< Apokalipsia 16 >

1 Orduan ençun neçan voz handibat templetic, ciostela çazpi Aingueruèy, Çoazte eta issuritzaçue Iaincoaren hiraren çazpi ampolác.
And Y herde a greet vois fro heuene, seiynge to the seuene aungels, Go ye, and schede out the seuene viols of Goddis wraththe in to erthe.
2 Ioan cedin bada lehen Aingueruä, eta issur ceçan bere ampolá lurrera, eta eguin cedin plagabat gaitzic eta damutacoric bestiaren mercá çuten guiçonén contra, eta haren imaginá adoratzen çutenén contra.
And the firste aungel wente, and schedde out his viol in to the erthe; and a wounde fers and werst was maad on alle that hadden the carect of the beeste, and on hem that worschipiden the beeste, and his ymage.
3 Eta bigarren Aingueruäc issur ceçan bere ampolá itsassora, eta sarrasquibaten odola beçalaca cedin eta itsassoco arima vici gucia hil cedin.
And the secounde aungel schedde out his viol in to the see, and the blood was maad, as of a deed thing; and ech man lyuynge was deed in the see.
4 Eta herén Aingueruäc issur ceçan bere ampolá fluuioetara eta vr ithurrietara, eta odol bilha citecen.
And the thridde aungel schedde out his viol on the floodis, and on the wellis of watris, and seide,
5 Eta ençun neçan vretaco Aingueruä, cioela, Iusto aiz Iauna, Aicena eta Incena eta Saindua: ceren gauça hauc iugeatu baitituc:
Just art thou, Lord, that art, and that were hooli, that demest these thingis;
6 Ceren Sainduén eta Prophetén odola issuri vkan baituté, hic- ere odol eman vkan drauec edatera: ecen digne dituc.
for thei schedden out the blood of halewis and prophetis, and thou hast youun to hem blood to drinke; for thei ben worthi.
7 Eta ençun neçan bercebat Sainctuariotic, cioela, Segurqui, Iainco Iaun bothere gucitacoá, eguiazco eta iusto dituc hire iugemenduac.
And I herde anothir seiynge, Yhe! Lord God almiyti, trewe and iust ben thi domes.
8 Guero laurgarren Aingueruäc issur ceçan bere ampolá iguzquira, eta hari eman cequión guiçonén suz erratzea.
And the fourthe aungel schedde out his viol in to the sunne, and it was youun to hym to turmente men with heete and fier.
9 Eta erre citecen guiçonac bero handiz, eta blasphema ceçaten, plaga hauén gainean bothere duen Iaincoaren icena: eta etzitecen emenda hari gloria eman lieçotençát.
And men swaliden with greet heete, and blasfemyden the name of God hauynge power on these plagis, nether thei diden penaunce, that thei schulden yyue glorie to hym.
10 Guero borzgarren Aingueruäc issur ceçan bere ampolá, bestiaren throno gainera: eta eguin cedin haren resumá ilhumbeçu: eta mastacatzen cituztén bere mihiac dolorearen handiz.
And the fifte aungel schedde out his viol on the seete of the beeste, and his kyngdom was maad derk; and thei eten togidere her tungis for sorewe,
11 Eta blasphema ceçaten Iainco cerucoa bere doloreacgatic eta çauriacgatic: eta etzitecén emenda bere obretaric.
and thei blasfemyden God of heuene, for sorewis of her woundis; and thei diden not penaunce of her werkis.
12 Guero seigarren Aingueruäc issur ceçan bere ampolá Euphratesco fluuio handira: eta agor cedin hartaco vra, appain ledinçát iguzqui ilkite aldeco Reguén bidea.
And the sixte aungel schedde out his viol in `that ilke greet flood Eufratis, and driede the watir of it, that weie were maad redi to kingis fro the sunne rysyng.
13 Eta ikus nitzan ilkiten dragoinaren ahotic, eta bestiaren ahotic, eta propheta falsuén ahotic, hirur spiritu satsu iguelén irudicoric:
And Y say thre vnclene spiritis bi the manner of froggis go out of the mouth of the dragoun, and of the mouth of the beeste, and of the mouth of the fals prophete.
14 Ecen badirade deabruén spiritu, signoac eguiten dituztenac, eta lurreco eta mundu orotaco reguetera ioaiten diradenac hec bil ditzatencát Iainco bothere gucitacoaren egun handi hartaco bataillara.
For thei ben spiritis of deuels, makynge signes, and thei gon forth to kingis of al erthe, to gadere hem in to batel, to the greet dai of almiyti God.
15 (Huná, ethorten naiz ohoina beçala: dohatsu da iratzarri dagoena, eta bere abillamenduac beguiratzen dituena, billuzgorriric ebil eztadinçát, eta nehorc haren laidoa ikus ezteçançát)
Lo! Y come, as a niyt theefe. Blessid is he that wakith, and kepith hise clothis, that he wandre not nakid, and that thei se not the filthhed of hym.
16 Eta bil citzaten, Hebraicoz Arma-gedon deitzen den lekura.
And he schal gadre hem in to a place, that is clepid in Ebreu Hermagedon.
17 Guero çazpigarren Aingueruäc issur ceçan bere ampolá airera: eta ilki cedin voz handibat ceruco templetic throno aldetic, cioela, Eguin da.
And the seuenthe aungel schedde out his viol in to the eyr, and a greet vois wente out of heuene fro the trone, and seide, It is don.
18 Orduan eguin cedin chistmist eta hots eta igorciri: eta lur ikaratze handia eguin cedin, nolacoric ezpaita içan guiçonac lurraren gainera diradenaz gueroztic, lur ikaratzeric diot hain handiric.
And leityngis weren maad, and voices, and thundris; and a greet erthe mouyng was maad, which manere neuere was, sithen men weren on erthe, siche `erthe mouyng so greet.
19 Eta eguin cedin ciuitate handi hura hirur partetara, eta Gentilén ciuitateac eror citecen, eta Babylon handiá ethor cedin memoriotara Iaincoaren aitzinean, hari bere hiraren indignationezco mahatsarno coparen emaiteco.
And the greet citee was maad in to thre parties, and the citees of hethene men felden doun; and greet Babiloyne cam in to mynde byfor God, to yyue to it the cuppe of wyn of the indignacyoun of his wraththe.
20 Eta isla oroc ihes eguin ceçan, eta mendiac etzitecen guehiagoric eriden.
And ech ile flei awei, and hillis ben not foundun.
21 Eta harriabar handiric talentbat beçalacoric iauts cedin cerutic guiçonetara. eta blasphema cecaten Iaincoa guiconéc harriabarrezco plagaren causaz: ecen harc eguin çuen plagá gucizco handia içan da.
And greet hail as a talent cam doun fro heuene in to men; and men blasfemyden God, for the plage of hail, for it was maad ful greet.

< Apokalipsia 16 >