< Mousese Ea Malasu 32 >

1 “Osobo bagade amola mu! Na sia: noga: le nabima!
Attend, O heaven, and I will speak; and let the earth hear the words out of my mouth.
2 Na olelesu da gibu dadadi agoane sa: imu amola osobo bagadega oubi baea agoane dialumu. Na sia: da gibu gisia dahabe defele sa: imu. Asaboi gibu da asaboi gisiga daha agoane.
Let my speech be looked for as the rain, and my words come down as dew, as the shower upon the herbage, and as snow upon the grass.
3 Na da Hina Gode Ea Dio amoma nodomu. Amola Ea fi dunu da Ea noga: idafa gasa bagade hou olelemu.
For I have called on the name of the Lord: assign you greatness to our God.
4 Hina Gode da dilia gasa bagade Gaga: su Dunu. Ea hou huluane ganodini da noga: idafa amola moloidafa fawane ba: sa. E da yolesimu hame dawa: E da dafawanedafa hou hamosa. E da moloidafa fawane hamosa.
[As for God], his works [are] true, and all his ways [are] judgement: God [is] faithful, and there is no unrighteousness [in him]; just and holy [is] the Lord.
5 Be dilia da moloi hou hame dawa: Dilia amo hou hedolo fisisa. Dilia da wadela: i amola ogogosu bagade dawa: Dilia da Ea fi dunu esalumu defele hame agoai ba: sa.
They have sinned, not [pleasing] him; spotted children, a froward and perverse generation.
6 Dilia gagaoui amola asigi dawa: su hame fi! Dilia Hina Godema agoane hamomu da defeala: ? Hame mabu! Bai E da dilia Ada, dili Hahamosu Dunu. Ea hamobeba: le, dilia da fi gasa bagade hamoi.
Do you thus recompense the Lord? [is the] people thus foolish and unwise? did not he himself your father purchase you, and make you, and form you?
7 Musa: hemone eso bu dawa: ma! Musa: hou hamoi amo dilia ada ilima adole ba: ma! Musa: hemonega hou ba: i amo dawa: ma: ne, dilia da: i hamoi dunuma adole ba: ma!
Remember the days of old, consider the years for past ages: ask your father, and he shall relate to you, your elders, and they shall tell you.
8 Hina Gode Gasa Bagade da fifi asi gala ilia soge olei ilegei dagoi. E da dunu fi esaloma: ne ilia soge ilegei. E da Isala: ili ea mano ilia idi defele amo soge huluane ilegei.
When the Most High divided the nations, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the nations according to the number of the angels of God.
9 Be Ya: igobe egaga fi, E da Ea fidafa hamoma: ne ilegei.
And his people Jacob became the portion of the Lord, Israel was the line of his inheritance.
10 E da Ya: igobe ea fi amo hafoga: i amola ha: i manu hame soge amo ganodini hogole ba: i. Amo soge da wadela: idafa, foga fai dagoi. E da amo fi Ea si amoga ouligisu hou defele, ili noga: le gaga: i amola ouligi.
He maintained him in the wilderness, in burning thirst and a dry land: he led him about and instructed him, and kept him as the apple of an eye.
11 Buhiba da ea sio bibi dusa: le fasisia amola ea mano gadodili fananea amola ea ougia amo mano da: ma: ne wa: sa, ea mano gaguli ahoa,
As an eagle would watch over his brood, and yearns over his young, receives them having spread his wings, and takes them up on his back:
12 amo defele Hina Gode Hisu da Ea fi bisili oule asi. Ga fi dunu ilia ogogosu ‘gode’ liligi da ilima hame sigi asi.
the Lord alone led them, there was no strange god with them.
13 E da hamobeba: le, ilia da goumi soge ouligisu amola ilia da soge ha: i manu bugi amo nasu. E da agime hani igi ganodini sali amola olife susuligi igi agologa lai ili moma: ne, ilima i.
He brought them up on the strength of the land; he fed them with the fruits of the fields; they sucked honey out of the rock, and oil out of the solid rock.
14 Ilia bulamagau amola goudi da dodo maga: me bagade iasu. Ilia sibi, goudi amola bulamagau da eno baligili, noga: idafa ba: i. Amola widi amola waini eno baligili, noga: i nasu.
