< Lucas 12 >

1 Y sasta se terelasen catanado al crugos de Jesus baribustri sueti, de modo que yeques á averes bucharelaban ostely, se chitó á penar á desqueres discipules: Garabelaos de la levadura es Phariseyes, que sinela jujana.
in/on/among which to gather the/this/who myriad the/this/who crowd so to trample one another be first to say to/with the/this/who disciple it/s/he first to watch out themself away from the/this/who leaven who/which to be hypocrisy the/this/who Pharisee
2 Na sinela buchi ucharada, sos na se haya de dicar: ni buchi escondida, sos na se haya de chanelar.
none then to conceal to be which no to reveal and hidden which no to know
3 Presas as buchias, que penasteis andré a rachi, á la dut sinarán chamuliadas: y ma chamulasteis á la cani andré os queres, sinará pucanado opré os tejados.
for which just as/how much in/on/among the/this/who darkness to say in/on/among the/this/who light to hear and which to/with the/this/who ear to speak in/on/among the/this/who inner room to preach upon/to/against the/this/who housetop
4 A sangue pues plalores de mangue os penelo: Que na tereleis dal de ocolas, sos marelan o trupos, y despues de ocono, na terelan butér que querelar.
to say then you the/this/who friendly/friend me not to fear away from the/this/who to kill the/this/who body and with/after this/he/she/it not to have/be more excessive one to do/make: do
5 Tami menda penaré sangue á coin jomte terelar dal: Terelad dal á ocola, sos despues de nicobar a chipen, terela ezor de bucharar al butron: andiar sangue penelo, a ocona terelad dal. (Geenna g1067)
to show then you which? to fear to fear the/this/who with/after the/this/who to kill to have/be authority to throw in toward the/this/who hell: Gehenna yes to say you this/he/she/it to fear (Geenna g1067)
6 ¿Na se binelan pansch ujarres por dui calés, y yeque de ocolas na sinela olvidado anglal de Debél?
not! five sparrow (to sell *N(k)O*) assarion two and one out from it/s/he no to be to forget before the/this/who God
7 Y aun as balas de jire jero sarias sinelan jinadas. Pues na darañeleis: presas amolelais baribu butér, que ujarres baribustres.
but and the/this/who hair the/this/who head you all to number not (therefore/then *K*) to fear much sparrow to spread/surpass
8 Y tambien sangue penelo, Que o saro manu sos veáre mangue anglal es manuces, o Chaboro e manu lo veará tambien á ó anglal es Manfarieles de Debél.
to say then you all which if (to confess/profess *NK(o)*) in/on/among I/we before the/this/who a human and the/this/who son the/this/who a human to confess/profess in/on/among it/s/he before the/this/who angel the/this/who God
9 Tami ó sos me negisáre anglal es manuces, negado sinará anglal es Manfarieles de Debél.
the/this/who then to deny me before the/this/who a human to deny before the/this/who angel the/this/who God
10 Y o saro manu sos chibare abrí yeque varda contra o Chaboro e manu, ertinado le sinará: Tami á ocola sos penáre zermañas contra o Peniche, na le sinará ertinado, nanai.
and all which to say word toward the/this/who son the/this/who a human to release: forgive it/s/he the/this/who then toward the/this/who holy spirit/breath: spirit to blaspheme no to release: forgive
11 Y pur sangue lligueraren á as Synagogas, y á os Chineles, y a os Solares, na piraleis penchabando, sasta, ó qué terelais de rudelar, o penar.
when(-ever) then (to bring in *N(k)O*) you upon/to/against the/this/who synagogue and the/this/who beginning and the/this/who authority not (to worry *N(k)O*) how! or which? to defend oneself or which? to say
12 Presas o Ducos Majaro sangue penará andré ocola ocana ma sangue jomte penar.
the/this/who for holy spirit/breath: spirit to teach you in/on/among it/s/he the/this/who hour which be necessary to say
13 Y yeque de la sueti le penó: Duquendio, pen á minrio plal que partisarele con-a-mangue la jayere.
to say then one out from the/this/who crowd it/s/he teacher to say the/this/who brother me to divide with/after I/we the/this/who inheritance
14 Tami ó le rudeló: ¿Manu, coin ha childo mangue por Barander o repartidor enré sangue?
the/this/who then to say it/s/he a human which? me to appoint/conduct (judge *N(k)O*) or arbiter upon/to/against you
15 Y les penó: Diquelad, y garabelaos de sari cascañia: presas a chipen de saro yeque no sinela andré la baribustri es buchias sos terela.
