< Matthieu 22 >

1 Jezuz o komz, a lavaras a-nevez dezho dre barabolennoù:
Again Jesus spoke to them in figurative language.
2 Rouantelezh an neñvoù a zo heñvel ouzh ur roue hag a reas ur goan-eured evit e vab.
"The Kingdom of the Heavens," He said, "may be compared to a king who celebrated the marriage of his son,
3 Kas a reas e vevelien da c'hervel ar re a oa bet pedet d'an eured; met ne felle ket dezho dont.
and sent his servants to call the invited guests to the wedding, but they were unwilling to come.
4 Kas a reas adarre mevelien all, en ur lavarout: Lavarit d'ar re a zo bet pedet: Setu, va lein am eus fichet, lazhet em eus va ejened ha va loened lard, pep tra a zo prest, deuit d'an eured.
"Again he sent other servants with a message to those who were invited. "'My breakfast is now ready," he said, 'my bullocks and fat cattle are killed, and every preparation is made: come to the wedding.'
5 Met ne rejont van ebet ouzh kement-se, hag ez ejont, unan d'e bark, unan all d'e genwerzh,
"They however gave no heed, but went, one to his home in the country, another to his business;
6 ha re all a grogas en e vevelien, o gwallgasas hag o lazhas.
and the rest seized the king's servants, maltreated them, and murdered them.
7 Ar roue a yeas droug ennañ, hag o vezañ kaset e soudarded, e lakaas da vervel al lazherien-se, hag e tevas o c'hêr.
So the king's anger was stirred, and he sent his troops and destroyed those murderers and burnt their city.
8 Neuze e lavaras d'e vevelien: An eured a zo prest, met ar re a oa bet pedet dezhi ne oant ket din anezhi.
Then he said to his servants, "'The wedding banquet is ready, but those who were invited were unworthy of it.
9 It eta er c'hroazhentoù, ha galvit d'an eured an holl re a gavot.
Go out therefore to the crossroads, and everybody you meet invite to the wedding.'
10 E vevelien, o vezañ aet dre an hentoù, a zastumas kement a gavjont, mat ha fall, ha sal an eured a voe leuniet gant tud ouzh taol.
"So they went out into the roads and gathered together all they could find, both bad and good, and the banqueting hall was filled with guests.
11 Ar roue, o vezañ deuet evit gwelout ar re a oa ouzh taol, a welas eno un den n'en devoa ket gwisket un dilhad eured.
"Now the king came in to see the guests; and among them he discovered one who was not wearing a wedding-robe.
12 Lavarout a reas dezhañ: Va mignon, penaos out deuet amañ hep kaout un dilhad eured? Eñ a chomas mut.
"'My friend,' he said, 'how is it that you came in here without a wedding robe?'
13 Neuze ar roue a lavaras d'ar vevelien: Ereit e zaouarn hag e dreid, ha taolit eñ en deñvalijenn a-ziavaez, e-lec'h ma vo goueladegoù ha grigoñsadegoù-dent.
"The man stood speechless. Then the king said to the servants, "'Bind him hand and foot and fling him into the darkness outside: there will be the weeping aloud and the gnashing of teeth.'
14 Rak kalz a zo galvet, met nebeut a zo dibabet.
"For there are many called, but few chosen."
15 Neuze ar farizianed a yeas d'en em guzuliañ war an doare d'e dapout en e gomzoù.
Then the Pharisees went and consulted together how they might entrap Him in His conversation.
16 Kas a rejont d'e gavout o diskibien gant an herodianed, da lavarout dezhañ: Mestr, gouzout a reomp penaos out gwirion ha penaos e kelennez hent Doue hervez ar wirionez, hep ober van eus den ebet, rak ne sellez ket ouzh diavaez an dud.
So they sent to Him their disciples together with the Herodians; who said, "Teacher, we know that you are truthful and that you faithfully teach God's truth; and that no fear of man misleads you, for you are not biased by men's wealth or rank.
17 Lavar deomp eta petra a soñjez: Ha dleet eo paeañ ar gwir da Gezar, pe n'eo ket?
Give us your judgement therefore: is it allowable for us to pay a poll-tax to Caesar, or not?"
18 Met Jezuz, oc'h anavezout o fallentez, a lavaras dezho: Perak e temptit ac'hanon, pilpouzed?
Perceiving their wickedness, Jesus replied, "Why are you hypocrites trying to ensnare me?
19 Diskouezit din ar moneiz ma vez paeet ar gwir gantañ. Hag e rojont dezhañ un diner.
Show me the tribute coin." And they brought Him a shilling.
20 Goulenn a reas outo: Eus piv eo ar skeud hag ar skrid-mañ?
"Whose likeness and inscription," He asked, "is this?"
21 Int a lavaras dezhañ: Eus Kezar. Neuze e lavaras dezho: Roit eta da Gezar ar pezh a zo da Gezar, ha da Zoue ar pezh a zo da Zoue.
"Caesar's," they replied. "Pay therefore," He rejoined, "what is Caesar's to Caesar; and what is God's to God."