Butter of cows, and milk of sheep, with the fat of lambs and rams, of calves and kids, with fat of kidneys of wheat; and he drank wine, the blood of the grape.
15 Hina Gode Ea fi dunu da bagade gaguiwane ba: i. Be gasa fi amola odoga: su hou da heda: i. Ilia da sefe bagade sadi bagadewane ba: i. Ilia da ili Hahamosu Gode yolesi dagoi. Ilia gasa bagade Gaga: su Gode higale yolesiagai.
So Jacob ate and was filled, and the beloved one kicked; he grew fat, he became thick and broad: then he forsook the God that made him, and departed from God his Saviour.
16 Ilia loboga hamoi ‘gode’ ogogosu liligi amoma sia: ne gadosu hou ba: beba: le, Hina Gode da mudale ba: i. E da ilia wadela: i hou ba: beba: le, ougi bagade ba: i.
They provoked me to anger with strange gods; with their abominations they bitterly angered me.
17 Ilia da ogogosu ‘gode’ liligi amoma gobele salasu hou hamosu. Isala: ili dunu da hame nabasu hou hamone, gaheabolo ‘gode’ liligi amo ilia aowalali da hame dawa: i, ilima gobele salasu hou hamosu.
They sacrificed to devils, and not to God; to gods whom they knew not: new and fresh [gods] came in, whom their fathers knew not.
18 Be ilia Gode, ilia gasa bagade Gaga: su Gode amo da esalusu ilima i, amo ilia da gogolei.
You have forsaken God that begot you, and forgotten God who feeds you.
19 Hina Gode da amo hou ba: beba: le, ougi bagade ba: i. E da egefelali amola idiwilali yolesi.
And the Lord saw, and was jealous; and was provoked by the anger of his sons and daughters,
20 E amane sia: i, “Na da ili bu hame fidimu. Amasea, amo hame nabasu wadela: i hamosu dunu ilima adi hou da doaga: ma: bela: ? Na da ba: mu.
and said, I will turn away my face from them, and will show what shall happen to them in the last days; for it is a perverse generation, sons in whom is no faith.
21 Ilia da loboga hamoi ‘gode’ liligi dawa: beba: le, Na da ougi ba: i. Ilia ogogosu ‘gode’ liligi (amo da ‘gode’ hame) ilima dawa: beba: le, Na da mudale ba: i. Amaiba: le, Na da hamedei fi amo ili ougima: ne amola gagaoui fi ili mudama: ne, amo ilima asunasimu.
They have provoked me to jealousy with [that which is] not God, they have exasperated me with their idols; and I will provoke them to jealousy with them that are no nation, I will anger them with a nation void of understanding.
22 Na ougi da lalu agoane heda: mu. Liligi huluane osobo bagadega diala da amoga nene dagomu. Amo lalu da bogoi sogega doaga: le, goumi ea bai huluane nene dagomu. (Sheol h7585)
For a fire has been kindled out of my wrath, it shall burn to hell below; it shall devour the land, and the fruits of it; it shall set on fire the foundations of the mountains. (Sheol h7585)
23 Na da se nabasu idimu gogolei ilima imunu. Na da Na dadi huluane amoga ili doagala: le gala: mu.
I will gather evils upon them, and will fight with my weapons against them.
24 Ilia da ha: iba: le amola asugiba: le bogogia: mu. Na da sigua amola gasonasu ohe fi ilima doagala: ma: ne asunasimu. Amola saya: be ilima gasomoma: ne asunasimu.
[They shall be] consumed with hunger and the devouring of birds, and there shall be irremediable destruction: I will send forth against them the teeth of wild beasts, with the rage of [serpents] creeping on the ground.
25 Gegesu ganodini ilia da moilai logoga bogomu. Ilia diasu ganodini bagade beda: mu. Ayeligi amola a: fini da bogogia: mu. Mano dubusa amola da: i hamoi dunu da bogogia: mu.
Without, the sword shall bereave them of children, and terror [shall issue] out of the secret chambers; the young man shall perish with the virgin, the suckling with him who has grown old.
