only except [the] sole God?
22 Y Jesus, sasta jabilló as suncais de junos, les rudeló, y penó: ¿Qué penchabais andré jirés carlochines?
Having known now Jesus the reasonings of them answering He said to them; Why reason you in the hearts of you?
23 ¿Qué sinela mas astis, penar: Ertinados á tucue sinelan os grecos; o penar: Costunate y pirela?
Which is easier, to say; Have been forgiven you the sins of you, or to say; (do arise *N+kO) and do walk?
24 Pues somia que chaneleis, que o Chaboro e manu terela sila opré la pu de ertinar grecos, penó al Paralitico: A tucue penelo, costunatucue, ustila tun cheripen, y chatucue á tun quer.
That however you may know that the Son of Man authority has on the earth to forgive sins, He said to the [one] paralyzed; To you I say, (do arise *N+kO) and having taken up the mat of you, do go to the house of you.
25 Y se costunó yescotria anglal de as aquias de junos, y ustiló a cheripen, andré que sinaba: y se chaló a desquero quer, diñando chimusolano á Debél.
And immediately having stood up before them, having taken up [that] on (which *N+kO) he was lying, he departed to the home of him glorifying God.
26 Y sináron os sares pasmados, y majarificaban á Debél: y perelales de dal, penaban: Achibes hemos dicado zibos.
And amazement seized all, and they were glorifying God and were filled with fear saying that We have seen remarkable things today.
27 Y despues de ocono chaló abrí, y dicó a yeque Publicano araquerado Levi, sos sinaba bestelado á la quejeña, y le penó: Plastañamangue.
And after these things He went forth and He saw a tax collector named Levi sitting at the tax booth and He said to him; do follow Me.
28 Y ardiñelandose mecó sarias desquerias buchias: y le plastañó.
And having left (all [things] *N+kO) having arisen (he was following *N+kO) Him.
29 Y le queró Levi yeque jachipen bari andré desquero quer, y abilló oté yeque plastañi bari de Publicanes, y de averes, sos sinaban bestelados sat junos á la mensalle.
And made a banquet great Levi for Him in the house of him, and there was a multitude great of tax collectors and others who were with them reclining.
30 Tami os Phariseyes, y os Libanes sinaban ululés, y penaban á os discipules de Jesus: ¿Presás jamais, y piyais sat os Publicanes y chores?
And were grumbling the Pharisees and the scribes of them at the disciples of Him saying; Because of why with the tax collectors and sinners do you eat and drink?
31 Y Jesus les rudeló, y penó: A ocolas sos sinelan mistos, salamito no les sinela necesario, sino á ocolas sos sinelan merdés.
And answering Jesus said to them; No need have those being well of a physician but those sick being.
32 Na he abillado á araquerar á os laches á penitencia, sino á os chores.
Not I have come to call righteous [ones] but sinners to repentance.
33 Y ocolas le penáron: ¿Presas os discipules de Juan ayunan tanto, y manguelan, y tambien os es Phariseyes, y os de tucue jamelan y piyelan?
And they said to Him; (through why *KO) The disciples of John fast often and prayers make, likewise also those of the Pharisees, those however of You eat and drink.
34 O penó á junos: ¿Por baji astisarelas querelar, que os chabores e Rom ayunen, o chiros que o Rom sinela sat junos?
And (Jesus *no) said to them; Not are you able the sons of the bridechamber in which [time] the bridegroom with them is, to make (to fast? *N+kO)
35 Tami abillarán chibeses, andré que o Rom les sinará nicabado, y ayunarán andré ocolas chibeses.
Will come however days also when may be taken away from them the bridegroom, then they will fast in those days.
36 Y les penó yeque semejanza: Na chibela cayque remiendo de chan nebó andré plata puri: presas de aver beda o nebó parabela al puro: y ademas na nichobela mistos remiendo nebó sat o puro.
He was speaking now also a parable to them that No [one] a piece (of *no) a garment new (having torn *NO) puts [it] on a garment old; lest then except indeed also the new (will tear, *N+kO) and to the old not (it will match *N+kO) (the *no) piece of the new.
37 Y cayque chibela mol nebó andré pigotes purés, presas de aver beda o mol nebó parabelará á os pigotes, o mol se butanará, y se chibelarán a najabar os pigotes.
And no [one] puts wine new into wineskins old; lest then except indeed will burst the wine new the wineskins and it will be spilled out, and the wineskins will be destroyed;
38 Tami jomte chibar o mol nebó andré pigotes nebés, y o yeque y o aver se conserva.
But wine new into wineskins fresh must be put (and both are preserved. *KO)
39 Y cayque sos piyela o puro camela yescotria o nebó, presas penela: fetér sinela o puro.
And no [one] having drunk old [wine] (immediately *K) desires new, he says for; The old (good *N+kO) is.

< Lucas 5 >