< 2 Hou Olelesu 32 >

1 Hina bagade Hesigaia da Hina Godema molole fa: no bobogei. Be amogalu, Asilia hina bagade Sena: galibi da Yuda fi doagala: i. E da gagili sali moilai bai bagade huluane eale disili, ea dadi gagui dunu ilia gagili sali dobea muguluma: ne sia: i.
And after these things and this faithful dealing, came Sennacherim king of the Assyrians, and he came to Juda, and encamped against the fortified cities, and intended to take them for himself.
2 Amola Sena: gelibi da Yelusaleme doagala: ma: ne ilegei. Hina bagade Hesigaia da amo hou dawa: loba,
And Ezekias saw that Sennacherim was come, and [that] his face [was set] to fight against Jerusalem.
And he took counsel with his elders and his mighty [men] to stop the wells of water which were without the city: and they helped him.
4 e amola eagene ouligisu dunu da Asilia dunu ilia da Yelusaleme gadenene doaga: lalu, hano mae moma: ne logo hedofama: ne, hano logo Yelusaleme gadili galu, amo hedofamusa: dawa: i. Eagene ouligisu dunu da Yelusaleme fi dunu bagohame gadili oule asili, gu hano logo huluane hedofai.
And he collected many people, and stopped the wells of water, and the river that flowed through the city, saying, Lest the king of Assyria come, and find much water, and strengthen [himself].
5 Hina bagade da Yelusaleme bu gasawane gagili salima: ne, gagili sali dobea dodoa: i, amola amo da: iya diasu gado gagagula heda: su gaguli gagai. Amola e da gagoi gadili, eno dobea gagui. Amola e da gagili sali liligi amo da Yelusaleme musa: gagui gusudili dialu, be wali osobo gasa: le da: iya ligisi, amo dodoa: i. Amola e sia: beba: le, ilia da goge agei amola da: igene ga: su bagohame hamoi.
And Ezekias strengthened [himself], and built all the wall that had been pulled down, and the towers, and another wall in front without, and fortified the strong place of the city of David, and prepared arms in abundance.
6 E da dadi gagui ouligisu dunu, ilia Yelusaleme fi dunu huluane ouligima: ne ilegei, amola ilia huluane sogebi amo da Yelusaleme logo ga: su gadenene dialu, amogawi gilisima: ne sia: i.
And he appointed captains of war over the people, and they were gathered to [meet] him to the open place of the gate of the valley, and he encouraged them, saying,
7 E da ilima amane sia: i, “Dilia gasa fili, amola Asilia hina bagade amola ea dadi gagui wa: i ilima mae beda: ma! Ninima gai gasa bagade hou da ema gai gasa hou, bagadewane baligisa.
Be strong and courageous, and fear not, neither be dismayed before the King of Assyria, and before all the nation that [is] with him: for [there are] more with us than with him.
8 Ea gasa da osobo bagade dunu ea gasa fawane. Be ninia Hina Gode da ninima gai esala. Amola E da nini fidimu amola ninima gale gegemu.” Dunu huluane da ilia hina bagade ea sia: nababeba: le, dogo denesi.
With him [are] arms of flesh; but with us [is] the Lord our God to save [us], and to fight our battle. And the people were encouraged at the words of Ezekias king of Juda.
9 Amalu, fa: no, Sena: gelibi amola ea dadi gagui wa: i da La: igisi moilai bai bagadega esaloba, e da Hesigaia amola Yuda fi dunu ili gilisili Yelusalemega esalu, ilima amane sia: si,
And afterward Sennacherim king of the Assyrians sent his servants to Jerusalem; and [he went] himself against Lachis, and all his army with him, and sent to Ezekias king of Juda, and to all Juda that [was] in Jerusalem, saying,
10 “Na da Asilia hina bagade Sena: gelibi! Na da dilima adole ba: sa. Na da Yelusaleme eale disi dagoi. Dilia abuliba: le hame beda: sala: ?
Thus says Sennacherim king of the Assyrians, On what do ye trust, that ye will remain in the siege in Jerusalem?
11 Hesigaia da dilima, dilia Hina Gode da nini dilima mae hasalasima: ne, dili gaga: mu sia: sa. Be Hesigaia da dilima ogogosa. E da dili ha: ga amola hano hanaga bogoma: ne, logo doasisa.
Does not Ezekias deceive you, to deliver you to death and famine and thirst, saying, The Lord our God will deliver us out of the hand of the king of Assyria?
12 Hesigaia hisu da Hina Godema nodone sia: ne gadosu sogebi amola oloda huluane gugunufinisili, Yuda fi dunu amola Yelusaleme fi dunu ilima oloda afae fawane amoga nodone sia: ne gadoma: ne amola gabusiga: manoma gobele salima: ne sia: i.
