< Apokalipsia 9 >

1 Orduan borzgarren Aingueruäc trompettáz io ceçan, eta ikus neçan içarbat cerutic lurrera eroria, eta eman cequión abysmeco putzuaren gakoa. (Abyssos g12)
And the fifth angel sounded [his] trumpet, and I saw a star out of heaven having fallen to the earth, and was given to it the key of the pit of the abyss, (Abyssos g12)
2 Eta irequi ceçan abysmeco putzua, eta altcha cedin putzuco kea, labe handi batetaco kea beçala: eta ilhund cedin iguzquia eta airea putzuco ketic. (Abyssos g12)
And he opened the pit of the abyss; and went up smoke out of the pit like [the] smoke of a furnace (great, *NK(o)*) and (was darkened *N(k)O*) the sun and the air by the smoke of the pit. (Abyssos g12)
3 Eta ketic ilki citecen othiac lurrera, eta bothere eman cequién lurreco scorpionéc duten beçalaco botherea.
And out of the smoke came forth locusts unto the earth, and was given to them power, like have power the scorpions of the earth.
4 Eta erran cequién ezlaguioten calteric lurreco belharrari ez eceinere pherderi, ez eceinere arboreri: baina solament Iaincoaren seignalea bere belarretan etzuten guiçoney.
And it was said to them that not (they will harm *N(k)O*) the grass of the earth nor any green thing nor any tree, only except the men (only *k*) who not having the seal of God on the foreheads (of them. *k*)
5 Eta eman cequién ez hec hil litzaten, baina tormenta litzaten borz hilebethez, eta hayen tormentá licen scorpionezco tormentá guiçona io duqueenecoa beçala.
And it was granted (to them *N(k)O*) that not they may kill them, but that (they will torment [them] *N(k)O*) months five, And the torment of them [was] like torment of a scorpion when it may strike a man.
6 Eta egun hetan guiçonéc herioa bilhaturen duté, eta eztuté eridenen: eta desiraturen duté hiltzera, eta herioac ihes eguinen du hetaric.
And in the days those will seek men death and certainly no more will find it; and they will long to die, and (he flees *N(k)O*) death from them.
7 Eta othien formá cen çaldi bataillara apprestatuén irudico, eta ciraden hayén buru gainetan vrrhea ciruditen coroac beçalacoac: eta hayén beguitharteac ciraden guiçonén beguitharteac beçala.
And the appearance of the locusts [was] like as horses prepared for battle, and upon the heads of them [were something] like crowns like (as gold, *NK(o)*) and the faces of them like [the] faces of men.
8 Eta cituzten biloac, emaztén biloac beçala: eta hayén hortzac ciraden lehoinenac beçala.
And they had hair like hair of women, and the teeth of them like [those] of lions were.
9 Eta cituzten halacretac burdin halacretac beçala: eta hayen hegalén hotsa, anhitz, çaldic combatera laster eguiten duteneco carreta hotsa beçala.
And they had breastplates like breastplates of iron, and the sound of the wings of them [was] as [the] sound of chariots of horses many rushing into battle.
10 Eta cituztén buztanac scorpionenac irudi: eta cituztén eztenac bere buztanetan: eta hayén botherea cen guiçoney calte eguitea borz hilebethez.
And they have tails like as scorpions and stingers (it was *k*) and in the tails of them (and *k*) [is] the (power *NK(o)*) (they have *O*) (of them *NK(O)*) to injure men for months five.
11 Eta çuten bere gaineco reguetzát abysmeco Aingueruä, ceinec baitu icen Hebraicoz, Abaddon, eta Grec-ez Apollyon erran nahi baita deseguilea. (Abyssos g12)
(and *k*) (They have *NK(o)*) over them a king angel of the abyss; [The] name of Him in Hebrew [is] Abaddon, (and *NK(o)*) in the Greek [the] name he has Apollyon. (Abyssos g12)
12 Maledictionebat iragan da, eta huná, ethorten dirade oraino bi maledictione guero.
Woe the first has passed; Behold (are coming *N(k)O*) still two woes after these things.
13 Orduan seigarren Aingueruac io ceçan trompettáz, eta ençun neçan vozbat Iaincoaren beguién aitzinean den aldare vrrhezcoaren laur adarretaric proceditzen cenic,
And the sixth angel sounded [his] trumpet, and I heard voice one from the four horns of the altar golden before God
14 Ciotsala seigarren Aingueru trompettá çuenari, Lachaitzac laur Aingueru Euphrateco fluuio handi gainean estecatuac diradenac.
(saying *N(k)O*) to the sixth angel (the [one] having *N(k)O*) the trumpet; do release the four angels those bound at the river great Euphrates.
15 Lacha citecen bada laur Aingueruäc, baitziraden appainduac orenecotz eta egunecotz eta hilebethecotz eta vrthecotz, hil deçatençát guiçonén herén partea.
And were released the four angels who prepared for the hour and (for the *o*) day and month and year so that they may kill a third of mankind.
16 Eta çaldizco armadaren contua cen hoguey millatan hamar milla: eta ençun neçan hayén contua.
And the number of the armies of the (cavalry [was] *NK(o)*) (twice ten thousand twice ten thousand *N(k)O*) ten thousands; (and *k*) I heard the number of them.
17 Eta hunela ikus nitzan çaldiac visionean: eta hayén gainetan iarriac ciradenéc, cituztela suzco eta hyacinthezco eta suphrezco halacretac: eta çaldién buruäc ciraden lehoinén buruäc beçala: eta hayén ahoetaric ilkiten cen su, eta ke eta suphre.
And thus I saw the horses in the vision and those sitting on them having breastplates fiery and hyacinthine and brimstone. And the heads of the horses [were] like heads of lions, and out of the mouths of them proceed fire and smoke and brimstone.
18 Eta hirur gauça hauçaz hil içan cen guiçonén herén partea, diot, suaz, eta keaz, eta hayén ahotic ilkiten cen suphreaz.
(by *N(k)O*) three (plagues *NO*) these was killed a third of mankind, (by *NK(o)*) the fire and (from *k*) the smoke and (from *k*) the brimstone which is proceeding out of the mouths of them.
19 Ecen hayén botherea cen hayén ahoan eta hayén buztanetan: ecen hayén buztanac sugueac irudi ciraden, cituztela buruäc, ceinéz calte eguiten baitzuten.
(the *N(k)O*) for (power of the *N(k)O*) (horses *NO*) in the mouths of them (are *N(k)O*) and in the tails of them. the for tails of them [are] like (as serpents *NK(o)*) having heads and with them they injure.
20 Eta goitico guiçon plaga hauçaz hil etziradenac bere escuezco obretaric etzitecen emenda, adora ezlitzatençát deabruac eta vrrhezco eta cilharrezco eta cobrezco eta harrizco eta çurezco idolác, ceinéc ecin ikus baiteçaquete ez ençun, eta ecin ebil baititezque:
And the rest of the men who not were killed by plagues these (not even *N(k)(o)*) repented of the works of the hands of them, so that not (they will worship *N(k)O*) the demons and the idols golden and silver and bronze and stone and wooden, which neither to see (are able *N(k)O*) nor to hear nor to walk,
21 Eta etzitecen emenda bere guiça-erhaitequetaric, ez bere poçoinquerietaric, ez bere paillardicetaric, ez bere ohoinquerietaric.
And not they repented of the murders of them nor of the (sorceries *N(k)O*) of them nor of the sexual immorality of them nor of the thefts of them.

< Apokalipsia 9 >