< Eginak 10 >

1 Eta guiçon-bat cen Cesarean, Cornelio deitzen cenic, Italiano deitzen cen bandaco centener,
At Caesarea there was a man named Cornelius, a centurion in what was called the Italian Regiment.
2 Deuota, eta Iaincoaren beldurra çuena bere etche guciarequin. eta elemosyna anhitz eguiten ceraucana populuari, eta Iaincoari othoitz eguiten ceraucana ordinarioqui.
He and all his household were devout and God-fearing. He gave generously to the people and prayed to God regularly.
3 Harc ikus ceçan visionez claroqui egunaren bedratzi orenén inguruän, Iaincoaren Ainguerubat harengana ethorten cela, eta ciotsala. Cornelio
One day at about the ninth hour, he had a clear vision of an angel of God who came to him and said, “Cornelius!”
4 Eta harc beguiac harenganat chuchenduric eta icituric erran ceçan, Cer da Iauna? Eta erran cieçón, Hire orationeac eta elemosynác igan dituc memoriotan Iaincoaren aitzinera.
Cornelius stared at him in fear and asked, “What is it, Lord?” The angel answered, “Your prayers and gifts to the poor have ascended as a memorial offering before God.
5 Orain bada igor itzac batzu Ioppera, eta erekar eçac Simon icen goiticoz Pierris deitzen dena.
Now send men to Joppa to call for a man named Simon who is called Peter.
6 Hura duc ostatuz Simon larru appainçalebat baithan, ceinec baitu etchea itsas aldean: haic erranen drauc cer hic eguin behar duán.
He is staying with Simon the tanner, whose house is by the sea.”
7 Eta partitu cenean Corneliori minço çayón Aingueruä, dei citzan bere cerbitzarietaric biga, eta harequin ardura ciradenetaric hommedarmes deuotbat.
When the angel who spoke to him had gone, Cornelius called two of his servants and a devout soldier from among his attendants.
8 Eta hæy gucia contatu cerauenean, igor citzan Ioppera.
He explained what had happened and sent them to Joppa.
9 Biharamunean hec bidean cioacela, eta hirira hurbiltzen ciradela, igan cedin Pierris etche gainera othoitz eguitera sey orenén inguruän.
The next day at about the sixth hour, as the men were approaching the city on their journey, Peter went up on the roof to pray.
10 Eta guertha cedin, gossetu cenean, refectionea hartu nahi vkan baitzuen, eta appaincen ceraucatela eror cedin haren gainera spirituzco transportamendubat.
He became hungry and wanted something to eat, but while the meal was being prepared, he fell into a trance.
11 Eta ikus ceçan ceruä irequia, eta iausten çayola beregana vncibat, mihisse handibat beçala, laur cantoinetan lothua, lurrera iausten cela.
He saw heaven open and something like a large sheet being let down to earth by its four corners.
12 Ceinetan baitzén lurreco animal laur oindun gucietaric, eta bassa bestietaric eta herrestez dabiltzanetaric, eta ceruco chorietaric.
It contained all kinds of four-footed animals and reptiles of the earth, as well as birds of the air.
13 Eta ethor cedin harengana vozbat, Iaiqui adi Pierris, hil eçac eta ian eçac.
Then a voice said to him: “Get up, Peter, kill and eat!”
14 Orduan dio Pierrisec, Ez Iauna: ecen egundano eztiát ian gauça communic edo satsuric.
“No, Lord!” Peter answered. “I have never eaten anything impure or unclean.”
15 Eta vozac berriz hari bigarren aldian erran cieçon, Iaincoac purificatu duena hic ezteçála communetan eduqui.
The voice spoke to him a second time: “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.”
16 Eta haur eguin cedin hirur aldiz: guero harçara retira cedin vncia cerurát.
This happened three times, and all at once the sheet was taken back up into heaven.
17 Eta Pierrisec bere baithan dudatzen çuen beçala ceric licén ikussi çuen visionea, huná, Cornelioz igorri içan ciraden guiçonac, Simonen etchea galde eguinic ethor citecen borthara.
While Peter was puzzling over the meaning of the vision, the men sent by Cornelius found Simon’s house and approached the gate.
