< Lukas 8 >

1 Eta guero guertha cedin hura ioaiten baitzen hiriz hiri, eta burguz burgu, predicatzen eta euangelizatzen çuela Iaincoaren resumá eta hamabiac ciraden harequin:
And after these things Jesus travelled about the cities and the villages, and proclaimed and announced the kingdom of God. And with him were his twelve disciples,
2 Eta emazte batzu harçaz spiritu gaichtoetaric, eta eritassunetaric sendatuac, Maria deitzen cena Magdalena, ceinaganic çazpi deabru ilki içen baitziraden,
and those women who were healed of infirmities and of unclean spirits, Mary called Magdalena, out of whom went seven demons,
3 Eta Ioanna Herodesen procuradore. Chuz deitzen cenaren emaztea, eta Susanna, eta berceric anhitz bere onetaric hura aiutatzen çutenic.
and Joanna the wife of Chusa, Herod's steward, and Susanna, and many others, who ministered to them of their property.
4 Eta nola gendetze handia biltzen baitzen, eta hiri gucietaric anhitz harengana ioaiten, erran ceçan comparationez,
And when a great multitude was assembled, and people came to him from all the cities, he said, in similitudes:
5 Ilki cedin ereillebat bere haciaren ereitera: eta ereitean partebat eror cedin bide bazterrera: eta aurizqui içan cen, eta ceruco choriéc irets ceçaten hura.
A sower went out to sow his seed: and as he sowed, some fell by the side of the path, and was trodden upon, and a bird devoured it.
6 Eta berce partebat eror cedin harri gainera, eta sorthuric eyhar cedin, ceren ezpaitzuen hecetassunic:
And other fell upon a rock, and sprung up forthwith; but, as it lacked moisture, it dried up.
7 Eta berce partebat eror cedin elhorri artera: eta harequin batean sorthuric elhorriéc itho ceçaten hura.
And other fell among thorns, and the thorns sprung up with it, and choked it.
8 Eta bercea eror cedin lur onera: eta sorthuric eguin ceçan fructu ehunetan hambat. Hauén erraitean oihuz cegoen, Ençuteco beharriric duenac, ençun beça.
And other fell on good and fair ground, and sprung up, and bore fruits, a hundred for one. Having said these things, he cried: He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.
9 Eta interrogatzen çuten bere discipuluéc erraiten çutela, ceric cen comparatione hura.
And his disciples asked him: what meaneth this similitude?
10 Eta harc erran ciecén, Çuey eman çaiçue Iaincoaren resumaco mysterioén eçagutzea: baina bercey comparationez, dacussatelaric ikus ezteçaten, eta dançutelaric adi ezteçaten.
And he said to them: To you it is given, to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God; but to others, it is spoken in allegories; that, while seeing, they may not see, and while hearing, may not understand.
11 Haur da bada comparationea, Hacia da Iaincoaren hitza.
But this is the similitude: The seed is the word of God.
12 Eta bide bazterrecoac dirade, ençuten dutenac: guero ethorten da deabrua, eta kencen du hitza hayén bihotzetic, sinhetsiric salua eztitecençát.
And those by the side of the path, are they that hear the word, and the enemy cometh and taketh the word out of their heart, that they may not believe and live.
13 Eta harri gainecoac dirade, ençun dutenean bozcariorequin recebitzen dutenac hitza: baina hauc erroric eztute, hauc demboratacotz sinhesten duté, eta tentationeco demborán retiratzen dirade.
And those upon the rock, are they who, when they hear, receive the word with joy: but they have no root in them, and their faith is temporary, and in time of temptation they are stumbled.
14 Eta elhorri artera erori dena, hauc dirade ençun dutenac: baina partitu eta, ansiéz eta abrastassunéz eta vicitze hunetaco voluptatéz ithotzen dirade, eta eztuté fructuric ekarten.
And that which fell among thorns, are those who hear the word, but are choked by cares, and by riches, and by worldly desires, and bear no fruits.
