< Markos 5 >

1 Eta ethor citecen itsassoaren berce aldera, Gadarenoén comarcara.
And he came to the other side of the sea, to the country of the Gadarenes.
2 Eta ilki cenean vncitic, bertan aitzinera ethor cequión thumbetaric spiritu satsua çuen guiçombat:
And as he went out of the ship, there met him from the place of sepulchres a man in whom was an unclean spirit.
3 Ceinec bere egoitea baitzuen thumbetan, eta cadenaz-ere nehorc ecin esteca ciroen.
And he dwelt in the place of sepulchres; and no one could confine him with chains:
4 Ceren anhitzetan cepoz eta cadenaz estecatu içan cenean hauts baitzitzan cadenác, eta çathica cepoac: eta nehorc ecin ceba ceçaqueen.
because, as often as he had been confined with fetters and chains, he had broken the chains and burst the fetters: and no one could subdue him.
5 Eta bethiere egun eta gau mendietan eta thumbetan cen oihuz cegoela, eta bere buruäri harriz ceraunsala.
And continually, by night and by day, he was in the place of sepulchres, and cried and wounded himself with stones.
6 Eta ikussi çuenean Iesus vrrundanic, laster eguin ceçan eta gur cequión:
And when he saw Jesus at a distance, he ran and worshipped him;
7 Eta oihuz voz goraz erran ceçan, Cer da hire eta ene artean, Iesus Iainco subiranoaren Semea? adiuratzen aut Iaincoaren partez ezneçan tormenta.
and cried with a loud voice, and said: What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of the High God? I adjure thee by God, that thou torment me not.
8 (Ecen erraiten ceraucan, Ilki adi spiritu satsuá, guiçon horrenganic)
For he had said to him: Come out of the man, thou unclean spirit.
9 Orduan interroga ceçan hura, Nola da hire icena? Eta ihardets ceçan, cioela, Legio diat icen: ecen anhitz gaituc.
And he demanded of him: What is thy name? And he replied to him: Our name is Legion; for we are many.
10 Eta othoitz handi eguiten çeraucan, ezlitzan igor comarca hartaric campora.
And he besought him much, that he would not send him out of the country.
11 Eta cen han mendi aldean vrdalde handibat alha cenic.
And there was there by the mountain, a great herd of swine grazing.
12 Eta othoitz eguin cieçoten deabru hec guciéc, cioitela, Igor gaitzac vrdetara, hetara sar gaitecençat.
And the demons besought him, and said: Send us upon those swine, that we may enter them.
13 Eta permetti ciecén bertan Iesusec. Eta ilkiric spiritu satsuac lar citecen vrdetara, eta oldar cedin vrdaldea gainetic behera itsassora (eta baciraden bi millaren inguruä) eta itho citecen itsassoan.
And he permitted them. And those unclean spirits went out, and entered the swine: and the herd, of about two thousand, ran to a precipice, and fell into the sea, and were strangled in the waters.
14 Eta vrdeac bazcatzen cituztenéc ihes eguin ceçaten, eta ekar citzaten berriac hirira eta campocoetara: Orduan ilki citecen ikustera cer eguin içan cen.
And they who tended them, fled and told it in the city and in the villages: and they came out to see what had occurred.
15 Eta ethorten dirade Iesusgana, eta ikusten dute demoniatu içan cena iarriric eta veztituric eta cençaturic, legionea vkan çuena diot: eta ici citecen.
And: they came to Jesus, and saw him in whom the demons had been, him in whom had been the legion, clothed, and sober, and sitting; and they were afraid.
16 Eta haur ikussi çutenéc erran ciecén hæy, nola demoniatuari heldu içan çayon, eta vrdéz.
And those who had seen it told them how it occurred to him who had the demons, and also concerning the swine.
17 Orduan hec has cequizquión othoitz eguiten parti ledin hayén comarquetaric.
And they began to request him, that he would go from their border.
18 Eta hura sarthu cenean vncira, othoiztez çayon demoniatu içan cena harequin licén.
And as he ascended the ship, the late demoniac requested that he might continue with him.
And he suffered him not, but said to him: Go home to thy people, and tell them what the Lord hath done for thee, and hath compassionated thee.
20 Ioan cedin bada, eta has cedin predicatzen Decapolisen cein gauça handiac eguin cerautzan Iesusec: eta guciéc miresten çuten.
And he went, and began to publish in Decapolis, what Jesus had done for him. And they were all amazed.
21 Eta iragan cenean Iesus vncian berriz berce aldera, populu handi bil cedin harengana, eta cen itsas bazterrean.
And when Jesus had passed by ship to the other side, great multitudes again assembled about him as he was on the shore of the sea.
22 Eta huná, ethor cedin synagogaco principal Iairus deitzen cembat, eta ikussi çuenean hura, egotz ceçan bere burua haren oinetara.
