< Lucas 4 >

1 Tami Jesus perelaló e Peniche, se limbidió del Jordan, y sinaba lliguerado por la suncai al desierto.
Jesus then full spirit/breath: spirit holy to return away from the/this/who Jordan and to bring in/on/among the/this/who spirit/breath: spirit (in/on/among the/this/who deserted *N+kO)
2 Y sinaba oté quarenta chibeses, y le tentaba o Bengui, y na jamó chi andré ocolas chibeses; y anacados oconas terelaba bóquis.
day forty to test/tempt: tempt by/under: by the/this/who devilish/the Devil and no to eat none in/on/among the/this/who day that and to complete it/s/he (later *K) to hunger
3 Y le penó o Bengui: Si chaboro de Debél sinelas, pen á ocona bar, que se querele manro.
(and *k) to say (then *no) it/s/he the/this/who devilish/the Devil if son to be the/this/who God to say the/this/who stone this/he/she/it in order that/to to be bread
4 Y Jesus le rudeló: Libanado sinela: Que na vivisarela o manu de manro colcoro, tami de sari varda de Debél.
and to answer to/with it/s/he (the/this/who *no) Jesus (to say *k) to write that/since: that no upon/to/against bread alone to live the/this/who a human (but upon/to/against all declaration God *KO)
5 Y le lligueró o Bengui á yeque bur udscho, y le queró dicar sares os chimes de la pu andré yeque frimita de chiros,
and to lead it/s/he (the/this/who *k) (devilish/the Devil toward mountain high *K) to show it/s/he all the/this/who kingdom the/this/who world in/on/among instant time
6 Y le penó: Diñaré a tucue sari ocana sila, y o chimusolano de junos: presas se me han diñado á mangué, y á coin camelo los diñelo
and to say it/s/he the/this/who devilish/the Devil you to give the/this/who authority this/he/she/it all and the/this/who glory it/s/he that/since: since I/we to deliver and which (if *NK+o) to will/desire to give it/s/he
7 Por tanto, si chibandote á minres pindres, majarificares mangue, os sares sinarán tirés.
you therefore/then if to worship before (I/we *N+kO) to be you (all *N+kO)
8 Y rudelando Jesus, le penó: Libanado sinela: A tiro Erañoró Debél majarificarás, y a ó colcoro servirás.
and to answer the/this/who Jesus to say it/s/he (to go *KO) (after me Satan *K) to write (for *k) lord: God the/this/who God you to worship and it/s/he alone to minister
9 Y le lligeró á Jerusalém, y lo chibó opré o jeró de la cangri, y le penó: Si sinelas Chaboro de Debél, chibelate de acoi á la chiquen.
(and *k) to bring (then *no) it/s/he toward Jerusalem and to stand (it/s/he *ko) upon/to/against the/this/who pinnacle the/this/who temple and to say it/s/he if (the/this/who *k) son to be the/this/who God to throw: throw you from here under
10 Presas sinela libanado que penó de tucue a desquerés Manfarieles, que te aracaten:
to write for that/since: that the/this/who angel it/s/he to order about you the/this/who to protect you
11 Y que te ardiñelen andré sus bastes, somia que na cureles tun pindré andré yeque bar.
and that/since: that upon/to/against hand to take up you not once/when to strike to/with stone the/this/who foot you
12 Y rudelando Jesus, le chamulió: Penado sinela: Na tentarás al Erañó tun Debél.
and to answer to say it/s/he the/this/who Jesus that/since: that to say no to test/tempt lord: God the/this/who God you
13 Y nacada sari tentacion, se chaló de ó el Bengui disde o chiros.
and to complete all temptation/testing: temptation the/this/who devilish/the Devil to leave away from it/s/he until time/right time
14 Y limbidió Jesus andré la sila e suncai á Galiléa: y o chimusolano de ó se chibó por saro o chim.
and to return the/this/who Jesus in/on/among the/this/who power the/this/who spirit/breath: spirit toward the/this/who Galilee and news to go out according to all the/this/who region about it/s/he
15 Y ó chamuliaba andré as synagogas de junós, y sinaba aclamado de sares.
and it/s/he to teach in/on/among the/this/who synagogue it/s/he to glorify by/under: by all
16 Y chaló á Nazareth, anduque se habia parbarado, y se guilló segun su beda o chibes del Canché andré a synagoga, y se ardinó á lirenar.
