< Luke 16 >

1 Yesu hlani mri koh ma, (Almajirama) “A ndi igu ri he niwo (arziki) na he ni indji wa ani ya bi ndu ni wu'a, U ba ye hla ni wu indji iwo, andi igu ya bi ndu ma a ri woma ni hi kle.
Jesus said to his disciples: “There was a rich man who had a steward; and this steward was maliciously accused to him of wasting his estate.
2 Indji iwo'a a yo na miyen ahi nge mba mi wo? Ne lisafi ikpe wa u tie ni ya ndu'a u na la tie ndu, u ya indji ngana.
So the master called him and said ‘What is this that I hear about you? Give in your accounts, for you cannot act as steward any longer.’
3 Igu u ya indji ba (wakili) a ta mre, “Ahi nge mi ti, tun nde itie koh mu a vu me kpa ndu u ya? Mina he ni gbengble wami ya ron na, Ishan ni ti me mi na ya bre na.
‘What am I to do,’ the steward asked himself, ‘now that my master is taking the steward’s place away from me? I have not strength to dig, and I am ashamed to beg.
4 Mi toh kpe u wa mi tie'a inde ba zu me ni ndu u ya indji (wakili), indji ba ka kpa me hi ni koh mba.
I know what I will do, so that, as soon as I am turned out of my stewardship, people may welcome me into their homes.’
5 Ayo bi wa itie koh ma ni huba ihlah, a miyen u mumlan, 'Ahi bren itie koh mu ni hu?'
One by one he called up his master’s debtors. ‘How much do you owe my master?’ he asked of the first.
6 Andi uma a Garuwa Iyen Deri. Wa hla ni wu, kpa nvunvu u nha me, gbagbla nha hamsi nihi kuson kpa me ni ka don.
‘Four hundred and forty gallons of oil,’ answered the man. ‘Here is your agreement,’ he said; ‘sit down at once and make it two hundred and twenty.’
7 Wa hla miyen ri, ibren ba hu? Wa tre, buhu alkama dari wa hla niwu, kpa nvunvu yi, ni nha tan mani
And you, the steward said to the next, ‘how much do you owe?’ ‘Seventy quarters of wheat,’ he replied. ‘Here is your agreement,’ the steward said; ‘make it fifty-six.’
8 U tie koh ma kber igu lah tre san nitu wa a tie whiri, imlen imri bi, zizanyi ni indji mba, ba whiri zan imri bi kpan. (aiōn g165)
His master complimented this dishonest steward on the shrewdness of his action. And indeed men of the world are shrewder in dealing with their fellow-men than those who have the Light. (aiōn g165)
9 Mijhla ni yiwu tie kpan nitu he niwo wa ana bie na. Wa ye nna wo kle, u ba ka kpa yi hi ni koh wa bi son hi ni tuntur. (aiōnios g166)
And I say to you ‘Win friends for yourselves with your dishonest money,’ so that, when it comes to an end, there may be a welcome for you into the Eternal Home. (aiōnios g166)
10 Indji wa ni tie njanji ni kpi tsitsa ma, A ni ti njanji ni rhi grama, u indji wa ana tie njanji ni kpi vi tsitsa mana, ana tie njanji ni kpi rigra ma na.
He who is trustworthy in the smallest matter is trustworthy in a great one also; and he who is dishonest in the smallest matter is dishonest in a great one also.
11 Inde u na tie bi ni wo wa ana u njanji na, u nhan ni kpa nyewme ni wu ni wo u njanji?
So, if you have proved untrustworthy with the ‘dishonest money,’ who will trust you with the true?
12 Toh wu na ni tie njanji ni nji kpi u bari na, anha ni no wu inkleh u me?
And, if you have proved untrustworthy with what does not belong to us, who will give you what is really our own?
13 Ba indji wa ani ya biu tie ko hari, ni mi nton riri, se ka kpa ri na kari don, koh ka kpari tsri na kpari nyime. U na ya hu Irji mba inklen na.
No servant can serve two masters, for, either he will hate one and love the other, or else he will attach himself to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.”
14 Farisawa bi wa ba son inklen kpukpome'a ba wo tre naki wawu na nzah.
All this was said within hearing of the Pharisees, who were lovers of money, and they began to sneer at Jesus.
15 Wa hla bawu, 'Biyi bi ban tu mbi ni shishi ndi ni kperi, ama Irji toh mi suron mbi. Ikpi wa ndi ba kpanyime niwu wawu, ahi kpi u shan ni Irji.
“You,” said Jesus, “are the men who justify themselves before the world, but God can read your hearts; and what is highly esteemed among men may be an abomination in the sight of God.
