< Lucas 2 >

1 André ocolas chibeses anacó, que chaló abrí yeque edicto de Cæsar Augusto, somia que sari a sueti sinara jinada.
to be then in/on/among the/this/who day that to go out decree from/with/beside Caesar Augustus to register all the/this/who world
2 Ocola brotoboro jinamiento sinaba querdi por Cyrino, Chino-baro de Syria.
this/he/she/it (the/this/who *k) census first to be to govern the/this/who Syria Quirinius
3 Y chalaban os sares á libanarse os naos cata yeque á desquero foros.
and to travel all to register each toward the/this/who (themself *N+kO) city
4 Y ardiñó tambien Joseph del foros de Nazareth, á Judea, al foros de David, sos se heta Bethlehém: presas sinaba del quer y de la rati de David,
to ascend then and Joseph away from the/this/who Galilee out from city Nazareth toward the/this/who Judea toward city David who/which to call: call Bethlehem through/because of the/this/who to exist it/s/he out from house: household and family line David
5 Somia libanarse o nao sat desqueri romi Maria, sos sinaba cambri.
to register with Mary the/this/who to betroth it/s/he (woman: wife *k) to be pregnant
6 Y sinando oté, anacó, que se pereláron os chibeses andré que terelaba de chindar.
to be then in/on/among the/this/who to exist it/s/he there to fill the/this/who day the/this/who to give birth to it/s/he
7 Y minchabó a desquero Chaboro broto-chindado, y lo chibó andré diclés, y lo chitó andré yeque olibar: presas na sinaba lugar por junos andré a mesuna.
and to give birth to the/this/who son it/s/he the/this/who firstborn and to wrap it/s/he and to recline it/s/he in/on/among (the/this/who *k) manger because no to be it/s/he place in/on/among the/this/who guest room/inn
8 Y sinaba yeques durotunes andré ocola comarca, sos sinaban velando, y nacando as ocanas e rachí opré desquerias brajias.
and shepherd to be in/on/among the/this/who country the/this/who it/s/he to live outside and to keep/guard: protect prison/watch: watch the/this/who night upon/to/against the/this/who flock it/s/he
9 Y he acoi se childó sunparal á junos yeque Manfariel e Erañoró, y a dut de Debél os cercó de yacque, y tereláron baro dal.
and (look! *KO) angel lord: God to approach it/s/he and glory lord: God to shine around it/s/he and to fear fear great
10 Y les penó o Manfariel: nacangueleis: presas he acoi anuncio á sangue gosuncho baro, sos sinará á sari a sueti.
and to say it/s/he the/this/who angel not to fear look! for to speak good news you joy great who/which to be all the/this/who a people
11 Que sejonia sinela chindado a sangue o Salvador, sos sinela o Christo Erañó, andré o foros de David.
that/since: since to give birth to you today savior which to be Christ lord: God in/on/among city David
12 Y ocona sinará á sangue o simache: Alachareis o Chaboro chibado andré dicles; y chitado andré yeque olibar.
and this/he/she/it you the/this/who sign to find/meet infant to wrap (and *no) to lay/be appointed in/on/among (the/this/who *k) manger
13 Y yescotria se mecó dicar sat o Manfariel butrés manuces es jundunares e Tarpe, sos majarificaban a Debél, y penaban:
and suddenly to be with the/this/who angel multitude army (heavenly *NK+o) to praise the/this/who God and to say
14 Chimusolano á Debél andré o Tárpe, y andré a phu paz á os sares de lachi suncái.
glory in/on/among Highest God and upon/to/against earth: planet peace in/on/among a human (goodwill *N+kO)
15 Y anacó, que yescotria que os Manfarieles chaláron de junos al Tarpe, os durotunés penaban os yeques a os averes: Chalemos disde Bethlehém, y diquelemos ma ha anacado, ma o Erañó, ha diado á amangue.
and to be as/when to go away away from it/s/he toward the/this/who heaven the/this/who angel (and *ko) the/this/who (a human the/this/who *ko) shepherd (to speak *N+kO) to/with one another to pass through so until Bethlehem and to perceive: see the/this/who declaration this/he/she/it the/this/who to be which the/this/who lord: God to make known me
16 Y chaláron singó, y alacháron á Maria, y á Joseph, y al chaboro chitado andré o olibar.
and to come/go to hasten and to find the/this/who and/both Mary and the/this/who Joseph and the/this/who infant to lay/be appointed in/on/among the/this/who manger
17 Y pur ocono dicáron, jabilláron ma se les habia penado acerca de ocola Chaboró.
to perceive: see then (to make known *N+kO) about the/this/who declaration the/this/who to speak it/s/he about the/this/who child this/he/she/it
18 Y os sares sos lo juneláron, se zibáron: y tambien de ma os durotunés les habian penado.
and all the/this/who to hear to marvel about the/this/who to speak by/under: by the/this/who shepherd to/with it/s/he
19 Tami Maria aracateaba sarias ocolas buchias, estongerandolas andré desquero carló.
the/this/who then Mary all to preserve the/this/who declaration this/he/she/it to ponder/confer in/on/among the/this/who heart it/s/he
20 Y se limbidiáron os durotunés chimusolanificando y majarificando á Debél por sarias as buchias, ma habian junelado y dicado, andiar sasta les habia sinado penado.
