< Lucas 11 >

1 Y anacó, que sinando beqelando andré yeque stano, pur achinóse a mui, penó á ó yeque es discipules de ó. Erañó, bedela amangue a manguelar á Un-debél, sasta tambien Juan bedó á desqueres discipules.
and to be in/on/among the/this/who to exist it/s/he in/on/among place one to pray as/when to cease to say one the/this/who disciple it/s/he to/with it/s/he lord: God to teach me to pray as/just as and John to teach the/this/who disciple it/s/he
2 Y les penó: Pur manguelareis, penelad: Amaro Dada, oté andré o Tarpe, majarificable sinele tun nao. Abillele tun chim. Sinele querdi tun pesquital andré a jolili, sasta andré o Tarpe.
to say then it/s/he when(-ever) to pray to say father (me the/this/who in/on/among the/this/who heaven *K) to sanctify the/this/who name you to come/go the/this/who kingdom you (to be *KO) (the/this/who will/desire you as/when in/on/among heaven and upon/to/against the/this/who earth: planet *K)
3 Diñamangue achibes amaro manro de cada chibes.
the/this/who bread me the/this/who daily to give me the/this/who according to day
4 Y amangue ertina amarias visabas, andiar sasta mu ertinamos á os sares, sos debisarelen amangue buchi. Y na enseeles amangue andré o chungalo y choro.
and to release: forgive me the/this/who sin me and for it/s/he to release: forgive all to owe me and not to bring in me toward temptation/testing: temptation (but to rescue me away from the/this/who evil/bad *K)
5 Les penó tambien: Coin de sangue terela yeque monro, y chalará á ó á pas-rachi, y le penará: Monro, prestelamangue trin manres,
and to say to/with it/s/he which? out from you to have/be friendly/friend and to travel to/with it/s/he midnight and to say it/s/he friendly/friend to lend me Three bread
6 Presas monro de mangue ha bigoreado del drun, y na terelo buchi que chitar anglal de ó.
since friendly/friend me to come out from road to/with me and no to have/be which to set before it/s/he
7 Y o aver rudelase de enrun, penando: Na sinele á mangue trajatoso, ya sinela pandada a bundal, y minres lacrés sinelan tambien sasta menda andré a cheripen, n’astis que menda me costunase somia diñartelos.
and that inwardly to answer to say not me labor to furnish occasion already the/this/who door to shut and the/this/who child me with/after I/we toward the/this/who bed to be no be able to arise to give you
8 Y si o aver perseverase araquerando á la bundal, penelo á sangue, que ya que na se costunase á diñarselos por sinelar desquero quiribo; aromali por desqueres goles se costunaria, y le diñaria sares os manres hubiese menester.
to say you if: even though and no to give it/s/he to arise through/because of the/this/who to exist friendly/friend it/s/he through/because of indeed the/this/who shamelessnes it/s/he to arise to give it/s/he (just as/how much *NK+o) to need
9 Y menda penelo á sangue: Manguelad, y se os diñará: orotelad, y alachalareis: araquelad, y se os pendrabará.
I/we and you to say to ask and to give you to seek and to find/meet to knock and to open you
10 Presas o saro sos manguela, ustilela: y ó sos orotela, alachela: y al sos araquela, se le despandará.
all for the/this/who to ask to take and the/this/who to seek to find/meet and the/this/who to knock to open
11 ¿Y si yeque de sangue manguelare manro á desquero batu, le diñara ó yeque bar? ¿ó si yeque macho, por baji le diñará yeque julistraba en lugar e macho?
which? then (out from *no) you the/this/who father to ask the/this/who son (bread not stone to give/deliver it/s/he *KO) (if *K+o) fish and (not *ko) for fish snake it/s/he to give/deliver
12 ¿O si le manguelare yeque anro, por baji le bucharará yeque escorpion?
or and (if *K) (to ask *NK+O) an egg (not *ko) to give/deliver it/s/he scorpion
13 Pues si sangue, sinando chorés, chanelais diñar lachias diñipenes á jires chabores ¿cuanto butér jire Dada del Tarpe diñara suncai lachi á junos sos se lo manguelaren?
if therefore/then you evil/bad be already to know gift good to give the/this/who child you how much/many? more the/this/who father the/this/who out from heaven to give spirit/breath: spirit holy the/this/who to ask it/s/he
14 Y sinaba Jesus bucharando abri yeque bengue: y ocona sinaba musilé, y pur hubó bucharado al bengue, chamulió o musilé, y sares se zibáron.
