< Lucas 14 >

1 Y anacó que chalando Jesus yeque Canché andré o quer de yeque es Phariseyes bares á jamar manro, junos le sinaban dicando.
and to be in/on/among the/this/who to come/go it/s/he toward house: home one the/this/who ruler the/this/who Pharisee Sabbath to eat bread and it/s/he to be to observe it/s/he
2 Y he acoi manu nasalo de la pani-salipen sinaba anglal de ó.
and look! a human one to be with edema before it/s/he
3 Y Jesus chamuliando a os Chandés e Eschastra, y os Phariseyes, les penó: ¿Astis chibar lacho andré Canché?
and to answer the/this/who Jesus to say to/with the/this/who lawyer and Pharisee to say (if: is(QUESTION) *k*) be permitted the/this/who Sabbath (to serve/heal *N(k)O*) (or no *NO*)
4 Tami junos sonsi beláron: O entonces le ustiló, le chibó lacho, y le bichabó.
the/this/who then be quiet/give up and to catch to heal it/s/he and to release: release
5 Y les rudeló y penó: ¿Coin de sangue, sos dicando desquero gel, ó desquero buru perado andré fufu, na le sicobele yescotria andré chibes de Canché?
and (to answer *k*) to/with it/s/he to say which? you (son *N(K)O*) or ox toward well/abyss (to collapse *N(k)O*) and no immediately to pull up it/s/he in/on/among (the/this/who *ko*) day the/this/who Sabbath
6 Y na les astis rudelar á oconas buchias.
and no be strong to contradict (it/s/he *k*) to/with this/he/she/it
7 Y dicando tambien sasta os araquerados á os jachipenes orotaban as brotoborias bestes á la mensalle, les chamulió yeque parabola, y penó:
to say then to/with the/this/who to call: call parable to hold fast/out how! the/this/who place of honor to select to say to/with it/s/he
8 Pur sináres araquerado á romandiñapenes, na besteles tucue andré la brotobori beste, que na sinele que oté haya yeque pachibelado butér que tucue.
when(-ever) to call: call by/under: by one toward wedding not to sit toward the/this/who place of honor not once/when valued/honored you to be to call: call by/under: by it/s/he
9 Y que abillele ó sos araqueró á tucue, y á ó, y penele: Din a beste á ocona, y que entonces tereles á ustilar a segritona beste sat verguenza.
and to come/go the/this/who you and it/s/he to call: call to say you to give this/he/she/it place and then be first with/after shame the/this/who last/least place to hold back/fast
10 Tami pur sinares araquerado, chal, y bestelatucue andré a beste segritona; somia que pur abillele ó sos tucue araqueró, penele: monro, costuna opré butér. Andiar sinarás pachibelado anglal de os sares sos sinaren sa’ tucue á la mensalle.
but when(-ever) to call: call to travel (to recline *N(k)O*) toward the/this/who last/least place in order that/to when(-ever) to come/go the/this/who to call: call you (to say *N(k)O*) you friendly/friend to go up higher then to be you glory before (all *NO*) the/this/who to dine with you
11 Presas saro ó, sos se ardiñela, sinará bucharado ostely: y ó sos se chibela ostely, sinará ardiñado.
that/since: since all the/this/who to lift up themself to humble and the/this/who to humble themself to lift up
12 Y penaba tambien á ó sos le habia araquerado: Pur díñelas jachipen, ó cena, na araqueles á tires monres, na á tires plalores, ni á tiri rati, ni á tires vecines balbales, que na sinele que junos araquelen á tucue, andré desqueri begai, y poquinelen á tucue.
to say then and the/this/who to call: call it/s/he when(-ever) to do/make: do early meal or dinner not to call the/this/who friendly/friend you nor the/this/who brother you nor the/this/who kindred you nor neighbour rich not once/when and it/s/he to invite in return you and to be repayment you
13 Tami pur querelas jachipen, araquera á os chorores, lisiados, langues y perpentes.
but when(-ever) banquet to do/make: do to call: call poor crippled lame blind
14 Y sinarás majarado, presas na terelan con que poquinar tucue: Tami tucue se poquinará pur se costunarán os laches de meripen.
and blessed to be that/since: since no to have/be to repay you to repay for you in/on/among the/this/who resurrection the/this/who just
15 Pur yeque de junos sos jamelaban á la mensalle juneló ocono, le penó: Majarado ó sos jamará manro andré o chim de Debél.
to hear then one the/this/who to dine with this/he/she/it to say it/s/he blessed (who/which *N(k)O*) to eat (bread *NK(o)*) in/on/among the/this/who kingdom the/this/who God
16 Y ó peno: Elabel queró jachipen bari, y araqueró á baribustres.
the/this/who then to say it/s/he a human one (to do/make: do *N(k)O*) dinner great and to call: call much
17 Y pur bigoreó a ocana e jachipen, bichabó yeque de desqueres lacrés á penar á os araquerados, que abillasen, presas saro sinaba aparejado.
and to send the/this/who slave it/s/he the/this/who hour the/this/who dinner to say the/this/who to call: call to come/go that/since: since already ready to be (all *KO*)
18 Y os sares, sasta yeque, se chibáron á excusarse; O brotobo le penó: He quinado sosi, y mangue jomte chalar dicarla: tucue manguelo, que mangue tereles excusado.
