< Lukas 2 >

1 Eta guerta cedin egun hetan ethor baitzedin ordenança-bat Cesar Augustoren partez, scribuz iar ledin mundua oro.
And in those days it occurred, that a decree went forth from Augustus Caesar, that all the people of his dominion should be enrolled.
2 (Lehen descriptione haur eguin cedin Cyrenius Syriaco gobernadore cenean)
And this enrollment was first made under the presidency of Quirinus in Syria.
3 Eta ioaiten ciraden guciac scributan iartera, batbedera cein bere hirirát.
And everyone went to his own city to be enrolled.
4 Igan cedin bada Ioseph-ere Galileatic, Nazaretheco hiritic, Iudeara, Dauid-en ciuitate Bethlehem deitzen denera (ceren baitzén Dauid-en etchetic eta arraçatic)
And Joseph also went up from Nazareth of Galilee to Judaea, to the city of David which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David,
5 Scributan iar ledinçát Maria emaztetan eman içan çayonarequin, cein baitzén içorra.
with Mary his espoused, then pregnant, to be enrolled.
6 Eta guertha cedin hec han ciradela, compli baitzitecen haren ertzeco egunac.
And it was while they were there, that the days for her to bring forth were completed.
7 Eta erdi cedin bere seme lehen iayoaz, eta bandatoz trocha ceçan hura, eta eçar ceçan mangederán, ceren ezpaitzén hayendaco lekuric ostalerián.
And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in bandages, and laid him in the stall; for they had no place where they could lodge.
8 Eta ciraden comarca berean artzain campoetan ceunçanac, eta gauazco veillác bere arthaldearen gainean beguiratzen cituztenac.
And there were shepherds in that region, who abode there and kept watch of their flocks by night.
9 Eta huná, Iaunaren Aingueruä vstegaberic ethor cequién, eta Iaunaren gloriác argui ceçan hayén inguruän, eta icidura handiz ici citecen.
And lo, the angel of God came to them, and the glory of the Lord shone upon them: and they feared with great fear.
And the angel said to them: Fear not; for, behold I announce to you great joy, which will be to all the world.
11 Ecen Dauid-en ciuitatean iayo çaiçuela Saluadorea, cein baita Christ Iauna.
For there is born to you this day a deliverer, who is the Lord Messiah, in the city of David
12 Eta haur vkanen duçue seignale, eridenen baituçue haourra bandatoz trochatua, mangederán eçarria.
And this is the sign for you: Ye will find the babe wrapped in bandages, and placed in a stall.
13 Eta bertan Aingueruärequin eguin cedin armada celestial multzobat, laudatzen çutela Iaincoa, eta cioitela,
And instantly there were seen with the angel, the many hosts of heaven, praising God, and saying:
14 Gloria ceru guciz goretan Iaincoari, eta lurrean baque, guiçonac baithara vorondate ona.
Glory to God in the highest heavens, and on earth peace and good hope for men.
15 Eta guertha cedin, hetaric Aingueruäc cerurat ioan ciradenean, erran baitzeçaten artzainec elkarren artean, Goacen bada Bethlehemerano, eta dacussagun eguin içan den gauça haur, cein Iaunac iaquin eraci baitraucu.
And it was so, that when the angels had gone from them into heaven, the shepherds conferred with one another, and said: Let us go down to Bethlehem, and see this thing which hath occurred, as the Lord hath made known to us.
16 Eta ethor citecen lehiatuqui, eta eriden citzaten Maria eta Ioseph, eta haourtchoa mangederán eçarria.
And they came hastily, and found Mary and Joseph, and the babe laid in the stall.
17 Eta ikussi vkan çutenean, publica ceçaten haourtchoaz erran içan çayena.
And when they saw, they made known the information which was given to them concerning the child.
18 Eta ençun vkan cituzten guciéc mirets ceçaten hæy artzainéz erran içan çaizten gaucén gainean.
And all that heard, wondered at the things that were told them by the shepherds.
19 Eta Mariac beguiratzen cituen gauça hauc guciac, bere bihotzean ehaiten cituela.
And Mary laid up all these things, and pondered them in her heart.
