< Lukas 6 >

1 Guertha cedin bada Sabbath egun bigarren lehenean, hura iragaiten baitzén ereincetan gaindi: eta buruca idoquiten ari baitziraden haren discipuluac, eta iaten escuez bihituric.
And it came to pass on the second Sabbath, He was going through the cornfields; and His disciples were plucking the ears, and eating, shelling them out with their hands.
2 Eta Phariseuetaric batzuc erran ciecén, Cergatic eguiten duçue Sabbathoan eguin sori eztena?
And certain ones of the Pharisees said to them, Why are you doing that which is not lawful to do on the Sabbath?
3 Orduan ihardesten çuea Iesusec erran ciecén, Eztuçue haur-ere iracurri cer eguin çuen Dauid-ec gossetu cenean bera eta harequin ciradenac?
Jesus responded and said to them, Have ye not read what David did, when he was hungry, and those being with him?
4 Nola sarthu içan cen Iaincoaren etchean eta propositioneco oguiac hartu cituen, eta ian cituen, eta eman ciecén harequin ciradeney-ere: hetaric iatea Sacrificadorén baicen sori eztelaric.
How he entered into the house of God, and how he took the shewbread, and ate it, and gave it to those with him; which is not lawful to eat, except the priests only?
5 Guero erraiten cerauen, Guiçonaren Semea iabe da Sabbathoaren-ere.
And He said to them, The Son of man is Lord of the Sabbath also.
6 Eta guertha cedin berce Sabbath batez-ere hura sar baitzedin synagogara, eta iracasten baitzuen: eta cen han guiçon-bat eta haren escu escuyna cen eyhar.
And it came to pass on another Sabbath, that He came into the synagogue and taught, and a man was there, whose right hand was withered.
7 Eta gogoatzen çuten hura Scribéc eta Phariseuéc eya Sabbathoan senda leçaqueenez, accusatione eriden leçatençat haren contra.
And the scribes and Pharisees were watching Him, if He will heal him on the Sabbath, in order that they may find accusation against Him.
8 Baina baceaquizquian hayén pensamenduac, eta diotsa guiçon escu eyharra çuenari, Iaiqui adi, eta ago çutic artean. Eta hura iaiquiric egon cedin çutic.
But He knew their thoughts, and said to the man having the withered hand, Rise up, and stand in the midst; and he having arisen stood.
9 Erran ciecén bada Iesusec, Interrogaturen çaituztet gauça batez, Sabbathoetan vngui eguitea da sori ala gaizqui eguitea? persona baten emparatzea ala galtzea?
And Jesus said to them, I will ask you; What is lawful on the Sabbath; to do good, or to do evil? to save life, or to destroy?
10 Eta hetara gucietara inguru behaturic, diotsa guiçonari, Hedeçac eure escua: eta harc eguin ceçan hala: eta senda cedin haren escua bercea beçain.
And looking around upon them all, He said to him, Reach forth thy hand. And he did so: and his hand was restored.
11 Eta bethe citecen eraucimenduz, eta elkarrequin minço ciraden, cer leidioten Iesusi.
And they were filled with rage; and they were talking one to another what they might do to Jesus.
12 Eta guertha cedin egun hetan, ioan baitzedin mendira othoitz eguitera, eta gau gucia han iragan ceçan Iaincoari othoitz eguiten ceraucala.
And it came to pass in those days, that He went out into the mountain to pray; and was there through the night in the prayer of God.
13 Eta arguitu cenean dei citzan bere discipuluac, eta hetaric hauta citzan hamabi, cein Apostolu-ere dei baitzitzan,
And when it was day, He called His disciples to Him: and having chosen twelve from them, whom He also named apostles;
14 (Simon, Pierris-ere deithu çuena, eta Andriu haren anayea: Iacques eta Ioannes: Philippe eta Bartholomeo:
Simon, whom He also named Peter, and Andrew his brother, James and John. Philip and Bartholomew,
15 Mattheu eta Thomas: Iacques Alpheoren semea, eta Simon Zelotes deitzen dena,
Matthew and Thomas, James the son of Alpheus, and Simon called the Zealot;
16 Iudas Iacquesen anayea: eta Iudas Iscariot, traidore-ere içan cena)
and Judas the brother of James, and Judas Iscariot, who also became His betrayer.
