< Hebrearrei 9 >

1 Beraz bacituen lehen Alliançac-ere cerbitzu diuinoaren ordenançác, eta sanctuario mundanoa.
And the former testament hadde iustefiyngis of worschip, and hooli thing duringe for a tyme.
2 Ecen Tabernaclea edificatu içan da, diot, lehena ceinetan baitziraden candelera, eta mahaina, eta propositioneco oguiac, cein deitzen baita Leku sainduac.
For the tabernacle was maad first, in which weren candilstikis, and boord, and setting forth of looues, which is seid hooli.
3 Eta bigarren velaren ondoan cen Tabernaclea, Sainduén sainduac deitzen dena:
And after the veil, the secounde tabernacle, that is seid sancta sanctorum, that is, hooli of hooli thingis;
4 Vrrhezco encenserbat çuelaric, eta Alliançaco Arká ossoqui vrrhez inguru estalia: ceinetan baitzén vrrhezco pegarbat, non baitzén Manna, eta Aaronen cihor lilitu içan cena: eta Alliançaco Taulác.
hauynge a goldun cenrer, and the arke of the testament, keuered aboute on ech side with gold, in which was a pot of gold hauynge manna, and the yerde of Aaron that florischide, and the tablis of the testament;
5 Eta haren gainean gloriazco Cherubinac ciraden Propitiatorioari itzal eguiten ceraucatela, ezta gauça hauçaz orain particularqui minçatzeco mengoaric.
on whiche thingis weren cherubyns of glorie, ouerschadewinge the propiciatorie; of whiche thingis it is not now to seie bi alle.
6 Eta gauça hauc hunela ordenatuac içanic, lehen Tabernaclean bethiere sartzen ciraden Sacrificadoreac cerbitzuaren colllplitzeagatic.
But whanne these weren maad thus togidere, preestis entriden eueremore in the formere tabernacle, doynge the offices of sacrifices; but in the secounde tabernacle,
7 Baina bigarrenean, vrthean behin Sacrificadore subiranoa bera sartzen cen, ez odol gaberic, cein offrendatzen baitzuen bere buruägatic eta populuaren faltacgatic:
the bischop entride onys in the yeer, not without blood, which he offride for his ignoraunce and the puplis.
8 Harçaz declaratzen çuela Spiritu sainduac, oraino etzela irequi sanctuarioco bidea, lehen tabernaclea oraino çutic egoiten ceno, cein baitzén dembora present hartaco figurá:
For the Hooli Goost signefiede this thing, that not yit the weie of seyntis was openyd, while the formere tabernacle hadde staat.
9 Ceinetan donoac eta sacrificioac offrendatzen baitziraden, cerbitzua eguiten çuenaren conscientiá, ecin sanctifica ceçaquetelaric.
Which parable is of this present tyme, bi which also yiftis and sacrifices ben offrid, whiche moun not make a man seruynge perfit bi conscience, oneli in metis,
10 Solament ianharitan, eta edaritan, eta ikutze diuersetan, eta ceremonia carnaletan, haur corregi çaitequeen demborarano ordenatuac:
and drynkis, and dyuerse waischingis, and riytwisnessis of fleisch, that weren sett to the tyme of correccioun.
11 Baina Christ içateco ciraden onén Sacrificadore subirano ethorriric, Tabernacle handiago eta perfectoago batez, ez escuz eguinaz, erran nahi baita, ez creatione hunetacoz:
But Crist beynge a bischop of goodis to comynge, entride bi a largere and perfitere tabernacle, not maad bi hoond, that is to seye,
12 Eta ez aker edo aretze odolez, baina bere odol propriaz behin sarthu içan da leku sainduetan redemptione eternala obtenituric. (aiōnios g166)
not of this makyng, nether bi blood of goot buckis, or of calues, but bi his owne blood, entride onys in to the hooli thingis, that weren foundun bi an euerlastinge redempcioun. (aiōnios g166)
13 Ecen baldin cecenén eta akerrén odolac, eta bigáren hauts barreyatuac, satsuac sanctificatzen baditu haraguiaren puritateaz den becembatean:
For if the blood of gootbuckis, and of boolis, and the aische of a cow calf spreynd, halewith vnclene men to the clensing of fleisch,
14 Cembatez areago Christen odolac, ceinec Spiritu eternalaz bere buruä macularic gabe Iaincoari offrendatu baitrauca, chahuturen du obra hiletaric çuen conscientiá Iainco viciaren cerbitzatzeco? (aiōnios g166)
hou myche more the blood of Crist, which bi the Hooli Goost offride hym silf vnwemmyd to God, schal clense oure conscience fro deed werkis, to serue God that lyueth? (aiōnios g166)
15 Eta halacotz da Testamentu berriaren ararteco, herioa artean iarriric, leheneco Testamentuaren azpian ciraden transgressionén redemptionetan, deithuéc heretage eternaleco promessa recebi deçatençát. (aiōnios g166)
And therfor he is a mediatour of the newe testament, that bi deth fallinge bitwixe, in to redempcioun of tho trespassyngis that weren vndur the formere testament, thei that ben clepid take the biheest of euerlastinge eritage. (aiōnios g166)