and be first away from one all to refuse/excuse the/this/who first to say it/s/he field to buy and to have/be necessity (to go out *N(k)O*) (and *k*) to perceive: see it/s/he to ask you to have/be me to refuse/excuse
19 Y penó aver: He quinado pansch yuntas de gorués, y camelo chalar a probarlas: tucue manguelo que mangue tereles excusado.
and other to say a yoke/pair ox to buy five and to travel to test it/s/he to ask you to have/be me to refuse/excuse
20 Y penó aver: He romandiñado romi, y andiar menda n’astis chalar aotar.
and other to say woman: wife to marry and through/because of this/he/she/it no be able to come/go
21 Y limbidiando o lacró, diñó floja á desquero Erañó de ocono saro. Entonces ululé o batico e quer, penó al lacró: Sicobelatucue yescotria á os masquerés, y a las ulichas e foros, y lanelamangue acoi os sares chororés, y lisiados, y chindes, y langues alachares.
and to come the/this/who slave (that *k*) to announce the/this/who lord: master it/s/he this/he/she/it then to anger the/this/who householder to say the/this/who slave it/s/he to go out soon toward the/this/who street and lane the/this/who city and the/this/who poor and crippled and blind and lame to bring in here
22 Y penó o lacró: Erañó, sinela querdi, sasta lo penaste, y aun lugar sinela.
and to say the/this/who slave lord: master to be (which *N(k)O*) to command and still place to be
23 Y penó o Erañó al lacró: Chal á os drunes, y á os cercanes, y querelalos con sila abillar, somia que se perele minrio quer.
and to say the/this/who lord: master to/with the/this/who slave to go out toward the/this/who road and fence and to compel to enter in order that/to to fill me the/this/who house: home
24 Penelo á tucue, que cayque de ocolas manuces, sos sináron araquerados, jamará minrio jachipen.
to say for you that/since: that none the/this/who man that the/this/who to call: call to taste me the/this/who dinner (much for to be called little/few then select *O*)
25 Y baribustri sueti chalaba con ó, y limbidiandose, les penó:
to go with then it/s/he crowd much and to turn to say to/with it/s/he
26 Si yeque abillela á mangue, y camela desquero batu, y dai, y romi, y chabores, y plalores, y péndchias, y aun tambien desqueri chipen, n’astis que sinele discipulo de mangue.
if one to come/go to/with me and no to hate the/this/who father (themself *NK(o)*) and the/this/who mother and the/this/who woman: wife and the/this/who child and the/this/who brother and the/this/who sister still (and/both *N(k)O*) and the/this/who soul: life themself no be able to exist me disciple
27 Y ó sos na lliguerela desqueri trijul opré as varandias, y abillela palal de mangue, n’astis que sinele discipulo minrio.
(and *ko*) who/which no to carry the/this/who cross (themself *NK(o)*) and to come/go after me no be able to exist me disciple
28 ¿Presas coin de sangue camelando querelar yeque quer baro, brotoboro bestelandose, na jinela a jayere necesaria, chanelando que jomte acabarla?
which? for out from you (the/this/who *o*) to will/desire tower to build not! first to seat to calculate the/this/who cost if to have/be (the/this/who *k*) (toward *N(k)O*) completion
29 Que na sinele que despues de chitar a bar brotobori, y na asilando acabar, os sares sos lo diquelen, se chibelen á girelarse de ó,
in order that/to not once/when to place it/s/he foundation and not be strong to finish up all the/this/who to see/experience be first it/s/he to mock
30 Penando: Ocona manu se chibó á querelar, y na le astis acabar.
to say that/since: that this/he/she/it the/this/who a human be first to build and no be strong to finish up
31 ¿O que Crallis camelando chalar á chingarar contra Crallis aver, gres, bestelandose na penchabela, si le astis sat deque mil manuces querelar jero contra ó sos abillela sat bisch mil?
or which? king to travel other king to ponder/confer toward war not! to seat first (to plan *N(k)O*) if able to be in/on/among ten thousand (to go meet *N(k)O*) the/this/who with/after twenty thousand to come/go upon/to/against it/s/he
32 De aver beda, pur o aver aun sinela dur, bichabela desqueri embajada, manguelandole lias de paz.
if then not indeed still it/s/he far (away) to be delegation to send to ask the/this/who to/with peace
33 Pues andiar saro yeque de sangue, sos na bucharela de ó sari buchi que terela, n’astis le sinelar minrio discipulo.
thus(-ly) therefore/then all out from you which no to leave all the/this/who themself be already no be able to exist me disciple
34 Lachi sinela la lon. Tami si á la lon nicobelan desquero sabor, ¿con qué sinará alonada?
good (therefore/then *NO*) the/this/who salt if then (and *no*) the/this/who salt be foolish in/on/among which? to season
35 Na sinela lachi, ni somia a jolili, ni somia a groñi: Tami la chibáron abrí. Coin terela canes de junelar, que junele.
neither toward earth: soil neither toward manure suitable to be out/outside(r) to throw: throw it/s/he the/this/who to have/be ear to hear to hear

< Lucas 14 >