< Mateo 25 >

1 Orduan comparaturen da ceruètaco resumá hamar virgina bere lampác harturic sposoaren aitzinera ilki diradenequin:
Thanne the kyngdoom of heuenes schal be lijk to ten virgyns, whiche token her laumpis, and wenten out ayens the hosebonde and the wijf;
2 Eta hetaric borçac ciraden çuhur, eta borçac erho.
and fyue of hem weren foolis, and fyue prudent.
3 Erhoéc, bere lampén hartzean, etzeçaten har olioric berequin.
But the fyue foolis token her laumpis, and token not oile with hem;
4 Baina çuhurréc har ceçaten olio bere vncietan bere lampequin.
but the prudent token oile in her vessels with the laumpis.
5 Eta nola sposoac ethortera berancen baitzuen, guciac logale citecen, eta loac har citzan.
And whilis the hosebonde tariede, alle thei nappiden and slepten.
6 Eta gau-herditan oihu eguin cedin, Huná, sposoa heldu da, ilki çaitezte haren aitzinera.
But at mydnyyt a cryy was maad, Lo! the spouse cometh, go ye oute to mete with him.
7 Orduan iaiqui citecen virgina hec guciac, eta appain citzaten bere lampác.
Thanne alle tho virgyns risen vp, and araieden her laumpis.
8 Eta erhoéc çuhurrey erran ciecén, Iguçue çuen oliotic: ecen gure lampác iraunguiten dirade.
And the foolis seiden to the wise, Yyue ye to vs of youre oile, for oure laumpis ben quenchid.
9 Baina ihardets ceçaten çuhurrec, cioitela, Ez, beldurrez asco eztugun gure eta çuen: baina aitzitic çoazte saltzen dutenetara, eta erossaçue ceurondaco.
The prudent answeriden, and seiden, Lest perauenture it suffice not to vs and to you, go ye rather to men that sellen, and bie to you.
10 Eta hec erostera ioaiten ciradela, ethor cedin sposoa: eta prest ciradenac sar citecen harequin ezteyetara, eta erts cedin borthá.
And while thei wenten for to bie, the spouse cam; and tho that weren redi, entreden with him to the weddyngis; and the yate was schit.
11 Guero bada ethorten dirade berce virginac-ere dioitela, Iauna, iauna, irequi ieçaguc.
And at the last the othere virgyns camen, and seiden, Lord, lord, opene to vs.
12 Baina harc ihardesten duela, dio, Eguiaz diotsuet, etzaituztet eçagutzen.
And he answeride, and seide, Treuli Y seie to you, Y knowe you not.
13 Veilla eçaçue bada: ecen eztaquiçue guiçonaren Semea ethorriren den eguna ez orena.
Therfor wake ye, for ye witen not the dai ne the our.
14 Ecen gauça haur guiçombat beçala da, ceinec lekorerat ioaitean dei baitzitzan bere cerbitzariac, eta bere onac eman baitzietzén.
For as a man that goith in pilgrimage, clepide hise seruauntis, and bitook to hem hise goodis;
15 Eta batari eman cietzón borz talent, eta berceari biga, eta berceari bat: batbederari bere anciaren araura: eta ioan cedin lekorrerat bertan.
and to oon he yaf fyue talentis, and to another tweyne, and to another oon, to ech after his owne vertu; and wente forth anoon.
16 Eta ioan cedin borz talentac recebitu cituena, eta traffica ceçan heçaz, eta eguin citzan berce borz talent.
And he that hadde fyue besauntis, wente forth, and wrouyte in hem, and wan othere fyue.
17 Halaber biga recebitu cituenac-ere, irabaz citzan berce biga.
Also and he that hadde takun tweyne, wan othere tweyne.
18 Baina bat recebitu çuenac ioanic aitzur ceçan lurrean, eta gorde ceçan bere nabussiaren diruä.
But he that hadde takun oon, yede forth, and dalf in to the erthe, and hidde the money of his lord.
19 Eta dembora handiaren buruän ethorten da cerbitzari hayén nabussia, eta contu eguiten du hequin.
But after long tyme, the lord of tho seruauntis cam, and rekenede with hem.