16 Ecen testamenturic den lekuan, necessario da testamentu eguilearen herioa den.
For where a testament is, it is nede, that the deth of the testament makere come bitwixe.
17 Ecen testamentua hilétan confirmatu da, ikussiric ecen oraino eztuela balio testamentu eguilea vici deno.
For a testament is confermed in deed men; ellis it is not worthe, while he lyueth, that made the testament.
18 Bada, lehena-ere ezta odolic gabe dedicatu içan.
Wherfor nether the firste testament was halewid without blood.
19 Ecen iracurri cerautzanean manamendu guciac Leguearen arauez Moysesec populu guciari, harturic aretzén eta akerrén odola vrarequin, eta escarlatan tintatu ilerequin eta hyssoparequin bay liburuä bay populu gucia ihizta citzan:
For whanne ech maundement of the lawe was red of Moises to al the puple, he took the blood of calues, and of buckis of geet, with watir, and reed wolle, and ysope, and bispreynde bothe thilke book and al the puple,
20 Cioela, Haur da Iaincoac çuey ordenatu drauçuen Testamentuco odola.
and seide, This is the blood of the testament, that God comaundide to you.
21 Guero Tabernaclea-ere halaber, eta cerbitzuco vnci guciac, odolez ihizta citzan.
Also he spreynde with blood the tabernacle, and alle the vessels of the seruyce in lijk maner.
22 Eta quasi gauça guciac Leguearen arauez odolez purificatzen dirade, eta odol issurtze gabe barkamenduric ezta eguiten.
And almest alle thingis ben clensid in blood bi the lawe; and without scheding of blood remyssioun of synnes is not maad.
23 Behar içan da beraz ceruètan diraden gaucén figurác, hunelaco gauça hauçaz purifica litecen, baina celestial berac purifica ditecen hauc diraden baino sacrificio hobez.
Therfor it is nede, that the saumpleris of heuenli thingis be clensid with these thingis; but thilke heuenli thingis with betere sacrificis than these.
24 Ecen Iesus ezta leku saindu escuz eguinetan sarthu, cein baitziraden eguiazcoey ihardesten cerauecen figurác: baina ceruän berean, orain Iaincoaren beguitharte aitzinean guregatic comparitzeco.
For Jhesus entride not in to hooli thingis maad bi hoondis, that ben saumpleris of very thingis, but in to heuene it silf, that he appere now to the cheer of God for vs;
25 Baina ez anhitzetan bere buruä offrenda deçançát, Sacrificadore subiranoa leku sainduetan vrthe guciaz berceren odolequin sartzen cen beçala.
nether that he offre him silf ofte, as the bischop entride in to hooli thingis bi alle yeeris in alien blood,
26 (Bercela suffritu behar vkan çuqueen anhitzetan munduaren fundationeaz gueroztic) baina orain behin seculén consummationean, bekatuaren destructionetan, bere buruäzco sacrificioaz comparitu içan da. (aiōn g165)
ellis it bihofte hym to suffre ofte fro the bigynnyng of the world; but now onys in the ending of worldis, to distruccioun of synne bi his sacrifice he apperide. (aiōn g165)
27 Eta hala nola ordenatu baitzaye guiçoney behin hiltzera, eta guero iugemendua:
And as it is ordeynede to men, onys to die, but aftir this is the dom,
28 Halaber Christ-ere behin offrendatu içanic anhitzen bekatuac aboli litzançát, berrizco aldian bekatu gabe aguerturen çaye haren beguira daudeney saluamendutacotz.
so Crist was offrid onys, to auoyde the synnes of many men; the secounde tyme he schal appere with outen synne to men that abiden him in to heelthe.

< Hebrearrei 9 >