< Lucas 18 >

1 Y les penaba tambien ocona parabola: que jomte manguelar gayere, y na desfalecer,
to say then (and *ko) parable it/s/he to/with the/this/who be necessary always to pray (it/s/he *no) and not to lose heart
2 Penando: Sinaba yeque Barander andré foros, sos na darañaba á Un-debél, ni querelaba bajin á manu yeque;
to say judge one to be in/on/among one city the/this/who God not to fear and a human not to cause shame
3 Y sinaba andré o matejo foros piuli, sos abillaba á ó y le penaba: Querelame justicia de minrio daschmanu.
widow then to be in/on/among the/this/who city that and to come/go to/with it/s/he to say to avenge me away from the/this/who opponent me
4 Y ó pre baribu chiros na camelaba. Tami despues de ocono penó andré sí: Aunque ni darañelo á Debél, ni á manu querelo bajin;
and no (to will/desire *N+kO) upon/to/against time with/after then this/he/she/it to say in/on/among themself if: even though and the/this/who God no to fear (nor *N+kO) a human to cause shame
5 Todavia, presas ocona piuli sinela importuna á mangue, le querelaré justicia, que na abillele tantas begais, que al fin mangue trajatela.
through/because of indeed the/this/who to furnish occasion me labor the/this/who widow this/he/she/it to avenge it/s/he in order that/to not toward goal/tax to come/go to wear out me
6 Y penó o Erañó: Junelad ma penela o Barander choro.
to say then the/this/who lord: God to hear which? the/this/who judge the/this/who unrighteousness to say
7 ¿Pues Un-debél na querelará bajin de desqueres chabores, sos araquerelan á ó á gole chibes y rachi, y terelará orpachirima andré junos?
the/this/who then God no not (to do/make: do *N+kO) the/this/who vengeance the/this/who select it/s/he the/this/who to cry out (to/with *k) (it/s/he *N+kO) day and night and (to have patience *N+kO) upon/to/against it/s/he
8 Sangue penelo, que sigo os listrabará. Tami pur abillará o chaboro e manu, ¿penchabelais que alachará fé andré a sueti?
to say you that/since: that to do/make: do the/this/who vengeance it/s/he in/on/among speed but/however the/this/who son the/this/who a human to come/go no? to find/meet the/this/who faith upon/to/against the/this/who earth: planet
9 Y penó tambien ocona parabola á yeques, sos pachibelaban á sí matejos, sasta si sinaban laches, y despreciaban á os averes:
to say then and to/with one the/this/who to persuade upon/to/against themself that/since: that to be just and (to reject *NK+o) the/this/who remaining the/this/who parable this/he/she/it
10 Dui manuces ardiñeláron á la cangri á manguelar á Un-debél: o yeque Phariséo y o aver Publicano.
a human two to ascend toward the/this/who temple to pray the/this/who one Pharisee and the/this/who other tax collector
11 O Phariséo sinando en pindré, manguelaba andré sun suncai de ocona beda: Un-debél, chimusolano te díñelo, presas na sinelo sasta os averes manuces, randes, chores, pirandes; andiar sasta sinela ocona Publicano.
the/this/who Pharisee to stand to/with themself this/he/she/it to pray the/this/who God to thank you that/since: that no to be (just as *NK+o) the/this/who remaining the/this/who a human rapacious unjust adulterer or and as/when this/he/she/it the/this/who tax collector
12 Ayunisarelo dui begais sari semana: diñelo diezmos de o saro que terelo.
to fast twice the/this/who Sabbath to tithe all just as/how much to posses
13 Tami o Publicano, sinando muy dur, darañaba aun costunar as aquias al Tarpe: sino que curaba sun chepo, penando: Un-debél, terela canrea de mangue choro!