17 Eta iautsiric hequin, gueldi cdin leku plano batetan, bere discipuluzco companiarequin, eta populu mulço handirequin Iudea gucitic, eta Ierusalemetic, eta Tyrco eta Sidongo itsas bazterretic, cein ethorri baitziraden hura ençun leçatençat, eta bere eritassunetaric senda litecençat:
And having come down with them, He stood upon a level place, and a great multitude of His disciples, and a great crowd of people from all Judea and Jerusalem, and Tyre and Sidon by the sea, who came to hear Him, and to be healed of their diseases;
18 Eta spiritu satsuéz tormentatzen ciradenac: eta senda citecen.
and those troubled by unclean spirits; and they were getting healed.
19 Eta populu gucia hura hunqui nahiz çabilan: ecen verthute harenganic ilkiten cen: eta sendatzen cituen guciac.
And the whole multitude sought to touch Him: because power was going out from Him, and was healing all.
20 Orduan harc bere beguiac discipuluetarat altchaturic, erraiten çuen, Dohatsu çarete paubreác: ceren çuen baita Iaincoaren resumá.
And He lifting up His eyes to His disciples, said, Blessed are ye poor: because the kingdom of God is yours.
21 Dohatsu çarete orain gosse çaretenoc: ceren asseren baitzarete. Dohatsu çarete orain nigarrez çaudetenoc: ceren irri eguinen baituçue.
Blessed are ye who hunger now: because ye shall be filled. Blessed are ye who weep now: because ye shall laugh.
22 Dohatsu içanen çarete, guiçonéc gaitzetsiren çaituztenean, eta iraitziren eta iniuriaturen çaituztenean, eta çuen icena gaichto beçala iraitziren dutenean, guiçonaren Semearen causaz.
Blessed are ye, when the people may hate you, and when they may separate you, and cast out your name as evil, for the sake of the Son of man.
23 Aleguera albeitzinteizte egun hartan, eta bozcarioz iauz: ecen huná, çuen saria handi da ceruètan: ecen halaber eguiten cerauecen prophetey hayén aitec.
Rejoice in that day, and leap for joy: for behold your reward in heaven is great: for according to these things were their fathers accustomed to do to the prophets.
24 Baina maledictione çuey abratsoy: ecen baduçue çuen consolationea.
Moreover woe unto you rich! because you exhaust your reward.
25 Maledictione çuey betheac çaretenoy: ecen gosse içanen çarete. Maledictione çuey orain irriz çaudetenoy: ecen auhen eta nigar eguinen duçue,
Woe unto you who are full! because you shall hunger. Woe unto you who are now laughing because you shall weep and mourn.
26 Maledictione çuey, guiçon guciéc onherranen çaituztenean: ecen molde berean eguiten cerauecen propheta falsuey hayén aitéc.
Woe unto you when all the people may speak well of you! because according to the same things their fathers were accustomed to do to the false prophets.
27 Baina çuey diotsuet dançuçuenoy, Onhets itzaçue çuen etsayac: vngui eguieçue gaitzesten çaituzteney.
But I say unto you that hear, Love your enemies with divine love, and do good to those that hate you,
28 Benedicaitzaçue çuec maradicatzen çaituztenac: eta othoitz eguiçue oldartzen çaizquiçuenacgatic.
bless those who curse you, and pray for those who despitefully use you.
29 Eta mathela batean ioiten auènari, para ieçóc bercea-ere: eta eure mantoa edequiten drauanari, iacca-ere eztieçoala debeta.
To the one smiting thee on the cheek turn the other also; and from the one taking away thy cloak do not withhold even the coat.
30 Escatzen çauán guciari emóc, eta eurea edequiten drauanari, ezaquiola haren esca.
Give to every one asking thee, and turn not away from the one taking thy possessions,
31 Eta nola nahi baituçue eguin dieçaçuen çuey guiçonéc, çuec-ere eguieçue hæy halaber.
And as you wish that the people may do unto you, do ye unto them even likewise.
32 Ecen baldin onhesten badituçue çuec onhesten çaituztenac, cer esquer duqueçue? ecen vicitze gaichtotacoec-ere bere onhesleac onhesten dituzté.
If you love those who love you, what grace is there to you? for even sinners love those who love them.
33 Eta baldin vngui badaguieçue çuen vnguiguiley, cer esquer duqueçue? ecen vicitze gaichtotacoec-ere hura bera eguiten duté.
And if you may do good to those doing good to you, what grace is there to you? for sinners also do the same.
34 Eta baldin presta badieceçue rendaturen drauçuela sperança duçueney, cer esquer duqueçue? ecen vicitze gaichtotacoec-ere vicitze gaichtotacoey prestatzen draue, ordaina recebi deçatençat.
And if you may lend to those from whom you may hope to receive, what grace is there to you? for sinners lend to sinners, that they may receive back the equivalent.