26 Na amo fi huluane, ilia dio bu mae dawa: ma: ne, dafawane gugunufinisi dagoma: ne dawa: i galu.
I said, I will scatter them, and I will cause their memorial to cease from amongst men.
27 Be ilima ha lai ilisu da Na fi gugunufinisimu, amo ilia da dawa: sa: besa: le, Na da huluane hame gugunufinisi. Bai Nisu da Na fi gugunufinisi.’
Were it not for the wrath of the enemy, lest they should live long, lest their enemies should combine against them; lest they should say, Our own high arm, and not the Lord, has done all these things.
28 Isala: ili da gagaoui fi. Ilia da asigi dawa: su hamedafa gala.
It is a nation that has lost counsel, neither is there understanding in them.
29 Eno dunu fi da ili hasali. Be ilia da amo hou ea bai hame ba: sa. Ilia da hou ilima doaga: i amo ea bai hamedafa dawa:
They had not sense to understand: let them reserve these things against the time to come.
30 Dunu 1000agoane da abuliba: le dunu afaega hasalila: ? Dunu 10,000 agoane da abuliba: le dunu adunaga fane legebala: ? Bai Hina Gode, ilia Gode, da ili yolesi dagoi. Ilia gasa bagade Gode da ili yolesiagai.
How should one pursue a thousand, and two rout tens of thousands, if God had not sold them, and the Lord delivered them up?
31 Ilima ha lai dunu da ilisu ogogosu ‘gode’ liligi da gasa hame amo dawa: be. Ilia da Isala: ili Gode amo Ea gasa bagade defele hame gala.
For their gods are not as our God, but our enemies [are] void of understanding.
32 Ilima ha lai fi da Sodame amola Gomoula fi amo defele, wadela: idafa. Ilia da waini efe amo da gamogai amola medosu waini legesa defele ba: sa.
For their vine [is] of the vine of Sodom, and their vine-branch of Gomorrha: their grape [is] a grape of gall, their cluster [is] one of bitterness.
33 Ilia da waini hano amo saya: be ea medosu defo amoga hamoi defele.
Their wine [is] the rage of serpents, and the incurable rage of asps.
34 Hina Gode da Isala: ili fi ilima ha lai dunu ilia hou hame gogolesa. E da ilima se iasu ima: ne eso amo doaga: ma: ne ouesala.
Behold! are not these things stored up by me, and sealed amongst my treasures?
35 Hina Gode da ilima dabe imunu. E da ilima se imunu. Ilia dafasu eso da doaga: mu. Ilia gugunufinisimu eso da gadenei.
In the day of vengeance I will recompense, whenever their foot shall be tripped up; for the day of their destruction [is] near to them, and the judgements at hand are close upon you.
36 Hina Gode da Ea fi dunu gaga: mu. E da ilisu gasa da dagoi ba: sea amola ilisu da ili fidimu gogoleiba: le, E da ilima gogolema: ne olofosu imunu.
For the Lord shall judge his people, and shall be comforted over his servants; for he saw that they were utterly weakened, and failed in the hostile invasion, and were become feeble:
37 Amasea, Hina Gode da Ea fi dunuma amane adole ba: mu, “Amo gasa bagade ‘gode’ liligi dilia dafawaneyale dawa: i, amo da habila: ?
and the Lord said, Where are their gods on whom they trusted?
38 Dilia da dilia gobele salasu sefe amo ili moma: ne i, amola ilima waini hano moma: ne olei. Ilia da wali dili fidima: ne hehenaia misunu da defea.
the fat of whose sacrifices you ate, and you drank the wine of their drink-offerings? let them arise and help you, and be your protectors.
39 Na fawane da Godedafa. Eno ‘gode’ liligi huluane da ogogosu. Na da medole legesu amola Na da esalusu iaha. Na da fa: gisa amola Na da uhinisisa. Na hawa: hamosu logo enoga hedofamu da hamedei.
Behold, behold that I am [he], and there is no god beside me: I kill, and I will make to live: I will strike, and I will heal; and there is none who shall deliver out of my hands.
For I will lift up my hand to heaven, and swear by my right hand, and I will say, I live for ever.