and to be to expel demon and it/s/he to be deaf/mute to be then the/this/who demon to go out to speak the/this/who deaf/mute and to marvel the/this/who crowd
15 Tami yeques de junos penáron: André sila de Beelzebub Manclay es bengues, bucharela os bengues.
one then out from it/s/he to say in/on/among Beelzebul (the/this/who *no) ruler the/this/who demon to expel the/this/who demon
16 Y averes somia pesquibarle, le manguelaban simache del Tarpe.
other then to test/tempt: test sign out from heaven to seek from/with/beside it/s/he
17 Y pur dicó os carlochines de junos, les penó: Saro chim chingarando contra sí matejo, sinará chibado andré najipen; y perará quer opré quer.
it/s/he then to know it/s/he the/this/who thought to say it/s/he all kingdom upon/to/against themself to divide to lay waste and house: household upon/to/against house: household to collapse
18 Pues si Satanas sinele tambien en billa contra sí matejo, ¿como sinará en pindré o chim de ó? presas penelais que menda bucharelo abrí bengues por sila de Beelzebub.
if then and the/this/who Satan upon/to/against themself to divide how! to stand the/this/who kingdom it/s/he that/since: since to say in/on/among Beelzebul to expel me the/this/who demon
19 Pues si menda por sila de Beelzebub bucharelo os bengues, ¿jirés chabores por coin os bucharelan? Por ocono sinarán junos jueces de sangue.
if then I/we in/on/among Beelzebul to expel the/this/who demon the/this/who son you in/on/among which? to expel through/because of this/he/she/it it/s/he you judge to be
20 Tami si sat l’angusti de Debél bucharelo os bengues, aromalí o chim de Debél ha bigoreado á sangue.
if then in/on/among finger God (I/we *no) to expel the/this/who demon therefore to precede/arrive upon/to/against you the/this/who kingdom the/this/who God
21 Pur o manusalo ujarela desquero quer, andré trifusco sinelan sarias as buchias que terela.
when(-ever) the/this/who strong to arm fully to keep/guard: guard the/this/who themself palace/courtyard in/on/among peace to be the/this/who be already it/s/he
22 Tami si abillando aver butér manusalo que ó, le venciere, le nicobará sarias as armas de ó, andré que pachibelaba, y sicobará desquero jayere.
when/as soon as then (the/this/who *k) strong it/s/he to arrive/invade to conquer it/s/he the/this/who complete armor it/s/he to take up upon/to/against which to persuade and the/this/who plunder it/s/he to distribute
23 O sos na sinela con-a-mangue, contra mangue sinela: O sos na ustilela con-a-mangue, najibela.
the/this/who not to be with/after I/we according to I/we to be and the/this/who not to assemble with/after I/we to scatter
24 Pur o bengue jindo ha chalado abrí de yeque manu, pirela por stanes bipaniosos orotando paratuté: y pur no lo alachela, penela: Mangue limbidiare á minrio quer, d’uque chalé abrí.
when(-ever) the/this/who unclean spirit/breath: spirit to go out away from the/this/who a human to pass through through/because of waterless place to seek rest and not to find/meet (then *NO) to say to return toward the/this/who house: home me whence to go out
25 Y pur limbidiela, lo alachela julabado y chito.
and to come/go to find/meet (be devoted/empty *O) to sweep and to arrange
26 Entonces chala, y ustilela sat ó averes efta bengues, butér chores que ó, y chalan andré, y socabelan oté. Y lo segriton de ocola manu sinela butér choro que lo brotobo.
then to travel and to take other spirit/breath: spirit evil/bad themself seven and (to enter *NK+o) to dwell there and to be the/this/who last/least the/this/who a human that worse than the/this/who first
27 Y anacó, que penando ó ocono, yeque cadchi de enré a sueti ardiñó a voz, y le garló: Majari a poria sos te chindó, y as chuchais sos mamaste.
to be then in/on/among the/this/who to say it/s/he this/he/she/it to lift up one voice/sound: voice woman out from the/this/who crowd to say it/s/he blessed the/this/who belly/womb/stomach the/this/who to carry you and breast which to suckle
28 Y ó rudeló: Nanai! antes majares junos sos junelan a varda de Debél y l’ujarelan.
it/s/he then to say rather blessed the/this/who to hear the/this/who word the/this/who God and to keep/guard: observe (it/s/he *k)
29 Y sasta a sueti abillase de sarias aricatas, se chibó a penar: Ocona rati, rati sungali sinela, simache manguela, y simache na le sinará diñada, sino a simache e Propheta Jonás.