and (to return *N+kO) the/this/who shepherd to glorify and to praise the/this/who God upon/to/against all which to hear and to perceive: see as/just as to speak to/with it/s/he
21 Y despues que sináron nacados os otor chibeses somia chinar o postin e quilen al Chaboro, araqueráron desquero nao Jesus, sasta le habia araquerado o Manfariel, gres que sinaba concebido andré o trupo.
and when to fill day eight the/this/who to circumcise (it/s/he *no) (the/this/who child *K) and to call: name the/this/who name it/s/he Jesus the/this/who to call: name by/under: by the/this/who angel before the/this/who to seize/conceive/help it/s/he in/on/among the/this/who belly/womb/stomach
22 Y pur sináron nacados os chibeses e purificacion de Maria, segun la eschastra de Moyses, lo lligueráron á Jerusalém somia presentarlo al Erañoró,
and when to fill the/this/who day the/this/who cleansing it/s/he according to the/this/who law Moses to lead it/s/he toward Jerusalem to stand by the/this/who lord: God
23 Sasta sinela randado andré la Eschastra e Erañoró: que o saro manu sos despandase beo, sinará majarificado al Erañó.
as/just as to write in/on/among law lord: God that/since: that all male to open up womb holy the/this/who lord: God to call: call
24 Y somia diñar a ofrenda sasta sinela penado andré a Eschastra e Erañoró, yeque par de gobareyes, o dui custañias.
and the/this/who to give sacrifice according to the/this/who to say in/on/among (the/this/who *no) law lord: God a yoke/pair dove or two nestling dove
25 Y sinaba al chiros andré Jerusalém gachó sos se hetó Simeón, y ocola manu lacho y daraño de Debél, ujarando a consolacion de Israel, y o Peniche sinaba andré ó.
and look! a human to be in/on/among Jerusalem which name Simeon and the/this/who a human this/he/she/it just and devout to wait for/welcome encouragement the/this/who Israel and spirit/breath: spirit to be holy upon/to/against it/s/he
26 Y chanelaba del Peniche, que ó na dicaria meripen, bi dicar grés al Christo e Erañoró.
and to be it/s/he to announce by/under: by the/this/who spirit/breath: spirit the/this/who holy not to perceive: see death before or (if *no) to perceive: see the/this/who Christ lord: God
27 Y abilló por ochi á la cangri, y lanelando os batuces al Chaboro Jesus, somia querelar segun la beda e Eschastra sat ó:
and to come/go in/on/among the/this/who spirit/breath: spirit toward the/this/who temple and in/on/among the/this/who to bring in the/this/who parent the/this/who child Jesus the/this/who to do/make: do it/s/he according to the/this/who be accustomed the/this/who law about it/s/he
28 Entonces lo ustiló andré sus murcias, y majarificó á Debél, y penó:
and it/s/he to receive it/s/he toward the/this/who arm (it/s/he *ko) and to praise/bless the/this/who God and to say
29 Acana, Erañó, mequeles á tun lacró chalar en paz, segun tiri varda:
now to release: release the/this/who slave you master according to the/this/who declaration you in/on/among peace
30 Presas han dicado minrias aquias tun golipen,
that/since: since to perceive: see the/this/who eye me the/this/who saving you
31 Sos has aparejado antela chiché de sari la sueti;
which to make ready according to face all the/this/who a people
32 Dut somia sinar revelada á os Busnés, y somia chimusolano de Israel tiri sueti.
light toward revelation Gentiles and glory a people you Israel
33 Y desquero batu y dai sinaban maravillados de ocolas buchías que se penelaban de ó.
and to be (the/this/who *no) (father *N+KO) it/s/he and the/this/who mother to marvel upon/to/against the/this/who to speak about it/s/he
34 Y os majarificó Simeón, y penó á Maria desqueri dai: He acoi que ocona Chaboro sinela sinchitó somia querelar perar, y somia ardiñar á baribustres andré Israel; y somia simáche á os sares sos contrapenarán:
and to praise/bless it/s/he Simeon and to say to/with Mary the/this/who mother it/s/he look! this/he/she/it to lay/be appointed toward fall and resurrection much in/on/among the/this/who Israel and toward sign to dispute
35 Y un estuche velará tiro bucos de tun mateja, somia que sinelen chanelados os pensamientos de sares carlochines
and you then it/s/he the/this/who soul to pass through sword that if to reveal out from much heart reasoning
36 Y sinaba yeque chuan jañí, araquerada Ana, dugida de Phanuel, e tribu de Aser: ocona ya terelaba butrés chibeses, y habia socabado eñia berjis sat desquero rom desde su pachi.