15 Baina lur onera erori dena, hauc dirade bihotz honestean eta onean hitz ençuna eduquiten dutenac eta fructu patientiatan ekarten dutenac
And that on good ground, are those who, with a humble and good heart, hear the word, and retain it, and with patience bring forth fruits.
16 Eta nehorc arguia viztu duenean, eztu hura vnci batez estaltzen, edo ohe azpian eçarten: baina candeler gainean eçarten du, sartzen diradenéc arguia ikus deçatençát.
No one lighteth a lamp, and covereth it with a vessel, or placeth it under a bed, but setteth it upon a light-stand, that all who come in, may see the light of it.
17 Ecen ezta secreturic, aguerturen eztenic: ez estaliric, eçaguturen, eta arguira ethorriren eztenic.
For there is nothing covered, that shall not be uncovered; nor concealed, that shall not be known and become manifest.
18 Ikus-açue bada nola ençuten duçuen: ecen norc-ere baitu hari emanen çayo: eta norc-ere ezpaitu, duela vste duena-ere edequiren çayo hari.
Take heed how ye hear: for to him that hath, shall be given; and from him that hath not, shall be taken even what he thinketh he hath.
19 Orduan ethor citecen harengana haren ama eta haren anayeac, eta gendetzearen causaz ecin hers cequidizquion.
And his mother and his brothers came to him, and they could not speak with him, because of the multitude.
20 Eta declara cequión, erraiten ceraucatela, Hire ama, eta hire anayeac lekorean diaudec, hi ikussi naiz.
And they say to him: Thy mother and thy brothers stand without, and wish to see thee.
21 Baina harc ihardesten çuela erran ciecén, Ene ama eta ene anaye dirade Iaincoaren hitza ençuten eta eguiten dutenac.
And he answered and said: My mother and my brothers, are they who hear the word of God, and do it.
22 Eta guertha cedin egun batez, hura sar baitzedin vncian eta haren discipuluac: eta erran ciecén, Iragan gaitecen lacaren berce aldera. Eta parti citecen.
And on a certain day Jesus embarked and sat in a ship, he and his disciples. And he said to them; Let us pass over to the other side of the sea.
23 Eta vncian hec ioaiten ciradela, loac har ceçan: eta iauts cedin haicezco tormentabat lacera: eta vrez bethatzen ciraden, eta peril çutén.
And while they were rowing, Jesus fell asleep. And there was a tempest of wind on the sea; and the ship was near to sinking.
24 Orduan hurbilduric iratzar ceçaten hura, cioitela, Magistruá, Magistruá, galdu guihoaçac. Eta harc iratzarriric mehatcha citzan haicea eta vraren tempestá: eta cessa citecen, eta sossagu handia eguin cedin.
And they came and awaked him, and said to him: Our Rabbi, our Rabbi, we are perishing! And he arose, and rebuked the winds and the agitations of the water; and they ceased, and there was a calm.
25 Eta erran ciecén, Non da çuen fedea? Hec icituric ceudela mirets ceçaten, cioitela elkarren artean, Baina nor da haur, haiceac eta vra manatzen baititu eta obeditzen baitute?
And he said to them: Where is your faith? And they being in awe, wondered, and said one to another: Who is this, that commandeth even the winds, and the waves, and the sea; and they obey him?
26 Guero tira ceçaten Gadarenoen comarcarát, cein baita Galilearen aurkaz aurk.
And they rowed on, and came to the country of the Gadarenes, which lieth over against Galilee.
27 Bada hari lurrera ilki eta, bat cequión hiri hartaco guiçon dembora lucez gueroz deabrua çuen-bat: eta abillamenduz etzén veztitzen, eta etchetan etzen egoiten, baina thumbetan.
And when he went out upon the land, there, met him a man of the city, in whom had been a demon for a long time; and he wore no clothing, and did not reside in a house, but among the tombs.
28 Eta harc ikussi çuenean Iesus, heyagoraz cegoela, egotz ceçan bere buruä haren aitzinera, eta ocengui erran ceçan, Cer da hire eta ene artean, Iesus Iainco subiranoaren Semeá? othoitz eguiten drauat, ezneçála, tormenta.