to say then to/with it/s/he to see: see and to keep/guard: protect away from (all *N(k)O*) greediness that/since: since no in/on/among the/this/who to exceed one the/this/who life (it/s/he *NK(o)*) to be out from the/this/who be already (it/s/he *N(k)O*)
16 Y les penó yeque parabola, penando: La pu de yeque manu balbalo habia diñado mibao baribu.
to say then parable to/with it/s/he to say a human one rich be fruitful the/this/who country
17 Y ó penchababa enré sí matejo, y penaba: ¿Qué querelaré, presas na terelo anduque pandisarar minrio mibao?
and to discuss in/on/among themself to say which? to do/make: do that/since: since no to have/be where? to assemble the/this/who fruit me
18 Y penó: Ocono querelaré: Buchararé abajines minres malabayes, y os querelaré mas bares: y oté chibaré saro minrio mibao, y minres balbalipenes.
and to say this/he/she/it to do/make: do to take down me the/this/who storehouse and great to build and to assemble there all (the/this/who grain *N(k)O*) (me *k*) and the/this/who good me
19 Y penaré á minri ochi: Ochi, baribustres balbalipenes terelas chités para baribustres berjis: Sobela, jama, piya, din jachipenes.
and to say the/this/who soul me soul to have/be much good to lay/be appointed toward year much to give rest to eat to drink to celebrate
20 Tami Debél le penó: Dinelo, ocona rachi te vuelven á ustilar a ochi, ¿Ma has chitó, para coin sinará?
to say then it/s/he the/this/who God foolish this/he/she/it the/this/who night the/this/who soul you (to demand *NK(o)*) away from you which then to make ready which? to be
21 Andiar sinela ó sos chitela manchin para sí; y na sinela balbalo andré Debél.
thus(-ly) the/this/who to store up themself and not toward God be rich
22 Y penó á os discipules de ó: Pre ocono sangue penelo: na pireleis solicitos para jiré ochi, ma jamareis, ni para o trupos, que coneles chibareís.
to say then to/with the/this/who disciple it/s/he through/because of this/he/she/it to say you not to worry the/this/who soul: life (you *k*) which? to eat nor the/this/who body (you *o*) which? to put on
23 Butér sinela a ochi, que o jamar, y o trupos que os coneles.
the/this/who (for *no*) soul: life greater to be the/this/who food and the/this/who body the/this/who clothing
24 Diquelad os cuerves, sos na chinelan, ni terelan dispensa, ni malabai, y Debél os parbarela. ¿Pues quanto butér amolelais sangue que junos?
to observe the/this/who raven that/since: that no to sow nor to reap which no to be inner room nor storehouse and the/this/who God to feed it/s/he how much/many? more you to spread/surpass the/this/who bird
25 Y coin de sangue, por baribu que lo penchabele, astisarela chibar a sun estatura yeque codo butér?
which? then out from you to worry be able upon/to/against the/this/who age/height it/s/he to add (to) cubit/hour (one *ko*)
26 Pues si na astisarelais ma sinela mendesquero: ¿por qué pireleis penchabando por as avérias buchias?
if therefore/then (nor *N(k)O*) least be able which? about the/this/who remaining to worry
27 Diquelad os lirios sasta se querelan baro; sos ni randiñelan ni hilan: pues sangue penelo, que ni Salomon andré saro desquero chimusolano, na sinaba tan chitó sasta yeque de oconas.
to observe the/this/who lily how! to grow no to labor nor to spin to say then you nor Solomon in/on/among all the/this/who glory it/s/he to clothe as/when one this/he/she/it
28 Pues si al cha, sos achibes sinela andré o lugos, y tasata se bucharela andré o sosimbo, Debél vistió andiar lacho; ¿quanto butér á sangue de frima fé?
if then in/on/among (the/this/who *ko*) field the/this/who grass to be today and tomorrow toward oven to throw: throw the/this/who God thus(-ly) (to dress *N(k)O*) how much/many? more you of little faith
29 Na pireleis pues penchabando andré ma terelais de jamar, o piyar, y na pireleis ardiñelados.
and you not to seek which? to eat (and *N(k)O*) which? to drink and not to worry
30 Presas sarias oconas sinelan buchias, en que pirelan penchabando os busnes de la sueti. Y jire Dada chanela, que de oconas terelais necesidad.