18 Eta cembeit deithuric, galde eguin ceçaten eya Simon icen goiticoz Pierris deitzen cena han cenez ostatuz,
They called out to ask if Simon called Peter was staying there.
19 Eta Pierris gogueta cegoela visioneaz, erran cieçón Spirituac, Huná, hirur guiçon hire galdez diaudec.
As Peter continued to reflect on the vision, the Spirit said to him, “Behold, three men are looking for you.
20 Iaiquiric bada iautsi adi eta habil hequin deus dudatu gabe: ecen nic igorri citiát.
So get up! Go downstairs and accompany them without hesitation, because I have sent them.”
21 Pierrisec bada iautsiric Cornelioz harengana igorri içan ciraden guiçonetara, erran ceçan, Huná, ni naiz çuec galdez çaudetena: cer da causá ceinagatic hemen baitzarete?
So Peter went down to the men and said, “Here am I, the one you are looking for. Why have you come?”
22 Eta hec erran ceçaten, Cornelio centenera, guiçon iustoa eta Iaincoaren beldurra duena, eta Iuduén natione guciaz testimoniage duena, diuinoqui Aingueru saindu batez aduertitu içan duc erekar ençan hi bere etchera, eta minçatzen ençun ençan.
“Cornelius the centurion has sent us,” they said. “He is a righteous and God-fearing man with a good reputation among the whole Jewish nation. A holy angel instructed him to request your presence in his home so he could hear a message from you.”
23 Barnera deithuric bada recebi citzan hec ostatuz eta biharamunean Pierris ioan cedin hequin, eta Ioppeco anayetaric batzuc compainia eguin cieçoten.
So Peter invited them in as his guests. And the next day he got ready and went with them, accompanied by some of the brothers from Joppa.
24 Eta biharamunean sar citecen Cesarean. Eta Cornelio hayén beguira cegoen, bere ahideac eta adisquide familiarac deithuric.
The following day he arrived in Caesarea, where Cornelius was expecting them and had called together his relatives and close friends.
25 Eta guertha cedin Pierris sartzen cen beçala, Cornelio aitzinera ilki baitzequión, eta bere buruä haren oinetara egotziric, adora ceçan.
As Peter was about to enter, Cornelius met him and fell at his feet to worship him.
26 Baina Pierrisec goiti ceçan hura, cioela, Iaiqui adi neuror-ere guiçon nauc.
But Peter helped him up. “Stand up,” he said, “I am only a man myself.”
27 Eta harequin minço cela sar cedin, eta eriden ceçan anhitz gende hara bilduric:
As Peter talked with him, he went inside and found many people gathered together.
28 Eta erran ciecén, Çuec badaquiçue eztela permettitzen guiçon Iudubat iuncta edo hurbil daquión estranger bati: baina niri eracutsi draut Iaincoac guiçonic batre commun edo satsu ezteçadan erran.
He said to them, “You know how unlawful it is for a Jew to associate with a foreigner or visit him. But God has shown me that I should not call any man impure or unclean.
29 Eta halacotz duda gabe ethorri içan naiz deithuric. Galdez nauçue bada cer causaz ni erekarri nauçuen.
So when I was invited, I came without objection. I ask, then, why have you sent for me?”
30 Orduan Cornelioc dio, Laur egun dic ordu hunetarano bainincen barur, eta bedratzi orenetan niangoán, othoizte eguiten neure etchean: eta huná, guiçombat presenta ciedián ene aitzinean, arguitzen çuen veztiduratan:
Cornelius answered: “Four days ago I was in my house praying at this, the ninth hour. Suddenly a man in radiant clothing stood before me
31 Eta erran cieçán, Cornelio, ençun içan duc hire orationea, eta hire elemosynác memoriotan dituc Iaincoaren aitzinean.
and said, ‘Cornelius, your prayer has been heard, and your gifts to the poor have been remembered before God.
32 Igorrac bada Ioppera, eta dei eraci eçac Simon icen goiticoz Pierris deitzen dena: hura duc ostatuz Simon larru appainçalearen etchean itsas aldean: hura dathorrenean minçaturen çaic hiri
Therefore send to Joppa for Simon, who is called Peter. He is a guest in the home of Simon the tanner, by the sea.’
