< Filipoarrei 3 >

1 Gaineracoaz den becembatean, ene anayeác, aleguera çaitezte Iaunean: Gauça berén çuey scribatzera niri etzait herabe, eta çuen segurançá da.
Finally, my brothers, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you is really not irksome to me, but safe for you.
2 Gogoa eyeçue orey, gogoa eyeçue obrero gaichtoey, gogoa emoçue concisioneari.
Beware of the dogs, beware of the evil workmen, beware of the excision.
3 Ecen gu gara Circoncisionea, Iaincoa spirituz cerbitzatzen dugunoc, eta gloriatzen garenoc Iesus Christean eta haraguian confidançaric eztugunoc:
For we are the circumcision, men who worship in spirit to God, and who boast in Christ Jesus, and not being confident in flesh.
4 Nic cerçaz haraguian-ere confidança dudan badut-ere. Baldin cembeit bercec vste badu confidançaric duela haraguian, nic guehiago.
Although (I having confidence also in flesh) if any other man seems to be confident in the flesh, I more:
5 Bainaiz çortzi garreneco egunean circonciditua, bainaiz Israel arraçatic, Beniaminen leinutic, Hebraico Hebraicoetaric, religionez Phariseu:
in circumcision the eighth day, of the race of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; regarding law, a Pharisee;
6 Zeloz den becembatean Eliçaren persecutaçale: Leguean den iustitiaz den becembatean, estacuru gabe.
regarding zeal, persecuting the church; regarding the righteousness in law, having become blameless.
7 Baina irabacitan nadutzan gauçác, caltetaco estimatu vkan ditut Christen amorecatic.
But whatever was gain to me, these things I regarded loss because of the Christ.
8 Bayeta segur gauça guciac calte diradela estimatzén dut Iesus Christ neure Iaunaren eçagutzearen excellentiagatic: ceinagatic gauça hauçaz gucioçaz neure buruä billuci vkan baitut, eta gorotz beçala eduquiten ditut, Christ irabaz deçadançát.
But indeed therefore I even consider all things to be loss because of things surpassing, of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, because of whom I suffered the loss of all things, and consider them to be rubbish, so that I may gain Christ,
9 Eta eriden nadin hartan, ez neure iustitia Legueaz dena dudalaric, baina Christen fedeaz dena, cein baita, Iaincoaganic fedez den iustitiá:
and be found in him, not having my righteousness, that from law, but that through Christ's faith-the righteousness from God based on faith-
10 Eta eçagut deçadançát, hura, eta haren resurrectionearen verthutea, eta haren afflictionén participationea, haren herioaren conforme eguin içanic:
to know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the participation of his sufferings, being conformed to his death,
11 Eya cerbait maneraz hel ahal naitenez hilen resurrectionera:
if somehow I might attain to the resurrection of the dead.
12 Ez ia ardietsi dudalacotz, edo ia perfect naicelacotz: baina banarreió, eya are ardiets ahal deçaquedanez, eta causa hunegatic ardietsi içan naiz Iesus Christez.
Not that I have already obtained or have already been fully perfected, but I press forward, if also I might seize upon that for which also I was seized by Christ Jesus.
13 Anayeác, niçaz den becembatean eztut neure buruäz estimatzen oraino ardietsi vkan dudala.
Brothers, I reckon myself not to have seized, but one thing, indeed forgetting the things behind, and reaching forward to the things ahead,
14 Baina gauçabat eguiten dut guibeletic diraden gauçác ahanzten ditudala, eta aitzinetic diraden gaucetara auançatzen naicela, chedeari narrayó, Iaincoaren garaitico vocationearen preçioari, Iesus Christ Iaunean.
I press forward toward the goal for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
15 Bada, perfect garen gucióc dugun sendimendu haour: eta baldin cerbait bercela senditzen baduçue, hura-ere Iaincoac reuelaturen drauçue.
As many therefore as are perfect should think this way. And if ye think anything differently, this also God will reveal to you.
16 Guciagatic-ere certara heldu içan baicara, hartan regla ber-batez ebil gaitecen, eta garen sendimendu ber-batetaco.
However in what we have attained, to march by the same standard, to think the same way.
17 Anayeác, çareten gogo batez ene imitaçale, eta consideraitzaçue hala dabiltzanac, nola gu baiquaituçue exemplutan.
Brothers, become fellow-imitators of me, and watch those who so walk, just as ye have us for an example.
18 Ecen anhitz dirade dabiltzanac ceineçaz anhitzetan erran vkan baitrauçuet, eta orain-ere nigarrez nagoela erraiten, Christen crutzearen etsay diradela:
For many walk, who (I told you often, and now also say while weeping) are enemies of the cross of Christ,
19 Ceinén fina baita perditionea, ceinén Iaincoa, sabela, eta gloriá hayén confusionerequin, pensatzen dutelaric lurreco gaucetan.
whose end is destruction, whose god is the belly, and the glory in their shame, who mind earthly things.
20 Baina gure conuersationea ceruètan da: nondic Saluadorearen-ere beguira baicaude, cein baita Iesus Christ Iauna,
For our citizenship exists in the heavens, from which also we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ,
21 Ceinec transformaturen baitu gure gorputz ezdeusa, haren gorputz gloriosoaren conforme eguin dadinçát, gauça guciac-ere bere suiet eguin ahal ditzaqueen verthutearen araura.
who will transform the body of our lowliness, in order for it to become similar in form to the body of his glory, according to the working of his power even to subject all things to himself.

< Filipoarrei 3 >