and to come/go toward (the/this/who *k) Nazareth whither to be to feed and to enter according to the/this/who to have a custom it/s/he in/on/among the/this/who day the/this/who Sabbath toward the/this/who synagogue and to arise to read
17 Y le diñáron o embéo de Isaias o Propheta. Y pur despandó o embéo racheló o lugar anduque sinela libanado.
and to give/deliver it/s/he scroll the/this/who prophet Isaiah and (to unroll *NK+o) the/this/who scroll to find/meet the/this/who place whither to be to write
18 A Suncai e Erañoró opré mangue, por lo que ha ampiado mangue somia diñar lachias nuevas a os chorores ha bichabado mangue, somia chibar lacho a os asparabados de carlochin,
spirit/breath: spirit lord: God upon/to/against I/we which because of to anoint me (to speak good news *N+kO) poor to send me (to heal the/this/who to break the/this/who heart *K) to preach captive forgiveness and blind recovery of sight to send to crush in/on/among forgiveness
19 Somia penar a os estardes mestepé, y á os chindés diquelar, somia chibar en mestepé á os asparabados, somia pucanar a berji lachi e Erañoró, y o chibes e galardon.
to preach year lord: God acceptable
20 Y habiendo pandado o embéo, se lo diñó al erajai, y se besteló: y os sarés andré a synagoga terelaban as aquías chibadas andré ó.
and to roll up the/this/who scroll to pay the/this/who servant to seat and all the/this/who eye in/on/among the/this/who synagogue to be to gaze it/s/he
21 Y se chibó á penar: Achibes se ha perelado ocona Libaneria andré jirés canes.
be first then to say to/with it/s/he that/since: that today to fulfill the/this/who a writing this/he/she/it in/on/among the/this/who ear you
22 Y os sares le diñaban machiria, y se zibaban de las vardas de gracia, sos chaláron abri de desquero mui, y penáron: ¿Na sinela ocona o chaboro de Joseph?
and all to testify it/s/he and to marvel upon/to/against the/this/who word the/this/who grace the/this/who to depart out from the/this/who mouth it/s/he and to say (not! *N+kO) son to be (the/this/who *ko) Joseph this/he/she/it
23 Y les penó: Bi duda penareis á mangue ocona varda: Salamito chibelate lacho á tun matejo: sarias ocolas buchias barias, que junelamos penar que queraste andré Capharnaúm, querlas tambien acoi andré tun chim.
and to say to/with it/s/he surely to say me the/this/who parable this/he/she/it physician to serve/heal you just as/how much to hear to be (toward *N+kO) (the/this/who *NK+o) Capernaum to do/make: do and here in/on/among the/this/who fatherland you
24 Y chamulió: Aromali os penelo, que necaute Propheta sinela pachibelado andré desquero chim.
to say then amen to say you that/since: that none prophet acceptable to be in/on/among the/this/who fatherland it/s/he
25 Aromali os penelo, que baribustrias piulias sinaban andré Israel os chibeses de Elias, pur sinaba pandado o Charos por trin berjis y por zoi chonos: pur sinaba yeque bóquis bari por sari la chiquen.
upon/to/against truth then to say you much widow to be in/on/among the/this/who day Elijah in/on/among the/this/who Israel when to shut the/this/who heaven upon/to/against year Three and month six as/when to be hunger great upon/to/against all the/this/who earth: country
26 Tami á necaute de ocolas sinaba bichabado Elias, sino á yeque cadchi piuli andré Sarepta de Sidonia.
and to/with none it/s/he to send Elijah if: not not toward Zarephath the/this/who (Sidonian *N+kO) to/with woman widow
27 Y baribustres zarapiados sinaban andré Israel andré o chiros de Eliséo Propheta, tami cayque de ocolas sinaba chibado lacho, sino Naaman de Syria.
and much leprous to be in/on/among the/this/who Israel upon/to/against Elisha the/this/who prophet and none it/s/he to clean if: not not Naaman the/this/who Syrian
28 Y os sares andré a synagoga sináron perelales de sana junelando ocono.
and to fill all wrath in/on/among the/this/who synagogue to hear this/he/she/it
29 Y se costunáron, y lo bucharáron abrí del foros: y lo lligueráron disde ó jero e bur, opré sos sinaba querdi o foros, somia buchararle ostely.
