< Lucas 3 >

1 Y andré a berji pansch-decima e imperio de Tiberio Cæsar, sinando Poncio Pilato Chino baro de Judea, y Herodes Tetrarchâ de Galiléa, y desquero plano Philipo Tetrarchâ de Ituréa, y e chim de Trachônite, y Lysanias Tetrarchâ de Abilina,
in/on/among year then fifteenth the/this/who reign Tiberius Caesar to govern Pontius Pilate the/this/who Judea and be a tetrarch the/this/who Galilee Herod Philip then the/this/who brother it/s/he be a tetrarch the/this/who Ituraea and Trachonitis country and Lysanias the/this/who Abilene be a tetrarch
2 Sinando Manclayes es erajais Annás y Caiphas, abilló a varda e Erañoró opré Juan, chaboro de Zacharias, andré o desierto.
upon/to/against (high-priest *N(k)O*) Annas and Caiaphas to be declaration God upon/to/against John the/this/who (the/this/who *k*) Zechariah son in/on/among the/this/who deserted
3 Y abilló por saro o chim de Jordan garlando o muchobelar de penitencia somia mecos de grecos,
and to come/go toward all the/this/who region the/this/who Jordan to preach baptism repentance toward forgiveness sin
4 Sasta sinela randado andré o embéo de las vardas de Isaias Propheta: Gole de yeque garlando andré ó desierto: Aparejad o drun e Erañoró, Querelad bustarias as sendas de ó.
as/when to write in/on/among book word Isaiah the/this/who prophet (to say *k*) voice/sound: voice to cry out in/on/among the/this/who deserted to make ready the/this/who road lord: God Straight to do/make: do the/this/who path it/s/he
5 Saro butron se perelará; y saro bur y plai se pejerá: y o torcido sinará enderezado: y os drunes fragosos allanados:
all valley to fulfill and all mountain and hill to humble and to be the/this/who crooked toward (Straight *NK(o)*) and the/this/who rough toward road smooth
6 Y dicará sari maas a golipen de Debél.
and to appear all flesh the/this/who salvation the/this/who God
7 Y penó á os manuces, que abillaban somia que los muchobelase: ¿Rati de birbirechas, coin penó á sangue á najar de la ira que ha de abillar?
to say therefore/then the/this/who to depart crowd to baptize by/under: by it/s/he offspring snake which? to show you to flee away from the/this/who to ensue wrath
8 Querelad pues mibao cabalico de penitencia, y na os chitelais penar: Terelamos por batu á Abraham. Porque sangue penelo, que astisarela Debél de oconas barendañías ardiñar chabores á Abraham.
to do/make: do therefore/then fruit worthy the/this/who repentance and not be first to say in/on/among themself father to have/be the/this/who Abraham to say for you that/since: that be able the/this/who God out from the/this/who stone this/he/she/it to arise child the/this/who Abraham
9 Presas acana sinela chibada a tescharí á la raiz es carschtas, pues sari carschta, sos na diñele mibao lacho, sinará velada, y chibada andré a yacque.
already then and the/this/who axe to/with the/this/who root the/this/who tree to lay/be appointed all therefore/then tree not to do/make: do fruit good to prevent and toward fire to throw: throw
10 Y le puchababan os manuces, y penaban! ¿Pues qué querelaremos?
and to question it/s/he the/this/who crowd to say which? therefore/then (to do/make: do *N(k)O*)
11 Y rudelando les penaba: O manu sos terela duis coneles, díñele al manu sos na terela: y o sos terela que jamar, querele o matejo.
to answer then (to say *N(k)O*) it/s/he the/this/who to have/be two tunic to share the/this/who not to have/be and the/this/who to have/be food similarly to do/make: do
12 Y abilláron tambien á ó os Publicanes, somia que os muchobelase, y le penáron: ¿Duquendio, qué querelaremos?
to come/go then and tax collector to baptize and to say to/with it/s/he teacher which? (to do/make: do *N(k)O*)
13 Y ó les penó: Na ustileis butér de ma os sinela penado.
the/this/who then to say to/with it/s/he nothing greater from/with/beside the/this/who to direct you to do/require
14 Le puchababan tambien os jundunares, penando: ¿Y mu qué querelaremos? Y les penó: Na queraleis choro á cayque, ni le mareleis, y sineleis lacho sat jiré jayere.
to question then it/s/he and to battle to say which? (to do/make: do *N(k)O*) and me and to say (to/with *k*) (it/s/he *N(k)O*) nothing to extort nor to extort and be sufficient the/this/who compensation you
15 Y sasta os manuces creyesen, y os sares penchabasen andré desqueres carlochines, si por ventura Juan sinaba o Christo:
to look for then the/this/who a people and to discuss all in/on/among the/this/who heart it/s/he about the/this/who John not once/when it/s/he to be the/this/who Christ
16 Rudeló Juan, y penó á os sares: Menda aromali muchobelo sangue andré paní: Tami abillará avér butér silnó que menda, de coin na sinelo cabalico de despandar a correa de desqueres tirajais: ocola muchobelará sangue andré Peniche, y yaque:
to answer to say (all *N(k)O*) the/this/who John I/we on the other hand water to baptize you to come/go then the/this/who strong me which no to be sufficient to loose the/this/who leather strap the/this/who sandal it/s/he it/s/he you to baptize in/on/among spirit/breath: spirit holy and fire
17 De coin o bieldo sinela andré su baste; y alimpiará desquero era, y chibará ó gi andré su malabai, y la pus jachará sat yaque, que na se bedela.