22 Souezhet eus ar pezh a glevjont, e lezjont anezhañ hag ez ejont kuit.
They heard this, and were astonished; then left Him, and went their way.
23 An hevelep devezh, ar sadukeiz, hag a lavar n'eus ket a adsavidigezh a varv, a zeuas da gavout Jezuz, hag a reas outañ ar goulenn-mañ:
On the same day a party of Sadducees came to Him, contending that there is no resurrection. And they put this case to Him.
24 Mestr, Moizez en deus lavaret: Mar marv unan bennak hep bugale, e vreur a zimezo d'e intañvez, evit sevel lignez d'e vreur.
"Teacher," they said, "Moses enjoined, 'If a man die childless, his brother shall marry his widow, and raise up a family for him.'
25 Bez' e oa en hon touez seizh breur. An hini kentañ a zimezas hag a varvas; hag evel n'en devoa ket a vugale, e lezas e wreg d'e vreur.
Now we had among us seven brothers. The eldest of them married, but died childless, leaving his wife to his brother.
26 En hevelep doare e c'hoarvezas gant an eil, an trede, betek ar seizhvet.
So also did the second and the third, down to the seventh,
27 Ha d'an diwezhañ-holl, ar wreg a varvas ivez.
till the woman also died, after surviving them all.
28 Da behini ar seizh-se e vo gwreg, en adsavidigezh a varv? Rak eo bet dezho holl.
At the Resurrection, therefore, whose wife of the seven will she be? for they all married her."
29 Jezuz, a respontas dezho: En dallentez oc'h, dre n'anavezit ket ar Skriturioù, na galloud Doue.
The reply of Jesus was, "You are in error, through ignorance of the Scriptures and of the power of God.
30 Rak en adsavidigezh a varv, ar wazed n'o devo ket a wragez, nag ar gwragez a ezhec'h, met bez' e vint evel aeled Doue en neñv.
For in the Resurrection, men neither marry nor are women given in marriage, but they are like angels in Heaven.
31 Met diwar-benn an adsavidigezh a varv, ha n'hoc'h eus ket lennet ar pezh en deus Doue lavaret deoc'h:
But as to the Resurrection of the dead, have you never read what God says to you,
32 Me eo Doue Abraham, Doue Izaak, ha Doue Jakob? Doue n'eo ket Doue ar re varv, met Doue ar re vev.
'I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob'? He is not the God of dead, but of living men."
33 Ar bobl a selaoue, hag a voe souezhet gant kelennadurezh Jezuz.
All the crowd heard this, and were filled with amazement at His teaching.
34 Ar farizianed, o vezañ klevet penaos en devoa lakaet da devel ar sadukeiz, en em zastumas,
Now the Pharisees came up when they heard that He had silenced the Sadducees,
35 hag unan anezho, doktor eus al lezenn, a reas ar goulenn-mañ outañ, evit e demptañ:
and one of them, an expounder of the Law, asked Him as a test question,
36 Mestr, pehini eo ar brasañ gourc'hemenn eus al lezenn?
"Teacher, which is the greatest Commandment in the Law?"
37 Jezuz a respontas dezhañ: Karout a ri an Aotrou da Zoue, eus da holl galon, eus da holl ene, hag eus da holl soñj.
"'Thou shalt love the Lord thy God,'" He answered, "'with thy whole heart, thy whole soul, thy whole mind.'
38 Hennezh eo ar c'hentañ hag ar brasañ eus ar gourc'hemennoù.
This is the greatest and foremost Commandment.
39 Ha setu an eil a zo heñvel outañ: Karout a ri da nesañ eveldout da-unan.
And the second is similar to it: 'Thou shalt love thy fellow man as much as thyself.'
40 Eus an daou c'hourc'hemenn-se, e talc'h an holl lezenn hag ar brofeded.
The whole of the Law and the Prophets is summed up in these two Commandments."
41 Evel ma oa ar farizianed en em zastumet, Jezuz a reas ur goulenn outo,
While the Pharisees were still assembled there, Jesus put a question to them.
42 o lavarout: Petra a soñjit eus ar C'hrist? Da biv eo mab? Int a lavaras dezhañ: Da Zavid.
"What think you about the Christ," He said, "whose son is He?" "David's," they replied.
43 Jezuz a lavaras dezho: Penaos eta e c'halv David anezhañ, dre ar Spered, e Aotrou, pa lavar:
"How then," He asked, "does David, taught by the Spirit, call Him Lord, when he says,
44 An Aotrou en deus lavaret da'm Aotrou: Azez a-zehou din, betek ma em bo graet eus da enebourien ur skabell dindan da dreid.
"'The Lord said to my Lord, sit at My right hand until I have put thy foes beneath thy feet'?
45 Mar galv eta David e-unan anezhañ Aotrou, penaos eo-eñ e vab?
"If therefore David calls Him Lord, how can He be his son?"
46 Ha den ne c'hellas respont ur ger dezhañ. Adalek an deiz-se, hini ne gredas mui ober goulenn ebet outañ.
No one could say a word in reply, nor from that day did any one venture again to put a question to Him.

< Matthieu 22 >