< Filemoni 1 >

1 PAVLEC Iesus Christen presonerac, eta anaye Timotheoc, Philemon gure maiteari eta lagunari,
Paul, a prisoner for Jesus Christ, and brother Timothy, to the beloved Philemon, our fellow worker,
2 Eta Aphia maiteari, eta Archippe gure soldado-quideari, eta hire etheco Eliçari:
and to the beloved Apphia and our fellow soldier Archippus, and to the congregation at your (sg) house:
3 Gratia dela çuequin eta baquea gure Iainco Aitaganic eta Iesus Christ Iaunaganic.
Grace to you (pl) and peace from God our Father and Sovereign Jesus Christ.
4 Esquerrac emaiten dirautzat neure Iaincoari, bethiere hiçaz memorio eguiten dudalaric neure orationetan,
I always thank my God as I make mention of you (sg) in my prayers,
5 Ceren baitançut hire charitatea, eta fedea cein baituc Iesus Iauna baithara, eta saindu guciac baithara:
hearing of your love and faith that you have toward the Lord Jesus, and for all the saints,
6 Hire fedearen communicationea botheretsu dençát, eçagut dadinçát çuetan den on gucia Iesus Christez.
so that the sharing of your (sg) faith may become powerful through a full understanding of every good thing that is among you (pl) who are in Christ Jesus;
7 Ecen bozcario handi diagu eta consolatione hire charitateaz, ceren sainduén halsarrac hiçaz recreatu icen baitirade, anayé.
yes, we have much thanksgiving and encouragement because of your (sg) love, in that the hearts of the saints have been refreshed through you, brother.
8 Halacotz, Iesus Christean libertate handi badut-ere hiri eguimbide duanaren manatzeco:
Now then, though I have all boldness in Christ to order you (sg) to do what is right,
9 Badere charitateagatic lehen othoitzez niagoc, hunelaco banaiz-ere, bainaiz Paul ancianoa, eta orain presoner-ere Iesus Christgatic.
I—being none other than Paul the old man and now also a prisoner for Jesus Christ—would rather appeal to you, for love's sake.
10 Othoitzen aut bada neure seme Onesimo estecailluetan engendratu vkan dudanagatic:
I appeal to you on behalf of the son whom I begot while in my chains, Onesimus, whom I am sending back
11 Berce orduz ez hire probetchutaco içan denagatic, baina orain hire eta ene probetchutaco denagatic: cein igorten baitrauát.
—formerly he was unprofitable to you, but now he is profitable, both to you and to me.
12 Hic bada hori, erran nahi baita, ene halsarrac, recebi eçac.
So receive him, who is my very heart
13 Cein nic nahi bainuen neurequin eduqui, hire orde cerbitza nençançát Euangelioaren estecailluetan:
—I would have liked to keep him with me, so that he might minister to me in your place, while I am in chains for the Gospel,
14 Baina hire vorondatea gabe eztiát deus eguin nahi vkan bortchaz beçala ezlicençát hire vnguia, baina gogo onezco.
but I did not want to do anything without your consent, so that your contribution might be voluntary, not as an imposition.
15 Ecen aguian halacotz hireganic partitu içan duc appurbatetacotz, bethierecotz recebi eçançát: (aiōnios g166)
Perhaps this is why he was removed for a while, so that you would have him forever (aiōnios g166)
16 Ez engoitic sclabotan, baina sclabo baino conditione hobeagotan, anaye maitetan, principalqui ene: cembatez bada guehiago eure, eta haraguiaren arauez eta Iaunaren arauez?
—no longer as a slave, but more than a slave, a beloved brother, very much to me but even more to you, both in flesh and in the Lord.
17 Bada baldin lagunetan banaducac, recebi eçac ni beçala.
So if you consider me a partner, receive him as if it were me.
18 Eta baldin cerbait bidegabe eguin badrauc, edo çor bahau, hura niri imputa ieçadac.
If he wronged you or owes anything, charge it to me.
19 Nic Paulec scribatu diát haur neure escuz, nic pagaturen diát: eztarradan ecen are eure burua-ere niri çor drautadala.
I, Paul, am writing with my own hand, “I will repay” (rather than say to you that you actually owe me your very self!).
20 Bay, anayé, placer haur nic hireganic recebi deçadan Iaunean, recreaitzac ene halsarrac Iaunean.
Yes brother, let me have this benefit from you in the Lord; refresh my heart in the Lord.
21 Hire obedientiáz segur içanez scribatu drauat, daquidalaric ecen erraiten dudan baino guehiago-ere eguinen duála.
Being confident of your obedience, I write to you, knowing that you (sg) will do even more than I say.
22 Baina are bertaric ostatu appain ieçadac: ecen sperança diát çuen orationéz emanen natzaiçuela:
But meanwhile, do prepare a guest room for me, because I hope that through your (pl) prayers I will be graciously bestowed on you (pl).
23 Epaphras ene presoner quideac Iesus Christean,
Epaphras, my fellow prisoner for Christ Jesus, greets you (sg),
24 Marc-ec, Aristarchec, Demasec eta Luc-ec, ene aiutariec, salutatzen auté.
as do Mark, Aristarchus, Demas and Luke, my fellow workers.
25 Iesus Christ gure Iaunaren gratiá dela çuen spirituarequin. Amen.
The grace of our Lord Jesus be with your (pl) spirit. Amen.

< Filemoni 1 >