20 Eta itzul citecen artzainac, glorificatzen eta laudatzen çutela Iaincoa, ençun eta ikussi vkan cituzten gauça guciéz, erran içan cayen beçala.
And the shepherds returned glorifying and praising God for all that they had seen and heard, as it was told them.
21 Eta complitu içan ciradenean haourtchoaren circonciditzeco çortzi egunac, orduan deithu içan da haren icena Iesus, nola deithu içan baitzén Aingueruäz, sabelean concebi cedin baino lehen.
And when the eight days for the circumcision of the child were completed, his name was called JESUS; as he was named by the angel, before he was conceived in the womb
22 Eta complitu içan ciradenean Mariaren purificationeco egunac Moysesen leguearen arauez, eraman ceçaten haourtchoa, Ierusalemera, Iaunari presenta lieçotençát.
And when the days of their purification were completed, according to the law of Moses, they carried him to Jerusalem, to present him before the Lord:
23 (Nola baita scribatua Iaunaren Leguean, Ar vme-vncia irequiten duen gucia, saindu Iaunari deithuren çayó)
(as it is written in the law of the Lord, that every male opening the womb shall be called holy to the Lord: )
24 Eta eman leçatençát oblationea, Iaunaren Leguean erran denaren araura, turturela pare-bat, edo bi vsso columba vme.
and to offer a sacrifice, according as it is written in the law of the Lord, A pair of turtle-doves, or two young pigeons.
25 Eta huná, cen guiçombat Ierusalemen Simeon deitzen cenic: eta cen guiçon haur iusto eta Iaincoaren beldur, Israeleco consolationearen beguira cegoena: eta Spiritu saindua cen haren gainean.
And there was a certain man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon. This man was upright and just, and was waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him.
26 Eta denuntiatu içan çayón diuinoqui Spiritu sainduaz, etzuela herioric ikussiren, non lehen ikus ezleçan Christ Iaunarena.
And it had been told him by the Holy Spirit, that he would not see death, until he should see the Messiah of the Lord.
27 Hura bada ethor cedin Spirituaz mouituric templera: eta sartzen çutela Iesus haourra bere aita-améc, haren causaz eguin leçatencát Legueco costumaren araura:
This man came, by the Spirit, into the temple; and when his parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him as is commanded in the law,
28 Harc orduan har ceçan hura bere bessoetara, eta lauda ceçan Iaincoa, eta erran ceçan,
he took him in his arms, and blessed God, and said:
29 Iauna, orain vtziten duc eure cerbitzaria, eure hitzaren araura baquez.
My Lord, now release thou thy servant in peace, as thou hast said:
30 Ecen ikussi dié ene beguiéc hire saluagarria,
for lo, my eyes have seen thy mercy,
31 Cein preparatu baituc populu gucién beguitharte aitzinean.
which thou hast prepared in the presence of all nations,
32 Argui Gentiley arguitzecoa, eta Israeléco hire populuaren gloriá.
a light for a revelation to the Gentiles, and a glory for thy people Israel.
33 Eta haren aita eta ama miraz ceuden harçaz erraiten ciraden gaucéz.
And Joseph and his mother were astonished at those things which were spoken concerning him.
34 Eta benedica citzan Simeonec, eta erran cieçón haren ama Mariari, Huná, eçarri içan dun haur anhitzen destructionetan, eta anhitzen resurrectionetan Israelen, eta signotan ceini nehor contrastaturen baitzayo:
And Simeon blessed them, and said to Mary his mother: Behold, this child is set forth for the fall and for the rising of many in Israel, and for a standard of contention;
35 Are eurorren arima-ere iraganen din ezpata batec, aguer ditecençát anhitz bihotzetaco pensamenduac.
(and also a dart will pierce thy own soul); that the thoughts of the hearts of many may be disclosed.
36 Bacén prophetessabat-ere Anna deitzen cenic Phanuel-en alaba, Aser-en leinuco, cein baitzén ia adin handitacoa, eta vici içan cen senharrarequin çazpi vrthez bere virginitateaz gueroztic.