and to be Anna prophetess daughter Phanuel out from tribe Asher this/he/she/it to advance in/on/among day much to live with/after man: husband year seven away from the/this/who virginity it/s/he
37 Y siró sinaba piulí, sasta de otorenta y star berjis; y na chalaba abrí de la cangri, sirviendo chibes y rachí andré ayunos y ocanagimias.
and it/s/he widow (until *N+kO) year eighty four which no to leave (away from *k) the/this/who temple fasting and petition to minister night and day
38 Y sasta siró bigorease andré a mateja ocana, majarificaba al Eraño: y penaba de ó á os sares sos ujaraban la mestepé de Israel.
and (this/he/she/it *k) it/s/he the/this/who hour to approach to praise the/this/who (God *N+KO) and to speak about it/s/he all the/this/who to wait for/welcome redemption (in/on/among *k) Jerusalem
39 Y pur tereláron querdi o saro, conforme a lá Eschastra e Erañoró, se limbidiáron a Galiléa á desquero foros de Nazareth.
and as/when to finish (all *N+kO) the/this/who according to the/this/who law lord: God (to turn *N+kO) toward the/this/who Galilee toward (the/this/who *k) city (themself *N+kO) Nazareth
40 Y o chaboro se queró baro y silno, sinando perelalo de chanelería, y a gracia de Debél sinaba andré ó.
the/this/who then child to grow and to strengthen (spirit/breath: spirit *K) to fulfill (wisdom *N+kO) and grace God to be upon/to/against it/s/he
41 Y desqueres batuces chaláron sarias as berjis á Jerusalém andré o chibes de la Ciria.
and to travel the/this/who parent it/s/he according to year toward Jerusalem the/this/who festival the/this/who Passover lamb
42 Y pur tereló duideque berjis, ardiñaron á Jerusalém, segun a beda e chibes baro.
and when to be year twelve (to ascend *N+kO) it/s/he (toward Jerusalem *KO) according to the/this/who custom the/this/who festival
43 Y acabados os chibeses, pur se limbidiaban, se quedisaró o chaboro Jesus andré Jerusalém, bi que desqueres batuces lo chanelasen.
and to perfect the/this/who day in/on/among the/this/who to return it/s/he to remain/endure Jesus the/this/who child in/on/among Jerusalem and no (to know *N+kO) (the/this/who parent *NO) (Joseph and the/this/who mother *K) it/s/he
44 Y penchabando que sinaba sat os averes de la plastañí, chaláron drun de yeque chibes, y le orotáron enré os parientes, y os monres.
to think then it/s/he to exist in/on/among the/this/who caravan to come/go day road and to search it/s/he in/on/among the/this/who kindred and (in/on/among *k) the/this/who acquainted with
45 Y pur na le rachelasen, se limbidiáron á Jerusalém, orotándole.
and not to find/meet (it/s/he *k) to return toward Jerusalem (to search *N+kO) it/s/he
46 Y anacó que trin chibeses despues le alacháron andré á cangrí, bestelando en medio es Chandés, junandolos, y puchabandolos.
and to be with/after day Three to find/meet it/s/he in/on/among the/this/who temple to sit down in/on/among midst the/this/who teacher and to hear it/s/he and to question it/s/he
47 Y os sares sos le junelaban, se pasmaban, de desqueri chaneleria y de las respuestas de ó.
to amaze then all the/this/who to hear it/s/he upon/to/against the/this/who understanding and the/this/who answer it/s/he
48 Y pur le dicáron, se zibáron, y le penó desqueri dai: chaboro presas has querdi andiar sat amangue? dicá sasta tun batu y menda emposunó te orotabamos,
and to perceive: see it/s/he be astonished and to say to/with it/s/he the/this/who mother it/s/he child which? to do/make: do me thus(-ly) look! the/this/who father you I/we and be anguished (to seek *NK+o) you
49 Y les rudeló: ¿Para qué orotabais mangue? ¿Na chanelabais, que me jomte sinar andré as buchias que sinelan de minrio Dadá?
and to say to/with it/s/he which? that/since: since to seek me no to perceive: know that/since: that in/on/among the/this/who the/this/who father me be necessary to exist me
50 Tami junos na jabilláron a varda, que les penó.
and it/s/he no to understand the/this/who declaration which to speak it/s/he
51 Y se guilló ostely sat junos, y abilló á Nasareth: y sinaba sugeto á junos. Y sun dai aracateaba sarias ocolas buchias andré su carló.
and to come/go down with/after it/s/he and to come/go toward Nazareth and to be to subject it/s/he and the/this/who mother it/s/he to keep all the/this/who declaration (this/he/she/it *ko) in/on/among the/this/who heart it/s/he
52 Y Jesus se queró baro andré chaneleria, y andré berjis, y andré furuné anglal de Debél y es manuces.
and Jesus to advance (in/on/among *n) (the/this/who *no) wisdom and age/height and grace from/with/beside God and a human

< Lucas 2 >