35 Bada onhets itzacue çuen etsayac, eta vngui eguieçue: eta presta eçaçue, deus handic sperança gabe: eta çuen saria içanen da handi, eta içanen çarete Subiranoaren seme: ecen hura benigno da ingratetara eta gaichtoetara.
Moreover love your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping nothing in return; and your reward shall be great, and you shall be the sons of the Highest: because He is good to the ungrateful and wicked.
36 Çareten beraz misericordioso, çuen Aita ere misericordioso den beçala.
Therefore be ye merciful, as your Father is indeed merciful.
37 Ezteçaçuela iudica, eta etzarete iudicaturen: ezteçaçuela condemna eta etzarete condemnaturen: barka eçaçue, eta barkaturen çaiçue.
And criticise not, and you can not be criticised. Condemn not, and you can not be condemned.
38 Emaçue eta emanen çaiçue: neurri ona galkatua, eta higuitua, eta mucurru doana emanen çaiçue çuen golkora: ecen neurtzen duçuen neurri beraz, neurthuren çaiçue çuey-ere aldiz.
Forgive, and you shall be forgiven: give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, heaped up, and shaken down, and running over, they will give into your bosom. For with the same measure, which you measure, it will be measured unto you.
39 Halaber erraiten cerauen comparationebat, Possible da itsuac itsua guida ahal deçan? eztira biac hobira eroriren?
And He spoke a parable unto them, Whether is the blind able to lead the blind? will they not both fall into the ditch?
40 Ezta discipulua bere magistruaren gaineco: baina nor-ere içanen baita discipulu perfect, içanen da magistru beçala.
The disciple is not above his teacher; but every one having been made perfect shall be as his teacher.
41 Eta, cergatic dacussac eure anayeren beguico fitsa, eta eure beguico, gapirioari ez atzayo ohartzen?
But why do you see the mote which is in the eye of your brother, and do not recognize the beam which is in your own eye?
42 Edo nola ahal derraqueoc eure anayeri, Anayé, vtzi neçac idoqui deçadan hire beguian den fitsa, eurrorrec hire beguian den gapirioa ikusten eztuanean? Hypocritá, idocac lehenic gapirioa eure beguitic: eta orduan ikussiren duc idoqui deçán eure anayeren beguico fitsa.
Or how are you able to say to your brother; Brother, permit me, I will cast out the mote which is in thine eye, yourself not seeing the beam which is in your own eye? O hypocrite, first cast out the beam from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to cast out the mote which is in the eye of your brother.
43 Segur ezta arbore ona, fructu gaichtoa eguiten duena: ez eta arbore gaichtoa, fructu ona eguiten duena.
For there is no beautiful tree producing corrupt fruit, nor corrupt tree producing beautiful fruit.
44 Ecen arbore gucia fructutic eçagutzen da. Ecen elhorrietaric eztute biltzen ficoric, ezeta saparretaric, mendematzen mahatsic.
For every tree is known by its own fruit: for they do not gather figs from thorns, nor do they gather the grape-bunch from the bramble.
45 Guiçon onac bere bihotzeco thesaur onetic idoquiten du gauça ona: eta guiçon gaichtoac bere bihotzeco thesaur gaichtotic idoquiten du gauça gaichtoa: ecen bihotzeco abundantiatic haren ahoa minço da.
The good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth the good; and the wicked man out of the wicked treasure of his heart brings forth that which is wicked: for out of the abundance of his heart his mouth speaks.
46 Baina cergatic deitzen nauçue Iauna, Iauna: eta ez eguiten, nic erraiten ditudanac?
But why do you call me Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?
47 Enegana ethorten den gucia, eta ene hitzac ençuten eta hec eguiten dituena: eracutsiren drauçuet nor irudi den.
Every one coming to me, and hearing my words, and doing the same, I will show you to whom he is like.
48 Irudi du etchebat edificatzen duen guiçona, ceinec aitzurtu eta barna irequi baitu, eta eçarri fundamenta arroca baten gainean: eta soberná ethorriric, fluuioac ereçarri vkan drauca etche hari, eta ecin higuitu du: ecen arroca gainean fundatua cen.
He is like unto a man building a house, who dug and went down deep, and laid the foundation upon the rock: and there being a flood, the river broke against that house, and it was not able to shake it; for it was founded on the rock.
49 Baina ençun vkan dituenac, eta ez eguin, irudi du fundament gabe bere etchea lur gainean edificatu duen guiçona: ceini ereçarri baitrauca fiuuioac, eta bertan erori içan da, eta etche haren deseguitea handi içan da.
But the one hearing and not doing, is like unto a man building his house upon the ground without a foundation; against which the river broke, and it fell immediately, and great was the fall of that house.

< Lukas 6 >