< Ha:bagage 2 >

1 Na da na sosodo aligisu diasu gagagula heda: i amoba: le heda: le, Hina Gode da nama adi hamoma: ne sia: ma: bela: le amola na Ema egane sia: ne iasu dabe adi sia: ma: bela: le ouligimu.
I will stand upon my watch, and mount upon the rock, and watch to see what he will say by me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved.
2 Hina Gode da nama dabe agoane adole i, “Na dima dabe adole iabe amo laga osoboga hamoi da: fe amo da: iya, dunu ilia hedolodafa ba: le dawa: ma: ne, noga: ledafa dedema.
And the Lord answered me and said, Write the vision, and [that] plainly on a tablet, that he that reads it may run.
3 Dedema fawane! Bai Na ilegei eso da wali hame doaga: i. Be amo eso da hedolo doaga: mu amola na dima olelemu liligi da dafawane doaga: mu. Dilia da amo ea misunu da gebewane misunu dawa: mu. Be amo doaga: ma: ne ouligima! Amo hou da dafawanedafa doaga: mu amola dulilamu da hamedei.
For the vision [is] yet for a time, and it shall shoot forth at the end, and not in vain: though he should tarry, wait for him; for he will surely come, and will not tarry.
4 Sia: ne iasu da agoane, ‘Wadela: i hamosu dunu da hame fifi ahoanumu. Be moloidafa dunu da fifi ahoanumu. Bai ilia da mae fisili, Godema dafawaneyale dawa: sa.’”
If he should draw back, my soul has no pleasure in him: but the just shall live by my faith.
5 Bagade gagui hou da ogogosu agoane. Uwasu dunu da gasa fili, helefisu hame dawa: Ilia da bogosu defele-sadisu hame dawa: Amaiba: le, ilisu gagumusa: , fifi asi gala hasalili, mae fisili, eno amola eno agoane hasalimusa: ahoa. (Sheol h7585)
But the arrogant man and the scorner, the boastful man, shall not finish anything; who has enlarged his desire as the grave, and like death he is never satisfied, and he will gather to himself all the nations, and will receive to himself all the peoples. (Sheol h7585)
6 Dunu amo da enoga hasanasi ilia da ilima hasanasi dunu ilima ilia higale ba: su hou olemu. Ilia da amane sia: mu, “Dilia da eno dunu ilia liligi amo udigili lasa. Be dilia da wadela: lesi dagoi ba: mu. Habowali seda dilia da dunu amo da dilima dabe imunu gala, amo hedolo ima: ne gasa fili lamusa: logema: bela: ?”
Shall not all these take up a parable against him? and a proverb to tell against him? and they shall say, Woe to him that multiplies to himself the possessions which are not his! how long? and who heavily loads his yoke.
7 Be amo esoga, dilia da hame dawa: amoga, dilia gagui huluane da fisi dagoi ba: mu amola eno dunu da dilima muni bu baligiliwane lama: ne dilima imunu. Ilia da nedigili, dima doagala: musa: masea, amola dilia da beda: ga yagugumu. Ilia da dilia liligi huluane samogele lamu.
For suddenly there shall arise up those that bite him, and they that plot against thee shall awake, and thou shalt be a plunder to them.
8 Dilia da fifi asi gala bagohame ilima doagala: le, ilia liligi samogele lai. Amaiba: le, amo fifi asi gala fi dunu hame bogoi esalebe da wa: legadole, dilima doagala: le, dilia liligi samogele lamu. Bai dilia da dunu bagohame medole legei, amola dilia da soge amola moilai bai bagade bagohame wadela: lesili, amo ganodini esalu dunu medole legei dagoi.
Because thou hast spoiled many nations, all the nations that are left shall spoil [thee], because of the blood of men, and the sins of the land and city, and of all that dwell in it.
9 Dili da gugunufinisi dagoi ba: mu! Dili da dilia sosogo fi bagade gaguiwane esaloma: ne, gasa fili, gegene nimi sa: ili, inia ea liligi doagala: le lai. Dili da dilia fifi lasu amo hahawane amola gaga: iwane hamomusa: dawa: i galu.
Woe to him that covets an evil covetousness to his house, that he may set his nest on high, that he may be delivered from the power of evils.
10 Be dili da agoane ilegeiba: le, dilia sosogo fi da gogosiasu lai dagoi. Dili da fifi asi gala bagohame gugunufinisibiba: le, dilia fifi asi da gugunufinisi dagoi ba: mu.