(and *ko) the/this/who (then *no) tax collector from afar to stand no to will/desire nor the/this/who eye to lift up toward the/this/who heaven but to strike (toward *k) the/this/who chest (it/s/he *NK+o) to say the/this/who God to propitiate me the/this/who sinful
14 Sangue penelo, que ocono, y ocola nanai, chaló justificado á sun quer: presas saro manu, sos se ardiñela, sinará bucharado ostely: y ó sos se chibele ostely, sinará ardiñelado.
to say you to come/go down this/he/she/it to justify toward the/this/who house: home it/s/he (or *k) (from/with/beside *n+o) (that *N+kO) that/since: since all the/this/who to lift up themself to humble the/this/who then to humble themself to lift up
15 Y le lanelaban tambien chabores, somia que os pajabase. Y pur lo dicáron os discipules, os chingaraban.
to bring to then it/s/he and the/this/who infant in order that/to it/s/he to touch to perceive: see then the/this/who disciple (to rebuke *N+kO) it/s/he
16 Tami Jesus os araqueró, y penó: Mequelad, que abillelen á mangue os chabores, y na os impidais; presas de oconas sinela o chim de Debél.
the/this/who then Jesus (to call to/summon *N+kO) it/s/he (to say *N+kO) to release: permit the/this/who child to come/go to/with me and not to prevent it/s/he the/this/who for such as this to be the/this/who kingdom the/this/who God
17 Aromali sangue penelo, que ó sos na ustilase o chim de Debél, sasta chaboro, na chalará andré ó.
amen to say you which (if *N+kO) not to receive the/this/who kingdom the/this/who God as/when child no not to enter toward it/s/he
18 Y le puchabó yeque tintin baro, penando: Duquendio lacho, ¿qué querelaré somia alachar a chipen que na marela? (aiōnios g166)
and to question one it/s/he ruler to say teacher good which? to do/make: do life eternal to inherit (aiōnios g166)
19 Y Jesus le penó: ¿Por qué araquerelas mangue lacho? Cayque sinela lacho, sino Un-debél colcoro.
to say then it/s/he the/this/who Jesus which? me to say: call good none good if: not not one the/this/who God
20 Chanelas os Mandamientos: Na marelarás: Na pirabarás: Na randelarás: Na penelarás jujana: Pachibela á tiro batu, y á tiri dai?
the/this/who commandment to know not to commit adultery not to murder not to steal not to perjure to honor the/this/who father you and the/this/who mother (you *k)
21 O penó: Saro ocono he querdi desde que sinaba chinoro.
the/this/who then to say this/he/she/it all (to keep/guard: observe *N+kO) out from youth (me *ko)
22 Pur juneló Jesus ocono, le penó: Aun á tucue faltisarela yeque buchi: binela saro que terelas, y dinlo á os chorores, y terelarás manchin andré o Tarpe: y abillel, y plastañamangue.
to hear then (this/he/she/it *k) the/this/who Jesus to say it/s/he still one you to lack all just as/how much to have/be to sell and to distribute poor and to have/be treasure in/on/among (the/this/who *no) (heaven *N+kO) and come to follow me
23 Pur ó juneló ocono, se chito charabaro: presas sinaba baribu balbalo.
the/this/who then to hear this/he/she/it sorrowful (to be *N+kO) to be for rich very
24 Y Jesus le penó, pur le dicó charabaro: ¡Quan dificultosamente chalarán andré o chim de Debél junos sos terelan jayere!
to perceive: see then it/s/he the/this/who Jesus sorrowful to be to say how! difficultly the/this/who the/this/who money to have/be toward the/this/who kingdom the/this/who God (to enter *N+kO)
25 Presas buchi butér facil sinela nacar brote pre la aqui de yeque jutia, que chalar manu balbalo andré o chim de Debél.