Is not this Ezekias who has taken down his altars and his high places and has spoken to Juda and the dwellers in Jerusalem, saying, Ye shall worship before this altar and burn incense upon it?
13 Dilia na aowalali, ilia eno fifi asi ilima hamosu amo dawa: sala: ? Eno fifi asi gala dunu ilia ‘gode’ da Asilia hina bagade ili mae hasalima: ne, gaga: bela: ? Hame mabu!
Know ye not what I and my fathers have done to all the nations of the countries? Could the gods of the nations of all the earth at all rescue their people out of my hand?
14 Amo fifi asi gala huluane ilia ‘gode’ da ninia ili mae hasalima: ne, hamedafa gaga: i. Amaiba: le, dilia abuliba: le dilia Gode da dili gaga: ma: ne dawa: sala: ?
Who is there among all the gods of those nations whom my fathers utterly destroyed, [worthy of trust]? Could they deliver their people out of my hand, that your God should deliver you out of my hand?
15 Hesigaia da dilima ogogosa. Ea sia: dafawaneyale mae dawa: ma. Fifi asi gala huluane ilia ‘gode’ da Asilia hina bagade ili mae hasalima: ne gaga: mu da hamedei ba: i. Amaiba: le, dilia Gode da dili gaga: mu hamedeidafa ba: mu.”
Now then, let not Ezekias deceive you, and let him not make you thus confident, and believe him not: for no god of any kingdom or nation is at all able to deliver his people out of my hand, or the hand of my fathers: therefore your God shall not deliver you out of my hand.
16 Asilia eagene ouligisu dunu ilia da baligili Hina Gode amola Hina Gode ea hawa: hamosu dunu Hesigaia elea hou lasogole sia: i.
And his servants continued to speak against the Lord God, and against his servant Ezekias.
17 Amola meloa amo Asilia hina bagade ea dedei, amo ganodini Isala: ili Hina Godema odoga: su sia: bagade ba: i, “Fifi asi gala huluane ilia ‘gode’ da na gasaga ili hasalima: ne hame gaga: i. Amola Hesigaia ea Gode da dili na mae hasalima: ne, hamedafa gaga: mu.”
And he wrote a letter to reproach the Lord God of Israel, and spoke concerning him, saying, As the gods of the nations of the earth have not delivered their people out of my hand, so the God of Ezekias shall by no means deliver his people out of my hand.
18 Sena: gelibi eagene ouligisu dunu da amo sia: Hibulu sia: ga wele sia: i. Bai ilia da Yelusaleme fi dunu dobea da: iya esalu, amo ili beda: ma: ne amola da: i dioma: ne hamomusa: dawa: i galu. Amalalu, ilia da hedolowane moilai sugumusa: dawa: i.
And he cried with a loud voice in the Jews' language to the people of Jerusalem on the wall, [calling them] to assist them, and pull down [the walls], that they might take the city.
19 Ilia da Yelusaleme hadigi Godedafa, amo da fifi asi gala eno ilia udigili ogogosu ‘gode’, amo ili defele dawa: iwane sia: dasu.
And he spoke against the God of Jerusalem, even as against the gods of the nations of the earth, the works of the hands of men.
20 Amalalu, hina bagade Hesigaia amola balofede dunu Aisaia (A: imose egefe), ela da Godema sia: ne gadoi amola Godea ili fidima: ne Ema digini wele sia: i.
And king Ezekias and Esaias the prophet the son of Amos prayed concerning these things, and they cried to heaven.
21 Hina Gode da a: igele dunu asunasili, e da Asilia dadi gagui dunu amola ilia ouligisu dunu medole legei. Amaiba: le, Asilia hina bagade da gogosiane, Asilia sogega buhagi. Eso afaega, e da ea ogogosu ‘gode’ ea debolo diasua esaloba, egefelali mogili da gegesu gobiheiga, e medole legei.
And the Lord sent an angel, and he destroyed every mighty man and warrior, and leader and captain in the camp of the king of Assyria: and he returned with shame of face to his own land and came into the house of his god: and [some] of them that came out of his bowels slew him with the sword.
22 Hina Gode da agoane hina bagade Hesigaia amola Yelusaleme fi dunu huluane amo Asilia hina bagade Sena: gelibi amola Yuda fi ha lai dunu eno, ili mae hasalima: ne gaga: i dagoi.
So the Lord delivered Ezekias and the dwellers in Jerusalem out of the hand of Sennacherim King of Assyria, and out of the hand of all [his enemies], and gave them rest round about.