33 Halacotz bertan hiregana igorri diat, eta hic vngui eguin duc ceren ethorri aicén. Orain bada gu gucioc gaituc hemen Iaincoaren aitzinean Iaincoaz manatu içan çaizquián gauça guciac ençun ditzagunçát.
So I sent for you immediately, and you were kind enough to come. Now then, we are all here in the presence of God to listen to everything the Lord has instructed you to tell us.”
34 Orduan irequiric Pierrisec bere ahoa, erran ceçan, Eguiaz erideiten dut ecen Iaincoa eztagoela personén apparentiara beha.
Then Peter began to speak: “I now truly understand that God does not show favoritism,
35 Baina natione gucietan hari beldur çayona, eta iustitia eguiten duena, dela haren gogaraco.
but welcomes those from every nation who fear Him and do what is right.
36 Gauça haur igorri vkan draue Iaincoac Israeleco haourrey, denuntiatzen çuelaric baquea Iesus Christez, cein baita gucién Iauna.
He has sent this message to the people of Israel, proclaiming the gospel of peace through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all.
37 Çuec badaquiçue cer eguin içan den Iudea gucian, hassiric Galilean, Ioannesec predicatu vkan duen Baptismoaren ondoan:
You yourselves know what has happened throughout Judea, beginning in Galilee with the baptism that John proclaimed:
38 Nola Iesus Nazareno vnctatu duen Iaincoac Spiritu sainduaz eta verthutez, cein ebili içan baita vngui eguiten çuela eta deabruaz tormentatu ciraden guciac sendatzen cituela: ecen Iaincoa cen harequin
how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, and how Jesus went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, because God was with Him.
39 Eta gu gara testimonio Iuduén eta Ierusalemeren comarcán eguin dituen gauça guciéz.
We are witnesses of all that He did, both in the land of the Jews and in Jerusalem. And although they put Him to death by hanging Him on a tree,
40 Cein hil vkan baitute çurean vrkaturic, eta hura Iaincoac resuscitatu vkan du hereneco egunean, eta eman manifestatu içateco,
God raised Him up on the third day and caused Him to be seen—
41 Ez populu guciari, baina lehendanic Iaincoaz ordenatu ciraden testimonioey, guri diot ceinéc ian eta edan baitugu harequin hura hiletaric resuscitatu içan den ondoan.
not by all the people, but by the witnesses God had chosen beforehand, by us who ate and drank with Him after He rose from the dead.
42 Eta manatu gaitu predicatzera populuari eta testificatzera ecen hura dela vicién eta hilén iuge içateco Iaincoaz ordenatua.
And He commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that He is the One appointed by God to judge the living and the dead.
43 Huni Propheta guciec-ere testimoniage ekarten draucate, ecen haren icenean bekatuén barkamendua recebituren dutela hura baithan sinhetsiren duten guciéc.
All the prophets testify about Him that everyone who believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins through His name.”
44 Oraino Pierrisec propos hauc eduquiten cituela, iauts cedin Spiritu saindua hitz haur ençuten çuten gucién gainera.
While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit fell upon all who heard his message.
45 Eta mirets ceçaten Circoncisioneco fidel Pierrisequin ethorriéc, ceren Gentilén gainera-ere Spiritu sainduaren dohaina erautsi içan baitzen.
All the circumcised believers who had accompanied Peter were astounded that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out even on the Gentiles.
46 Ecen ençuten cituzten hec lengoagez minçatzen eta Iaincoaren laudatzen.
For they heard them speaking in tongues and exalting God. Then Peter said,
47 Orduan ihardets ceçan Pierrisec, Ala nehorc vra empatcha ahal deçaque batheya eztitecen guc beçala spiritu saindua recebitu duten hauc?
“Can anyone withhold the water to baptize these people? They have received the Holy Spirit just as we have!”
48 Eta mana ceçan batheya litecen Iaunaren icenean. Orduan othoitz eguin cieçoten cembeit egunetacotz egon ledin.
So he ordered that they be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Then they asked him to stay for a few days.

< Eginak 10 >