Thou hast devised shame to thy house, thou hast utterly destroyed many nations, and thy soul has sinned.
11 Igi dobea damana amolawane da dilima higale welala, amola sa di da amo wesu gobagala: mu.
For the stone shall cry out of the wall, and the beetle out of the timber shall speak.
12 Dili da wadela: lesi dagoi ba: mu! Dili da wadela: i hamosu bai amo da: iya moilai bai bagade gagui, amola amo moilai bai bagade gaguluba, fane legesu hou fawane hamonanu.
Woe to him that builds a city with blood, and establishes a city by unrighteousness.
13 Dili da fifi asi gala bagohame hasali dagoi. Amola amo fifi asi gala dunu da udigili hawa: hamonanebeba: le, gufia: i dagoi ba: i. Ilia gagui huluane da laluga nei dagoi. Hina Gode Bagadedafa da amo hou huluane hamoi dagoi.
Are not these things of the Lord Almighty? surely many people have been exhausted in the fire, and many nations have fainted.
14 Be hano wayabo bagade da hano amoga nabai, amo defele, osobo bagade fifi asi gala huluanedafa da Hina Gode Ea hadigi hou dawa: su, amoga nabai ganumu.
For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord; it shall cover them as water.
15 Dili da wadela: lesi dagoi ba: mu! Dili da ougi bagadeba: le, dilia na: iyado fifi lai amo gogosiama: ne amola fonobonesima: ne hamoi dagoi. Dilia hamobeba: le, ilia da adini ba: i dunu defele, feloale asi.
Woe to him that gives his neighbour to drink the thick lees [of wine], and intoxicates [him], that he may look upon their secret parts.
16 Dili amolawane da dilima nodosu fisili, gogosiasu amoga dedeboi dagoi ba: mu. Dili dilisu da adini nanu, feloale masunu. Dili da dunu enoma, se dabe bagadedafa i. Amo se iasu defele, Hina Gode da dilima se dabe imunu. Amola dilima nodosu da afadenene, dilima gogosiasu fawane ba: mu.
Drink thou also [thy] fill of disgrace instead of glory: shake, O heart, and quake, the cup of the right hand of the Lord has come round upon thee, and dishonour has gathered upon thy glory.
17 Dili da Lebanone iwila abusa: i dagoi. Wali dili da hedofai dagoi ba: mu. Dili da Lebanone iwilaga ohe fi fane legei. Wali sigua ohe fi da dilima doagala: beba: le, dili da baligili beda: mu. Bai dili da fane legesu hou bagade hamoi dagoi, amola osobo bagade fifi asi gala dunu ilima, amola ilia moilai bai bagade amoma gegene nimi sa: i dagoi.
For the ungodliness of Libanus shall cover thee, and distress because of wild beasts shall dismay thee, because of the blood of men, and the sins of the land and city, and of all that dwell in it.
18 Loboga hamoi ‘gode’ da hamedei liligi. Osobo bagade dunu fawane da amo liligi hamosa. Amola amo liligi da ogogosu fawane olelesa. Amo liligi ea hahamosu dunu da e dafawaneyale dawa: sea, amo da e fidima: bela: ? Hame mabu! Amo ogogosu ‘gode’ liligi da sia: mu hamedei.
What profit it the graven image, that they have graven it? [one] has made it a molten work, a false image; for the maker has trusted in his work, to make dumb idols.
19 Dili da wadela: lesi dagoi ba: mu! Dili da ifa daba: amoma, “Nedigima!” sia: sa. Amola gele sua: i amoma, “Wa: legadoma!” sia: sa. Loboga hamoi ogogosu ‘gode’ da dilima liligi afae olelemu defele ganabela: ? Hame mabu! E da silifa amola gouli amoga dedeboi dagoi. Be amo ganodini esalusu da hame ba: sa.
Woe to him that says to the wood, Awake, arise; and to the stone, Be thou exalted! whereas it is an image, and this is a casting of gold and silver, and there is no breath in it.
20 Hina Gode da Ea Hadigi Debolo Diasu ganodini esala. Osobo bagade fifi asi gala dunu huluane da Ea midadi ouiya: le amola asabole esaloma: mu.
But the Lord is in his holy temple: let all the earth fear before him.

< Ha:bagage 2 >