< Mateo 28 >

1 Eta Sabbath azquencean asteco lehen arguitu behar cen egunean, Maria Magdalena eta Maria bercea ethor citecen sepulchrearen ikustera.
Now in the end of the Sabbath, when the first day of ye weeke began to dawne, Marie Magdalene, and the other Marie came to see the sepulchre,
2 Eta huná, lur ikaratze handibat eguin cedin: ecen Iaunaren Aingueruä iauts cedin cerutic, eta ethorriric aldara ceçan harria borthatic, eta iarriric cegoen haren gainean.
And behold, there was a great earthquake: for the Angel of the Lord descended from heauen, and came and rolled backe the stone from the doore, and sate vpon it.
3 Eta cen haren ikartzea chistmista beçala, eta haren abillamendua churi elhurra beçala.
And his countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snowe.
4 Eta haren beldurrez, ici citecen goardác, eta hilac beçalaca citecen.
And for feare of him, the keepers were astonied, and became as dead men.
5 Baina ihardesten çuela Aingueruäc erran ciecén emaztey, Çuec eztuçuela beldurric: ecen badaquit Iesus crucificatu içan denaren bilha çabiltzatela:
But the Angel answered, and said to the women, Feare ye not: for I know that ye seeke Iesus which was crucified:
6 Ezta hemen: ecen resuscitatu içan da, erran çuen beçala: çatozte ikussaçue Iauna eçarri içan cen lekua.
He is not here, for he is risen; as he saide: come, see the place where the Lord was laid,
7 Eta bertan ioanic erreçue haren discipuluey, ecen resuscitatu dela: eta huná, çuen aitzinean doa Galileara: han hura ikussiren duçue. Huná, erran drauçuet.
And go quickly, and tel his disciples that he is risen from ye dead: and behold, he goeth before you into Galile: there ye shall see him: loe, I haue told you.
8 Eta bertan partituric monumentetic iciapen eta bozcario handirequin, laster eguin ceçaten haren discipuluey declaratzera.
So they departed quickly from the sepulchre, with feare and great ioye, and did runne to bring his disciples worde.
9 Baina hec haren discipuluey declaratzera cioacela, huná, Iesus aitzinera ethor cequien, cioela, Vngui hel daquiçuela. Eta hec hurbilduric lot cequiztén haren oiney, eta adora ceçaten hura.
And as they wet to tel his disciples, behold, Iesus also met the, saying, God saue you. And they came, and tooke him by the feete, and worshipped him.
10 Orduan dioste Iesusec, Eztuçuela beldurric: çoazte, declara ieceçue ene anayey, doacen Galileara: eta han ikussiren nauté.
Then said Iesus vnto them, Be not afraide. Goe, and tell my brethren, that they goe into Galile, and there shall they see me.
11 Hec partitu eta, huná, goardetaric batzu ethor citecen hirira, eta declara cietzén Sacrificadore principaley eguin içan ciraden gauça guciac.
Nowe when they were gone, beholde, some of the watch came into the citie, and shewed vnto the hie Priestes all ye things that were done.
12 Orduan bilduric Ancianoequin, eta conseillu harturic, diru somma ona eman ciecén gendarmesey:
And they gathered them together with the Elders, and tooke counsell, and gaue large money vnto the souldiers,
13 Cioitela, Erraçue, Haren discipuluéc gauaz ethorriric, hura ebatsi vkan duté gu lo gaunçala.
Saying, Say, His disciples came by night, and stole him away while we slept.
14 Eta baldin hori gobernadoreac ençun badeça, guc sinhets eraciren draucagu, eta eguitecotaric idoquiren çaituztegu.
And if this matter come before the gouernour to be heard, we will perswade him, and so vse the matter that you shall not neede to care.
15 Eta hec diruä harturic eguin ceçaten iracatsi içan ciraden beçala: eta publicatu içan da propos haur Iuduén artean egungo egunerano.
So they tooke the money, and did as they were taught: and this saying is noysed among the Iewes vnto this day.
16 Baina hameca discipuluac ioan citecen Galilearát, mendira, non ordenatu baitzarauen Iesusec.
Then ye eleuen disciples wet into Galile, into a mountaine, where Iesus had appointed the.
17 Eta hura ikussiric adora ceçaten: eta batzuc duda ceçaten.
And when they sawe him, they worshipped him: but some douted.
18 Eta hurbilduric Iesus minça cequién, cioela, Eman içan çait niri bothere gucia ceruän eta lurrean.
And Iesus came, and spake vnto them, saying, All power is giuen vnto me, in heauen, and in earth.
19 Çoazte bada eta iracats itzaçue gende guciac: batheyatzen dituçuela Aitaren eta Semearen eta Spiritu sainduaren icenean:
Go therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and the Sonne, and the holy Ghost,
20 Iracasten dituçuela nic manatu drauçuedan guciaren beguiratzen: eta huná, ni çuequin naiz bethiere munduaren finerano. Amen. (aiōn g165)
Teaching them to obserue all things, whatsoeuer I haue commanded you: and lo, I am with you alway, vntill the ende of the worlde, Amen. (aiōn g165)

< Mateo 28 >