< Yoube 39 >

1 Di da goumia esalebe goudi ilia lalelegesu eso dawa: sala: ? Di da sigua ‘dia’ gebo ilia mano lalelegei hou ba: bela: ?
[Say] if you know the time of the bringing forth of the wild goats of the rock, and [if] you have marked the calving of the hinds:
2 Di da ilia eso habodayane galuiyale dawa: bela: Di da ilia lalelegemu eso ilegei dawa: sala: ?
and [if] you has have numbered the full months of their being with young, and [if] you have relieved their pangs:
3 Ilia habogala mano lamusa: beguduli lobo gaguladabe, amo di dawa: bela: ?
and have reared their young without fear; and will you loosen their pangs?
4 Ilia da iwiladafa amo ganodini gasa lale, alesa. Ilia da ga asili, hame buhagisa.
Their young will break forth; they will be multiplied with offspring: [their young] will go forth, and will not return to them.
5 Sigua dougi halegale masa: ne, nowa ilia logo doasibala: ?
And who is he that sent forth the wild ass free? and who loosed his bands?
6 Na da ili amogai esaloma: ne, hafoga: i soge ilima i. Ilia da hafoga: i deme (sali) dialebe umiga esaloma: ne, Na logo doasi.
whereas I made his habitation the wilderness, and the salt land his coverts.
7 Ilia sia: gulubagebe moilai bai bagade gadenene hame esala. Amola dunu ilia da ili fofole amola ilia hawa: hamoma: ne sia: mu hamedei ba: sa.
He laughs to scorn the multitude of the city, and hears not the chiding of the tax-gatherer.
8 Ilia goumia mola: iya: i ha: i manu hogosa.
He will survey the mountains [as] his pasture, and he seeks after every green thing.
9 Sigua bulamagau gawali da digili hawa: hamonesima: bela: ? E da dia bulamagau diasuga gasi afae esaloma: bela: ?
And will the unicorn be willing to serve you, or to lie down at your manger?
10 Di da sigua bulamagau gawali afaema efe gomenesili, osobo gidinama: ne sia: mu dawa: bela: ? Di da e gomenesili, osobo gisuga gima: ne sia: mu dawa: bela: ?
And will you bind his yoke with thongs, or will he plow furrows for you in the plain?
11 Di da ea gasa bagade amoga e da dia hawa: hamosu fawane hamoma: ne dafawaneyale dawa: bela: ?
And do you trust him, because his strength is great? and will you commit your works to him?
12 E da dia bugi gamisu dima gaguli misa: bela: ? E da gagoma dia dabasu faia dialebe, amo gagadole lidima: bela: ?
And will you believe that he will return to you your seed, and bring [it] in [to] your threshing floor?
13 ‘Osadaligi’ (wida agoai) ea ougia da hedolodafa dada ahoa. Be ‘osadaligi’ afae da ‘sidoge’ ea hagili ahoabe defele hame dawa:
The peacock has a beautiful wing: if the stork and the ostrich conceive, [it is worthy of notice],
14 ‘Osadaligi’ da ea oso da osobo da: iya dogoloma: ne legesa.
for [the ostrich] will leave her eggs in the ground, and warm them on the dust,
15 Be e da asigi dawa: su hame dawa: beba: le, amo oso da emoga hasalasimu o sigua ohe amoga goudanisimu, amo e da hame dawa:
and has forgotten that the foot will scatter them, and the wild beasts of the field trample them.
16 E da amo oso da ea: hameyale defele, e da hamosa. E da ea oso udigili legebayale dawa: beba: le, hame da: i diosa.
She has hardened [herself] against her young ones, as though [she bereaved] not herself: she labors in vain without fear.
17 Be Ni fawane da e gagaoulisi, amola ema bagade dawa: su hame i.
For God has withholden wisdom from her, and not given her a portion in understanding.
18 Be e da muni hehenane ahoasea, e da hosi amola hosi fila heda: i dunu amoba: le ousa.
In her season she will lift herself on high; she will scorn the horse and his rider.
19 Yoube! Di fawane da hosi ilima gasa ibala: ? Di fawane da ilima ilia mugi hinabo sedade ibala: ?
Hast you invested the horse with strength, and clothed his neck with terror?
20 Di da ili danuba: defele soagagala: ma: ne ilima ibala: ? Amola ili dunu beda: ma: ne hagogala: ma: ne hamobela: ?
And have you clad him in perfect armor, and made his breast glorious with courage?
21 Hosi da nimiwane osobo fagoa gudu gigila: sa. Ilia da ilia gasa huluane defele, gegemusa: hehenasa.
He paws exulting in the plain, and goes forth in strength into the plain.
22 Ilia da beda: su hamedafa dawa: Amola gegesu gobihei afae da ili sinidigima: ne hamomu hame dawa:
He laughs to scorn a king as he meets him, and will by no means turn back from the sword.
23 Ilima fila heda: i dunu ilia gegesu liligi da ginina: ginina: sa, amola esoga baba gaga: la: sa.
The bow and sword resound against him; and [his] rage will swallow up the ground:
24 Fofogadigili yaguguli, ilia misosogane hehenasa. Gegesu dalabede da wesea, ilia da nimi agoane fofoga: sa.
and he will not believe until the trumpet sounds.
25 Dalabede da afae wele gasea, hosi da hagogala: sa. Ilia da gegesua hame gadeneawane, nimi gaha naba. Ilia dadi gagui ouligisu dunu ilia hamoma: ne wele sia: su naba.
And when the trumpet sounds, he says, Aha! and afar off he smells the war with prancing and neighing.
26 Buhiba da ea ougia ga (south) amodili da: legasea, di da hagili ahoabe amo ema olelebela: ?
And does the hawk remain steady by your wisdom, having spread out her wings unmoved, looking toward the region of the south?
27 Sia sio da goumi gadodafa amo da: iya bibimusa: dawa: sea, e da hidadea dia hamoma: ne sia: nabimusa: ouesaloma: bela: ?
And does the eagle rise at your command, and the vulture remain sitting over his nest,
28 E da igi gadodafa da: iya bibisa. Amola goumi agesone fisiagagadoi, da ea gagili sali diasu agoai gala.
on a crag of a rock, and in a secret [place]?
29 Amogainini, e da ga amola gadenene huluane liligi medoma: ne amola moma: ne hogosa.
Thence he seeks food, his eyes observe from far.
30 Sia sio ilia da bogoi da: i manusa: beba: le sisiga: sa. Waha debe sia da maga: me nososa.
And his young ones roll themselves in blood, and wherever the carcasses may be, immediately they are found.

< Yoube 39 >