which the/this/who winnowing fork in/on/among the/this/who hand it/s/he (and *k*) (to scour *N(k)O*) the/this/who threshing-floor it/s/he and (to assemble *N(k)O*) the/this/who grain toward the/this/who storehouse it/s/he the/this/who then chaff to burn fire unquenchable
18 Y andiar anunciaba averias baribustrias buchias á la sueti andré sus exhortaciones.
much on the other hand therefore/then and other to plead/comfort to speak good news the/this/who a people
19 Tami Herodes ó Tetrarchâ; sinando reprehendido por ó á causa de Herodias romi de sun planó, y de sarias as buchias chorias que Herodes habia querdi,
the/this/who then Herod the/this/who tetrarch to rebuke by/under: by it/s/he about Herodias the/this/who woman: wife (Philip *K*) the/this/who brother it/s/he and about all which to do/make: do evil/bad the/this/who Herod
20 Anadio á sares tambien ocona de querelar pandar a Juan andré la estaripel.
to add (to) and this/he/she/it upon/to/against all and to lock up the/this/who John in/on/among (the/this/who *k*) prison/watch: prison
21 Y anacó, que sasta sari a sueti ustilase o muchobelar, tambien sinaba muchobelado Jesus; y sinando ó manguelando á Debél, se despandó o Tarpe:
to be then in/on/among the/this/who to baptize all the/this/who a people and Jesus to baptize and to pray to open the/this/who heaven
22 Y pejó ostely opre ó el Peniche andré trupo, sasta gobaró: y se juneló ocono gole del Tarpe: Tucue sinelas minrió Chaboro camelado; andré tucue menda me alendelo.
and to come/go down the/this/who spirit/breath: spirit the/this/who holy bodily appearance (as/when *N(k)O*) dove upon/to/against it/s/he and voice/sound: voice out from heaven to be (to say *k*) you to be the/this/who son me the/this/who beloved in/on/among you to delight
23 Y o Jesus comenzaba a terelar sasta de sinebo berjis, chaboro y segun se penelaba, de Joseph, chaboro de Heli, chaboro de Mathat,
and it/s/he to be (the/this/who *k*) Jesus be first like/as/about year thirty to be son as/when to think Joseph the/this/who Heli
24 Chaboro de Leví, chaboro de Melchi, chaboro de Janne, chaboro de Joseph,
the/this/who Matthat the/this/who Levi the/this/who Melchi the/this/who Jannai the/this/who Joseph
25 Chaboro de Mathathias, chaboro de Amos, chaboro de Nahum, chaboro de Hesli, chaboro de Nagge,
the/this/who Mattathias the/this/who Amos the/this/who Nahum the/this/who Esli the/this/who Naggai
26 Chaboro de Mahath, chaboro de Mathathias, chaboro de Semei, chaboro de Joseph, chaboro de Judá,
the/this/who Maath the/this/who Mattathias the/this/who Semein the/this/who (Josech *N(k)O*) the/this/who (Joda *N(k)O*)
27 Chaboro de Joanna, chaboro de Resa, chaboro de Zorobabél, chaboro de Salathiel, chaboro de Neri,
the/this/who Joanan the/this/who Rhesa the/this/who Zerubbabel the/this/who Shealtiel the/this/who Neri
28 Chaboro de Melchi, chaboro de Addí, chaboro de Cosán, chaboro de Helmadan, chaboro de Her,
the/this/who Melchi the/this/who Addi the/this/who Cosam the/this/who Elmadam the/this/who Er
29 Chaboro de Jesus, chaboro de Eliezer, chaboro de Jorim, chaboro de Mathat, chaboro de Levi,
the/this/who (Joshua *N(k)O*) the/this/who Eliezer the/this/who Jorim the/this/who Matthat the/this/who Levi
30 Chaboro de Simeón, chaboro de Júdas, chaboro de Joseph, chaboro de Jonás, chaboro de Eliakim,
the/this/who Simeon the/this/who Judah the/this/who Joseph the/this/who Jonam the/this/who Eliakim
31 Chaboro de Melea, chaboro de Menna, chaboro de Mathatha, chaboro de Nathán, chaboro de David,
the/this/who Melea the/this/who Menna the/this/who Mattatha the/this/who Nathan the/this/who David
32 Chaboro de Jessé, chaboro de Obed, chaboro de Booz, chaboro de Salmon, chaboro de Naasson,
the/this/who Jesse the/this/who Obed the/this/who Boaz the/this/who (Sala *N(k)O*) the/this/who Nahshon
33 Chaboro de Aminadab, chaboro de Arám, chaboro de Esron, chaboro de Pharé, chaboro de Judas,
the/this/who Amminadab the/this/who (Admin *N(K)O*) (the/this/who Arni *NO*) the/this/who Hezron the/this/who Perez the/this/who Judah
34 Chaboro de Jacob, chaboro de Isaac, chaboro de Abraham, chaboro de Thares, chaboro de Nachor,
the/this/who Jacob the/this/who Isaac the/this/who Abraham the/this/who Terah the/this/who Nahor
35 Chaboro de Sarug, chaboro de Regau, chaboro de Phaleg, chaboro de Heber, chaboro de Salé,
the/this/who Serug the/this/who Reu the/this/who Peleg the/this/who Eber the/this/who Shelah
36 Chaboro de Cainán, chaboro de Arphaxad, chaboro de Sem, chaboro de Noé, chaboro de Lamech,
the/this/who Cainan the/this/who Arphaxad the/this/who Shem the/this/who Noah the/this/who Lamech
37 Chaboro de Mathusalé, chaboro de Henoch, chaboro de Jared, chaboro de Malaleel, chaboro de Cainan,
the/this/who Methuselah the/this/who Enoch the/this/who Jared the/this/who Mahalaleel the/this/who Cainan
38 Chaboro de Henos, chaboro de Seth, chaboro de Adám, sos fué chaboro de Un-debél.
the/this/who Enos the/this/who Seth the/this/who Adam the/this/who God

< Lucas 3 >