the/this/who then crowd to collect/crowd be first to say the/this/who generation this/he/she/it (generation *no) evil/bad to be sign (to seek *N+kO) and sign no to give it/s/he if: not not the/this/who sign Jonah (the/this/who prophet *K)
30 Presas sasta Jonás sinaba simache a junos de Ninive; andiar tambien o Chaboro e manu la sinará á ocona rati.
as/just as for to be (the/this/who *o) Jonah the/this/who Ninevite sign thus(-ly) to be and the/this/who son the/this/who a human the/this/who generation this/he/she/it
31 La Crallisa e Pas-chibe se ardiñará andré juicio contra os manuces de ocona rati, y os saplará, presas abílló de os fines de la pu á junelar a chaneleria de Salomon; y he acoi butér que Salomon andré ocona stano.
queen (Queen of) the South to arise in/on/among the/this/who judgment with/after the/this/who man the/this/who generation this/he/she/it and to condemn it/s/he that/since: since to come/go out from the/this/who end the/this/who earth: planet to hear the/this/who wisdom Solomon and look! greater Solomon here
32 Os manuces de Ninive se ardiñarán contra ocona rati andré juicio, y la saplarán: presas quereláron penitencia á los goles de Jonás; y he acoi buter que Jonás andré ocona stano.
man (Ninevite *N+kO) to arise in/on/among the/this/who judgment with/after the/this/who generation this/he/she/it and to condemn it/s/he that/since: since to repent toward the/this/who preaching Jonah and look! greater Jonah here
33 Cayque urdiflela á yeque mermellin, y la chitela andré yeque stano escondido, ni ostely de yeque melalo; sino opré yeque dendesquero, somia que junos sos abillelan andré diquelen a dut.
none (then *k) lamp to touch toward (cellar *N+KO) to place nor by/under: under the/this/who bucket but upon/to/against the/this/who lampstand in order that/to the/this/who to enter the/this/who (light *N+kO) to see
34 A mermellin de tun trupos sinela tun aqui. Si tun aqui sinare lachi, saro tun trupos sinará dutoso: tami si sinare chori, tambien tun trupos sinará bi dut.
the/this/who lamp the/this/who body to be the/this/who eye (you *no) when(-ever) (therefore/then *K) the/this/who eye you sound to be and all the/this/who body you bright to be when/as soon as then evil/bad to be and the/this/who body you dark
35 Diquela pues, que a dut andré tucue, na sinela rachi.
to watch out therefore/then not the/this/who light the/this/who in/on/among you darkness to be
36 Y andiar si saro tun trupos sinare dutoso, bi terelar yeque aricata de rachi, o saro sinará dutoso, y te diñará dut sasta yeque mermellin de dut.
if therefore/then the/this/who body you all bright not to have/be part one dark to be bright all as/when when(-ever) the/this/who lamp the/this/who lightning to illuminate you
37 Y pur sinaba chamuliando, le mangó yeque Phariséo, que chalase á jamar sat ó, y habiendo chalado andré, se besteló á la mensalle.
in/on/among then the/this/who to speak (to ask *N+kO) it/s/he Pharisee (one *k) that to eat early meal from/with/beside it/s/he to enter then to recline
38 Y o Phariséo se chitó á penchabar, y penar andré de sí, presas na se había chobelado antes de jamar.
the/this/who then Pharisee to perceive: see to marvel that/since: that no first to baptize before the/this/who early meal
39 Y o Eraño penó: Acana sangue os Phariseyes chobelais lo de abrí e gote, y e plato; tami sangue de enrun sinelais perelalés de randipen y de choripen.
to say then the/this/who lord: God to/with it/s/he now you the/this/who Pharisee the/this/who outside the/this/who cup and the/this/who platter to clean the/this/who then inwardly you be full plunder and evil
40 Dineles, ¿O sos quereló ma sinela de abrí, na quereló tambien ma sinela de enrun?
foolish no the/this/who to do/make: do the/this/who outside and the/this/who inwardly to do/make: do
41 Ocono no obstante, diñelad limosna: y sarias as buchias os sinelan limpias.
but/however the/this/who be in to give charity and look! all clean you to be
42 ¡Tami ysna de sangue, Phariseyes, sos chibelais andré deque aricatas a cha-lachi, y a Romani cha, y sari hortaliza, y na querelaís bajin e lachiria, y e amor de Debél! Pues sinaba mistos querelar oconas buchias, y na mequelar ocolas.