23 Dunu bagohame da Yelusalemega, Hina Godema gobele salimusa: amola Hesigaiama hahawane dogolegele iasu liligi imunusa: misi. Ha amogainini, fifi asi gala dunu huluane da Hesigaiama nodone dawa: i.
And many brought gifts to the Lord to Jerusalem, and presents to Ezekias king of Juda; and he was exalted in the eyes of all the nations after these things.
24 Amo galu, hina bagade Hesigaia da olole, bogomuwane galu. E Godema sia: ne gadoiba: le, Hina Gode da e uhinisima: ne, ema dawa: digima: ne olelesu i.
In those days Ezekias was sick even to death, and prayed to the Lord: and he hearkened to him, and gave him a sign.
25 Be Hesigaia da gasa fili, Hina Gode Ea uhinisisu hou ba: beba: le, Godema hame nodoi. Amaiba: le, Yuda fi amola Yelusaleme fi da se nabi.
But Ezekias did not recompense the Lord according to the return which he made him, but his heart was lifted up: and wrath came upon him, and upon Juda and Jerusalem.
26 Be fa: nowane, Hesigaia amola Yelusaleme fi da ilia hou fofonoboi. Amaiba: le, Hesigaia esalebe galu, ilima se hame i.
And Ezekias humbled himself after the exaltation of his heart, he and the dwellers in Jerusalem; and the wrath of the Lord did not come upon them in the days of Ezekias.
27 Hina bagade Hesigaia da liligi bagade gaguiwane hamoi. Dunu huluane da ema nodosu. Ea sia: beba: le, ilia da liligi ligisisu sesei gaguia gagai. Amo ganodini, ilia da ea gouli, silifa, igi noga: idafa, ha: i manu fodole nasu, da: igene ga: su amola eno noga: idafa liligi, ligisisu.
And Ezekias had wealth and very great glory: and he made for himself treasuries of gold, and silver, and precious stones, also for spices, and stores for arms, and for precious vessels;
28 Amola ea sia: beba: le, ilia da liligi ligisisu diasu gaguia gagai. Amo ganodini, ilia da ea gala: ine, waini hano amola olife susuligi ligisisu. Amola ilia da ea bulamagau diasu gaguia gagai, amola sibi gagole gagai.
and cities for the produce of corn, and wine, and oil; and stalls and mangers for every [kind of] cattle, and folds for flocks;
29 Eno amolawane, Gode da ema bulamagau amola sibi amola liligi bagohamedafa iabeba: le, e da moilai bai bagade eno bagohame gaguia gagai.
and cities which he built for himself, and store of sheep and oxen in abundance, for the Lord gave him a very great store.
30 Hina bagade Hesigaia da Gihone Gu hano hihiga: le, ea hano logo eno hamegadili ogane, osobo hagududili, Yelusaleme gagoi ganodini doafasi. Hesigaia da ea hamosu defele huluane didili hamoi.
The same Ezekias stopped up the course of the water of Gion above, and brought the water down straight south of the city of David. And Ezekias prospered in all his works.
31 Amola Ba: bilone alofele iasu dunu da musa: hame ba: su hou amo abedela manoba, (2 Hina 20:7-19), Gode da Hesigaia hi hanaiga hamoma: ne yolesi. Bai E da ea hou adoba: musa: dawa: i.
Notwithstanding, in regard to the ambassadors of the princes of Babylon, who were sent to him to enquire of him [concerning] the prodigy which came upon the land, the Lord left him, to try him, to know what was in his heart.
32 Hesigaia ea hamonanu eno, amola ea Hina Godema asigidafa hou, amo huluane da “Balofede Dunu Aisaia (A: imose egefe) ea Esala Ba: su Meloa” amola “Yuda amola Isala: ili hina bagade Ilia Hamonanu Meloa” amo ganodini dedene legei.
And the rest of the acts of Ezekias, and his kindness, behold, they are written in the prophecy of Esaias the son of Amos the prophet, and in the book of the kings of Juda and Israel.
33 Hesigaia da bogole amola ilia ea da: i hodo gadodili sogebiga, hina bagade ilia gele gelabo ganodini sali. Yuda fi amola Yelusaleme fi dunu huluane da ema asigiba: le, ema nodomusa: gegedole fi. Egefe Ma: na: se da e bagia hina bagade hamoi.
And Ezekias slept with his fathers, and they buried him in a high place among the sepulchres of the sons of David: and all Juda and the dwellers in Jerusalem gave him glory and honour at his death. And Manasses his son reigned in his stead.

< 2 Hou Olelesu 32 >