< Lukas 20 >

1 Eta guertha cedin egun hetataric batez, harc populua iracasten çuela templean, eta euangelizatzen cegoela, ethor baitzitecen Sacrificadore principalac eta Scribác, Ancianoequin,
On one of these days, when Jesus was teaching the people in the Temple Courts and telling the good news, the chief priests and the teachers of the Law, joined by the elders, confronted him,
2 Eta erran cieçoten, Erraguc cer authoritatez gauça horiac eguiten dituán, edo nor den hiri authoritate hori eman drauana.
and addressing him, said, ‘Tell us what authority you have to do these things. Who is it who has given you this authority?’
3 Eta ihardesten çuela Iesusec erran ciecén, Interrogaturen çaituztet nic-ere çuec gauça batez: erradaçue bada niri,
‘I, too,’ said Jesus in reply, ‘will ask you one question. Give me an answer to it.
4 Ioannesen baptismoa cerutic cen, ala guiçonetaric?
It is about John’s baptism – was it of divine or of human origin?’
5 Eta hec baciharducaten berén artean, cioitela, Baldin erran badeçagu, Cerutic: erranen du, Cergatic beraz eztuçue sinhetsi hura?
But they began arguing together, ‘If we say “divine,” he will say “Why didn’t you believe him?”
6 Eta baldin badarragu, Guiçonetaric: populu guciac lapidaturen gaitu: ecen segur daducate, Ioannes Propheta cela.
But, if we say “human,” the people will all stone us, for they are persuaded that John was a prophet.’
7 Ihardets ceçaten bada, etzaquitela nondic cen.
So they answered that they did not know its origin.
8 Orduan Iesusec erran ciecén, Nic-ere eztrauçuet erranen cer authoritatez gauça hauc eguiten ditudan.
‘Then I,’ said Jesus, ‘refuse to tell you what authority I have to do these things.’
9 Orduán has cedin populuari comparatione hunen erraiten, Guiçon batec landa ceçan mahastibat, eta aloca ciecén hura laborariey, eta dembora lucez campoan egon cedin.
But Jesus began to tell the people this parable – ‘A man once planted a vineyard, and then let it out to tenants, and went abroad for a long while.
10 Eta sasoinean igor ceçan laborari hetara cerbitzaribat, mahastico fructutic lemotençat: baina hec hura cehaturic igor ceçaten hutsic.
At the proper time he sent a servant to the tenants, so that they could give him a share of the produce of the vineyard. The tenants, however, beat him and sent him away empty-handed.
11 Eta continua ceçan berce cerbitzari baten igortera: baina hec haur-ere cehaturic eta gaizqui tractaturic igor ceçaten hutsic.
The owner afterwards sent another servant; but the tenants beat and insulted this man too, and sent him away empty-handed.
12 Eta continua ceçan herenaren igortera: baina hec haur-ere çaurthuric egotz ceçaten campora.
He sent a third; but they wounded this man also, and threw him outside.
13 Orduan erran ceçan mahasti iabeac, Cer eguinen dut? igorriren dut neure seme maitea: aguian haur dacussatenean ohoraturen duté:
“What should I do?” said the owner of the vineyard. “I will send my son, who is very dear to me. Perhaps they will respect him.”
14 Baina hura ikussiric laborariéc propos eduqui ceçaten, cioitela, Haur da primua: çatozte, hil deçagun haur, heretagea gure dençat.
But, on seeing him, the tenants consulted with one another. “Here is the heir!” they said. “Let us kill him, and then the inheritance will become ours.”
15 Eta egotziric hura mahastitic campora, hil ceçaten. Cer bada eguinen draue hæy mahasti iabeac?
So they threw him outside the vineyard and killed him. Now what will the owner of the vineyard do to them?
16 Ethorriren da eta deseguinen ditu laborari hec, eta emanen draue mahastia berce batzuey. Eta haur ençun çutenean erran ceçaten, Hala guertha eztadila.
He will come and put those tenants to death, and will let the vineyard to others.’ ‘Heaven forbid!’ they exclaimed when they heard it.
17 Harc orduan hetarat behaturic dio, Cer da bada scribatua den hura, Edificaçaléc arbuyatu duten harria cantoin buru eguin içan da?
But Jesus looked at them and said, ‘What then is the meaning of this passage? – “The stone which the builders despised has now itself become the cornerstone.”
18 Harri haren gainera eroriren den gucia, çathicaturen da: eta noren gainera eroriren baita, hura du chehecaturen.
Everyone who falls on that stone will be dashed to pieces, while anyone on whom it falls – it will scatter him as dust.’
19 Orduan aiher ciraden Sacrificadore principalac eta Scribac haren gainean escuén eçartera ordu hartan berean: baina populuaren beldur citecen: ecen eçagutu vkan çutén hayén contra erran çuela comparatione haur.
After this the teachers of the Law and the chief priest were eager to lay hands on Jesus then and there, but they were afraid of the people; for they saw that it was at them that he had aimed this parable.
20 Eta hura gogoatzen çutela, igor citzaten espiác iusto ciradela irudi eguiten çutela, hura hitzean hatzaman leçatençat, Gobernadorearen seignorián eta botherean eçar leçatençat.
Having watched their opportunity, they afterwards sent some spies, who pretended to be good men, to catch Jesus in the course of conversation, and so enable them to give him up to the Governor’s jurisdiction and authority.
21 Eta hec interroga ceçaten hura, cioitela, Magistruá, baceaquiagu vngui erraiten eta iracasten duala, eta ezagoela personara behá, baina Iaincoaren bidea eguiazqui iracasten duala.