And Hanna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher, she also was aged in days, and, from her maidenhood, had lived seven years with her husband,
37 Eta lauroguey eta laur vrtheren inguruco alharguna celaric, etzen partitzen templetic, barurez eta orationez cerbitzatzen çuela Iaincoa gau eta egun.
and was a widow of about eighty and four years, and departed not from the temple, but worshipped by day and by night with fasting and prayer;
38 Hunec-ere bada ordu berean ethorriric, laudatzen çuen Iauna, eta harçaz minço çayen redemptionearen beguira Ierusalemen ceuden guciey.
and she too stood up, in that hour, and gave thanks to the Lord, and spoke of him to every one that waited for the redemption of Jerusalem.
39 Eta acabatu çutenean gucia Iaunaren Leguearen araura, itzul citecen Galileara, bere Nazaretheco hirira.
And when they had accomplished all things, according to the law of the Lord, they returned to Galilee, to their city Nazareth.
40 Eta haourtchoa handitzen cen eta spirituz fortificatzen, eta bethatzen cen sapientiaz: eta Iaincoaren gratiá cen haren gainean.
And the child grew, and was strengthened in spirit, and was filled with wisdom; and the grace of God was upon him.
41 Eta ioaiten ciraden haren aita-amác vrthe oroz Ierusalemera Bazco bestán.
And his people went up to Jerusalem every year, at the feast of the passover.
42 Eta hamabi vrthetara heldu cenean, igan citecen hec Ierusalemera bestaco costumaren arauez:
And when he was twelve years old, they went up to the feast, as they were accustomed.
43 Eta hartaco egunac complitu ciradenean, hec itzultzen ciradela, azquen cedin Iesus haourra Ierusalemen: eta etzaquión ohart Ioseph, ez bere ama:
And when the days were completed, they returned: but the child Jesus remained at Jerusalem, and Joseph and his mother knew not of it;
44 Baina vstez hura compainian cen, ioan citecen egun baten bidean: eta haren bilha çabiltzan ahaidén eta eçagunén artean.
for they supposed he was with his companions. And when they had travelled a day's journey, they sought him among their people, and inquired of every one that knew them.
45 Eta erideiten etzutenean, bihur citecen Ierusalemera, haren bilha çabiltzala.
And they did not find him. And they returned again to Jerusalem, searching for him.
46 Eta guertha cedin, hirur egunen buruän eriden baitzeçaten hura templean, iarriric cegoela doctoren artean, hæy behatzen çayela eta hec interrogatzen cituela.
And after three days, they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, and listening to them, and asking them questions.
47 Eta spantatzen ciraden hura ençuten çutén guciac, haren iaquinaren eta respostuén gainean.
And all they that heard him, were astonished at his wisdom and his answers.
48 Eta hura ikussiric spanta citecen: eta erran cieçón bere amác, Semé, cergatic horrela eguin draucuc? huná, hire aita eta ni keichuric hire bilha guiniabiltzán.
And when they saw him they were amazed. And his mother said to him: My son, why hast thou done so to us? For lo, I and thy father have been seeking for thee with great anxiety.
49 Orduan dioste, Cergatic da ene bilha baitzinabiltzaten? etzinaquitén ecen neure Aitaren eguitecoetan occupatua behar dudala içan?
He said to them: Why did ye seek me? Do ye not know, that it behooveth me to be in my Father's house?
50 Baina hec etzeçaten adi erran cerauen hitza.
But they did not comprehend the word that he spoke to them.
51 Orduan iauts cedin hequin, eta ethor cedin Nazarethera: eta cen hayen suiet: eta haren amac beguiratzen cituen hitz hauc gucioc bere bihotzean.
And he went down with them, and came to Nazareth, and was obedient to them. And his mother laid up all these things in her heart.
52 Eta Iesus auançatzen cen sapientiaz eta handitzez, eta gratiaz Iaincoa baithan eta guiçonac baithan.
And Jesus increased in stature, and in wisdom, and in grace, before God and men.

< Lukas 2 >