easy for to be camel through/because of (hole needle *N+kO) to enter or rich toward the/this/who kingdom the/this/who God to enter
26 Y penáron junos sos juneláron ocolo: ¿Pues coin astisarela salvarse?
to say then the/this/who to hear and which? be able to save
27 Les penó: Ma n’astis para os manuces, astis para Un-debél.
the/this/who then to say the/this/who unable from/with/beside a human able from/with/beside the/this/who God to be
28 Y penó Pedro: Mistos diquelas, que mu terelamos mequelado sarias buchias, y terelamos plastañado tucue.
to say then the/this/who Peter look! me (to release: leave *N+kO) (the/this/who *no) (one's own/private *N+kO) (and *k) to follow you
29 O les penó: Aromali sangue penelo, que cayque sinela, sos terele mequelado quer, ó batuces, ó planes, ó romi, ó chabores pre o chim de Debél,
the/this/who then to say it/s/he amen to say you that/since: that none to be which to release: leave home or woman: wife or brother or parent or child because of the/this/who kingdom the/this/who God
30 Sos na terele de alachar baribu butér andré ocona chiros; y andré o chim que abillele a chipen que na marela. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
which (not! *N+kO) not (to get back *NK+o) many times more in/on/among the/this/who time/right time this/he/she/it and in/on/among the/this/who an age: age the/this/who to come/go life eternal (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
31 Y ustiló Jesus aparte á os duideque: y os penó: Diquelad, chalamos á Jerusalém, y sinarán querdas sarias as buchias, que randáron os Prophetas del Chaboro e manu.
to take then the/this/who twelve to say to/with it/s/he look! to ascend toward (Jerusalem *N+kO) and to finish all the/this/who to write through/because of the/this/who prophet the/this/who son the/this/who a human
32 Presas sinará entreguisarado á os Busnés, y sinará caquerado, y curado, y chotiado.
to deliver for the/this/who Gentiles and to mock and to mistreat and to spit on/at
33 Y despues que le curaren, le nicabarán a chipen, y ostinará al trincho chibes.
and to whip to kill it/s/he and the/this/who day the/this/who third to arise
34 Tami junos na jabilláron chichi de ocono: y ocona varda sinaba pandada á junos; y na jabillaban ma les penaba.
and it/s/he none this/he/she/it to understand and to be the/this/who declaration this/he/she/it to hide away from it/s/he and no to know the/this/who to say
35 Y anacó, que bigoreando sunparal á Jericho, sinaba yeque perpenta bestelado aligatas del drun, mangando limosna.
to be then in/on/among the/this/who to come near it/s/he toward Jericho blind one to sit from/with/beside the/this/who road (to ask/beg *N+kO)
36 Y pur juneló a chumas e sueti sos nacaba puchabó, qué sinaba ocono.
to hear then crowd to go through to inquire which? (if *o) to be this/he/she/it
37 Y le penáron, que nacaba Jesus Nazareno.
to announce then it/s/he that/since: that Jesus the/this/who Nazareth to pass by
38 Y penó á gole gole: Jesus, Chaboro de David, terela canrea de mangue.
and to cry out to say Jesus son David to have mercy me
39 Y junos sos chalaban anglal le chingaraban, somia que mequelase. Tami ó garlaba baribu butér: Chaboro de David, terela canrea de mangue:
and the/this/who to go/bring before to rebuke it/s/he in order that/to (be silent *N+kO) it/s/he then much more to cry son David to have mercy me
40 Y Jesus parándose, penó que se le lanelasen. Y pur sinaba sunparal, le puchabó,
to stand then the/this/who Jesus to order it/s/he to bring to/with it/s/he to come near then it/s/he to question it/s/he
41 Penando: ¿Qué camelas que te querele? Y ó rudeló: Erañó, que diquele.
(to say *ko) which? you to will/desire to do/make: do the/this/who then to say lord: God in order that/to to look up/again
42 Y Jesus le penó: Diquela, tun fé te ha chibado lacho.
and the/this/who Jesus to say it/s/he to look up/again the/this/who faith you to save you
43 Y yescotria dicó, y le plastañaba chimusolanificando á Debél. Y pur dicó ocono sari a sueti, dinó loor á Debél.
and instantly to look up/again and to follow it/s/he to glorify the/this/who God and all the/this/who a people to perceive: see to give praise the/this/who God

< Lucas 18 >