And one of the rulers of the synagogue, whose name was Jairus, came, and, on seeing him, fell at his feet,
23 Eta othoitz handi eguiten ceraucan, cioela, Ene alabatchoa hurrenean duc: othoitz eguiten drauat, ethor adin, eta eçar ditzán escuac haren gainean, senda dadinçát eta vici den.
and besought him much, and said to him: My daughter is very sick; but come and lay thy hand on her, and she will be cured, and will live.
24 Eta ioan cedin Iesus harequin, eta populu handi çarreyón, eta hertsen çuten.
And Jesus went with him; and a great company attended him, and pressed upon him.
25 Eta emaztebat cen odol iariatzea hamabi vrthe hetan çuenic:
And a woman who had had a defluxion of blood twelve years,
26 Eta anhitz suffritu vkan çuen anhitz medicutaric, eta berea gucia despendatu çuen, eta etzén deus probetchatu, baina gaizcoatuago içan cen.
and who had suffered much from many physicians, and had expended all she possessed, and was not profited, but was even the more afflicted;
27 Hura Iesusez minçatzen ençunic, ethor cedin gendetzean guibeletic, eta hunqui ceçan haren arropá.
when she heard of Jesus, came behind him in the press of the crowd, and touched his garment
28 Ecen erraiten çuen, Baldin haren abillamenduac hunqui baditzat ber, sendaturen naiz
For she said: If I but touch his garment, I shall live.
29 Eta bertan agor cedin haren odol ithurria: eta sendi ceçan bere gorputzean sendatu cela plaga hartaric.
And immediately the fountain of her blood dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of her plague.
30 Eta bertan Iesusec bere baithan eçaguturic harenganic ilki içan cen verthutea, itzuliric gendetzean, erran ceçan, Norc hunqui ditu ene abillamenduac?
And Jesus at once knew in himself, that virtue had issued from him: and he turned to the throng, and said: Who touched my clothes?
31 Eta erran cieçoten bere discipuluec, Badacussac gendetzeac hertsen auela, eta dioc, Norc hunqui nau?
And his disciples said to him: Thou seest the throngs that press upon thee; and sayest thou, Who touched me?
32 Eta inguru behatzen çuen, haur eguin çuena ikus leçançat.
And he looked around, to see who had done this.
33 Eta emaztea beldurric eta ikararic, nola baitzaquian hura baithan eguin içan cena, ethor cedin, eta egotz ceçan bere buruä haren aitzinera, eta erran cieçón eguia gucia.
And the woman, fearing and trembling, for she knew what had taken place in her, came and fell down before him, and told him all the truth.
34 Eta harc erran cieçón, Alabá, eure fedeac saluatu au, habil baquerequin, eta aicén sendo eure plagatic.
And he said to her: My daughter, thy faith hath made thee live: go in peace; and be thou healed of thy plague.
35 Oraino hura minço cela ethor citecen batzu synagogaco principalarenetic, cioitela, Hire alabá hil duc, cergatic fatigatzen duc Magistrua?
And while he was speaking, some domestics of the ruler of the synagogue came, and said: Thy daughter is dead: why therefore troublest thou the teacher?
36 Eta Iesusec erraiten cen hitz haur ençun çuen beçain sarri, diotsa synagogaco principalari, Eztuála beldurric, sinhetsac solament.
But Jesus heard the word they spoke, and said to the ruler of the synagogue: Fear not; only believe.
37 Eta etzeçan permetti nehor iarreiqui lequión Pierris, eta Iacques, eta Ioannes Iacquesen anayea baicen.
And he suffered no one to go with him, except Simon Cephas, and James, and John the brother of James.
38 Guero ethor cedin synagogaco principalaren etchera, eta ikus citzan tumultoa, eta nigarrez ceudenac, eta dolu handi ekarten çutenac.
And they came to the house of the ruler of the synagogue; and he saw, that they were in a tumult, and weeping, and howling.
39 Eta sarthuric dioste, Cergatic tormentatzen çarete, eta nigarrez çaudete? nescatchá ezta hil, baina lo datza.
And he entered in and said to them: Why are ye in a tumult, and weep? The maid is not dead, but is asleep.
40 Eta irriz ceuden harçaz: baina harc guciac idoquiric campora, har citzan nescatcharen aitá eta amá, eta harequin ciradenac, eta sartzen da nescatchá cetzan lekura.
And they laughed at him. But Jesus put them all out. And he took the maids father, and her mother, and those that accompanied him, and entered into where the maid lay.
41 Eta harturic nescatcharen escua, diotsa, Talitha-cumi: erran nahi baita, Nescatchá (hiri diosnat) iaiqui adi.
And he took the maid's hand, and said to her: Maiden, arise.
42 Eta bertan iaiqui cedin nescatchá, eta baçabilan: ecen hamabi vrthetacoa cen: eta spantamendu handiz spanta citecen.
And immediately the maid arose, and walked; for she was twelve years old. And they were astonished with a great astonishment.
43 Eta haguitz manatu vkan ditu, nehorc haur ezlaquian: eta erran ceçan iatera nescatchari eman lequión.
And he enjoined it upon them much, that no one should know of it. And he directed, that they should give her to eat.

< Markos 5 >