20 Orduan ethorriric borz talentac recebitu cituenac presenta cietzón berce borz talent, cioela, Nabussiá, borz talent eman drauzquidac, huná, berce borz talent irabaci citiat heçaz.
And he that hadde takun fyue besauntis, cam, and brouyte othere fyue, and seide, Lord, thou bytokist to me fyue besauntis, loo! Y haue getun aboue fyue othere.
21 Erran cieçón bere nabussiac, Vngui, cerbitzari oná eta leyalá: gauça gutian içan aiz leyal, anhitzaren gaineco eçarriren aut: sar adi eure nabussiaren alegrançan.
His lord seide to hym, Wel be thou, good seruaunt and feithful; for on fewe thingis thou hast be trewe, Y schal ordeyne thee on manye thingis; entre thou in to the ioye of thi lord.
22 Guero ethorriric bi talentac recebitu cituenac-ere diotsa, Nabussiá, bi talent eman drauzquidac, huná, berce biga irabaci citiat heçaz.
And he that hadde takun twey talentis, cam, and seide, Lord, thou bitokist to me twey besauntis; loo!
23 Erran cieçón bere nabussiac, Vngui, cerbitzari oná eta leyalá, gutiaren gainean içan aiz leyal, anhitzaren gaineco eçarriren aut: sar adi eure nabussiaren alegrançán.
Y haue wonnen ouer othir tweyne. His lord seide to him, Wel be thou, good seruaunt and trewe; for on fewe thingis thou hast be trewe, Y schal ordeyne thee on many thingis; entre thou in to the ioie of thi lord.
24 Baina ethorriric talentbat recebitu çuenac-ere diotsa, Nabussiá, eçagutzen nián ecen guiçon gogorra incela, erein eztuán lekuan biltzen duala, eta barreyatu eztuán lekuan elkarganatzen duala.
But he that hadde takun o besaunt, cam, and seide, Lord, Y woot that thou art an hard man; thou repist where thou hast not sowe, and thou gederist togidere where thou hast not spred abrood;
25 Hunegatic beldurrez ioanic gorde diát hire talenta lurrean: huná, baduc eurea.
and Y dredynge wente, and hidde thi besaunt in the erthe; lo! thou hast that that is thin.
26 Eta ihardesten çuela bere nabussiac erran cieçón, Cerbitzari gaichtoá eta lachoá, bahaquian ecen biltzen dudala erein eztudan lekuan: eta elkarganatzen dudala barreyatu eztudan lekuan.
His lord answeride, and seide to hym, Yuel seruaunt and slowe, wistist thou that Y repe where Y sewe not, and gadir to gidere where Y spredde not abrood?
27 Beraz behar erauèn eman ene diruä cambiadorey, eta ethorriric nic recebitu bainuqueen neurea lucururequin.
Therfor it bihofte thee to bitake my money to chaungeris, that whanne Y cam, Y schulde resseyue that that is myn with vsuris.
28 Edequi eçoçue bada huni talenta, eta emoçue hamar talentac dituenari.
Therfor take awei fro hym the besaunt, and yyue ye to hym that hath ten besauntis.
29 Ecen duen guciari emanen çayó, eta hambat guehiago vkanen du: baina deus eztuenari, duena-ere edequiren çayó.
For to euery man that hath me schal yyue, and he schal encreese; but fro hym that hath not, also that that hym semeth to haue, schal be taken awey fro him.
30 Eta cerbitzari alferra egotzaçue lekoreco ilhunbera: han içanen da nigar eta hortz garrascots.
And caste ye out the vnprofitable seruaunt in to vtmer derknessis; ther schal be wepyng, and gryntyng of teeth.
31 Bada guiçonaren Semea dathorrenean bere glorián, eta Aingueru saindu guciac harequin, orduan iarriren da bere gloriaren thronoan.
Whanne mannus sone schal come in his maieste, and alle hise aungels with hym, thanne he schal sitte on the sege of his maieste;
32 Eta bilduren dirade haren aitzinera natione guciac, eta bereciren ditu batac bercetaric, artzainac ardiac akerretaric beretzen dituen beçala.
and alle folkis schulen be gaderid bifor hym,
33 Eta eçarriren ditu ardiac bere escuinean, eta akerrac bere ezquerrean.
and he schal departe hem atwynne, as a scheeperde departith scheep from kidis; and he schal sette the scheep on his riythalf, and the kidis on the lefthalf.