and to arise to expel it/s/he out/outside(r) the/this/who city and to bring it/s/he until (the/this/who *k) brow the/this/who mountain upon/to/against which the/this/who city to build it/s/he (so *N+kO) to cast down it/s/he
30 Tami ó, nacando por medio de junos, se chaló.
it/s/he then to pass through through/because of midst it/s/he to travel
31 Y chaló abajines á Capharnaúm foros de la Galiléa, y oté os bedaba andré os Canchés.
and to descend toward Capernaum city the/this/who Galilee and to be to teach it/s/he in/on/among the/this/who Sabbath
32 Y se zibaban de desqueri beda, presas as vardas de ó sinaban silniás.
and be astonished upon/to/against the/this/who teaching it/s/he that/since: since in/on/among authority to be the/this/who word it/s/he
33 Y sinaba andré a synagoga manu sos terelaba bengui prachindó, y garló sat gole baro,
and in/on/among the/this/who synagogue to be a human to have/be spirit/breath: spirit demon unclean and to yell voice/sound: voice great
34 Penando: Mequelanos, ¿qué terelas tucue con amangue Jesus de Nazareth? ¿abillelas á mararnos? Pincharelo mistos, coin sinelas, o Majaro de Debél.
(to say *ko) ha!/aha! which? me and you Jesus Nazareth to come/go to destroy me to know you which? to be the/this/who holy the/this/who God
35 Y Jesus le chingaró, y penó: Sonsibela, y chatucue abrí de ó. Y o bengui chibandolo al chiquen, en medio, chaló abrí de ó, y na le queró daño.
and to rebuke it/s/he the/this/who Jesus to say to muzzle and to go out (away from *N+kO) it/s/he and to throw/lay down it/s/he the/this/who demon toward the/this/who midst to go out away from it/s/he nothing to hurt it/s/he
36 Y sináron os sares perelales de dal, y garlaban os yeques á os averes, penando: ¿Que buchi sinela ocona, presas sat sila y sat virtud penela á os bengues jindes, y chalan abrí.
and to be amazement upon/to/against all and to talk with to/with one another to say which? the/this/who word this/he/she/it that/since: since in/on/among authority and power to command the/this/who unclean spirit/breath: spirit and to go out
37 Y voltisaraba o chimusolano de ó por sares os gaues e chim.
and to depart sound about it/s/he toward all place the/this/who region
38 Y chalando Jesus abrí e synagoga, chaló andré o quer de Simeón. Y a suegra de Simeón sinaba nasali de tatias barias, y le mangáron por siró.
to arise then (away from *N+kO) the/this/who synagogue to enter toward the/this/who home Simon (the/this/who *k) mother-in-law then the/this/who Simon to be to hold/oppress fever great and to ask it/s/he about it/s/he
39 Y chibandose ostely acia siro, penó á la tati: y la tati le mecó. Y siró se costunó yescotria, y les servia.
and to approach above it/s/he to rebuke the/this/who fever and to release: leave it/s/he instantly then to arise to serve it/s/he
40 Y pur o cam se besteló, os sares sos terelaban merdés de varios merdipénes, se los lanelaban. Y ó chibando as baste emperso cada yeque de junos, os chibaba lacho.
to set then the/this/who sun (all *N+kO) just as/how much to have/be be weak: ill illness various to bring it/s/he to/with it/s/he the/this/who then one each it/s/he the/this/who hand (to put/lay on to serve/heal *N+kO) it/s/he
41 Y chalaban os bengues abrí de butres, garlando, y penando: Tucue sinelas o chaboro de Debél: y os chingaraba, y na os mequelaba penar, que chanelaban que sinaba ó el Christo.
to go out then and demon away from much (to shout *N+kO) and to say that/since: that you to be (the/this/who Christ *K) the/this/who son the/this/who God and to rebuke no to allow it/s/he to speak that/since: since to perceive: know the/this/who Christ it/s/he to exist
42 Y pur sinaba de chibes, chaló abrí somia guillarse á yeque stano desierto; y a sueti le orotaban, y chaláron disde anduque ó sinaba: y le deterelaban, somia que na se chalase de junos.
to be then day to go out to travel toward deserted place and the/this/who crowd (to seek after *N+kO) it/s/he and to come/go until it/s/he and to hold back/fast it/s/he the/this/who not to travel away from it/s/he
43 Y les penó: A os averes fores jomte tambien que menda penelo o chim de Debél: pues somia ocono he sinado bichabado.
the/this/who then to say to/with it/s/he that/since: that and the/this/who other city to speak good news me be necessary the/this/who kingdom the/this/who God that/since: since (upon/to/against *N+kO) this/he/she/it (to send *N+kO)
44 Y chamuliaba andré as Synagogas de la Galiléa.
and to be to preach (toward the/this/who synagogue *N+kO) the/this/who (Judea *N+KO)

< Lucas 4 >