< Erromatarrei 4 >

1 Cer beraz erranen dugu gure aita Abrahamec eriden duela haraguiaren arauez?
What then will we say that Abraham, our forefather according to the flesh, found?
2 Ecen baldin Abraham obréz iustificatu içan bada, badu cerçaz gloria dadin, baina ez Iaincoa baithan.
For if Abraham had been justified by works, he would have had a reason to boast, but not before God.
3 Baina cer dio Scripturác? Sinhetsi vkan du Abrahamec Iaincoa, eta imputatu içan çayó iustitiatara.
For what does the scripture say? “Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness.”
4 Baina obratzen duenari alocairua etzayó gratiatan contatzen baina hartzetan:
Now for him who works, what he is paid is not counted as a gift, but as what is owed.
5 Ordea obratzen eztuenari, baina gaichtoa iustificatzen duena baithan sinhesten duenari, bere fedea iustitiatan contatzen çayó.
But for him who does not work but instead believes in the one who justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted as righteousness.
6 Nola Dauidec-ere declaratzen baitu Iaincoac obrác gabe iustitiá imputatzen draucan guiçonaren dohain-ontassuna, dioela,
David also pronounces blessing on the man to whom God counts righteousness without works.
7 Dohatsu dirade ceinén iniquitateac quittatu içan baitirade eta ceinén bekatuac estali içan baitirade.
He said, “Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven, and whose sins are covered.
8 Dohatsu da Iaunac bekatua imputatu eztrauqueon guiçona.
Blessed is the man against whom the Lord will not count sin.”
9 Bada dohain-ontassun haur, circoncisionean da solament ala bay preputioan-ere? Ecen erraiten dugu imputatu içan çayola Abrahami fedea iustitiatan.
Then is this blessing pronounced only on those of the circumcision, or also on those of the uncircumcision? For we say, “Faith was counted to Abraham as righteousness.”
10 Nola bada imputatu içan çayo? circoncisionean cela, ala preputioan? ez circoncisionean, baina preputioan.
So how was it counted? When Abraham was in circumcision, or in uncircumcision? It was not in circumcision, but in uncircumcision.
11 Guero recebi ceçan circoncisionearen seignalea, fedealen iustitiataco cigulutan cein baitzen preputioan: preputioan diradela sinhesten duten gucién aita licençát, hæy-ere iustitiá imputa lequiençát:
Abraham received the sign of circumcision. This was a seal of the righteousness of the faith that he had already possessed when he was in uncircumcision. The result of this sign was that he became the father of all those who believe, even if they are in uncircumcision. This means that righteousness will be counted for them.
12 Eta circonsionearen aita, erran nahi da, ez circoncisionecoén solament, baina gure aita Abrahamen fede preputioan çuenaren hatzari darreizconen-ere.
This also meant that Abraham became the father of the circumcision for those who are not only circumcised but also for those who follow in the steps of faith of our father Abraham before he was circumcised.
13 Ecen promessa etzayó Legueaz heldu içan Abrahami, edo haren haciari, munduaren heredero içateco, baina fedeazco iustitiáz.
For the promise to Abraham and to his descendants that he would be heir of the world did not come through the law but through the righteousness of faith.
14 Ecen baldin Leguetic diradenac, heredero badirade ezdeus bilhatu da fedea, eta iraungui da promessa.
For if those who live by the law are to be the heirs, faith is made empty, and the promise is void.
15 Ceren Legueac hirá engendratzen baitu: ecen non ezpaita legueric, han ezta transgressioneric
For the law brings about wrath, but where there is no law, there is no trespass.
16 Harren fedez da heretagea, gratiaz dençát, promessa haci guciaren fermu dençát: ez Leguetic den haciaren solament, baina Abrahamen fedetic denaren-ere, cein baita gure gución aita,
For this reason it is by faith, in order that the promise may rest on grace and be guaranteed to all of Abraham's descendants—not only to those who are under the law, but also to those who share the faith of Abraham. He is the father of us all,
17 (Scribatua den beçala, Anhitz nationeren aita ordenatu vkan aut) Iaincoaren aitzinean, cein sinhetsi vkan baitu: ceinec hiley vicitze emaiten baitraue, eta deitzen baititu eztiraden gauçác balirade beçala.
as it is written, “I have made you the father of many nations.” Abraham was in the presence of him whom he trusted, that is, God, who gives life to the dead and calls the things that do not exist into existence.
18 Ceinec sperançaren contra sperançaz sinhets baitzeçan, anhitz nationeren aita içanen cela: erran içan çayonaren araura, Hala içanen duc hire hacia.
In hope he believed against hope, that he would become the father of many nations, according to what he had been told, “So will your descendants be.”
19 Eta fedean flaccu ez içanez, etzeçan behá bere gorputz ia hilera, ehun vrtheren inguruä baçuen-ere: ezeta Sararen vmunci ia hilera.
Without becoming weak in faith, he considered his own body as dead (because he was about a hundred years old)—and he considered the deadness of Sarah's womb.
20 Eta Iaincoaren promessaren gainean etzeçan duda incredulitatez: baina fortifica cedin fedez Iaincoari gloria emanic:
But because of God's promise, Abraham did not hesitate in unbelief. Instead, he was strengthened in faith and gave praise to God.
21 Eta frangoqui seguraturic, ecen hari promes eguin ceraucana, botheretsu cela eguiteco-ere.
He was fully convinced that what God had promised, he was also able to accomplish.
22 Halacotz haur -ere iustitiatan imputatu içan çayo.
Therefore this was also counted to him as righteousness.
23 Eta ezta scribatu içan harengatic solament, ecen haur iustitiatan imputatu içan çayola:
Now it was not written only for his benefit, that it was counted for him.
24 Baina guregatic-ere, ceini imputaturen baitzaicu, Iesus gure Iauna hiletaric resuscitatu duena baithan sinhesten dugunoy,
It was written also for us, for whom it will be counted, we who believe in him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead.
25 Cein heriotara liuratu içan baita gure bekatuacgatic, eta resuscitatu gure iustificationeagatic.
This is the one who was delivered up for our trespasses and was raised for our justification.

< Erromatarrei 4 >