41 Na da Gode Esala. Na da Na lobo amo Hebene amoga ligia gadole amane sia: sa, Na hadigi gobihei Na da debesa. Moloidafa hou Na da hamomu. Na da Nama ha lai dunu dabemu amola Nama higa: i dunu ilima se imunu.
For I will sharpen my sword like lightning, and my hand shall take hold of judgement; and I will render judgement to my enemies, and will recompense them that hate me.
42 Na dadi amoga da ilia maga: me bagade dialebeba: le, dadabimu. Amola Na gegesu gobihei bagade da nowa Nama gegesea amo medole legemu. Na da nowama da Nama gegesea, ema hame asigimu. Fa: gi hamoi dunu amola se iasu diasu hamosu dunu huluane da bogogia: mu.’
I will make my weapons drunk with blood, and my sword shall devour flesh, [it shall glut itself] with the blood of the wounded, and from the captivity of the heads of [their] enemies that rule over them.
43 Fifi asi gala huluane! Dilia Hina Gode Ea Fi ilima nodoma: mu. Nowa da ili medole legesea, E da ilima se iaha. E da Ema ha lai dunu amo dabesa. Amola Ea fi dunu ilia wadela: i hou gogolema: ne olofosa.”
Rejoice, you heavens, with him, and let all the angels of God worship him; rejoice you Gentiles, with his people, and let all the sons of God strengthen themselves in him; for he will avenge the blood of his sons, and he will render vengeance, and recompense justice to his enemies, and will reward them that hate him; and the Lord shall purge the land of his people.
44 Mousese amola Yosiua (Nane ea mano) da Isala: ili dunu huluane nabima: ne, amo gesami olelei.
And Moses wrote this song in that day, and taught it to the children of Israel; and Moses went in and spoke all the words of this law in the ears of the people, he and Joshua the [son] of Naue.
45 Mousese da Gode Ea olelesu amo Isala: ili dunuma olelei dagosea,
And Moses finished speaking to all Israel.
46 e da amane sia: i, “Hamoma: ne sia: i na da wali eso dilima olelei amo huluane noga: le nabima. Dilia mano da Gode Ea olelesu amo mae fisili, noga: le fa: no bobogema: ne, amo sia: ilima bu olelema.
And he said to them, Take heed with your heart to all these words, which I testify to you this day, which you shall command your sons, to observe and do all the words of this law.
47 Amo olelesu da hamedei liligi hame. Ilia da dilia esalusudafa. Amo noga: le nabasea, dilia da ode bagohame Yodane Hano na: iyado bega: soge dilia gesowale fimu soge, amo ganodini esalumu.
For this [is] no vain word to you; for it [is] your life, and because of this word you shall live long upon the land, into which you go over Jordan to inherit it.
48 Amo esoha Hina Gode da Mousesema amane sia: i,
And the Lord spoke to Moses in this day, saying,
49 “Di A: balime Goumiga gilisisu (Moua: be soge ganodini, Yeligou moilai bai bagade gadenene) amoga masa. Nibou Goumiba: le heda: le, Ga: ina: ne soge amo Na da Isala: ili dunuma iaha, amo ba: ma.
Go up to the mount Abarim, this mountain Nabau which is in the land of Moab over against Jericho, and behold the land of Chanaan, which I give to the sons of Israel:
50 Dia ola Elane da Ho Goumia bogoi amo defele di da Nibou Goumia bogomu.
and die in the mount whither you go up, and be added to your people; as Aaron your brother died in mount Or, and was added to his people.
51 Bai ali da Isala: ili dunu huluane ba: ma: ne, Na Dio hame gaguia gadoi. Di da Meliba hano (Ga: idesie soge gadenene, wadela: i soge Sine ganodini) amoga esalea, dunu huluane ba: ma: ne Na Dio hame gaguia gadoi.
Because you disobeyed my word amongst the children of Israel, at the waters of strife of Cades in the wilderness of Sin; because you sanctified me not amongst the sons of Israel.
52 Di da sedagawane amo soge ba: mu, be soge amo Na da Isala: ili dunuma iaha, amo ganodini hame masunu,” Hina Gode da amane sia: i.
You shall see the land before [you], but you shall not enter into it.

< Mousese Ea Malasu 32 >