34 Orduan erranen draue Reguec bere escuinecoey Çatozte ene Aitaren benedicatuác, hereta eçaçue munduaren fundationetic preparatu çaiçuen resumá.
Thanne the kyng schal seie to hem, that schulen be on his riythalf, Come ye, the blessid of my fadir, take ye in possessioun the kyngdoom maad redi to you fro the makyng of the world.
35 Ecen gosse içan naiz eta eman drautaçue iatera: egarri içan naiz, eta eman drautaçue edatera: arrotz nincen, eta recebitu nauçue,
For Y hungride, and ye yauen me to ete; Y thristide, and ye yauen me to drynke; Y was herboreles, and ye herboriden me;
36 Billuci, eta veztitu nauçue: eri, eta visitatu nauçue: presoindeguian nincén, eta enegana ethorri içan çarete.
nakid, and ye hiliden me; sijk, and ye visitiden me; Y was in prisoun, and ye camen to me.
37 Orduan ihardetsiren draucate iustoéc, dioitela, Iauna, noiz ikussi augu gosseric, eta bazcatu augu: edo egarriric eta edatera eman drauagu?
Thanne iust men schulen answere to hym, and seie, Lord, whanne siyen we thee hungry, and we fedden thee; thristi, and we yauen to thee drynk?
38 Eta noiz ikussi augu arrotz, eta recebitu augu? edo billuci, eta veztitu augu?
and whanne sayn we thee herborles, and we herboreden thee; or nakid, and we hiliden thee?
39 Edo noiz ikussi augu eri, edo presoindeguian eta ethorri gara hiregana?
or whanne sayn we thee sijk, or in prisoun, and we camen to thee?
40 Eta ihardesten duela Reguec erranen draue, Eguiaz diotsuet, ene anaye chipién hautaric bati eguin draucaçuen becembatean niri eguin drautaçue:
And the kyng answerynge schal seie to hem, Treuli Y seie to you, as longe as ye diden to oon of these my leeste britheren, ye diden to me.
41 Orduan erranen draue ezquerrecoy-ere, Maradicatuác, parti çaitezte eneganic seculaco sura, deabruari eta haren aingueruèy preparaturic dauenera. (aiōnios g166)
Thanne the kyng schal seie also to hem, that schulen be on his lefthalf, Departe fro me, ye cursid, in to euerlastynge fijr, that is maad redi to the deuel and hise aungels. (aiōnios g166)
42 Ecen gosse içan naiz, eta eztrautaçue eman iatera: egarri içan naiz, eta eztrautaçue eman edatera.
For Y hungride, and ye yauen not me to ete; Y thristide, and ye yauen not me to drynke;
43 Arrotz nincén, eta eznauçue recebitu: billuci, eta eznauçue veztitu: eri eta presoindeguian, eta eznauçue visitatu.
Y was herborles, and ye herberden not me; nakid, and ye keuerden not me; sijk, and in prisoun, and ye visitiden not me.
44 Orduan hec-ere ihardetsiren draucate, erraiten dutela, Iauna, noiz ikussi augu gosse edo egarri, edo arrotz, edo billuci, edo eri, edo presoindeguian, eta ezaugu cerbitzatu?
Thanne and thei schulen answere to hym, and schulen seie, Lord, whanne sayn we thee hungrynge, or thristynge, or herboreles, or nakid, or sijk, or in prisoun, and we serueden not to thee?
45 Orduan ihardetsiren draue, erraiten duela, Eguiaz diotsuet chipien hautaric bati eguin eztraucaçuen becembatean, niri-ere eztrautaçue eguin.
Thanne he schal answere to hem, and seie, Treuli Y seie to you, `hou longe ye diden not to oon of these leeste, nether ye diden to me.
46 Eta ioanen dirade hauc tormenta eternalera: baina iustoac vicitze eternalera. (aiōnios g166)
And these schulen goo in to euerlastynge turment; but the iust men schulen go in to euerlastynge lijf. (aiōnios g166)

< Mateo 25 >