And when he saw Jesus, he cried out, and fell down before him, and said, with a loud voice: What have we to do with thee? Jesus, thou Son of the exalted God. I entreat of thee, torment me not.
29 Ecen manatzen çuen spiritu satsua guiçonaganic ilki ledin: ecen dembora lucez eduqui çuen hura: eta estecaturic cadenaz eta cepoez beguiratzen cen: baina estecailluac çathituric eramaiten cen deabruaz desertuetara.
For Jesus had commanded the unclean spirit, to come out of the man: for, of a long time he had been held captive by him; and he had been bound with chains, and held in fetters; but he had burst the bonds, and had been driven by the demon into the desert.
30 Orduan interroga ceçan hura Iesusec, cioela, Nola duc icen? Eta harc erran ceçan, Legione. Ecen anhitz deabru sarthu ciraden hura baithan.
And Jesus demanded of him: What is thy name? And he said to him: Legion: because many demons had entered into him.
31 Eta othoitz eguiten ceraucaten, ezlitzan mana abysmora ioaitera. (Abyssos g12)
And they besought him, not to command them to depart into the abyss. (Abyssos g12)
32 Eta cen han vrdalde handibat alha cenic mendian: eta othoitz eguiten ceraucaten permetti liecén hetara sartzera: eta permetti ciecén.
And there was a herd of many swine grazing on the mountain. And they besought him, that he would permit them to enter the swine. And he permitted them.
33 Ilkiric bada deabruac guiçónaganic sar citecen vrdetara: eta vrdaldea oldar cedin gainetic behera lac-era, eta itho cedin.
And the demons went out of the man, and entered the swine; and the whole herd ran to a precipice, and plunged into the sea, and were strangled.
34 Eta vrdainéc ikussi çutenean cer eguin içan cen, ihes eguin ceçaten: eta partituric conta ceçaten hirian eta campoetan.
And when the herdmen saw what had occurred, they fled, and told it in the cities and the villages.
35 Orduan gendeac ilki citecen eguin içan cenaren ikustera, eta ethor citecen Iesusgana, eta eriden ceçaten guiçona ceinetaric deabruac ilki içan baitziraden, veztitua, eta cençatua, iarriric cegoela Iesusen oinetara: eta ici citecen.
And the men went out to see what was done. And they came to Jesus, and found the man, out of whom the demons had gone, now clothed, and modest, and sitting at the feet of Jesus; and they were awed.
36 Eta conta ciecen hæy ikussi vkan çutenec-ere, nola sendatu içan cen demoniatu içana.
And they that saw it, related to them in what manner the demoniac was cured.
37 Orduan othoitz eguin cieçoten Gadarenoén aldiri inguruco gendetze guciac, parti ledin hetaric: ecen icidura handic hartu cituen: eta hura vncira sarthuric, itzul cedin.
And the whole throng of the Gadarenes requested him, that he would depart from them: for great fear had seized them. And Jesus embarked in a ship, and retired from among them.
38 Eta othoitz ceguión guiçon harc, ceinaganic ilki içan baitziraden deabruac, harequin licén: baina Iesusec igor ceçan, cioela,
And the man, from whom the demons had gone out, requested that he might remain with him. But Jesus dismissed him, and said to him:
39 Itzul adi eure etchera, eta conta eçac cein gauça handiac eguin drauzquián Iaincoac. Ioan cedin bada hiri gucitic predicatzen cituela Iesusec eguin cerauzcan gauça guciac:
Return to thy home, and relate what God hath done for thee. And he went away, and proclaimed through all the city what Jesus had done for him.
40 Eta guertha cedin itzuli cenean Iesus, recebi baitzeçan gendetzeac: ecen guciac haren beguira ceuden.
And when Jesus returned, a great multitude received him; for all were looking for him.