These spies asked Jesus a question. They said, ‘Teacher, we know that you are right in what you say and teach, and that you do not take any account of a person’s position, but teach the way of God honestly;
22 Bide dugu eman tributic Cesari, ala ez?
are we right in paying tribute to the Emperor or not?’
23 Eta adituric hayén fineciá, erran ciecén, Cergatic tentatzen nauçue?
Seeing through their deceitfulness, Jesus said to them,
24 Eracustaçue dinerobat: norenac ditu imagina eta scribua? Eta ihardesten çutela erran ceçaten, Cesarenac.
‘Show me a coin. Whose head and title are on it?’
25 Orduan erran ciecén, Renda ietzoçue beraz Cesaren diradenac, Cesari: eta Iaincoaren diradenac, Iaincoari.
‘The Emperor’s,’ they said; and Jesus replied, ‘Well then, pay to the Emperor what belongs to the Emperor, and to God what belongs to God.’
26 Eta ecin haren hitza reprehenditu vkan duté populuaren aitzinean: eta miraz iarriric haren repostaren gainean ichil citecen.
They could not object to this answer before the people; and, in their wonder at his reply, they held their tongues.
27 Orduan hurbil cequizquion Sadduceu batzu (ceinéc vkatzen baituté resurrectionea) eta interroga ceçaten.
Presently there came up some Sadducees, who maintain that there is no resurrection. Their question was this –
28 Cioitela, Magistruá, Moysesec scribatu diraucuc, Baldin cembeiten anayea hil badadi emazte duelaric, eta haourric gabe hil badadi, har deçan haren anayeac haren emaztea, eta eguin dieçón leinu bere anayeri.
‘Teacher, Moses laid down for us in his writings that – “Should a man’s married brother die, and should he be childless, the man should take the widow as his wife, and raise up a family for his brother.”
29 Bada çazpi anaye içan dituc, eta hetaric lehena emazte harturic hil içan duc, haourric gabe.
Well, there were once seven brothers; of whom the eldest, after taking a wife, died childless.
30 Eta har ciecán hura bigarrenac, hura-ere hil cidian haourric gabe.
The second and third brothers both took her as their wife;
31 Guero herenac har cieçán hura, eta halaber çazpiec-ere: eta etzeçatean haourric vtzi, eta hil cituán.
and so, too, did all seven – dying without children.
32 Eta gucién ondoan hil ciedián emaztea-ere.
The woman herself was the last to die.
33 Resurrectionean bada hetaric ceinen emazte içanen da? ecen çazpiéc vkan dié hura emazte
About the woman, then – at the resurrection, whose wife is she to be, all seven brothers having had her as their wife?’
34 Orduan ihardesten çuela erran ciecén Iesusec, Mundu hunetaco haourréc hartzen duté ezconçaz eta hartzen dirade. (aiōn g165)
‘The men and women of this world,’ said Jesus, ‘marry and are given in marriage; (aiōn g165)
35 Baina secula haren, eta hiletaco resurrectionaren vkaiteco digne eridenen diradenéc, eztuté harturen ezconçaz, ez eztirade harturen. (aiōn g165)
but, for those who are thought worthy to attain to that other world and the resurrection from the dead, there is no marrying or being married, (aiōn g165)
36 Ecen guehiagoric ecin hil daitezque: ecen Aingueruèn pare dirade: eta Iaincoaren seme dirade, resurrectionezco seme diradenaz gueroz.
nor indeed can they die again, for they are like angels and, having shared in the resurrection, they are God’s children.
37 Eta hilac resuscitatzen diradela, Moysesec-ere eracutsi vkan du berro aldean, dioenean Iauna dela Abrahamen Iaincoa, eta Isaac-en Iaincoa, eta Iacob-en Iaincoa.
As to the fact that the dead rise, even Moses indicated that, in the passage about the Bush, when he calls the Lord – “The God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.”
38 Bada Iaincoa ezta hilena, baina viciena: ecen guciac hari vici çaizquio.
Now he is not God of dead people, but of living. For in his sight all are alive.’
39 Eta ihardesten çutela Scribetaric batzuc erran ceçaten, Magistruá, vngui erran duc.
‘Well said, teacher!’ exclaimed some of the teachers of the Law,
40 Eta guehiagoric etziraden ausartzen deusez haren interrogatzera.
for they did not venture to question him any further.
41 Eta erran ciecén, Nola erraiten duté Christ Dauid-en seme dela?
But Jesus said to them, ‘How is it that people say that the Christ is to be David’s son?
42 Ikussiric ecen Dauid-ec berac dioela Psalmuén liburuän, Erran drauca Iaunac ene Iaunari, Iar adi ene escuinean,
For David, in the book of Psalms, says himself – “The Lord said to my lord: Sit at my right hand,
43 Eçar ditzaquedano hiré etsayac hire oinén scabella.
until I put your enemies as a stool for your feet.”
44 Dauid-ec beraz Iaun hura deitzen du, eta nola da haren semé?
David, then, calls him “lord,” so how is he David’s son?’
45 Eta populu guciac ençuten çuela, erran ciecén bere discipuluey.
While all the people were listening, Jesus said to the disciples,
46 Beguirauçue Scriba arropa lucequin ebili nahi diradenetaric, eta on dariztenetaric salutationey merkatuetan, eta lehen cadirey synagoguetan, eta lehen placey banquetetan.
‘Be on your guard against the teachers of the Law, who delight to walk about in long robes, and like to be greeted in the streets with respect, and to have the best seats in the synagogues, and places of honour at dinner.
47 Ceinéc iresten baitituzte ema alhargunén etcheac, are luçaqui othoitz eguin irudiz: hec recebituren duté damnatione handiagoa.
These are the men who rob widows of their houses, and make a pretence of saying long prayers. Their sentence will be all the heavier.’

< Lukas 20 >