this/he/she/it for all the/this/who Gentiles the/this/who world (to seek after *N(k)O*) you then the/this/who father to know that/since: that to need this/he/she/it
31 Pre ocono orotelad brotobo o chim de Debél, y su lachoria; y sarias oconas buchias á sangue sinarán jinadas.
but/however to seek the/this/who kingdom (the/this/who *k*) (it/s/he *N(K)O*) and this/he/she/it (all *K*) to add (to) you
32 Na darañeleis, ne-bari plastañi; presas jire Dada ha camelado diñaros o chim.
not to fear the/this/who small flock that/since: since to delight the/this/who father you to give you the/this/who kingdom
33 Binelad ma terelais y diñad limosna. Querelaos quisobes, sos na se chitelan purés, manchin andré o Charos, sos jamas faltisarela: anduque o rande na bigorela, y na jamela a polilla.
to sell the/this/who be already you and to give charity to do/make: appoint themself purse not to make old treasure inexhaustible in/on/among the/this/who heaven where(-ever) thief no to come near nor moth to destroy
34 Presas duque sinela jire manchin, oté tambien sinará jire carlochin.
where(-ever) for to be the/this/who treasure you there and the/this/who heart you to be
35 Terelad ceñidos jires dumes, y mermellines encendidas andré jires bastes.
to be you the/this/who loins to gird and the/this/who lamp to kindle/burn
36 Y sinelad sangue semejantes á os manuces, sos ujarelan á o Erañó de junos, pur limbidiela de las romandiñipenes: somia que pur abilláre, y araqueráre á la bundal, yescotria le pindrabelen.
and you like a human to wait for/welcome the/this/who lord: master themself when? (to depart *N(k)O*) out from the/this/who wedding in order that/to to come/go and to knock immediately to open it/s/he
37 Majarés ocolas lacrés, sos alacháre velando o Erañó pur abilláre: Aromali sangue penelo, que se chibará la sustigui; y os querelará bestelar á la mensalle, y nacando os servirá.
blessed the/this/who slave that which to come/go the/this/who lord: master to find/meet to keep watch amen to say you that/since: that to gird and to recline it/s/he and to pass by to serve it/s/he
38 Y si abilláre andré la duisquera vela, y si abilláre andré la trinchera vela, y andiar alacháre á junos, majarés sinelan oconas lacrés.
and if (to come/go *k*) in/on/among the/this/who secondly (prison/watch: watch *k*) (and if *N(k)O*) in/on/among the/this/who third prison/watch: watch to come/go and to find/meet thus(-ly) blessed to be (the/this/who *ko*) (slave *KO*) that
39 Tami chanelad ocono, que si o julai e quer chanelase a ocana en que abillaria o randé, na querelaria o sobindoi, y na mequelaria enquerar su quer.
this/he/she/it then to know that/since: that if to perceive: know the/this/who householder what? hour the/this/who thief to come/go no (to keep watch *KO*) (if *K*) (and *KO*) if to release: leave (to break in *N(k)O*) the/this/who house: home it/s/he
40 Sangue pues sinelad emposunés: presas á la ocana, que na penchabelais, abillará o Chaboro e manu.
and you (therefore/then *K*) to be ready that/since: since which hour no to think the/this/who son the/this/who a human to come/go
41 Y Pedro le penó: Erañó, penelas ocona parabola á amangue, ó tambien á os sares.
to say then (it/s/he *k*) the/this/who Peter lord: God to/with me the/this/who parable this/he/she/it to say or and to/with all
42 Y penó o Erañó, ¿Coin, penchabelais que sinela o baro-lacró lacho y cabalico, sos chitó o Erañó opré su sueti, somia que les díñele o melalo de gi andré chiros?
(and *no*) to say (then *k*) the/this/who lord: God which? therefore to be the/this/who faithful manager (the/this/who *N(k)O*) thoughtful which to appoint/conduct the/this/who lord: master upon/to/against the/this/who service it/s/he the/this/who to give in/on/among time/right time the/this/who grain ration
43 Majaro ocola lacró, sos pur abilláre o Erañó, le alacháre andiar querelando.
blessed the/this/who slave that which to come/go the/this/who lord: master it/s/he to find/meet to do/make: do thus(-ly)
44 Aromali sangue penelo, que lo chitará opré saro que terela.
truly to say you that/since: that upon/to/against all the/this/who be already it/s/he to appoint/conduct it/s/he
45 Tami si penáre ocola lacro andré su carló: Se tasalela minrio Erañó de abillar, y se chibáre á querelar choro á os lacrés, y á as lacrias, y á jamar, y á pijar, y diñarse á curdá:
if then to say the/this/who slave that in/on/among the/this/who heart it/s/he to delay the/this/who lord: master me to come/go and be first to strike the/this/who child and the/this/who maidservant to eat and/both and to drink and to get drunk
46 Abillará o Erañó de ocola lacró o chibes, que na penchabela, y á la ocana que na chanela, y le chibará abrí, y chitará su aricata sat junos de dabrocos.