41 Orduan huná, ethor cedin Iairus deitzen cen guiçombat, eta hura cen synagogaco principal: eta egotzi çuenean bere buruä Iesusen oinetara, othoitz eguin cieçon sar ledin haren etchera:
And a man, whose name was Jairus, a chief of the synagogue, fell down at the feet of Jesus, and besought him to enter his house;
42 Ecen alaba bakoitzbat çuen hamabi vrtheren ingurucoa, eta hura çohian hiltzera. Eta ioaitean gendetzeac hertsen çuen.
for he had an only daughter, about twelve years old, and she was near dying. And as Jesus went with him, a great multitude pressed upon him.
43 Eta hamabi vrthez gueroztic odola baratzen etzayon, eta medicuetan bere sustantia gucia despendatu çuen, eta batez-ere ecin sendatu içan cen emaztebatec,
And a certain woman, whose blood had flowed twelve years, and who had expended all her property among physicians, and could not be cured by any one,
44 Hurbilduric guibeletic hunqui ceçan haren arropa ezpaina eta bertan gueldi cedin haren odol iariatzea.
came up behind him, and touched the border of his garment; and immediately the flow of her blood stopped.
45 Orduan dio Iesusec, Nor da ni hunqui nauena? Eta guciéc vkatzen çutenaren gainean, erran ceçan Pierrisec, eta harequin ciradenéc, Magistruá, gendetzéc hertsen eta aurizquiten aute, eta dioc, Nor da ni hunqui nauena?
And Jesus said: Who touched me? And when all denied, Simon Cephas and those with him said to him: Our Rabbi, crowds press upon thee and sayest thou, Who touched me?
46 Baina Iesusec dio, Norbaitec hunqui nau ecen eçagutu dut verthute eneganic ilki içan dela.
And he said: Some one touched me; for I perceive, that energy hath gone out from me.
47 Emazte hura bada ikussiric ecen etzayola estali içan, ethor cedin ikara çabilala: eta bere buruä haren aitzinera egotziric declara cieçón populu guciaren aitzinean cer causaz hura hunqui çuen, eta nola sendatu içan cen bertan.
And the woman, when she saw that she had not escaped his notice, came trembling, and fell down and worshipped him. And in the presence of all the people, she declared for what cause she had touched him, and that she was instantly healed.
48 Eta harc erran cieçón, Alabá aun bihotz on eure fedeac sendatu au: oha baquerequin.
And Jesus said to her: Take courage, my daughter: Thy faith hath given thee life: Go in peace.
49 Oraino hura minço cela, ethor cedin cembeit synagogaco principalarenetic, hari ciotsala, Hil içan duc hire alabá: ezteçala fatiga Magistrua.
And while he was speaking, one came from the house of the chief of the synagogue, and said to him: Thy daughter is dead; trouble not the teacher.
50 Baina Iesusec ençunic ihardets cieçón nescatcharen aitári. Ezaicela beldur, sinhets eçac solament, eta hura sendaturen baita.
And Jesus heard it, and said to the father of the maid: Fear not; believe only, and she will live.
51 Eta etchera sarthuric, etzeçan nehor sartzera vtzi Pierris eta Iacques eta Ioannes eta nescatcharen aita eta ama baicen,
And Jesus came to the house; and he suffered none to go in with him, except Simon, and James, and John, and the father and mother of the maid.
52 Eta nigarrez ceuden guciac, eta lamentatzen çutén: baina harc erran ceçan, Eztaguiçuela nigarric: ezta hil, baina lo datza.
And all were weeping and wailing over her. And Jesus said: Weep not; for she is not dead, but sleepeth
53 Eta truffatzen ciraden harçaz, hil cela iaquinez.
And they derided him, knowing that she was dead.
54 Eta harc, guciac campora iraitziric, eta haren escua harturic, oihu eguin ceçan, cioela, Nescatchá, iaiqui adi.
And he put every one out, and took her by the hand, and called, and said: Maid, arise.
55 Eta itzul cedin haren spiritua, eta iaiqui cedin bertan: eta mana ceçan eman lequión iatera.
And her spirit returned, and she instantly arose. And he directed them to give her food.
56 Eta spanta citecen haren aita-amác: baina harc mana citzan nehori ezlerroten eguin içan cena.
And her parents were astonished: and he charged them to tell no one what had occurred.

< Lukas 8 >