< Apokalipsia 22 +

1 Guero eracuts cieçadan vr vicizco fluuio purbat, crystalac beçala arguitzen çuenic, Iaincoaren eta Bildotsaren thronotic heldu cela.
And he showed me a pure river of water of life, bright as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb,
2 Eta haren plaçaren erdian eta fluuioaren alde bietaric cen vicitzeco arborea ekarten cituela hamabi fructu, hilebethe oroz emaiten çuela bere fructua, eta arborearen hostoac Gentilén ossassunetacotz.
in the middle of her street. And on either side of the river was a tree of life producing twelve fruits, yielding each month's fruit monthly; and the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.
3 Eta gauça maradicaturic batre ezta içanen guehiagoric: baina Iaincoaren eta Bildotsaren thronoa hartan içanen da, eta bere cerbitzariéc cerbitzaturen duté hura.
There will be no accursed thing there, but the throne of God and of the Lamb are in her, and His slaves will minister to Him.
4 Eta ikussiren duté haren beguithartea, eta haren icena hayén belarretan içanen da.
They will see His face and His name is on their foreheads.
5 Eta gauic han ezta içanen, eta candela arguiren, ez iguzqui arguiren beharric eztuté: ecen Iainco Iaunac arguitzen ditu hec: eta regnaturen duté secula seculacotz. (aiōn g165)
Night will not exist there and they will need neither lamp nor sunlight, because the Lord God illuminates them. And they will reign forever and ever. (aiōn g165)
6 Guero erran cieçadan, Hitz hauc fidelác dituc eta eguiazcoac: eta Propheta sainduén Iainco Iaunac igorri vkan dic bere Aingueruä, bere cerbitzariey eracuts dietzençát sarri eguin behar diraden gauçác.
Then He says to me: “These words are faithful and true. The Lord God of the spirits of the prophets sent His angel to show to His slaves the things that must shortly take place.
7 Huná, heldu naiz sarri: dohatsu da liburu hunetaco prophetiazco hitzac beguiratzen dituena.
Take note, I am coming swiftly! Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book.”
8 Eta ni naiz Ioannes gauça hauc ençun eta ikussi ditudana. Eta ençun eta ikussi ondoan egotz neçan neure buruä gauça hauc eracusten cerauzquidan Aingueruären oinén aitzinera adora neçançát:
Now I, John, who heard and saw these things, when I had heard and seen I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who showed me these things,
9 Eta erran cieçadan, Beguirauc eztaguián: ecen cerbitzariquide nauc hire, eta hire anaye Prophetén, eta liburu hunetaco hitzac beguiratzen dituztenén: Iaincoa adora eçac.
but he says to me: “Don't! I am your fellow slave and of your brothers the prophets, those who keep the words of this book. Worship God!”
10 Guero erran cieçadan, Eztitzála ciguila liburu hunetaco prophetiazco hitzac: ecen demborá hurbil duc.
Then he says to me: “Do not seal the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near.
11 Iniusto dena biz iniusto oraino: eta satsu dena satsu biz oraino: eta iusto dena iustifica bedi oraino: eta saindu dena sanctifica bedi oraino.
He who acts unjustly let him act unjustly still, and let the filthy one be filthy still, and let the righteous one still practice righteousness, and let the holy one still be sanctified.”
12 Eta huná, ethorten naiz sarri: eta ene alocairua enequin da, renda dieçodançát batbederari haren obrá içanen den beçala.
“Take note, I am coming swiftly, and my reward is with me to give to each one according to his work.
13 Ni naiz a eta w, hatsea eta fina, lehena eta azquena,
I am the Alpha and the Omega, beginning and end, the First and the Last.”
14 Dohatsu dirade haren manamenduac beguiratzen dituztenac: çucen dutençát vicitzeco arborean, eta borthetaric sar ditecençát Ciuitatera.
(Blessed are those who do His commands, so that they may have the right to the tree of life, even to enter through the gates into the city.
15 Baina campoan içanen dirade orac, eta poçoaçaleac, eta paillartac, eta guiça-erhaileac, eta idolatreac, eta norc-ere maite baitu eta eguiten falseria.
Outside are the ‘dogs’ and the sorcerers and the fornicators and the murderers and the idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices a lie.)
16 Nic Iesusec igorri vkan dut neure Aingueruä gauça haur testifica lietzaçuençat Elicétan. Ni naiz Dauid-en çaina eta generationea, Içar arguitzen duena eta goicecoa.
“I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify these things to you, in the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the bright morning Star.
17 Eta Spirituac eta Sposac erraiten duté, Athor. Eta ençuten duenac, erran beça, Athor. Eta egarri dena, bethor: eta nahi duenac har beça, vicitzeco vretic dohainic.
Both the Spirit and the Bride say, ‘Come!’ And let whoever hears say, ‘Come!’ And let whoever thirsts come; whoever wants to, let him take the water of life free of charge.
18 Ecen protestatzen draucat liburu hunetaco prophetiaren hitzac ençuten dituen guciari, Baldin nehorc gauça hauey eratchequi badiecé, eratchequiren drautza hari Iaincoac liburu hunetan scribatuac diraden plagác.
“I myself testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If any one adds to them, may God add to him the seven plagues written in this book!
19 Eta baldin nehorc ken badeça deus prophetia hunen liburuco hitzetaric, kenduren du Iaincoac haren partea vicitzeco liburutic, eta Ciuitate saindutic, eta liburu hunetan scribatuac diraden gaucetaric.
And if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, may God remove his share from the tree of life and out of the Holy City, that stand written in this book!”
20 Gauça hauçaz testificatzen duenac dio, Segur banatorque sarri: Amen. Bay, athor Iesus Iauna.
He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming swiftly!” Oh yes! Come, Sovereign Jesus!
21 Iesus Christ gure Iaunaren gratia dela çuequin gucioquin. Amen.
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with all the saints. Amen.

< Apokalipsia 22 +