to come/be present the/this/who lord: master the/this/who slave that in/on/among day which no to look for and in/on/among hour which no to know and to cut in two it/s/he and the/this/who part it/s/he with/after the/this/who unbelieving to place
47 Presas ocola lacró sos chanó ma camelaba desquero Erañó, y na queró bajin, y na queró ma camelaba, sinará muy mistos curado.
that then the/this/who slave the/this/who to know the/this/who will/desire the/this/who lord: master (it/s/he *N(k)O*) and not to make ready (or *N(k)O*) to do/make: do to/with the/this/who will/desire it/s/he to beat up much
48 Tami ó sos na chanó, y queró buchias dignas e saniséo, frima sinará curado: presas á saro manu, á coin baribu sinaba diñado; baribu le sinará manguelado: y al que baribu encomendáron, butér le ustilarán.
the/this/who then not to know to do/make: do then worthy plague/blow/wound to beat up little/few all then which to give much much to seek from/with/beside it/s/he and which to set before much more excessive to ask it/s/he
49 Yaque he abillado á chitar andré la pu: ¿y que camelo, sino que jacharele?
fire to come/go to throw: throw (upon/to/against *N(k)O*) the/this/who earth: planet and which? to will/desire if: if only already to set fire
50 Me jomte sinelar chobelado sat bautismo: ¿y cómo me trajatelo, disde que se lo querele?
baptism then to have/be to baptize and how! to hold/oppress until (who/which *N(k)O*) to finish
51 ¿Penchabelais, que sinelo abillado á chitar paz andré la pu? Sangue penelo que nanai, sino chingaripen.
to think that/since: that peace to come to give in/on/among the/this/who earth: planet not! to say you but or division
52 Presas de acoi anglal sinarán pansch andré yeque quer en chingaripen, os trin sinarán contra os dui, y os dui contra os trin.
to be for away from the/this/who now five in/on/among one house: household to divide Three upon/to/against two and two upon/to/against Three
53 Sinarán en chingaripen o batu sat o chaboro; la dai sa’ la chabori, y la chabori sa’ la dai, la dai e rom sa’ la romi, y la romi sa’ la dai e rom.
(to divide *N(k)O*) father upon/to/against son and son upon/to/against father mother upon/to/against (the/this/who *no*) (daughter *N(k)O*) and daughter upon/to/against (the/this/who *no*) (mother *N(k)O*) mother-in-law upon/to/against the/this/who bride it/s/he and bride upon/to/against the/this/who mother-in-law (it/s/he *k*)
54 Y penaba tambien á la sueti: pur diquelais ardiñelar o paros del aracata e poniente, yescotria penelais: Buros abillela: y andiar anaquela.
to say then and the/this/who crowd when(-ever) to perceive: see the/this/who cloud to rise (upon/to/against *N(k)O*) west immediately to say (that/since: that *no*) rainstorm to come/go and to be thus(-ly)
55 Y pur chumasquerela o Austro, penelais: jar querelará: y chachipen sinela.
and when(-ever) south to blow to say that/since: that heat to be and to be
56 Sungalés, chanelais distinguir as chichias e charos y de la pu: ¿pues como na chanelais pincherar o chiros presente?
hypocrite the/this/who face the/this/who earth: planet and the/this/who heaven to know to test the/this/who time/right time then this/he/she/it how! no (to know *no*) (to test *N(k)O*)
57 ¿Y por qué na pincherelais por sangue matejos: ma sinela lacho?
which? then and away from themself no to judge the/this/who just
58 Pur chalas sa’ tun daschmanu al Manclay, querela ma astis somia listrabarte de ó andré o drun, somia que na te lliguerele al Barander, y o Barander te díñele al chinel, y o chinel te chitele andré l’estaripel.
as/when for to go with/after the/this/who opponent you upon/to/against ruler in/on/among the/this/who road to give work to release away from it/s/he not once/when to drag away you to/with the/this/who judge and the/this/who judge you (to deliver *N(k)O*) the/this/who bailiff and the/this/who bailiff you (to throw: put *N(k)(o)*) toward prison/watch: prison
59 Te penelo, que na chalarás abrí de acoi, disde que poquineles o segriton cale.
to say you no not to go out from there until (which *k*) and (the/this/who *N(k)O*) last/least coin to pay

< Lucas 12 >