but woe! you the/this/who Pharisee that/since: since to tithe the/this/who mint and the/this/who rue and all plant and to pass by the/this/who judgment and the/this/who love the/this/who God this/he/she/it (then *NO) be necessary to do/make: do and that not (be present *N+kO)
43 ¡Ysna de sangue Phariseyes, sos camelais as brotoborias bestés andré as Synagogas, y sinelar saludados andré os maasqueres!
woe! you the/this/who Pharisee that/since: since to love the/this/who seat of honor in/on/among the/this/who synagogue and the/this/who salutation in/on/among the/this/who marketplace
44 ¡Ysna de sangue, sos sinelais sasta os sepulchres, sos na se diquela, y na lo chanelan os manuces, que pirelan por opré!
woe! you (scribe and Pharisee hypocrite *K) that/since: since to be as/when the/this/who grave the/this/who unclear and the/this/who a human the/this/who to walk above no to know
45 Y rudelando yeque es Chandés e Eschastra, le penó: Duquendio, chamuliando oconas buchias, tucue afrentas tambien á amangue.
to answer then one the/this/who lawyer to say it/s/he teacher this/he/she/it to say and me to mistreat
46 Y ó penó: Y ysna de sangue Chandes e Eschastra: sos cargais os manuces de cargas, sos n’astis lliguerar, y sangue ni aun sat yeque de jiresias angustias pajabelais as cargas!
the/this/who then to say and you the/this/who lawyer woe! that/since: since to burden the/this/who a human burden ponderous and it/s/he one the/this/who finger you no to touch the/this/who burden
47 ¡Ysna de sangue, sos querelais os sepulchres es Prophetas: y jires batuces os maráron!
woe! you that/since: since to build the/this/who grave the/this/who prophet the/this/who then father you to kill it/s/he
48 Aromali diñelais á chanelar, que camelais ma quereláron jires batuces: ocolas os maráron, chachipén; tami sangue querelais desqueres sepulchres.
therefore (witness *N+kO) (to be *no) and to agree to the/this/who work the/this/who father you that/since: since it/s/he on the other hand to kill it/s/he you then to build (it/s/he *K) (the/this/who *k) (grave *K)
49 Por ocono penó tambien a chaneleria de Debél: Les bichabaré Prophetas y Apóstoles, y de junos mararán, y plastañarán para marar:
through/because of this/he/she/it and the/this/who wisdom the/this/who God to say to send toward it/s/he prophet and apostle and out from it/s/he to kill and (to pursue *N+kO)
50 Somia que sinele pedida á ocona sueti a rati de sares os Prophetas, que sinaba chibada desde o principio de chiros.
in order that/to to seek out the/this/who blood all the/this/who prophet the/this/who (to pour out *N+kO) away from beginning world away from the/this/who generation this/he/she/it
51 Desde a rati de Abel, disde a rati de Zacharias, sos meró entre o altar, y a cangri. Andiar os penelo, que pedida sinará á ocona sueti.
away from (the/this/who *k) blood Abel until (the/this/who *k) blood Zechariah the/this/who to destroy between/meanwhile the/this/who altar and the/this/who house: household yes to say you to seek out away from the/this/who generation this/he/she/it
52 ¡Ysna de sangue, Chandés e Eschastra, sos ardiñasteis sat a clichi de chaneleria! sangue na chalasteis andré, y na mequelasteis á ocolas sos chalaban andré.
woe! you the/this/who lawyer that/since: since to take up the/this/who key the/this/who knowledge it/s/he no to enter and the/this/who to enter to prevent
53 Y penando oconas buchias, os Phariseyes, y os Chandés e Eschastra se chibáron á chingarar con ó sat sila, y á trajatarle sat baribustrias preguntas,
(and from there *no) (to go out *N+kO) (then *k) it/s/he (this/he/she/it to/with it/s/he *k) be first the/this/who scribe and the/this/who Pharisee terribly to oppose and to interrogate it/s/he about greater
54 Chibandole lazos, y orotando de sicobar de desquero sonsi yeque buchi somia astisar saplarle.
to ambush it/s/he (and *K) (to seek *KO) to hunt/catch one out from the/this/who mouth it/s/he (in order that/to to accuse it/s/he *KO)

< Lucas 11 >