16 Attaura ni Litafi Anabawa ba he si ye ni ye Yohana rji ni nton ki ye zizan yi, ba tsikpa bubu bla tre Irji, indji wa wu ba ri ti tu ni gbengblen ni yo tu mba niwu.
The Law and the Prophets sufficed until the time of John. Since then the Good News of the Kingdom of God has been told, and everybody has been forcing his way into it.
17 A hi fie me ni shulu mba ni meme ndu ba su e tu ni wa, iten riri u Attaura ndi joku migen.
It would be easier for the heavens and the earth to disappear than for one stroke of a letter in the Law to be lost.
18 Indji wa a ga gran ma ni Iwa-ma na kpa iwa ri a zina a si tie, ni nidji wa a kpa iwa wailon ma zu a hi zina a si ti.
Every one who divorces his wife and marries another woman is an adulterer, and the man who marries a divorced woman is an adulterer.
19 Indji iwo ri a shur kpimabi tie le nani zren zren ma ko ni nton ri meh.
There was once a rich man, who dressed in purple robes and fine linen, and feasted every day in great splendour.
20 U indji u bre ri ba yo ni Lazaru ba nji ye ka yo ni nkotra koh ma, ni kpukpa inkpa-n ni kpa,
Near his gateway there had been laid a beggar named Lazarus, who was covered with sores,
21 Wa ni son rhi birhi wa a kuble ni tu tebru, u yawu ba ye nle kpa-n.
and who longed to satisfy his hunger with what fell from the rich man’s table. Even the very dogs came and licked his sores.
22 Wa ye tsra ni nton wa indji u bre a ye kyu, u Maleku ba ye ban hi ni nhma ko wa Ibrahim he. U ndji u wo'a (arziki) a kyu u ba ban ka rju.
After a time the beggar died, and was taken by the angels to be with Abraham. The rich man also died and was buried.
23 wa ka ri ni koh lu, wa zun shishi hi ni shu, na toh Ibrahim gbugban mu ba sun mba Lazarus ni ngbala ko wa Ibrahim he. (Hadēs g86)
In the Place of Death he looked up in his torment, and saw Abraham at a distance and Lazarus at his side. (Hadēs g86)
24 Wa yra yi yo, Itie mu Ibrahim, toh me ni lo suron ni ton Lazarus, ndu ka vren wo ma son ni mma, na chu kpi yo ni mu ni lbe ndu jubu gbugbran mu.
So he called out ‘Pity me, Father Abraham, and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am suffering agony in this flame.’
25 Ibrahim tre vuvren, Rimre ni sun me ni gbungblu, u rhi ro wo me ni kpa kpi bi bie ma, u Lazarus si tiya, u zizan mba ba ndu si toh roma ni wa, Iwu mba u si tiya.
‘Child,’ answered Abraham, ‘remember that you in your lifetime received what you thought desirable, just as Lazarus received what was not desirable; but now he has his consolation here, while you are suffering agony.
26 U naki me ba shi juju ni tsitsu bi vron me, ni ndu bi wa ba sun zagran ye niyi ba ka na yana, kuma biwa ba he ni yi ko mba ba ka na zagran ye nita na.
And not only that, but between you and us there lies a great chasm, so that those who wish to pass from here to you cannot, nor can they cross from there to us.’
27 U indji i wo tre, mi bre wu, Itie mu Ibrahim, u ka ton hi ni koh itie mu, u ngrji'a -
‘Then, Father,’ he said, ‘I beg you to send Lazarus to my father’s house —
28 Mi he ni mri vayi mri-lon iton, ndu hi hron ba ni ndu ba na ye ni bubu yi na.
For I have five brothers to warn them, so that they may not come to this place of torture also.’
29 Ibrahim hla niwu, ba he ni Musa ni anabawa, ndu ba wo ba.
‘They have the writings of Moses and the Prophets,’ replied Abraham; ‘let them listen to them.’
30 U indji i wo, a sa niwu andi, A'a Itie mu Ibrahim, indrjo ri ni ta rji ni mi bi kyu ka hla ni bawa, ba k'ma suron mba no Irji.
‘But, Father Abraham,’ he urged, ‘if some one from the dead were to go to them, they would repent.’
31 U Ibrahim hla niwu, inde bana wo Musa ni anabawa bana, ko indji wa a kyu lunde na ka hla ni ba wu bana wo wu na.
‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets,’ answered Abraham, ‘they will not be persuaded, even if some one were to rise from the dead.’”

< Luke 16 >